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Jennylyn Padilla

Bs Crim 1B

1. We can expand the discussion of violence in schools from the issue of fraternity hazing
to the wider problem of bullying. what forms of bullying have you observed?
Answer : Well as I observed the kinds of bullying from the issue of fraternity or hazing
could possibly be, physical bullying and psychological bullying. Physical bullying is
involved in a way that from the word hazing it is tasks as part of a program of rigorous
physical training and initiation including rituals that most of the time includes physical
pain. Psychological bullying is involved in a way that it distorts someones belief making
them think that what they are doing is right even if its not. It invades someone thoughts
making them do things out of ordinary or control. Also I have observed that this fraternity
thing is not bullying as they willingly offer or join themselves on these kind of groups
however on the other side sometimes someone influenced or force them to do it.

2. Have you ever been a victim of bullying? do you think there is any way that one can
justify bullying? explain.
Answer : Well I think in my grade school days, Yes I have been a victim of bullying but
not that severe I mean the typical bullying, I am bullied by my physical appearance. I think
the most effective ways to fight against bullying is to make your mind and heart or
feelings brave. No one can break you if you have been guarding yourself up, I mean
nothing or there's no difference in changing your appearance or making yourself good
because even you are perfect although there's no one people around you can still or still
has something to say. You need to build yourself up not physically but psychologically
because if you don't care in what everyone is saying to you negatively aside from the
hygienic things or the things you should know to yourself then nothing can waver you.
Also the fact that you know what to do when someone is bullying you is one of the best

3. What do you know about the possible forms - and consequences - of hazing?
Answer : Forms mostly, Forced or coerced alcohol or other drug consumption. Forced,
required, or coerced consumption of any food, liquid or other substance. Physical abuse
including paddling, beating, tattooing, pushing, hitting, physical threats, exposure to the
elements, or other physical harm, or forms of assault. Consequences could be, Physical,
emotional, and/or mental instability, Sleep deprivation, Loss of sense of control and
empowerment, Decline in grades and coursework, Relationships with friends, significant
others, and family suffer, Post-traumatic stress syndrome.

4. What are the possible pros and cons- positive and negative aspects - of holding on to
fraternities and their traditions? which aspects seem to carry greater weight or importance?
Answer : For me the possible pros in holding to these fraternity or hazing is the fact that
they say they have someone or something in their back when something happen or they
need help, a lot of people you have by your side that could be influential or will help your
business up if you are planning one. The cons, there are a lot of cons physical and
psychological consequences, they have your back, they can be your ally but they can
definitely one of your enemies, illegal money, stresses and it even costs your life. Well we
can see that the cons or the negative impacts weighs more which it literally explain the
saying "easy comfort in exchange of your life" I think like that. From what I know cons
really weighs more.

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