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Mark Vincent Espinosa

Bs Crim 1B

1. We can expand the discussion of violence in schools from the issue of fraternity
hazing to the wider problem of bullying. what forms of bullying have you observed?
Answer :Now, from that I've seen, there are two different types of bullying that could arise
from the fraternity or hazing issue: physical bullying and psychological bullying. From the
phrase hazing, it is clear that physical bullying is involved. Hazing is a program of hard
physical training and initiation that includes rites that frequently involve physical suffering.
Psychological bullying involves the distortion of someone's beliefs, leading them to believe
that what they are doing is morally correct even though it is not. Someone's thoughts are
invaded, causing them to act erratically or beyond their control. Also, I've noticed that this
fraternity behavior is not bullying because they voluntarily provide

2. Have you ever been a victim of bullying? do you think there is any way that one can
justify bullying? explain.
Answer : So, I believe that when I was in elementary school, I was bullied—but not in a
particularly terrible way—by other students because of the way I looked. The most effective
technique, in my opinion, to combat bullying is to develop a brave heart and intellect. If you
have been protecting yourself, then no one can break you. I don't mean that you need to
change how you look or make yourself look nice because even though you are perfect, no one
can or will ever be able to say anything negative about you. You need to strengthen your
mind as well as your body since nothing can shake you if you don't care what people are
saying about you negatively, aside from sanitary advice or things you should know for
yourself. The finest weapon is also your knowledge on what to do in the event of bullying.

3. What do you know about the possible forms - and consequences - of hazing?
Answer : mainly takes the form of coerced or forced drinking or drug use. any food, drink, or
other thing that is required, required, or coerced to be consumed. Paddling, beating, tattooing,
shoving, striking, physical threats, being outside, or other bodily harm or assaults are all
examples of physical abuse. Consequences could be, Physical, emotional, and/or mental
instability, Sleep deprivation, Loss of sense of control and empowerment, Decrease in grades
and coursework, Relationships with friends, significant others, and family suffer, Post-
traumatic stress syndrome.

4. What are the possible pros and cons- positive and negative aspects - of holding on to
fraternities and their traditions? which aspects seem to carry greater weight or importance?
Answer : The fact that they claim to have someone or something on their side when
something happens or they need help, as well as the large number of people you have by your
side who could be influential or who will help your business up if you are planning one, is
what I see as the potential benefits of adhering to these fraternities or hazing. The drawbacks
are numerous and include negative psychological and physical effects, illicit money, stress,
and even the risk of losing your life. They may have your back and be an ally, but they may
also be one of your foes. Now we can see that the cons or the negative consequences weights
more which it actually explain the expression "easy comfort in trade of your life" I think like

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