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Ht. No.

Malla Reddy University
School of Engineering –B.Tech. CSE
II Year II Semester SupplementaryExaminations, January/February, 2023
Financial Accounting & Management - MR20-1BS0162
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Note:This question paper Consists of 5 Sections. Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE
Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 12 marks.
1. Discuss Accounting concepts and Conventions 12 M
2. Write a short note on i) IFRS ii) IASB 12 M
3. Examine golden rules of Accounting with examples 12 M
4. Journalize the following transactions of Varma& Co of Gangly 12 M
1.1.2020 Business started worth Rs.10,000
3.1.2020 Amount Deposited in Bank Rs. 5,000
4.1.2020 Goods Purchase from Sadhu Rs. 4,000
6.1.2022 Goods sold to Veni Rs. 2,000
8.1.2022 Cash paid to Ramu Rs. 2,000
9.1.2022 Cash Received From Madhav Rs. 10,000
11.1.2022 Purchased furniture Rs. 20,000
13.1.2020 wages Paid Rs.2, 000.
5. From the following Trial Balance on 31-12-2019 Prepare Trading, Profit &loss 12 M
Account and Balance sheet
Debit Balance Amount in Rs. Credit Balance Amount in Rs
Salaries 6000 Capital 25000
Purchases 26000 Sales 47000
wages 7800 Discount 200
Trade expenses 1000 creditors 21000
Carriage 400 Bills Payable 6800
Office expenses 500
commissions 600
Bad -debts 1200
Debtors 30000
Furniture 3000
Machinery 10000
Insurance 400
Bills receivables 2000
Opening stock 7000
Cash in hand 500
Cash at bank 3600
Total 100000 100000
Closing stock Rs. 11000Outstanding wages Rs. 2000
Prepaid Insurance Rs 50Provide bad debts reserve @ 5%
Depreciation on machinery and furniture by 5%.
6. What are the Financial statements? Explain briefly 12 M
7. Define Management?Discuss various Management functions 12 M
8. Describe Leadershipand its Concept, Characteristics in detail 12 M
9. State Features and Structure of Organization 12 M
10. What is Organization Design? Explain about Line& Staff and Functional 12 M

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