Anisyah May Adellya

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Name : Anisyah May Adellya

NIM : 2114315401002

1. What kind of diet does the human body need? balanced mixture of food from all the main food
groups: carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, fibre and minerals.
2. What is obesity an example of? when a person is dangerously overweight
3. Where is the obesity problem common? Obesity is most common in developed countries.
4. What imbalance causes anorexia nervosa? The imbalance comes from eating a diet which is high in
fat, sugar and salt, and in not eating enough fruit, vegetables and fibre, and not burning the extra
calories through physical exercise.
5. Who usually suffers from eating disorders? What is the treatment for eating disorders? Sufferers are
mostly teenage girls – they either starve themselves in order to lose weight, or eat a lot of food at
once (binge-eating) and vomit up all the food later. They often end up in hospital, and after
emergency life-saving treatment they receive psychiatric help and counselling.
6. What types of country does the obesity possibly develop in ? Obesity is the most common in
developed countries such as America.
7. He injects himself because he is………….. .
a.diabetic b. chicken pork c. obesity d. addicted e. headache
8. Meat and fish are sources of ……………….
a. fat b. glucose c. blood d. protein e. fiber
9. ……………….provide the body with energy
a. fat b. glucose c. blood d. protein e. carbohydrate

10. A …………..advises people how to eat healthily.

a. nurse b. midwife c. health analyst d. nutritionist e. chef

11. Pizzas and burgers are examples of…………… .

a. good food b. healthy food c. useful food d. food junk e. junk food

12. Morgan Spurlock had…………….. for fast food.

a. carving b. splitting c. dieting d. cooking e.avoiding

13. A balanced…………………………… is healthy.

a. eaten b. bought c. sold d. made e. diet

14. He is……………………………….. to fast foods.

a. freak b. splitting c. dieting d. cooking e. addicted

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