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contains a reservoir of
unconscious psychic energy
that, according to Freud,
strives to satisfy basic sexual
and aggressive drives. The id
operates on the pleasure
principle, demanding
immediate gratification
hungry in ap

granola bar out of

psychology I pull a

my bag to snack on.

Example- when I get
the largely conscious,
"executive" part of personality
that, according to Freud,
mediates among the
demands of the id, superego,
and reality. The ego operates
on the reality principle,
satisfying the id's desires in
ways that will realistically
bring pleasure rather than

the wvhs parking
Example- when a

of my car to yell at
me from getting out
junior cuts me off in

lot, the ego prevents

the offending driver.

responsible for making moral
Example- when I was a toddler I

the part of the personality in

had an urge to steal candy from

choices aka internal moral

walmart. However, my superego
Freud's theory that is counteracted this urge by focusing
on the fact that behaviors like this
are immoral and wrong.

Defense mechanisms
Displacement- redirecting one's Regression - returning to an
feelings toward another person or earlier, comforting form of
object, typically to someone or
something less threatening than behavior during times of
the source of the emotion. An stress or anxiety. An
example of this in my personal life example of this is when I had
is when I was working on studying fallen and gotten hurt skiing
for my math final last year, I got so my first instinct was to go
frustrated that I could not
understand the material that I cry to my mother and
took it out on my desk and started receive comfort from her,
slapping it. This helped me relieve similar to how a child would
some of my stress and do. This made me feel better
after being injured.
Intellectualization- undertaking
academic, unemotional study of
a subject to avoid uncomfortable
or anxiety provoking emotions.
An example of this in my
personal life is when my dad
injured is back. He had a
herniated disk, I know this as I
started to do research on
everything that was troubling his
spine. Since I better understood
the condition he was in I was
able to feel calmer about the
Jung’s Archetype Theory
- Self (inner) archetype is 77%
- Persona (outer) Archetype is
74% joker
Jokers are described to be light
hearted, sociable and fun to be
Extravert(81%) Sensing(37%) Feeling(28%) Perceiving(25%)
You have strong preference of Extraversion over Introversion (81%)
You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (37%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (28%)
You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (25%)
CAREERS FOR AN ESFP The careers out of this list that interests
me the most are social worker and
★ Elementary Teacher. occupational therapist. This is actually
★ Recreation Worker. what I plan to study in college, I’d really
★ Social Worker. like to work in the mental health field
★ Special Education when I am older. I’ve always been a very
Teacher. empathic person who can understand
★ Nurse. what other people are going through
★ Physical Therapist. which is why this career pathway interests
★ Massage Therapist. me so much.
★ Occupational Therapist.
An Entertainer (ESFP) is a person with the Extraverted, Observant,
Feeling, and Prospecting personality traits. ESFP’s love vibrant
experiences, engaging in life, and taking pleasure in discovering the
unknown. ESFP’s can be very social, often encouraging others into
shared activities.

I believe that this personality type fits me quite well. I am a very

extroverted person who tends to enjoy meeting new people and new
experiences. I especially align with this personality type when
discussing how an ESFP choses to care for themselves after say a hard
week. ESFP’s tend to need to interact with others and “go out” if
they’ve had a challenging time. This is most definitely something that
I do, after a really stressful and exhausting week I crave being with
friends rather than alone.

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