Uraiba Shakeel - Seminar Reflection - CRM

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One primary classroom of school A and two primary classrooms of school B were observed to collect

evidence of routines and procedures in real classroom settings. In school A, it was a routine that teacher
starts the class with a daily icebreaker activity. Teacher asked students to write what they are feeling
today and how they will behave to be respectful and positive towards their peers. Through this activity
self-awareness and social awareness is created in students and teacher doesn’t have to force students
to positively behave with others. Before starting any activity teacher very explicitly communicate
behavioral expectations for performing the activity for example: use finger while reading, listen carefully
and respectfully, transitions will be done so be focused etc. A student was continuously looking outside
class and rubbing chair teacher ask her to read forward through which he becomes engage in learning.
Through this without being harsh teacher manages the behavior positively and engage that student
towards learning. Positive student-teacher interaction results to manage student’s behavior and achieve
personal and academic goals (Waterford.org, 2019)

In first primary classroom of school B, it was observed that teacher was constantly trying to manage her
class by using harsh tone and being rude. She was shouting at the entire class. She had made some rules
like keep quite while doing group activities, fingers on your lips when completed the task etc. which
were not realistic. During an ongoing activity, stationary box of a student falls on floor unintentionally. It
was of steel which created a hard sound. Teacher scolded that student badly that she starts to cry after
which she guards herself and didn’t participate in any activity. Teacher doesn’t have self-management to
control her anger nor social awareness to behave in any social contact. It negatively impacted her
relationship with student and broke the teacher-student bond as student becomes isolated and not
participate or respond to any of teacher’s question or activity.

In another primary classroom of school B, it was observed that teacher was using proactive disciplinary
measures to manage classroom. Multiple rules and routines for example: take a pass to go to
washroom, wrap up stuff while 1 to 10 counting for next activity, help other if someone need after done
your work were followed through out the class and was reinforced by the teacher in the beginning of
the class. Teacher was writing the names of students on board who were behaving very well and
following all the routines which was motivating others as well. Students were effectively following the
routines. A student was not sharing her stationary with other student so instead of forcing correction
teacher uses connection and humbly ask: Is it the way to treat your friends? Do you think it is an
appropriate behavior? Think you should have to share or not? She created self-awareness social
awareness and responsible decision making in student. It impacts the teacher-student relationship very
positively that student on her own realizes her mistake and promise teacher to next time not repeat that
behavior and teacher appreciates her. Positive student-teacher interaction help to develop self-
regulation skills in students. (Waterford.org, 2019)

(2019, April 29). Retrieved from Waterford.org: https://www.waterford.org/education/teacher-student-

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