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Caribbean Examination Council

Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)

Advanced Foods
Internal Assessment

Name of Candidate: Jedae’ James

Teacher: Mrs. Scott- Fullerton
Center Number:
Candidate Number:
Territory: Jamaica
Year: 2022-2023
Table of Contents


Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………………………… 1
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Chapter 1…………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
● Overview…………………………………………………………………………………. 4
● Problem Statement ………………….…………………………………...………………..6
● Purpose of Research …………………...…………….……………………………………7
● Research Questions………………………………………………………………………. 8
Chapter 2………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
● Literature Review…………………………………………………….…………………. 10
Chapter 3……………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
● Methodology……………………………………………………….…………………… 15
● Instruments………………………………………………………………….…………... 16
● Sampling………………………………………………………………………………16
● Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………………16
● Limitations……………………………………………………………………………16
Chapter 4 ………………………………………………………………………………………...17
● Presentation of Data…………………………………………………………………. 18
● Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………………. 31
Chapter 5……………………………………………………………………………………… 33
● Discussion of Findings ………………………………………………………………34
● Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………..36
● Recommendations …………………………………………………….……………..37
● Questionnaire ……………………………………………………………………….39
● Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………..43
Chapter 1

Topic- An investigation on obesity on grade 7m and 7b students at Herbert Morrison Technical

High School.

Herbert Morisson is a high school located at Alice Eldemire Dr, Montego bay, St James across

from Fairview Shopping center. Fast food restaurants such as KFC, Wendy’s, Pizza Huts

etc,cafes like Starbucks and Blue Cafe, and more. Having the privilege of most fast food

restaurants located beside their school, students tend to wander there after school instead of

buying their lunches at school. Foods at these places are prepared in an unimaginably large

amount of fat and salt. Eating these types of meals on a daily basis can affect their lifestyle as

they grow resulting in overweight, hypertension or diabetes along with other serious illnesses.

Obesity also known as overweight is a common condition in which excess fat accumulates

presenting health risks which may cause health problems. These health problems include heart

disease, fatigue, vision problems, shortness of breath and headaches, etc.

Problem Statement

Obesity is the abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. Symptoms of

obesity show signs such as an increase in sweat production, skin problems such as cellulite and

keratosis pilaris which is caused by the buildup of keratin, feeling of suffocation, excessive fat

particularly around the waist and inability to perform simple tasks. There are three categories of

obesity consisting:

● Class 1: BMI of 30 to< 35

● Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40

● Class 3: BMI of 40 or greater

Purpose of Research

The researcher’s purpose of the research is to:

1. Obtain more knowledge about the topic

2. To investigate lifestyle behaviors on children
3. To help children live a healthier life and not put their lives at risk
Research Questions

1. What are the effects of child obesity

2. What are the long term and short term effects of being obese?

3. Is obesity reversible?

4. What is the result of untreated obesity?

Chapter 2

Literature Review

As we may take obesity for nothing it is quite serious in today's world and can also cause other

diseases or health problems such as high blood pressure and heart diseases.

In an article (frontiers 2021) by Xihua Lin and Hong Li, they stated that “raised body mass index

(BMI) is a risk factor for noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes,fatty liver disease,

cardiovascular diseases, and musculoskeletal disorders, results in a dramatic decrease of life

quality and expectancy”.They also indicated that the main cause of obesity is long term energy

imbalance between consumed calories and expended calories.

Genetic causes of obesity can be listed as monogenic causes, Syndromic obesity and polygenic

obesity, they can cause an increase of caloric intake, increase of hunger levels, reduce control

overeating, reduce satiety, increased tendency to store body fat and increase the tendency to be


(BMC Public Health. 2022) implies that overweight and obesity in children and adolescents have

become a serious public health problem and affected about 41 million children under age 5 in


It continues stating that it has serious short and long term consequences for physical and

psychological health, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, metabolic

syndrome. In addition it can also affect children and adolescents mental health and psychological

development, leading to poor socialization, low self esteem, negative self evaluation and also

reduce educational attainment.

Sleep is one of the modifiable behaviors and plays an important role in growth and development

in children/adolescents obesity. Several cross sectional studies have reported that short sleep

duration is associated with childhood obesity.

(Sage journal 2019) Obesity can affect all aspects of children and adolescents including but not

limited to their psychological health and cardiovascular health and also their overall physical

health. The association between obesity and morbid outcomes makes it a public health concern

for children and adolescents. Obesity has an enormous impact on both physical and

psychological health. Consequently, it is associated with several comorbidity conditions such as

hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, sleep apnea, poor self-esteem, and even serious forms of

depression. In addition, children with obesity who were followed-up to adulthood were much

more likely to suffer from cardiovascular and digestive diseases.The increase in body fat also

exposes the children to increase in the risk of numerous forms of cancers, such as breast, colon,

esophageal, kidney, and pancreatic cancers.

Obesity is a chronic multifactorial disease, characterized by an excessive accumulation of

adipose tissue, commonly as a result of excessive food intake and/or low energy expenditure.

Obesity can be triggered by genetic, psychological, lifestyle, nutritional, environmental, and

hormonal factors.
Obesity is found in individuals that are susceptible genetically and involves the biological

defense of an elevated body fat mass, the mechanism of which could be explained in part by

interactions between brain reward and homeostatic circuits, inflammatory signaling,

accumulation of lipid metabolites, or other mechanisms that impair hypothalamic neurons.

Excess body fat is a major health concern in childhood and adolescent populations. The dramatic

increase in childhood obesity foreshadows the serious health consequences of their adult life. As

obesity begins from childhood and spans through adult life, it becomes increasingly more

difficult to treat successfully. Being able to identify the risk factors and potential causes of

childhood obesity is one of the best strategies for preventing the epidemic.

Many children have a discrepancy between what is taken in and what is expended. For example,

children with obesity consume approximately 1000 calories more than what is necessary for their

body to function healthily and to be able to participate in regular physical activities. Over 10

years, there will be an excess of 57 pounds of unnecessary weight. With excessive caloric intake,

as well as sedentary lifestyles, childhood obesity will continue to rise if no changes are

implemented. Adding daily physical activity, better sleep patterns, as well as dietary changes can

help decrease the number of excess calories and help with obesity-related problems in the future.

Childhood obesity is known to have a significant impact on both physical and psychological

health. Sahoo et al, stated that “childhood obesity can profoundly affect children’s physical

health, social and emotional well-being, as well as self-esteem.” They associated poor academic
performance and a lower quality of life experienced by the child with childhood obesity. They

also stated that “metabolic, cardiovascular, orthopedic, neurological, hepatic, pulmonary, and

menstrual disorders among others are consequences of childhood obesity.” There are many

health consequences of childhood obesity, and three of the more common ones are sleep apnea,

diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

(2023.imedpub) Obesity means being overweight by the accumulation of excess fat within the

body. Obesity is defined to some extent by measuring Body Mass Index (BMI).People become

obese by consumption of excess calories, imbalance between calories intake and calories

outgoing, leading a sedentary life, lack of sleep , disturbances in lipid metabolism and intake of

medications that put on obese.

Causes of obesity may be overeating, less expenditure of energy, sedentary lifestyle, not being

active includes relying on vehicles instead of walking and lack of performing exercises. One of

the causes may be hereditary and others hormonal problems like cushing’s syndrome,


Diet is a major factor of Obesity. Drinking and eating less, choosing healthier food, avoiding fast

food, sugary drinks and processed food. Obesity can be controlled by following a healthy diet

which includes plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, high cereal fiber foods, legume foods, and

drinking plenty of water.

Sedentary lifestyle is associated with less or lack of physical activity. A sedentary life can be a

risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, obesity, cancer and diabetes. Non communicable diseases

are prevailing due to lack of exercise. An Alternative solution for performing exercises is gym.
Overweight leads to many health problems. Obesity leads to coronary heart disease, angina

pectoris and even to heart failure. High blood pressure, type 2 diabetes mellitus, stroke,

osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and increased levels of blood fats are the health risks associated with


Obesity is increasing rapidly in children due to several factors like genetic, environmental and

hormonal factors. Obese children are likely prone to several health effects like high blood

pressure, diabetes, bone and joint problems, stroke, cancer to body parts such as breast, cervix,

kidney, endometrium and osteoarthritis.

( World Health Organization.2017) entails that the advantages of BMI are that it is simple to

assess and is the most widely used measure in population-based studies. However, the accuracy

of BMI at an individual level, for predicting health, has rightly been called into question. BMI

will continue to be used as the best population measure but increasingly, other measures such as

waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio will be used to assess an individual’s obesity-related

risk. Several studies have suggested these are better predictors of mortality and morbidity than


The risks of childhood obesity are not to be underestimated. Obese children are at least twice as

likely to become obese as adults and have an increased risk of cancer, premature death and

disability in adulthood. In addition to the long-term risk, obese children have increased risk of

fractures, hypertension, markers of cardiovascular disease (CVD), insulin resistance and

psychological issues.
Although it is well established that obese people have higher rates of mortality from heart

disease, stroke and many cancers, studies have suggested obesity improves survival in certain

conditions such as heart failure.

In an article conducted by (Caribbean Health Public Agency. 2021) they stated the Caribbean

has had some of the highest rates of overweight and obesity in the Americas with adults ranging

from 18.9% in Antigua and Barbuda to 31.6% in the Bahamas. Alarmingly, overweight and

obesity prevalence levels in children aged 5-9 years in CARICOM countries are increasing, and

highest in the Bahamas at 39.5% and lowest in Saint Lucia at 26.1%. The prevalence of obesity

in Caribbean children is two to three times higher than the World. With the obesity epidemic in

children and adolescents, the future seen through the risk factor lens for Non Communicable

Diseases (NCDs) looks dismal, as these young persons will be the future working generation but

living with higher rates of NCDs.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of persons with obesity, and other

NCDs. It is not yet clear why there is a link between COVID-19 and obesity, however an

increased susceptibility to respiratory problems, inflammation, and immunological disturbances

in people living with obesity may all be contributing factors. Obesity also has a number of NCD

comorbidities such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease which have also been shown to increase

risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes.

Obesity is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental factors and behavioral factors,

such as physical inactivity and unhealthy diet. However, the obesogenic environment, which is

usually driven by factors outside of the individual’s control, makes the healthy choice the
difficult choice to take. Persons with obesity also face stigma and discrimination due to their

weight that can lead to poor emotional well-being, and low self-esteem.

Investigation with (Taylor and Francis Online.2022)Pediatric obesity is a major health problem,

especially when it presents as the metabolic syndrome: the collection of abdominal obesity,

dyslipidemia, hyperglycaemia, and hypertension. Although obesity on its own is associated with

a decreased life expectancy, the metabolic syndrome contributes to a two-fold increase in the risk

of coronary artery and cerebrovascular disease, and a 1 · 5-fold increase in the risk of all-cause

mortality. An increased prevalence of obesity amongst adolescents is correlated with a rising

incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, an impact that will continue to be felt for years to come. Of

even greater concern is the exaggerated effect of extreme obesity on mortality when it occurs

amongst younger individuals.



The research design was carried out using a survey to collect the data.Although other techniques

and methods can be used to collect important information, the survey is more precise with the

information needed, it would also be more manageable.The survey method, designed to collect

information on a specific topic or heading then analyzes the information collected to bring forth

a logical conclusion. Questionnaires and Interviews are two useful techniques under surveys.

Questionnaires are usually typed papers with structured questions that respondents complete.

Interviews completed by the researcher interviewing and collecting the information based on

how the respondents answer. The respondents go through the same procedures by answering the

same questions. Surveys have both weaknesses and strengths, which provides a high level of

general capacity, which can represent a large population number. The surveys should undergo

cautious and relevant information pertaining to the topic.


Fifteen (15) questions are in the questionnaire that include open and closed questions

Twenty (20) questionnaires randomly distributed to seven (7) grade students from 7b and 7m

Data Analysis
Information from bar graphs, pie charts, and tables analyzed the information collected from the

-It was time consuming to start the survey because some students were not interested in
completing the questionnaire.

-Some students did not answer some of the questions because their vocabulary was limited.

-The researchers received a few questionnaires from what was distributed.

Chapter 4

Presentation of Data

Pie Chart showing the ages of the respondents. 5% were at the age 14, 10% were at the age 13,
15% were at the age 11. The highest respondents were 12 years old which is 70%.

Table Showing Individual Genders


Male 13

Female 7

The Table above shows the gender of individuals who participated in the questionnaire. There
were 13 males and 7 females totaling to 20 respondents.
Bar Graph above showing the weight range of respondents in the questionnaire. This proves
individuals have been consuming high sodium and fatty acid foods which cause weight gain.
Bar Graph above shows how often respondents exercise to reduce obesity.
The Bar Graph above shows the fast food joints individuals from the questionnaire prefer.
Respondents preferred KFC with Pizza Hut/ Domino’s Pizza following.

Table Showing Individuals who think they are Obese

Yes 10

No 4

I don't know 6

The table shown above shows individuals who think they are obese.
Pie Graph showing how often participants visited the doctor. It shows that 65% of them had
never been to the doctor.
Bar Graph showing the time range individual ate in the evening hours
Bar Graph showing how early participates ate in the morning.

Table Showing How Many Times Respondents Ate Daily

1 times 0

2 times 1

3 times 2

4 times or more 17

Table showing how many times individuals eat daily. This shows many ate food over 4 times per

Pie Chart Showing the sleep hours of participants. It shows that most participants slept for 1-3
hours running a higher risk of obesity.
Bar Graph showing freetime activities of individuals. It shows that now a days students text and
play games the most.

Table Showing Participants that Drink or Smoke

Yes 7

No 13

Table showing participants who drink and smoke.

The Pie Chart above shows where the students prefer to buy from. 55% of them chose to buy at
fairview as it has a wider variety than the Canteen.
Data Analysis

The researcher distributed twenty 20 questionnaires at the Herbert Morrison High School to 15
students, where the questions were attempted and returned. Based on the information gathered,
majority of the respondents were males than females with twelve (15) males and eight (5)
females, which gives us a ratio of 15:5 respectively. Majority of the respondents were 12 year

They weighed from 89 lbs and some were considered underweight for their age, they seemed to
be consuming nothing more than some fast foods containing little to no nutrients, while others
120-150 lbs were considered having a normal weight that proves they try to balance their diet
and weight. A weight of 190 lb and over is considered as overweight and this is bad for their
health as teenagers.

The questions , “Which fast food restaurant do you prefer?” was asked and there was a tie
between Pizza Hut and KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). Uncoinicidentally , both these
restaurants are located Side by side in the same building at Fairview.
Most respondents consume food at least three (3) times per day, which is acceptable for a

normal human. The researcher noticed that some of the respondents consumed food at the latest

11 pm,-12am, which is not healthy for the body and will be working on digesting the food

consumed rather than resting at those late nights.

Chapter 5

Discussion on Finding

The findings derived from this research is 100% based on the data retrieved from the twenty (20)
questionnaires distributed. All information collected from the questionnaires along with the
information from other reliable sources.

This assessment illustrates the lifestyle and maintenance of the individuals in the
community. Some teenagers eat without a care in the world, how it might affect them while
others try to improve their lifestyle and decrease the effects of the illnesses on them. Obesity is
an important risk factor in the Caribbean and globally.

Obesity may cause other diseases such as hypertension which may lead to damaging arteries later
causing cardiovascular disease.

There are various types of physical activities to reduce obesity such as doing regular aerobic
exercises such as briskly walking for at least thirty-(30) minutes, jogging, lifting weights and
other training to increase blood flow . According to the data collected, only the boys exercise to
prevent obesity.

Eating unhealthy is often done by teens. Some of these foods are high sodium and sugar foods
like french fries and chocolates/sweets along with fatty products like pizza and burgers. This may
increase the chances of obesity making it difficult for those who have the sickness already.
Reducing or eliminating all salty, fatty and sweet products may reduce the risk while eating
fruits,vegetables, nuts and drinking plenty of water , flushing the excess fat out of the body.
Practicing to run, walk and or jogging may also help with the illness.

● Based on the assessment completed,Obesity is present among teenagers of Herbert

Morrison High School.

● Obesity may not affect everyone now, but it is creeping up slowly on the young adults as

they continue consuming these high levels of salty foods in their diet.

● Only a handful of the respondents of Rosemount participate in physical activities as this

can increase their chances of developing hypertension.

● Most of the respondents are employed or self-employed and so they have the freedom in

purchasing these fast foods whenever they feel like.

● Consuming late-night meals may disrupt the process of the body resting and so the body

is overworked in digesting the food consumed than the body being at rest.

1. What is your age?

14 `

2. What is your gender?


3. What is your weight range

100lb- 120lb
130lb- 150lb
190 and over

4. How often do you exercise?

Not often
Maybe once a month

5. Which fast food restaurant do you prefer?

Burger King
Pizza Hut/ Dominos Pizza
Chinese Food
6. Do you think you are obese?
I don't know

7. Which of the following symptoms have you had for obesity?

8. How often do you visit the doctor?


9. How late do you consume food?


10. How early do you consume food?


11. How many times do you consume food daily?

1 time
2 times
3 times
4 times or more
12. How long do you sleep?
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7-9 hours
10 hours or more

13. What do you do in your freetime?

Watch a movie
Play games

14. Do you drink or smoke?


15. Do you prefer buying from the Canteen at school or a fast food restaurant at Fairview



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