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Mark Vincent Espinosa

Bs Crim 1B

What are your views on the following issues? Answer in 3-4 sentences.
1.Is the unequal distribution of wealth unethical?
Answer : Apparently, there has been a problem with the unequal distribution of wealth. In my
view, if the wealthy have access to more resources than the poor do, this causes a bigger spread of
money between them. While some could argue that this is your responsibility if you want to alter
your life, I think it is unethical given the large disparity in wealth.
2.Discuss how workplace ethics should take sexism into account.
Answer : When we refer to sexism, we mean discrimination, particularly against women.
Workplace ethics are a top requirement. Well, ethics isn't just about how you carry yourself or
behave; it's also about how you connect with your coworkers. As for this, there are many
instances of sexism at work, such as when there are only men present, it is typically thought that
women should be the ones to take notes and serve refreshments. How should ethics be applied in
this case. As simple as having males perform such tasks as well. And we should constantly keep
in mind that if something seems unfair or unequal, then it most likely is.
3.What can we do to combat racism?
Answer : The best we can do, in my opinion, is to tell them to "mind their own business" and to
leave them alone if they aren't doing anything wrong. Everyone should be treated equally,
regardless of color. It's okay if they aren't up to par with your standards or what you're used to.
We have been standing on the same ground, consuming the same food, and breathing the same air.
There is no such thing as above or below.
4.Why are LGBT+ people discriminated against?
Answer : I believe it is because they have something but desire something else; they are not
content with what they have. Yet, as long as people have the right to follow their hearts, nobody
could possible be against them. Numerous religions are supposed to be opposed to this, as the
"Bible" states that man is for woman and woman is only for man.

5.Should euthanasia be legal?

Answer : Absolutely, an incurable condition is one for which there is no cure. As long as the
patient gives agreement, painless death can be performed; in the case of coma patients, the family
is in charge. Time and resources are squandered on creatures that are truly helpless, when we
could be helping those who have a chance of surviving. It would be helpful to believe that if
euthanasia were legalized, the suffering would be lessened because dying in sickness is also a
great deal of anguish. We cannot, however, claim to know everyone's thinking because some
families may act in ways that are good or that go against their conscience.
6. Define Metaethics, Normative Ethics and Applied Ethics.
Metaethics- iIt is the examination of the basis of moral judgment. Instead of addressing questions
regarding whether or not actions are good or evil, as well as our obligations to one another and to
future generations, metaethics explores what morality actually is.
Normative ethics- What is morally right and wrong is the focus of this area of moral philosophy. I
believe it is the foundation of our daily activities. Which actions are morally correct and which are
And lastly Applied ethics- This ethic, in my opinion, is implemented based on a circumstance or
dilemma. There are several areas where it can be used, including business, medicine, and
government ethics.

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