Exp 04

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Experiment No.

Observe the MVA Loading of Transmission Lines and Transformers in a Power

 Open Power World Simulator (PWS) and open new file.
 Insert Bus 1. Name as One. Enter Nominal Voltage 15 KV. Select the Slack Bus
Select the orientation Up
 Insert Gen 1 at bus one. Enter any arbitrary MW say 400 MW. Select orientation
as Left
 At the Bottom of window insert Bus 2. Name as Two. Nominal Voltage 345 KV.
Select display>orientation as Left. Attach a load of 800 MW and 280 Mvar. Select
display of Load Down
 At the Right side of window insert Bus 3. Name as Three. Nominal Voltage 15
KV. Select display>orientation as Up. Attach a Gen2 of 520 MW and Set Point
Volatge = 1.05 pu. Display of Gen 2 as Right . Insert Load of 80 MW and 40
Mvar. Display of Load Right
 Insert Bus 4. Name as Four. Nominal Voltage 345 KV. Select orientation as Up
 Insert Bus 5. Name as Five. Nominal Voltage 345 KV. Select orientation as Up
 Save the Case

Your oneline diagram will look like

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 Now insert transformers and transmission lines with following parameters

 Between Bus 1 and 5. R= 0.001500 X= 0.020000 B= 0.000000
MVA Limits Limit A= 600 Limit B= 600 Limit C= 600

 Between Bus 4 and 3. R= 0.000750 X= 0.010000 B= 0.000000

MVA Limits Limit A= 1000 Limit B= 1000 Limit C= 1000

Transmission Lines
 Between Bus 5 and 4. R= 0.002250 X= 0.025000 B= 0.440000
MVA Limits Limit A= 1200 Limit B= 1200 Limit C= 1200

 Between Bus 5 and 2. R= 0.004500 X= 0.050000 B= 0.880000

MVA Limits Limit A= 1200 Limit B= 1200 Limit C= 1200

 Between Bus 4 and 2. R= 0.009000 X= 0.100000 B= 1.720000

MVA Limits Limit A= 1200 Limit B= 1200 Limit C= 1200

One-Line Diagram:

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 Save the Case
 Go to Tools and click Solve.
 Double Click on 520 MW. A window will appear. Enter Delta per Mouse Click=10

 Go on decreasing the power of Gen2.

Q1. What effect do you observe on %age loading of both transformers/ T.Lines?

Q2. At which minimum power of Gen2 the Transmission Line between buses 1-5 is
100% loaded?

Q3. Insert Transm Line Field> MW Losses on both Transmission Lines and observe
the comparative increment/decrement in losses values as you increase/
decrease %age loading. Write MW losses on both T.Lines

For 80% Loading of T.L 1-5 For 100% Loading of T.L 1-5
T.L 1-5 MW Loss T.L 4-3 MW Loss T.L 1-5 MW Loss T.L 4-3 MW Loss

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 Go on increasing the power of Gen2.

Q4. What effect do you observe on %age loading of both transformer/T.Lines?

Q5. What is the maximum power that you can generate from Gen2?

 Now double click on Gen2 and enter 1100 in the Max. MW Output. Again Go on
increasing the power of Gen2.

Q6. At which minimum power of Gen2 the Transmission Line between buses 4-3 is
100% loaded?

Q7. Write down the T.Line Losses at this stage.

Q8. Now change the MVA Limits A,B,C of T.Line 4-3 from 1000 to 1100. Repeat the
above steps. What is the difference that you observed?

Q9. Similarly change the MVA Limit of T.Line 1-5 from 600 to 700. Repeat the
above steps. What is the difference that you observed?

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