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Journal Week 10

March 13-17

Due to spring break, I did not go into the office this week, however, I was still able to

help my fellow interns from afar. On Monday night, one of the part time interns called me,

asking for advice regarding her co-worker who is being abused. She was worried about him and

wanted to contact the Bright House to give him a medical exam and an interview, so he can be

taken out of the home and have his father and step mother arrested. However, she was not able to

get in contact with our child advocate, as it was late at night, and the office was not open, so she

called me. We talked for about an hour and a half and came up with a plan. She was going out of

town for a couple days, so she would not be able to watch out for him, so we planned to call the

police on Thursday, when she is in town, so she can be with him through the process.

We also talked about when he should come to The Bright House and agreed it would be

best to do it when she is there, so he will be more comfortable during the process. He is very

close with her, and I want to make sure he feels safe and comfortable. In the meantime, I told her

to try to get her manager to take him in for a little while, as they have done in the past, so he is at

least safe and out of harm’s way.

She has not told me how everything went, but I am hoping and praying that he is alright

and is safe for now. I am very glad that she was able to trust me with information and was able to

come to me. It also highlighted how much I have learned in the short 10 weeks I have been

working at The Bright House. Even though day to day, it doesn’t seem like a lot, I am still

learning a lot about the culture and processes of advocacy and ensuring people are safe from

Later in the week, on Thursday, I was also able to remotely help Camden, who was the

only intern in the office this week, as she needed to make up some hours. She had been given a

lot of tasks to complete throughout the day, got flustered, and forgot where the snacks are, as I

am usually the one to restock them. After texting about it, I was able to point her in the right

direction and was able to reassure her that anything she was not able to complete, I am happy to

help her with on Monday.

It was good to take a much-needed break, working in child advocacy is very mentally

taxing, and it was good to take some time away from it and spend it with my family.

Next week, I am going to put all the final touches on my semester project, as it is only a

week away. I am also going to talk with Joanna about planning sex-ed fest and what resources

The Bright House can offer in the way of tabling supplies.

Date In Lunch Out Hours Worked
Weekly Hours 0
Total Hours to

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