Сем. 1 (проблеми перекладу науково-технічного тексту)

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Depending on the specific lexical expression, the same grammatical phenomenon can be translated

in different ways.
One of the most noticeable grammatical features of scientific and technical texts is the large number
of various common complex sentences.
In English professional texts, passive and impersonal forms of verbs, adjective inversions and
specific syntactic constructions, personal pronouns of the first person singular and infinitive and
nominative sentences are used much more often than in Ukrainian ones.
The largest set of grammatical problems of translation is related to the understanding of the
syntactic structure and morphological structure of sentences as linguistic elements that are direct
carriers of subject information.
English and Ukrainian belong not only to different branches of the Indo-European family of
languages (the first to German, the second to Slavic), but also to different structural types of
languages: the first is mainly analytical language, where grammatical relations in a sentence are
transmitted by free grammatical morphemes , and the second is inflectional language, where
grammatical meanings and relations are conveyed by means of connected grammatical morphemes
- inflections.
In the Ukrainian language there are no articles, gerund, temporal forms of verbs of the groups
Continuous and Perfect, complex subject and additional infinitive constructions, and in English -
verbs, adverbs, categories of nouns and adjectives.
In contrast to the Ukrainian language, where the subject group can often be placed after the
predicate group, in English the order of the main members of the sentence is much more fixed,
which may require restructuring the sentence when translating.
The singular and plural forms of nouns are available in both Ukrainian and English, but the forms of
specific nouns may not match.
Another group of grammatical difficulties of translation is related to the peculiarities of expression
of sentence members in two languages, first of all subject and predicate.
Only a small proportion of English and Ukrainian utterances have the same syntactic structure and
order of components, and only then can English utterances be translated into the corresponding
Ukrainian utterances without the use of grammatical transformations.
Grammatical literalism leads not only to violations of the norms of the language of translation, but
also to various distortions in the transmission of the meaning of the original.
Grammatical transformations are caused by various factors.
1) What is conveyed by lexical means in one language may be expressed by grammatical
means in another.
2) Absence in one of the languages of certain grammatical phenomena, forms or constructions.
3) Optional expression of grammatical information in one of the languages.
4) The difference in the representation of the content of the sentence by the surface structure.
5) Features of compatibility and functioning of words in phrases and sentences.

Grammatical translation transformation means a change in the grammatical characteristics of a

word, phrase or sentence in translation.
There are five main types of grammatical transformations: permutation, substitution, addition,
separation and complex transformation.

Permutation is a grammatical transformation that changes the order of words in a phrase or

Substitution that changes the grammatical features of word forms (for example, the plural form is
used instead of the singular form), parts of speech (for example, the infinitive in the translation is
transformed into a noun), sentence members (for example, the adverb becomes a subject) and
sentences , a simple sentence turns into a complex or vice versa).
Addition is a grammatical transformation, as a result of which the number of words, word forms or
members of a sentence increases in translation.
Separation is such a grammatical transformation, as a result of which a certain linguistic element is
removed in the translation.
Because grammar is closely related to vocabulary, a significant number of translation
transformations are of a mixed nature, ie lexical and grammatical changes occur simultaneously in
translation. Such lexico-grammatical transformations are called mixed and consist of the
grammatical transformations and various lexical transformations considered above (generalization,
specification, contextual replacement, etc.).

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