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Dwight Pete

EXW 218 (22090)


Gym Analysis

Part 1

Type of class, location of class, number of instructors teaching the class

I chose my group fitness evaluation at the Downtown YMCA of Phoenix. I evaluated a group

core fitness class. The class was a 30 minute class to build a strong core, working from the

shoulders to the lower back trying to reduce lower back pain along with improving the athletic

performance. There was only one instructor, Phil, who also is an instructor of other group fitness


Did the instructor introduce him/herself to the class?

He introduced himself to the class but didn’t state his credentials. At the end of his class during

putting the equipment away, he offered the current class to come participate in another class he

was teaching (cycling).

Type of equipment used in the class

After introducing himself to the class, he had his equipment set up in front of him before class

arrived, he directed the members to the location where the equipment was and helped them set


Did the instructor review safety instructions (e.g. water breaks) at beginning of class?
Dwight Pete

EXW 218 (22090)


Gym Analysis

Before he started the routine, he instructed the class that at any time they could get water, and

instructed how the equipment was to be properly used. Also he stated that if anyone needed rest

to take it at any time.

Was a warm-up performed and of proper length?

For his warm up was different from the NSCA which requires 5 min of cardiovascular activity.

Phil's warm up was 4 exercises that stretched and warmed up the core, those groups were the

lower back, abdominal s, and shoulders. He said warm up was intended to build into his workout

because to prevent injury and because the exercises during the workout would take up a great

amount of energy.

Was stretching incorporate, if so, when?

The stretching was incorporated in the 4 exercises of the warm up.

How effective was the instructor at keeping the class engaged?

As for me sitting in and evaluating, he had the class and I motivated to stay active. During the

workout he kept edging the class on the keep up working. Also he did a countdown to start the

exercise and a countdown to finish the exercise to keep them focused from start to finish.

How well did the instructor demonstrate variations/modifications of each skill?

Dwight Pete

EXW 218 (22090)


Gym Analysis

Demonstrating the modifications where not to great. He explained the exercises rather than

show. Not everyone knew what full range of motion was or how to decrease it.

How clear were the instructor’s explanations of skills?

Phil's way of explaining the drills was to actually get into the position and demonstrate it and

explain it at the same time. Looking at some of the members in the class they were able follow

very well.

How did the instructor monitor intensity/instruct monitoring of intensity to participants?

During the really challenging exercises, he instructed, the got up and walked around to see how

everyone looked doing the exercises. He said he chose his exercises to one who was a beginner

in exercise.

Was a cool-down performed and of proper length?

The cool down was really short only about 1 min. NSCA recommends 5-10 min cool down of

stretching and cardiovascular activity. Because this was a core conditioning class didn’t involve

much cardio, his brief cool down stretch the muscles groups that were used during the warm up.

Part 2

I chose to interview Alyse Herndon.

Dwight Pete

EXW 218 (22090)


Gym Analysis

How do they choose which group fitness classes to offer?

Being that their club has a limit to classes they teach, they choose either personal trainers who

are currently working at their gym, or they bring an instructor in who has experience in group

fitness training. They strongly recommend certified group fitness instructors because most

personal trainers have no experience with group fitness.

What do they look for when hiring fitness instructors?

The first thing they look for is that one is certified and has insurance for liability reasoning. The

reason is that they routines are not overlooked by us as a staff, one can get hurt, and we’re not

responsible during those sessions. If the instructors have the both cert and insurance, then

experience is a big factor. Not necessarily how many classes we look for but experience in the

classes we have to offer. After we get past experience, we look for skill. The skills we look for

are attentiveness to details of the members of the class making sure everyone knows what’s

going on before starting. Even though they don’t go over the routine we do ask them to provide a

sample routine. With that sample routine they look for the key components to a fitness routine,

such as warm up, routine, and cool down. She says sometimes it’s easy to hire by certification

but some people don’t know how to apply what they have learned and they go do the sample

routine because they don’t overlook the routine. Lastly they look for qualifications. Clear

speaking, organization, and most importantly is that the instructors look the part. At their gym,

the staff has to practice what they teach. It also serves as promotion influence people the stay in

shape and join more classes.

Dwight Pete

EXW 218 (22090)


Gym Analysis

Will they train people to be group fitness instructors or is that a requirement to be hired?

Since they limit group fitness classes, they do not train people to become group fitness

instructors but recommend you to accredited certifications you can obtain.

Are instructors required to have a certification?

Yes they are.

How much turnover do they have with their instructors?

Again since they don’t have too many group fitness classes, they usually will contact a previous

instructor who they have interviewed before. They stay around based off the class they want to

teach. Most don’t stay for too long due to slow business.

Are group classes included in regular membership fees?

They can’t offer membership fees because they don’t have many classes so it’s a pay per class.

How do they advertise their classes?

The main way they advertise is through flyers in the gym. In their gym they always offer the

current class to participate in other group classes and address future classes to that are similar.

One method they used before was a questionnaire and asking the members about their interest in

group fitness classes and what types they would be interested in.
Dwight Pete

EXW 218 (22090)


Gym Analysis

How often does the class schedule change?

They try to do a class per week but that’s depending on the availability of space and instructors,

but if they offer a class, it’s going to be at least one day a week for a month or 30 day cycle.

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