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Nama : Santika Putri Riwayati

Nim : 2114315401015
Prodi : D3 Kebidanan
My family
My name is Santika Putri,my nick name is Santika. Let me tell you about my family. In my home i
live with my mom and my dad. I’m an only child. My father is my first love. My father’s job is
enterpreneur. My father always complied with my wishes. He always gives me extra pocket

Meanwhile, my mom is a house wife. My mom always cooks my favorite food. My mom always
prepares an outfits before I go out. My mom also always helps correct my make-up.
Since I was boarding my parents lived together at home, but they always video call every day. My
parents also always tell me to come home once a week. Because I'm an only child, my parents are
very protective so I can't ride a motorcycle. That's a little story about my family, thank you.

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