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Manifest reality
-Law Of Attraction
-Don’t let toxicity into your space
-Gatewar process
-Manifest the energy we want from the universe
2. Remote viewing
3. James Randi ESP
4. Qi Gong
5. Mushrooms
6. Escape social media ADHD
7. Take Control of consciousness
8. Pineal Gland
-third eye
Manifestation is ones thoughts become their reality. An individual attracts what they think.
What you see in your reality now are the seeds, i.e. the thoughts and emotions, you planted at a certain point in
your life.

When you focus on a particular thing or person, you create a vibrational pull that attracts it or them toward
you. "It means being conscious of my thoughts, instead of reacting to them. Whether you’re remembering a
past event, observing something in your present, or imagining something in your future, the thought that you
are focusing on in the present moment has activated a vibration within you and the LOA is responding to it

Consciousness is the only reality. It is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world.

Spontaneous Remissions:
They found that these people had four things in common:
1. they believed in an intelligence within themselves that could help them heal
2. they took responsibility for their own health
3. they changed their habits and way of thinking
4. they imagined and prepared for a better future.
These things helped them overcome fear, anger, and pain, and they were able to feel grateful and happy even
before they were fully healed.

Gateway Experience - training experience to bring enhanced strength, focus, and coherence to amplitude and
frequency of brainwave output of left and right hemispheres to altar consciousness
1. Hypnosis
2. Transcendental Meditation
3. Biofeedback
1. During research, Monroe observed that specific SOUNDS create a ‘frequency following response’ in
the electrical activity of the brain.
Step 0: Manifestation - An Individual Attracts What They Think
a. Manifestation is ones thoughts become their reality. An individual attracts what they think.
b. What you see in your reality now are the seeds, i.e. the thoughts and emotions, you planted at a certain
point in your life.
Step 1: Meditate - Achieve A Higher State Of Consciousness
a. Meditation works by allowing you to separate yourself from the internal chatter. In our minds, there is
this constant state of mind chatter or ‘noise’ which is almost impossible to turn off.
b. One of the first signs that you’re meditating correctly is a sense of heightened awareness. This simply
means that you become more aware of your surroundings, and of your own thoughts and feelings.
c. Another fantastic sign that you are meditating successfully is that you become less bothered by your
inner narrator, or the ego, as it’s sometimes called. This is the voice in your head that constantly talks
to you, and usually isn’t very nice!
d. This is a very important step in your journey to self-awareness, and it can be quite liberating! Once
you’ve freed yourself from the inner narrator, you’ll start to see that you have more control over your
life and how you react to things.
Step 2: Journal - Center Your Thoughts Before Flow-State
a. Center your thoughts so that you are reminded of what you wish to feel and see in your reality.
b. Reflect on your goals - what steps will you take to get there.
c. Write 3 things you are grateful for.
Step 3: Set Goals - If you took the last 90 days of your life and you were doing that for the next five
years, will you end up in the spot that you want to be.
a. Goals for the day and week
b. Have No Doubt In Your Mind That You Will Finish These Goals
Step 4: Visualize - When You Visualize, Then You Materialize
a. Your emotions are your guidance system. Paying attention to the way you are feeling when you are
thinking about something or someone is an indication you are in the process of attracting something
you want or something you don’t want.
Step 5: Say Affirmations - Become A Magnet For Success
a. I listen to my affirmations on my phone via youtube and I listen to them to override any limiting
stories so I can put myself in a high vibe state to be receptive for what I wish to manifest.
b. Manifest your thoughts into reality.

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