2.6 Main Body of The Report

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6     Main Body of the Report

This is the most important part of the report and the student must show own innovations.  The plan
and order sequence should include mainly:
a.       The skills and practices the student required
b.       The operation and maintenance training received
c.       The specific work done must be given adequate coverage
d.       Any design, calculations, and analysis must be carefully, but briefly recorded.
e.       Supervision and any leadership role played in a given project or assignment (if any) must be
briefly reported so as to leave no one in doubt as to student’s actual involvement.
f.        Sketches, diagrams, graphs and drawings (if any) must all have titles and designated as Fig.
1, 2 etc. and each must be referred to at least once in the report.
g.       Experimental test, together with the tables of results must also be given adequate coverage. 
Each table should be given a title in a sequential order as:  Table 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc. with related titles,
and must be referred to at least once in the text.
2.7     Conclusion
Here, the student should state again what he has achieved, contributed and learnt during this
2.8     Acknowledgements 
All those who have in any way helped the student to the success of his training may be noted in this
2.9     References
A list of references may be necessary. It should be listed in the order the references are referred to
in the report and also listed alphabetically.

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