Tabla Noun

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Grammar (The Noun)

An + a/e//i/o/u (an apple, an elephant, an idiot, an orange, an umbrella)

!!!! Unicorn, university, UFO, user [ju] – a unicorn, a university, a UFO, a user

Many chairs / a few chairs (countable)

Much sugar / little sugar (uncountable)

Capital letter in English: Monday, June, nationalities & languages (Romanian, French, Dutch)

Cons. + -y – ies (baby – babies)

Vowel + -y – ys

The Popescus = familia Popescu

Full = plin ( beauty + full = beautiful, success + full = successful, spoonful/mouthful of sugar
= unit of measurement

!!! sisters/brothers/mothers/fathers-in-law BUT my in-laws are coming tomorrow

!!! damage (always singular) = loss / injury to a person/property (prejudicii)

Ex. serious damage, to cause damage TO, to inflict damage ON, insurance/compensation for

!!! damages (always plural) = MONEY claimed as compensation (daune)

Ex. to pay damages, 2 mill. IN damages, to sue/claim (for) damages

!!! 2 săpunuri = 2 bars of soap

!!! carton = cutie de carton vs. cardboard = carton (false friends!)
(whipped) cream – sweet / sour cream

Sugar tongs (clește de zahăr) / fire tongs / salad tongs / grilling tongs
Kitchen scales

To make amends (for)
Under the auspices of…. (cu sprijinul/grija, sub egida)
Solid grounds / grounds for divorce / do you have any grounds for…? (+ zaț / coffee grounds)
Pains = great effort (take pains with sth.)
On the premises (sediu) = on site
Wages = salary
Whereabouts = approximate location (her whereabouts are still unknown)
She’s in her teens

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