313 Animal Lesson 1

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Mary Horvath Lesson Title: Predator or Prey Matching

Date: Grade Level: Preschool Circle one: ECE PKSN
Cognition and General Knowledge, Life Science, Exploration of Living Things: With modeling and support, identify and explore the relationship between living
things and their environments (e.g., habitats, food, eating habits, etc.).
Cognition and General Knowledge, Cognitive Skills, Reasoning and Problem-Solving: Explain reasoning for the solution selected.
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Ask each student what they think a predator is, what prey is, and for an example of a predator and prey relationship.

Instructional Objectives (2-3) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

Two- Three Assessed Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Instructional Objective(s): to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and Predator, prey, animal, food, eat
The student will be able to identify A T-chart will be given for students responses to the Procedural steps:
predators and prey based on their before and after questions. 1. In groups of 4-5, the teacher will explain to students
relationship with each other and Anecdotal records can also be recorded to see if students what a predator is, what prey is, and why it is
their environments. can identify the relationships and their explanations. important for the environment for this relationship to
be there. The teacher should also give examples.
The student will be able to explain Program Monitoring: 2. The teacher will lay pre-made animal cards face
why they pair a predator and prey If 80% of students can better explain 1 aspect of a question down on a table.
using evidence from their own given (What is a predator, prey, example) based on the 3. The teacher will use the predator and prey
experience or previous chart, then we can move on. If not, this topic should be worksheet to define predators and prey.
knowledge. revisited with more literature, videos, and sentence stems. 4. The teacher will explain that the point of the lesson
Anecdotal records should also be viewed to aid in this is to collect matching cards (a predator along with its
One Assessed Developmental decision as well. specific prey or vice versa)
Skill: 5. The teacher will flip over all the cards.
The student will be able to 6. Students try to match the predator-prey matches.
regulate their emotions or go to 7. The teacher goes around and aids students, making
the home shelter if they get sure to remind them that the matches will live in the
frustrated when trying to match. same habitat, as defined earlier, and answers any
Safety Considerations: 8. For students who struggle, the teacher can give
Students use the paper materials students a card and three options so they have a
in an appropriate way making sure smaller pool to concentrate on.
to not hurt themselves or others by 9. At the end, the teacher will ask each student what
throwing them. they now know about predators and/or prey and to
give an example of a predator-prey relationship they
might have learned during this activity.

Authentic Materials:
Matching cards (animals with name labels)
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

Adult Roles:
Give instructions
Define terms
Guide matching games
Scaffold learning
Guide final discussion and provide sentence stems

Resources & References:

Lion Antelope Shark Dolphin

Eagle Bunny Fox Sheep

Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

Armadillo Ants Jaguar Tapir

Polar bear Seal Desert Coyote Lizards

Frog Fly Heron Blue Crab

List of animals
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

Polar bear
Blue Crab
Desert Coyote
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

o in a habitat, animals interact by eating each other
o Animals are classified as either/both predator and/or prey

A prey and predator example is a snake eating a mouse.

An animal that eats or kills other animals
Takes energy from the prey

An animal that is eaten by other animals

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

I learned that some of my students know more about animals than others. During the pre-assessment some students were able to supply more information about
animals than others. For future instruction, I will make sure I am giving ample opportunities to amplify schema. I also learned that sometimes it’s easier to ask
students for examples than for them to give definitions. For example, a student told me he couldn’t define what a predator was, but was able to give me many
predator examples. In the future, I will make sure to have prompting questions ready and help students understand terms and build their vocabulary.

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