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Kara Krause Arturo Morales
E.J. Krause & Associates E.J. Krause & Associates

What is IPE?
Industrial Print Expo Mexico (IPE) is the leading exhibition for innovative print technology for industrial manufacturing. Consumer demand, mass customisation and
technological innovation are driving Industrial print production. These are exciting times in a changing market, and exhibitors should be keen to diversify, gain new
customers and grow their businesses.
Bethesda, MD (March 26, 2014) – The 18th edition of Expo Manufactura drew record crowds as almost 10,000 professionals came together to
IPE will be the focal point for technological print innovation for industrial manufacturing. Ideally situated in Monterrey, the heart of Mexico’s manufacturing industry.
generate business
This important within
industrial andthe manufacturing
business centre is and processing
already the homeindustry.
of many international companies, such as Boeing, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Whirlpool and Toyota.
The event
IPE will run generated excellent
alongside Expo results for
Manufactura, over
South 300 exhibitors
America’s from 18 countries,
leading manufacturing event.representing more athan
The show provides 600opportunity
perfect brands. Exhibitors
for visitorspresented a wide
from the manufacturing
and process industries to look at both their manufacturing and industrial print requirements in one co-ordinated and cost effective
array of technology and solutions ranging from sophisticated cutting systems, machining systems, analysis and control, CNC machines, robotics visit.
and buyers from
automation, the Medical,
welding, Automotive,equipment
lathes, measuring Electrical, Manufacturing
and assistance andtoAerospace sectors,
manufacturing. no other
Expo exhibition,presented
Manufactura anywhere in the world, offering
a complete has the same focus and
of what
commitment within the manufacturing sector for print
manufactures in any industry need and use in their assembly. technology.
Visitors – whether representing industrial, commercial, public, government or military requirements – will be able view and compare the latest print technology
Expo Manufactura’s
solutions exhibition
and applications, learn andfloor also showed
understand growth,
the benefits and expanding
14%. Atheir
ownshare of requirements
specific this expansion andcame from companies
meet industry professionals
from relatedsolutions for the
sectors and automotive, aerospace, and medical device sectors. Building on this success, the 2015 event will include expanded
space dedicated to the automation and medical device sectors, as well as the co-location of Industrial Print Expo Mexico and Plastimagen Norte.
About us
Running parallel to the exhibition was a full three day educational program with 18 sessions, keynotes, and half day workshops. The conference
IPE is not your typical event and we’re not your typical event organizer. You won’t just hear from us when it’s time to book your stand or to pay an invoice. We’re
program, with influential speakers from the U.S. and Mexico, addressed trends in the aerospace, medical device manufacturing, automotive
genuinely interested in your business – what strategy is working and what isn’t. Our entire business depends on it.
manufacturing, and machine tool and metalworking sectors.
It is this collective knowledge that enables us to move quickly, opening up new markets and launching new products – creating new opportunities for our clients.
In addition, Chamber
Understanding of Manufacturing
your business Industry
and your goals is whatofallows
NuevousLeon (CAINTRA),
to make sensiblehosts of Expo Manufactura’s
recommendations. This is aboutBusiness Center,
a long term conducted
partnership, not aover 225
quick one-
on-one business meetings with providers of original equipment manufacturers from the automotive and home appliances industries. According to
CAINTRA, afterProfile
the high demand seen at this year’s event, the business center will require an even larger space for 2015.
IPE 2015 is exclusively dedicated to industrial print technologies. More than 150 leading suppliers will present modern printing solutions and equipment for
With Mexico boasting one of the most developed manufacturing sectors in Latin America, Expo Manufactura was the ideal venue for addressing
industrial manufacturing, with applications ranging from functional to decorative printing.
the industry’s
IPE features fiveneeds.
key technology streams:
Paul St. Amour, Vice President Latin America,
• Speciality E.J. Krause & Associates,
• Screen said “Manufacturing
• Digital is a key industry for• economic
• Inkjet 3D growth and development
in Mexico. Expo Manufactura continues to contribute to the country’s competitive position in the market. Thanks to the excellent results obtained
at this these five core
year event, processes,
Expo exhibitors
Manufactura willwill showcase
continue the as
to act latest equipment,
a catalyst tools and services
for Mexico’s for printing
manufacturing on metal, plastics, foils, textiles, glass, ceramics,
woods and other substrates:
Expo Manufactura 2014 gained powerful association and industry support. Associations such as the Association of Manufacturing Technology
• Machinery and printing systems • Equipment for processing and finishing (cutting, pressing, moulding, etc.)
(AMT), Chamber of Manufacturing Industry of Nuevo Leon (CAINTRA), U.S. Department of Commerce (US DOC), and the Instituto Tecnológico de
• Ink, fluids and chemicals • Integrated and customised parts and systems
Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
• Materials (ITESM), were just a few of the
and substrates influential
• Print heads,supporters.
screens and other special parts
Expo Manufactura • Hardware
2015 willand software
take solutions 3- 5 at Cintermex
place February • Services for the For
Monterrey. industrial sectorinformation please visit:
• Pre-press devices • Research, consultancy, trade associations, trade publications
The industrial and functional printing technologies on display can be found in industries and applications that are now as diverse as aeronautics, automotive,
medical, printed electronics, instrument panels, appliance marking, housewares, packaging, floor and worktop decoration, coding and marking - Covering almost
every industrial sector and market.

Why Mexico?
Low manufacturing costs, strong macro-economic indicators and a surge in consumption demand characterize the Mexican market today. It is easy to do business
and free trade is a reality, - and Mexico has a free trade agreements with more than 40 countries. Mexican Industry is primary cantered around Mexico City and the
US/Mexican border, and is a highly competitive production nation, and domestic consumption has spurred during the 21 century. Page 1 of 2
Low cost. Demands in the private sector are driven by low manufacturing costs, low logistics costs, strong macro-economic indicators and a surge in consumption
demand by the growing middle class.
Location. As a “Near Shore” option for the North American market (NAM), Mexico serves as manufacturing, engineering and sourcing base for NAM
Local Market Size. The large local market size and growth potential offer a solid base for loading of manufacturing and engineering capacity in addition to export
Manufacturing Cost. Mexico is attractive for mid to mid-high labour content, as well as products that are heavy or oversized with higher freight cost
Dollar Dependency. Strong correlation between the peso and USD makes Mexico a natural choice for companies with high invoicing in USD
Logistical Savings. Free trade transit zones, local consolidation points (inbound and outbound) and localized customs clearance lead to optimized time,
transportation costs and administration efficiency.
Get more than you pay for
When you invest in IPE, you are buying so much more than space in a show. You can be assured that every campaign that we run will be creative, innovative and
sure to draw attention. That is why every aspect of the IPE campaign – the theme, the copy and the design – is produced by our own team.
One of the simplest things that we do is to deliver our campaign in multiple languages. Of course, this isn’t simple at all – it involves careful planning and a close
relationship with our key media partners. We feel that translation is an important courtesy and it would be arrogant to do otherwise.
While we always aim to incorporate the latest technology, it is more important that we choose routes to market that work. For example, direct mail is still a crucial
part of the marketing mix. However, the pieces that we send out today are digitally printed and personalised to each recipients’ interests and circumstances.
Our media partnerships are strong and we advertise and place inserts in all the relevant titles worldwide. Similarly we work closely with trade associations around
the world to make sure that everyone you expect to see will always be present at an IPE event.
Our websites use responsive design, meaning that they are accessible on all popular devices and operating systems – seamlessly. These are all developed in-house
too, but we’re not shy about using external solutions when it offers a better service for our clients.
We know that emails can be intrusive, which is why our massive database is carefully segmented so that each message is relevant. This generates a response that
many other events can only dream of.
The main thing is that our campaigns are carefully tracked, enabling us to respond and adapt quickly, ensuring that investments are made where it delivers the best
With IPE you have a strategic partner, offering support, insight and practical information from our vast network of local experts. It’s simple really - we understand that
our business only grows when yours does.


Bethesda, MD (March 26, 2014) – The 18th edition of Expo Manufactura drew record crowds as almost 10,000 professionals came together to generate
business within the manufacturing and processing industry.
The event generated excellent results for over 300 exhibitors from 18 countries, representing more than 600 brands. Exhibitors presented a wide array of
technology and solutions ranging from sophisticated cutting systems, machining systems, analysis and control, CNC machines, robotics and automation, welding,
lathes, measuring equipment and assistance to manufacturing. Expo Manufactura presented a complete offering of what manufactures in any industry need and
use in their assembly.
Expo Manufactura’s exhibition floor also showed growth, expanding by nearly 14%. A large share of this expansion came from companies providing solutions
for the automotive, aerospace, and medical device sectors. Building on this success, the 2015 event will include expanded space dedicated to the automation and
medical device sectors, as well as the co-location of Industrial Print Expo Mexico and Plastimagen Norte.
Running parallel to the exhibition was a full three day educational program with 18 sessions, keynotes, and half day workshops. The conference program, with
influential speakers from the U.S. and Mexico, addressed trends in the aerospace, medical device manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, and machine tool and
metalworking sectors.
In addition, Chamber of Manufacturing Industry of Nuevo Leon (CAINTRA), hosts of Expo Manufactura’s Business Center, conducted over 225 one- on-one
business meetings with providers of original equipment manufacturers from the automotive and home appliances industries. According to CAINTRA, after the high
demand seen at this year’s event, the business center will require an even larger space for 2015.
With Mexico boasting one of the most developed manufacturing sectors in Latin America, Expo Manufactura was the ideal venue for addressing the industry’s
Paul St. Amour, Vice President Latin America, E.J. Krause & Associates, said “Manufacturing is a key industry for economic growth and development in Mexico.
Expo Manufactura continues to contribute to the country’s competitive position in the market. Thanks to the excellent results obtained at this year event, Expo
Manufactura will continue to act as a catalyst for Mexico’s manufacturing industry.”
Expo Manufactura 2014 gained powerful association and industry support. Associations such as the Association of Manufacturing Technology (AMT), Chamber
of Manufacturing Industry of Nuevo Leon (CAINTRA), U.S. Department of Commerce (US DOC), and the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
(ITESM), were just a few of the influential supporters.
Expo Manufactura 2015 will take place February 3- 5 at Cintermex Monterrey. For additional information please visit:

About E.J. Krause & Associates:

For more than 30 years, E.J. Krause & Associates, Inc. (EJK) has been a worldwide leader in exhibition and conference management. EJK is one of the largest
privately held exhibition management companies in the world, with offices on three continents. EJK produces a growing portfolio of over 40 events, serving 14
different industries. We excel in creating global brand leading events, bringing companies together to network and generate business. For more information please
About Tarsus Group
Tarsus Group plc (LSE:TRS) is an international business-to-business media group with interests in exhibitions, publishing and online media. The Group operates
globally in key verticals including aviation, medical, labels and packaging, discount clothing (Off-Price), housewares and automotive. Tarsus runs more than 80
events and websites and its flagship brands include the Labelexpo exhibitions in Europe, the Americas, India and Asia and the Dubai Airshow.
The Group operates across a worldwide network of offices in Dublin, London, Paris, Milwaukee, Boca Raton (Florida), Dubai, Shanghai, New Delhi and Istanbul. Tarsus
is building on its strong presence in the emerging markets of the Middle East, China, Turkey, India and South America. For more information visit

Glen Miller
Sales Manager, Industrial Print Expo, Tarsus Group plc
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8846 2700 | Mobile +44 (0 )7930090708 l Fax: +44 (0) 20 8846 2801

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