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F-11 Huliganga, Jesyrae Nykollai L.



Its name is derived from the Iloko term "Nag-ili-a," which means "the spot where people from
various areas come to reside." It was once part of Pangasinan. "Nag" is a prefix that indicates "past
action," "Ili" means "town," and "an" is a word that modifies "ili." When you put the three together,
you get "NAGILIAN." This was eventually changed to "NAGUILIAN."

The land area of Naguilian is 8,740 hectares. The city of San Fernando borders it on the
northwest, Bagulin on the northeast, Bauang on the west, Aringay on the south, Caba on the
southwest, Sablan on the southeast, and Burgos on the east.

Owing to rising population density, a lot of immigrants migrated to the shores of La Union and
began constructing the town of Bauang to the south of the river, now known as the Bauang River,
and settling there. For hundreds of years, the population grew. Families with little plots of land
relocated to new lands. They discovered a valley at the river's mouth before reaching the lush valley
of Naguilian, which was still part of Bauang at the time. They established a colony near the
confluence of the two rivers and began exploring the area.

Once the Spaniards established their rule in Naguilian, the Catholic Church was built in 1739.
The Catholic Church celebrated its centennial in 1839, marking the separation of the towns of
Naguilian and Bauang.

Naguilian was one of the twelve towns that comprised La Union when it was established as a
province in 1850.

The towns' built-in areas are often concentrated linearly around the barangay roadways.
Valleys have agricultural land areas that are farmed with rice, corn, tobacco, sugarcane, and other
crops. Forests control a big percentage of the land. The Bureau of Forestry designated Barangay
Casilagan as a potential watershed area.

Naguilian is also known for being the home of the original Basi where the tradition of Basi
making dates back to the World War II era. With the help of the local government, this industry has
been revived and is now one of the main sources of income of the Province.

Aside from Basi, Naguillian is also known for its thriving woodcraft industry in Cabaritan Norte
and Sur, Dallipaoen, and Al-alinao Norte while barangays Bancagan and Daramuangan can boast of
its bamboocraft industry.

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