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Easy-Email Essential Guide to Windows Mail

Copyright 2010, 2011 Ayoro SAS

The Easy-Email guides are the copyright of Ayoro SAS, Cap Omega, Rond Point Benjamin Franklin, CS 39521, 34960 Montpellier, CEDEX 2, France. All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced in another format or altered in any way without prior written permission from the authors. Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure that this guide contains accurate and current information. However Ayoro SAS, Easy-Email guides and the authors shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of following these instructions. We are not responsible for how the software referenced or recommended in this document works. Unless expressly mentioned, we receive no commissions or other payments from the suppliers or owners of software mentioned in this book. Important! Before you begin setting up the Easy Email solution we highly recommend that you make a backup of your emails. We provide information about how to use certain third-party products, but we do not endorse or directly support third-party products and we are not responsible for the functions or reliability of such products. Apple Mail, Mac and iPhone are registered trademarks of of Apple Computer, Inc. Entourage, Outlook, Exchange, and Outlook Express are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Thunderbird is an unregistered trademark of the Mozilla Foundation. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.

Important! This document is protected by copyright. You are welcome to distribute this document, however you are not allowed to modify it in any way.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Who can use these guides?............................................................................................... 8 1.2 How to use this document................................................................................................. 9

2 Getting Started.......................................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Try before you decide...................................................................................................... 12 2.2 The example used in the guide.......................................................................................12

3 Setting up Gmail for email synchronization.........................................................................18

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Setup a Gmail account.................................................................................................... 19 Setup Gmail to download emails from webmail accounts................................................19 Setup Gmail to download email from other email accounts............................................20 Enable Email Synchronization......................................................................................... 20 Summary......................................................................................................................... 20 More stuff you can do...................................................................................................... 21

4 Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization.........................................................23

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Modify existing accounts (POP).......................................................................................23 Create a new email account in Windows Mail to access Gmail........................................24 Testing email synchronization......................................................................................... 46 More stuff you can do...................................................................................................... 48

5 Setting up Gmail for multiple email addresses...................................................................51 6 Setting up Windows Mail for multiple email addresses...................................................53 7 Optimize your settings............................................................................................................. 55
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Downloading emails for offline use..................................................................................55 Deleting messages and the Gmail All Mail folder.............................................................57 Using the Gmail Spam filter for all your messages..........................................................58 Why is my unread count different in my email client and on Gmail?...............................58 Storage space on Gmail.................................................................................................. 58 Turn off your old email and stay with Easy-Email............................................................59 Turn off Easy-Email and stay with your old email setup...................................................60

8 Now what?.................................................................................................................................... 61
8.1 Donations gladly accepted!............................................................................................. 62 8.2 Simplify your email life even further with the Advanced Guide.......................................62

9 Appendix: Gmail.......................................................................................................................... 66
9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Backup and restore your emails......................................................................................67 Hide the All Mail folder from other email clients..............................................................73 Export contacts............................................................................................................... 75 Import contacts............................................................................................................... 76 Create a signature........................................................................................................... 77 Backup your Google Calendar......................................................................................... 78 Restore your Google Calendar......................................................................................... 80 Backup Google Docs........................................................................................................ 87

10 Appendix: Windows Mail ....................................................................................................... 89

10.1 Backup and restore your emails....................................................................................89

10.2 Download emails to Windows Mail for offline use..........................................................98 10.3 Copy old emails to Gmail from Windows Mail..............................................................100 10.4 Turn off an email account............................................................................................ 105 10.5 Turn off the spam filter................................................................................................ 106 10.6 Export contacts from Windows Mail.............................................................................108 10.7 Import contacts into Windows Mail..............................................................................111 10.8 Create a signature in Windows Mail.............................................................................114 10.9 Group emails by thread in Windows Mail.....................................................................115 10.10 How to find your mail server settings........................................................................116 10.11 Remove extra folders in Gmail..................................................................................121 10.12 Tell Windows Mail not to save a copy of outgoing emails..........................................122

11 Appendix: How to find the information you need...........................................................125

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Check the setup in your current email program..........................................................125 Search on Google........................................................................................................ 125 Visit 126 Contact your email provider........................................................................................126

12 Appendix: Understanding sending and receiving emails................................................127


Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Introduction -

1 Introduction
Easy-Email extends your existing email setup, so you can: Manage all your email addresses in one window with one login on any computer! Work with your webmail offline on your own computers. Read and write emails on the plane, the bus and the beach! Synchronize your email on as many computers as you would like. Automatically! Get your Outlook email anywhere! (...or any other email client)

Easy-Email is changing the way people use email. No more: Logging in to several different email accounts to check all your email addresses. Difficulties using email clients on more than one computer. Emailing yourself copies of emails from one email account to another just so you can keep yourself informed :-)

Your email is streamlined, efficient, accessible anywhere, from any computer easy! Whether you currently use webmail or an email client, whether you use one email address on multiple computers or you have multiple email addresses on multiple computers, we can save you heaps of time and hassle. You do not need to purchase new software you simply setup your existing email client software or use free email software. In fact, our favorite email client, Thunderbird, is free to download and works on Mac, Linux and Windows. The Easy-Email solution works with most popular email clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, Live Mail, Apple Mail etc.), you can use webmail and many mobile devices (Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Palm webOS, Symbian, Windows Mobile and more) to access your email. The solution also works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Gmail is used as your webmail client. You can still send and receive email with your Hotmail and other webmail addresses except the free Yahoo Mail. For more details read Will I have to use Gmail as my webmail client? See it in action in our videos here. And you can find real life use cases on our website here.

1.1 Who can use these guides?

These guides are designed to be used by anyone with a moderate level of computer ability. There are screenshots and step by step instructions for almost every step, even showing you where to find menu items and what buttons to click on. This is the reason why a simple solution needs such a long explanation! If you have set up your own email accounts with incoming and outgoing servers (not just webmail) you should be fine. If you are not comfortable doing the setup yourself just call your IT go to person or a handy teenager and give them this guide! Once Easy-Email is set up you do not need to do anything to enjoy the benefits. If you are a more technical user you will find plenty of interesting tips in this document and the forum on our website for discussions and questions. And of course following this guide will still save you lots of time over researching it yourself. Email a friend Buy us a coffee! -8Send us feedback Buy the Advanced Guide

Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Introduction -

1.2 How to use this document

This document contains a fair number of pages but as you'll see most of the pages are screenshots! You can make it easier to find your way around the document if you open the Table of Contents on the left hand side of the PDF reader. The way to do this varies from PDF reader to PDF reader, but here is a screenshot showing you what it looks like:

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Getting Started -

2 Getting Started
This section contains important information to help you get the job done smoothly.

2.1 Try before you decide

We have designed the Easy-Email instructions so you will keep the old way of working with your email active while you try out the new solution. For the Easy-Email Essential setup you will create a new account only for this purpose. For the Easy-Email Advanced setup you will be downloading your emails twice until you decide which solution to keep. However it also means that you can at any time go back to your old system. And it is easy! Once you are comfortable that Easy-Email works for you, you can turn off the old way of getting your emails. See Turn off your old email and stay with Easy-Email on page 59 and Turn off Easy-Email and stay with your old email setup on page 60 for specific instructions on how to do this.

2.2 The example used in the guide

To make the instructions easier to follow we have created an example person, John Doe, who we use throughout the Easy-Email guides. He has four email addresses: Gmail: This email address is mainly used for email synchronization. Work: This is John's work email address, and it has a mailbox attached. Gmail needs to pick up the mail from the pogo-card mailbox. Personal: This is John's personal email address and it is forwarded to the Gmail address, it does not have its own mailbox. Webmail: This is a personal email address which John uses when he is away from his computers.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Getting Started -

2.2.1 Part 1: Email synchronization (Essential and Advanced guides)

In part 1 we will setup email synchronization for John using a Gmail address. All his email clients will automatically be updated no matter what he does to his email. Sent email and read/unread marks etc. will all be synchronized for his Gmail account. The Essential Guide allows you to try the Easy-Email system of automatic synchronization so you can see if this is for you. With the Essential Guide you will not be synchronizing your personal email. The instructions for this are only included in the Advanced Guide.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Getting Started -

2.2.2 Part 2: Multiple email addresses (Advanced Guide only)

In part two we will extend John's setup, so he can send and receive email using his personal email addresses.

He can also neatly manage all of his email addresses in one window with one login. He can use Gmail, Thunderbird, Outlook or any other email client.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Getting Started -

John's multiple inboxes in Gmail John wants each email address to have a separate Inbox and Sent Mail. And he wants to be able to manage all his addresses from Windows Live Mail on his home computer, from Outlook Express on his netbook and from Gmail when he is on the road without the netbook. John will be able to send an email from using Gmail and no one can tell it was not sent from the office. Note! Part 2 is only included in the Advanced Guides.

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Email Synchronization

Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Gmail for email synchronization -

3 Setting up Gmail for email synchronization

This chapter explains how to setup Gmail for email synchronization. If you buy the Advanced Guide you will also be guided through downloading emails from other email accounts (both webmail and non-webmail accounts). At the end of the chapter you will find references to more information which is relevant for working with Gmail and Easy-Email.

Note! The purpose of the Essential Guide is to show you the value of the Easy-Email system by setting up Email Synchronization for one Gmail address. We recommend you set up the system on two or more computers or mobile devices. After you have completed the setup you can see the advantages of the Easy-Email system in live action, specifically: Read an email on one computer and it is marked as read on all your computers Send an email from one computer and it will appear in the Sent Mail folder on all your computers Move an email to a folder on one computer and it will be moved automatically on all your computers Your email Inbox is automatically synchronized on all your computers You can synchronize your email on your mobile device too You can access your email from Gmail when you are away from your own computers

Once you have seen the system in action you can purchase the Advanced Guide to extend the Easy-Email system to include sending and receiving email from your own personal email addresses. Another advantage of the Easy-Email Advanced system is that you can manage all your personal email addresses with one login from Gmail when you are away from your own computer.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Gmail for email synchronization In this chapter: Setup a Gmail account Setup Gmail to download emails from webmail accounts Transfer contacts and email from your webmail account to Gmail Setup Gmail to download new email from your webmail account

Setup Gmail to download email from other email accounts Enable Email Synchronization Summary More stuff you can do

3.1 Setup a Gmail account

If you do not have a Gmail address already create one now. Go to and sign up. It is free.

3.2 Setup Gmail to download emails from webmail accounts

This section is only included in the Advanced Guide.

3.2.1 Transfer contacts and email from your webmail account to Gmail

This section is only included in the Advanced Guide.

3.2.2 Setup Gmail to download new email from your webmail account

This section is only included in the Advanced Guide.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Gmail for email synchronization -

3.3 Setup Gmail to download email from other email accounts

This section is only included in the Advanced Guide.

3.4 Enable Email Synchronization

IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol and it is the function that allows you to synchronize mail between different accounts. Log on to your Gmail account. Click the little gear at the top right hand corner of the page, then click Mail Settings.

Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP.

Click Enable IMAP then Save Changes.

3.5 Summary
Gmail will now: on a regular basis download emails from your mailbox at your Internet Service Provider or Webmail provider (only included in the Advanced Guide). send mails as if you were sending them from your other addresses (only included in the Advanced Guide). allow other email clients to synchronize email with Gmail

This completes the Gmail setup.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Gmail for email synchronization -

3.6 More stuff you can do

In the appendix you will find more interesting information on how to get the most out of your email: Backup and restore your emails We strongly recommend you backup your emails before you setup Easy-Email. This section explains how you do this. And it explains how you restore your emails if you should need to do that. Hide the All Mail folder from other email clients The All Mail folder in Gmail is your email archive. This is where your emails are stored when you remove them from the Inbox unless you explicitly delete them. Typically you do not need to synchronize this folder for offline use with other email clients. This section explains how to hide the All Mail folder from your other email clients. Export contacts from Gmail If you have contacts stored on Gmail and you want to copy them to other email clients this section explains how you do this. Import contacts into Gmail If want to copy contacts stored on other email clients to Gmail this section explains how you do this. Create a signature in Gmail This section explains how you create a signature in Gmail.

You can find many more tips and tricks on using Gmail and managing your email on the website:

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Is getting to your email hard work?

Set up Easy-Email for multiple email addresses (Advanced Guide) and have your email come to you!

Access all your email from one window with one login and respond from any email address you choose!

Go get your Easy-Email Advanced Guide now.

Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization -

4 Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization

This chapter explains how to setup Windows Mail for email synchronization. At this point you should have completed the setup of Gmail for email synchronization. At the end of the chapter you will find references to more information which is relevant for working with Windows Mail and Easy-Email. In this chapter: Modify existing accounts (POP) (page 23) Create a new email account in Windows Mail to access Gmail (page 24) Testing email synchronization (page 46) More stuff you can do (page 48)

Important! Backup your emails before you start! You can find instructions for how to do this in Backup and restore your emails on page 89. Easy-Email does not accept responsibility for any data loss under any circumstance.

4.1 Modify existing accounts (POP)

This section is only included in the Advanced Guide.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization -

4.2 Create a new email account in Windows Mail to access Gmail

Gmail will now pick up your email for you. This step tells Windows Mail to synchronize with Gmail so you can download copies of your emails. Note! For the Essential Guide we only show you how to send email from your Gmail address. Sending email from your personal address and setting up multiple email addresses is explained in the Advanced section of the guides. Follow these steps: Open Windows Mail. Click Tools Accounts

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Click Add.

Select E-mail Account. Click Next.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Modify your display name if needed. Click Next.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Modify your email address if needed, for John we enter Click Next.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization -

Change the Incoming e-mail server type to IMAP. For Incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) server enter For Outgoing email server (SMTP) name enter Check Outgoing server requires authentication. Then click Next.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization For E-mail username enter your Gmail address. For john this is Enter your Gmail password. Then click Next.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization We need to change a few settings before we can download emails and folders. Check Do not download my e-mail and folders at this time. Otherwise you will get an error because Windows Mail cannot connect to Gmail. Click Finish.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization The newly created account is named Select it and click Properties.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Give the mail account a more descriptive name, for instance My Mail (IMAP).

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Click the Advanced tab. First check the This server requires a secure connection (SSL) checkboxes. There are two. Then change the Outgoing mail (SMTP) port to 465. When the checkbox is clicked this value is reset, which is why you need to check the checkbox first. Verify the port is still 465 before continuing.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Click the IMAP tab. For the special folders enter the following values: Sent Items path: [Gmail]#Sent Mail Drafts path: [Gmail]#Drafts Deleted Items path: [Gmail]#Trash Junk path: [Gmail]#Spam

These values have to be the same as in your Gmail account with [Gmail]# in front: Note! If you use a language other than English in Gmail you need to adjust these values accordingly.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Click OK. Set My Mail (IMAP) to be the default mail account by selecting it and clicking Set as Default.

Click Close. We have a few more changes to make before we can download email from Gmail. Click No to download folders now.

Click No to refresh the folder list.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization There is a bug in Windows Mail. This is the reason we could not enter the correct paths to the special folders above. We have to exchange the # character to a / character in a configuration file. Unless we make this change, draft emails and handling of deleted emails will not work correctly. This next section is simply a workaround for the bug in Windows Mail. You do not need to understand it, simply follow the steps as outlined. Note! This bug has been fixed in Windows Live Mail 2011. You should consider upgrading to the latest version. Other parts of the Easy-Email setup are much easier in the latest version too. Click Tools Options.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Click the Advanced tab. Then click the Maintenance... button.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Click the Store Folder... button.

Make a note of the location of the message store folder. You will need this later. For John this is C:\Users\John Doe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail.

Click OK to close the window. Important! Close Windows Mail completely.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Open Windows Explorer (NOT Internet Explorer). Navigate to the folder of the message store you made a note of above. For John this is C:\Users\John Doe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Open the folder.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization The file we are looking for is called account{random numbers}.oeaccount. Make a backup copy of the file now.

To edit the file click the Windows Start button. Then type notepad in the search box and press Enter.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Position the Windows Explorer window and the Notepad window so you can easily drag the account{random numbers}.oeaccount file on to the Notepad window to open it.

Once you drop the file on Notepad it opens for editing. Don't worry about the content of the file. You do not need to understand it.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization Click on Edit -> Replace. Find # and replace it with /. Click Replace All.

Close notepad and Save the file.

Start Windows Mail again. When Windows Mail starts you might get this message. This is perfectly normal because we have changed the folder names. Click OK.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization In the next window Windows Mail asks which folder the messages are stored in. Windows Mail is just a little bit confused everything is actually fine. Simply click OK.

The next message asks you to refresh the folder list. This time click Yes.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization The list of folders from Gmail is shown. Click OK.

Windows Mail is now setup for email synchronization.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization -

4.3 Testing email synchronization

Now that you have set up the basic Easy-Email system with one Gmail address on two (or more) computers it is time to test how it works. Start Windows Mail on computer 1. From another email address (not your new Gmail address) send two emails to your new Gmail address. One with a subject of Test 1 and one with a subject of Test 2. Verify that the emails arrive in your Gmail inbox. Open the email with a subject of Test 1 and reply to the email. Verify that the email is marked as Read. Verify that the reply is in your [Gmail]->Sent Mail folder. Create a new folder in the Gmail account. Name it Test Folder. Move the Test 1 email into the Test Folder. Close down Windows Mail on computer 1.

Start Windows Mail on computer 2. Verify that you have the Test 2 email in your inbox and that it is marked unread. Verify that you have the Test Folder and that the Test 1 email is in the folder marked as read. Verify that you have the reply to the Test 1 email in your [Gmail]->Sent Mail folder. Open the Test 2 email so it is marked as read. Close down Windows Mail on computer 2.

Open your Gmail account in an internet browser. Verify that you have the Test 2 email in your inbox and that it is marked read. Verify that you have the Test Folder and that the Test 1 email is in the folder marked as read. Verify that you have the reply to the Test 1 email in your [Gmail]->Sent Mail folder.

If you have a mobile device setup the Gmail account on that device too, and complete the tests. You can find instructions for setting up mobile devices by clicking here.

Now that you have seen how easy the Easy-Email system is (it works automatically once it has been set up), you are most likely eager to expand the system to work with your personal email address(es). Configuring multiple email addresses and Sent Mail from your personal email addresses is not trivial. However we have made it easy for you by documenting every step in the Easy-Email Advanced Guide. You can purchase the Advanced Guide from our web site by clicking here. You have already seen how much time you can save with a fully automated email synchronization system, so you know the guide will pay for itself very quickly.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization An added benefit of the Advanced version of the system is that you can manage all your email addresses from Gmail with one login when you are away from your own computers. No more logging into several different email accounts!

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for email synchronization -

4.4 More stuff you can do

In the appendix you will find more interesting information on how to get the most out of your email: Backup and restore your emails We strongly recommend you backup your emails before you setup Easy-Email. This section explains how you do this. And it explains how you restore your emails if you should need to do that. Download emails to Windows Mail for offline use This section explains how to make your emails available for use without an internet connection. You will be able to read and respond to emails on a plane or train for instance. Once you get an internet connection again your emails will be sent. Copy old emails to Gmail from Windows Mail This section explains how you can copy your old emails from Windows Mail to Gmail. This will make the emails available to any client you synchronize with Gmail. Turn off your old email account You have setup email synchronization without making changes to your old email setup. This allows you to try out Easy-Email without affecting the way you manage your email today. This section explains how to phase out your old email setup once you are comfortable with Easy-Email. Export contacts from Windows Mail If you have contacts stored on Windows Mail that you want to copy to other email clients this section explains how you do this. Import contacts into Windows Mail If want to copy contacts stored on other email clients to Windows Mail this section explains how you do this. Create a signature in Windows Mail This section explains how you create a signature in Windows Mail Group messages by thread in Windows Mail If you like the way Gmail organizes emails in threads or conversations this section explains how you can get a similar view in Windows Mail. How to find your mail server settings If you do not know your mail server settings this section explains where you can locate this information in your current setup.

And that completes the setup of Windows Mail for email synchronization.

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How many hurdles do you have to jump to get your email?

Bring all your email together with the Easy-Email Advanced Guide. Work with all your email in one place.

Go get your Easy-Email Advanced Guide now.


Multiple Email Addresses

Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Gmail for multiple email addresses -

5 Setting up Gmail for multiple email addresses

To get this chapter please buy the Advanced Guide. We have included the table of contents here for your information.

This chapter explains how to setup Gmail to work with multiple email addresses. You will be guided through creating labels, setting up email receiving and sending, creating filters and signatures. At the end of the chapter you will find advice on writing and replying to emails and a few tricks on how to make your Gmail experience even better. In this chapter: Create labels Setup email receiving Setup email sending Setup filters Setup signatures Write emails Reply to emails Other recommended options

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Set Yourself Free!

Take control of your email don't let your email control you!

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Setting up Windows Mail for multiple email addresses -

6 Setting up Windows Mail for multiple email addresses

This chapter explains how to take the basic email synchronization setup for Windows Mail to the next level with multiple email addresses. You will be guided through renaming your My Mail (IMAP) account and adding accounts to send email via your own outgoing mail server and via Gmail's outgoing mail server. You will change the setup of Windows Mail so only one account downloads email, ensure sent emails are stored and finally you will create multiple signatures and learn how to write and reply to emails. At the end of the chapter we will draw your attention to a few known issues using Windows Mail with Easy-Email for multiple email addresses. In this chapter: Refresh the folder list from Gmail Rename the My Mail (IMAP) account to Gmail Add account to send email via your own outgoing mail server Add account to send email via Gmail's outgoing mail server Set the default account Create multiple signatures Write emails Reply to emails Known issues

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Finishing Touches

Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Optimize your settings -

7 Optimize your settings

When you have completed the Easy-Email setup there are a some things you should be aware of. A few things work in a slightly different way than you might expect, and you need to make some choices as to how you would prefer to work. In this chapter: Downloading emails for offline use (page 55) Deleting messages and the Gmail All Mail folder (page 57) Using the Gmail Spam filter for all your messages (page 58) Why is my unread count different in my email client and on Gmail? (page 58) Storage space on Gmail (page 58) Turn off your old email and stay with Easy-Email (page 59) Turn off Easy-Email and stay with your old email setup (page 60)

7.1 Downloading emails for offline use

What do you want to have available offline? All your emails will be stored on Gmail from now on. You can choose which emails to have a local copy of on your computer(s) by adjusting the Synchronization Settings. If you do not have many emails or if you have plenty of disk space on your computer you can safely download all emails to each email client. This will be the case for most people. When you download emails they will be available offline. So if you like to do your email on the bus in the morning this is the way to go. Synchronize before you go to work and then you can read and reply to your emails on the bus. Once you get an internet connection again your emails will automatically be synchronized with Gmail. Easy! If you have a large number of emails you can select certain folders to download for offline use. Some Wallet-PCs and netbooks have limited disk space for instance. We recommend that you work with the following settings:

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Optimize your settings Folder Inbox All Mail Synchronization Option Comment All Messages Don't Synchronize Hmm... yes, you guessed it: your inbox Contains your messages archive. See Deleting messages and the Gmail All Mail folder on page 57 for more details. Drafts Sent Mail Spam All Messages All Messages All Messages Draft messages. Includes draft messages composed on other email clients. Useful! Sent Mail. Also very useful if you need to remind yourself what you have told people. Why synchronize the spam folder? Because you want to see if any real mails end up in the spam filter. It does happen occasionally even with the best spam filters! These are the messages marked with a flag or a star because you want them to get special treatment. Useful to synchronize in case you ever need to pull something back up from the trash can. These are the folders you create to organize your email. You may not need to synchronize all folders on all email clients. For instance you might leave out work folders on your home computer.


All Messages


All Messages

Personal folders All Messages

In the guide for each email client we have described where to adjust the Synchronization Settings. For Windows Mail you can find the instructions in Download emails to Windows Mail for offline use on page 98. For other email clients please see the corresponding documentation. The options are generally: Don't Synchronize -> Do not download messages. You can only see the content of the folder in Gmail. All Messages -> Download all messages and their contents to the computer. You can then read and respond to messages offline. New Messages Only -> Only download messages arriving from now on. Headers Only -> Only download the subject and sender information, not the message contents. The contents can only be accessed when you are connected to the internet and will be downloaded if you click on the message.

Tip! On Gmail you can hide the All Mail folder from your all of your email clients in one go. See Hide the All Mail folder from other email clients on page 73 for more information.

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7.2 Deleting messages and the Gmail All Mail folder

Gmail's system for managing and searching for emails is very efficient however it may take a bit of getting used to if you do not know it. Gmail works with the concept of labels. Labels correspond to folders on other email clients. When an email is received, Gmail automatically labels it 'Inbox'. When you read your email you might want to add another label, say 'Work' for example. Doing this will make the message appear under both the Inbox and Work labels. In other words, an email can have more than one label, which means it exists in more than one folder if you're comparing it to other email clients. In Gmail you can Archive a message or you can Delete it. Archiving a message basically just removes the Inbox label. The message still exists in the All Mail folder and you can still search for it. It's a great way of cleaning up your Inbox. Deleting a message moves it to the Trash folder, where it will wait for 30 days before it is finally deleted. This gives you some time to change your mind.

On an email client other than Gmail, pressing Delete will remove the email from the current folder. If an email exists in more than one folder it will still appear in the other folders. In other words pressing Delete is the same as archiving in Gmail. If you do want to send an email to the trash can you may do so by dragging the email to the Trash folder under [Gmail].

So the All Mail folder has a copy of every email you have sent or received apart from the emails you have sent to the trash can. You can also change this behavior so an email is automatically moved to the Trash instead of the All Mail folder. Read this article for more information: How to delete Gmail IMAP emails. If you wish to access the All Mail folder offline you will need to synchronize it for offline use. However you will most likely have all the messages you need in your Inbox, Sent Mail and your personal folders. Google has a great article on How do actions sync in IMAP?

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7.3 Using the Gmail Spam filter for all your messages
Since you are now receiving all your email messages through Gmail, their spam filter will automatically catch any baddies coming in. Gmail's spam filer is extremely good. Effectively this means you do not have to purchase a separate spam filter. Once you decide to stay with Easy-Email you can turn off your email clients spam filter. You will find the instructions for how to do this in the appendix if this is relevant for your preferred email client. This is only relevant for some email clients, like Outlook and Windows Live Mail. For other email clients such as Thunderbird this is not relevant. If you occasionally do find a spam message in your Inbox you can mark the message as spam by dragging it into the [Gmail]/Spam folder. Gmail will pick it up from there.

You should make a habit of regularly verifying that the emails in the [Gmail]/Spam are really spam messages every now and again a real email ends up in the spam folder. If this happens you can mark it as not spam in Gmail and it will be moved back to your inbox. On your email client you can drag the message from the spam folder to any other folder and it will also mark the message as not spam. Tip! It is a good idea to save the email addresses of newsletters and mailing lists that you are expecting to receive in your Contacts. That way Gmail recognizes them as wanted emails.

7.4 Why is my unread count different in my email client and on Gmail?

Gmail organizes emails in threads. In some email clients threads are called conversations. Therefore Gmail looks at the unread count in a slightly different way than other email clients. Don't worry you still have all your emails.

7.5 Storage space on Gmail

If you find you are running out of space on Gmail you have a lot of emails! They give you 7.5Gb of space for free. Fortunately it is easy to buy more Gmail space... in Gmail go to Settings Accounts and Import Add additional storage for the details.

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7.6 Turn off your old email and stay with Easy-Email
You need to: Tell Gmail to remove downloaded email from the mailbox Turn off your old way of downloading emails Change your email forwarding addresses

7.6.1 Tell Gmail to remove downloaded email from the mailbox

For each email address where Gmail is picking up the emails you need to tell Gmail to remove downloaded email from the mailbox. This ensures you will not run out of space. For your webmail addresses we recommend that you still leave email on the server. To have Gmail remove downloaded emails follow these steps: Go to Settings Accounts and Import and click edit info. Uncheck Leave a copy of retrieved messages on the server. Click Save Changes.

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7.6.2 Turn off your old way of downloading emails

If you are using Windows Mail you can find the instructions for how to do this in Turn off an email account on page 105. Otherwise please refer to the corresponding document for the email client you are using.

7.6.3 Change your email forwarding addresses

Gmail only collects email from your mailboxes once per hour. If you have email addresses forwarding mail to your other mailboxes you might want to change the forwarding address to be your Gmail address instead. This will ensure your email arrives as soon as possible.

7.7 Turn off Easy-Email and stay with your old email setup
We would love to hear why you do not think Easy-Email is for you! Please send us an email at and tell us what we can do to make this work better for you. Turning off Easy-Email is very easy to do: If you are using Windows Mail you can find the instructions for how to do this in Turn off an email account on page 105. Otherwise please refer to the corresponding document for the email client you are using. Remember to turn off all the accounts you might have created with Easy-Email, and ensure that your old account is turned on.

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8 Now what?
Make sure you sign up for news and updates at so we can keep you informed. We continue to develop and search for improvements for these guides and we often send out free bonuses or tips that will be very useful.

Now your email life is really simple! You can access your work emails from home, your home emails from an internet cafe, your hotmail emails from Outlook, your Outlook emails from Gmail... it's brilliant! Have fun! You probably recall that we designed the Easy-Email instructions so you will keep the old way of working with your email active while you try out the new solution. It does mean that you will be downloading your emails twice until you decide which solution to keep. Remember! Once you are comfortable that Easy-Email works for you, you can turn off the old way of getting your emails. See Turn off your old email and stay with Easy-Email on page 59 and Turn off Easy-Email and stay with your old email setup on page 60 for specific instructions on how to do this. And don't forget to send us feedback and testimonials on how it's helped you in your life. Just click on the feedback link in the footer. We review all feedback and incorporate comments and suggestions to improve the quality of our products and website. Thanks!

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8.1 Donations gladly accepted!

The Easy-Email Essential solution makes your life a lot easier. Even if you do not need the Advanced Guide you can still help us to extend Easy-Email to include more email clients and other useful guides such as Calendar Synchronization etc. How much is the Essential Guide worth to you? How much easier is your life after Easy-Email? Only you know, so feel free to donate an amount of your choice to support the further development of Easy-Email.

You can also help by spreading the word to your friends. Click the link in the footer, and we will write the email for you. Of course you can change the text before you send the email and you choose who to send the email to.

8.2 Simplify your email life even further with the Advanced Guide 8.2.1 What is in the Advanced Guide?
This video shows the Advanced setup using Gmail and Thunderbird: The result is the same in any other email client so it's worth a look! With the Easy-Email Advanced Guide you can: Work with all your email addresses in one window with one login No need to log in to different webmail clients No need to install more than one email program on your computer Work with all your email from all your email addresses on your mobile device

Give each email address its own inbox and outbox Respond to email using the correct email address and signature automatically (most but not all email clients, see known issues) Backup all your email with one program

After John has completed the Easy-Email Advanced Guide his Gmail looks like this:

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John has three separate inboxes for his Gmail address, work address and personal address. He can also organize his emails in To Do and To Read sections. John is managing three different email addresses in one window with one login. Note! In most email clients the inboxes, sent mail and personalized folders are shown in list form.

With the Easy-Email Essential setup, sent email may appear as sent 'on behalf of' or with 'sender' information depending on which email client the recipient is using. The Advanced Guide shows you how to set up your sent email so that, even while working in Gmail, your email is in fact sent via your own mail server!

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail -

9 Appendix: Gmail
This appendix has more information on Gmail and how it works with Easy-Email. In this appendix: Backup and restore your emails Hide the All Mail folder from other email clients Export contacts Import contacts Create a signature Backup your Google Calendar Restore your Google Calendar Backup Google Docs

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9.1 Backup and restore your emails

Important! The method described here is the recommended way to backup your emails when you have setup Easy-Email. When you use a new method of backup for the first time it is important to verify that you can restore your precious data again. Consider creating a temporary Gmail account to test the backup and restore function.

There are a number of different backup programs available. And since we promised you did not have to buy any software we will start with the free software first. Gmail Backup, which runs on both Windows and Linux, is our preferred option. Get it here: Note! Gmail-Backup has some limitations on label names. No special characters are allowed. IMAPSize is another free option, but it only runs on Windows. Get it here: Note! We have experienced some difficulties restoring data with this program. If you choose this program make sure you test the restore function. has both a free and a paid for version. It runs on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac. A commercial solution is Gmailkeeper. It runs on Windows only. Get it here: A rather technical solution for Apple Mac can be found here.

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9.1.1 Backup your emails in Gmail using Gmail Backup

The instructions here are for Windows, but the Linux version is virtually identical. If you do use another platform please check our web site for the latest backup instructions. To get your backups going on Windows follow these steps: If you have hidden your All Mail folder as described in Hide the All Mail folder from other email clients on page 73 you should unhide it before you start the backup. Download Gmail-Backup here: Download the .exe file for Windows. You have to scroll down to find the link.

When the download is complete install Gmail Backup by executing the downloaded file. Follow the instructions and keep all default values. The installation creates an icon for Gmail Backup on the desktop. Double click the icon to start the program.

Specify your Gmail login and Gmail password. For Server enter Select your preferred backup folder and give the backup file a name. Tip! The naming of the file: is not a coincidence. The date format will ensure that your backup files are listed in date order and the .zip file - 68 Send us feedback Buy the Advanced Guide

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail extension tells Gmail Backup to save the backup in a zip file. We do recommend that you create a folder specifically to hold the backup files. Note! If you have been using Gmail for a while you might have to change the date interval to backup all your emails. The date interval can be used to speed up subsequent backups by omitting emails which have been backed up already. Click Backup.

Note! If you see the message below after you click Backup it is because your All Mail folder is hidden. Follow the instructions in Hide the All Mail folder from other email clients on page 73 to

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail unhide the folder before you start the backup

When you see the message below the backup is complete.

Hide the All Mail folder again as described in Hide the All Mail folder from other email clients on page 73.

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9.1.2 Restore your emails to Gmail using Gmail Backup

To restore your emails from a backup follow these steps: Start Gmail Backup.

Gmail Backup remembers your Gmail login and the name of the last backup file. Enter your password. Verify that the name of the backup file is correct. Click Restore.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail When you see the message below the restore is complete.

Tip! You can backup from one Gmail account and restore to another Gmail account. This can be useful if you want to test the restore function or if you want to move emails from one Gmail account to another Gmail account.

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9.2 Hide the All Mail folder from other email clients
The All Mail folder in Gmail is your email archive. This is where your emails are stored when you remove them from the Inbox unless you explicitly delete them. Apart from when you want to backup your emails you have no need for this folder. That is, you do not need to synchronize this folder for offline use. The exception is if you are using Thunderbird 3, which has an archive feature that works with the Gmail All Mail folder. If you wish to make use of that feature you need to enable the All Mail folder. Otherwise you will not be able to access the archive from Thunderbird. One option is to deselect the All Mail folder in your email clients when you configure them for email synchronization. Instructions for this option are in the guides for each email program. Another option is to hide the All Mail folder in Gmail. You just need to do this once and the folder will be hidden in all email programs. Follow these steps: Log in to your Gmail account. Click Settings at the top right hand corner of the page.

Click the Labs tab.

Find the Advanced IMAP Controls lab feature and click Enable.

Click Save Changes.

Click Settings Labels. A new option has been added for each label: Show in IMAP. For All Mail untick this option.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail Now the All Mail folder will not be made available for download for offline usage. Important! Before making a backup from Gmail you need to enable All Mails via IMAP again. Otherwise you will not be backing up your email archive.

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9.3 Export contacts

It is easy to copy the contacts you have stored on Gmail to other email clients. You simply export them from Gmail and import them on the other email client. With some email clients you can automatically synchronize contacts with Gmail. This is true with Thunderbird for example. Visit the web site for the latest information or see the documentation for your preferred email client. To Export your contacts, i.e. send them from Gmail to another email program: In the main Gmail window click Contacts.

In the contacts window click Export. Select Outlook CSV as the output format. Then click Export.

Save the file in a place where you can find it again.

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9.4 Import contacts

It is easy to copy the contacts you have stored on another email client into Gmail. First you export them from the other client, then you import them into Gmail. With some email clients you can automatically synchronize contacts with Gmail. This is true with Thunderbird for example. Visit the web site for the latest information or see the documentation for your preferred email client. To import contacts: In the main Gmail window click Contacts then Import. Browse to the file you wish to import and click Import.

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9.5 Create a signature

To create a signature: Click on Settings. Under the General tab, enter the signature.

Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

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9.6 Backup your Google Calendar

To back your Google Calendar follow these steps: Log in to your Google Calendar at

Under My calendars click Settings.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail Click Export Calendars.

Save the file in a safe place, which you include in your normal backup of your computer (you do backup, right?).

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9.7 Restore your Google Calendar

Unfortunately restoring your Google Calendar is not easy. There are a couple of technical challenges you face when you want to re-import your calendar. Google Calendar can be difficult when it comes to re-importing events that have been deleted. Surprisingly it actually refuses to import them. You will get the message: Failed to import events: Some of the events in this file were not imported because you had imported them to Google Calendar before. Other events in this file have been imported..

9.7.1 Unpacking the backup file

Google Calendar is helpful when you backup your calendar. It automatically zips it for you to save space. However you cannot import the zip file again to Google Calendar. If you try you will get the following error:

Inside the zip file you will find an xxx.ics file. Extract this file to your file system. The xxx.ics file can be imported to Google Calendar.

9.7.2 Restoring from a total loss of calendar data

If you have suffered a total loss of calendar data your best option is to create a new calendar and use that one in the future. This will allow you to import all your calendar data from your backup file. Follow these steps:

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail Under My calendars click Settings.

Click Create new calendar.

Give your calendar a name and click Create Calendar.

Your new calendar show up in the list. Click Settings.

Click Import calendar.

Browse to your .ics file. Important! Make sure you select your .ics file not the .zip file. Select your new calendar, in John's case this is My new calendar.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail Click Import.

Your backup file is imported. Click Close.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail And your new calendar has all the appointments from your backup file.

Optionally you can delete your old calendar.

9.7.3 Restoring from a partial loss of calendar data

If you have only lost parts of your calendar data you can restore your data to a new calendar and then selectively copy appointments back to your primary calendar. Follow these steps: Under My calendars click Settings.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail Click Create new calendar.

Give your calendar a name and click Create Calendar.

Your new calendar show up in the list. Click Settings.

Click Import calendar.

Browse to your .ics file. Important! Make sure you select your .ics file not the .zip file. Select your new calendar, in John's case this is My new calendar.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail Click Import.

Your backup file is imported. Click Close.

Make sure both calendars are selected under My Calendars. As you can see here, entries in blue are on the primary calendar and entries in green are on the new calendar. As the Lunch with the boss appointment is shown in green

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail only, it has been deleted from the primary calendar.

To restore the lunch appointment click on the appointment. Then click More Actions Copy to

Click Save to add the appointment to your primary calendar.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail And your appointment is restored.

Repeat for any other appointments you wish to restore. Optionally you can delete the new calendar when you are finished.

9.8 Backup Google Docs

If you have documents stored in Google Docs this is the way to back them up. Open Google Docs. Select one item. It does not matter which item you select.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Gmail Click More actions Export...

Select the All items tab. Click Download. Note! The export is limited to 2GB. If you have more than 2GB of documents you have to repeat the export process. Select groups of documents, that are less than 2GB in size.

Google Docs zips your files and the download will begin once the zipping process is complete. Save the file in a safe place.

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Appendix: Windows Mail

Backup and restore your emails (page 89) Backup your emails in Windows Mail (page 89) Restore from backup in Windows Mail (page 94)

This appendix has more information on Windows Mail and how it works with Easy-Email. In this appendix:

Download emails to Windows Mail for offline use (page 98) Copy old emails to Gmail from Windows Mail (page 100) Turn off an email account (page 105) Turn off the spam filter (page 106) Export contacts from Windows Mail (page 108) Import contacts into Windows Mail (page 111) Create a signature in Windows Mail (page 114) Group emails by thread in Windows Mail (page 115) How to find your mail server settings (page 116) Remove extra folders in Gmail (page 121) Tell Windows Mail not to save a copy of outgoing emails (page 122)

10.1 Backup and restore your emails

It is easy to backup and restore your emails with Windows Mail. Important! This way of backing up your emails is not suitable for IMAP. Once email synchronization is set up you will need to use a different system of backup. Refer to Backup and restore your emails on page 67 for instructions on how to backup your emails with EasyEmail.


Backup your emails in Windows Mail

Follow these steps:

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Go to File Export Messages.

Select Microsoft Windows Mail. Click Next.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Select a folder to store the backup in. We recommend that you create a new folder. We created a folder in the Documents folder called Mail Backup. Within that folder we created another folder with a name of today's date. You can create the folders after you click Browse. Note! There is a bug in Windows Mail, so sometimes you will have to browse to the directory twice before the path to the folder is correct. Verify the folder before you continue. Click Next.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Select which folders to backup. Click Next.

Your messages are exported.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Click Finish.

You will probably want to export your contacts too. See Export contacts from Windows Mail on page 108 for instructions.

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Restore from backup in Windows Mail

Should you need to restore your emails again follow these steps: Go to File Import Messages.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Select Microsoft Windows Mail 7. Click Next.

Select the location where your backup is stored. Click Next.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Select which folders you wish to import. Click Next.

Your messages are restored.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Click Finish.

Your restored messages are located in the Imported Folder. You can now drag and drop folders and individual messages in to your main email account.

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10.2 Download emails to Windows Mail for offline use

All your email is now stored on Gmail. Windows Mail works as you are used to, however it will synchronize with Gmail instead of downloading emails. You can choose to download a copy of your emails so you can work offline as well. This means you will be able to read and respond to emails when you are on a plane or a train for instance. Once you get an internet connection again your emails will be sent. You can choose which emails to have a local copy of on your computer by adjusting the Synchronization Settings. See Downloading emails for offline use on page 55 for a discussion of these settings. In the Windows Mail main window click on the account you wish to change the settings for, for example My Mail (IMAP). This is where you can modify the Synchronization Settings for each folder.

The options are: Don't Synchronize -> Do not download messages. You can only see the content of the folder in Gmail. All Messages -> Download all messages and their contents to the computer. You can then read and respond to messages offline. New Messages Only -> Only download messages arriving from now on. Headers Only -> Only download the subject and sender information, not the message contents. The contents can only be accessed when you are connected to the internet and will be downloaded if you click on the message. - 98 Send us feedback Buy the Advanced Guide

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Important! Uncheck the [Gmail] folder. It does not contain any messages and will give you a warning when you do Send/Receive. If you have any other folders which only hold other folders uncheck them here.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Note! The error message you get if you do not unchek [Gmail].

10.3 Copy old emails to Gmail from Windows Mail

If you have your old emails stored in Windows Mail you will probably want to copy them to Gmail. This will make the emails available to any client you synchronize with Gmail. This is easy to do. Unfortunately you will have to do it manually one folder at a time.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Go to your old inbox.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Press Ctrl and A to select all the messages.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Right click on the messages and select Copy to Folder... (or Move to Folder if you do not want to keep a copy of your messages in your old folders).

Select the Inbox in My Mail (IMAP) and click OK.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Your messages are copied across.

If the folder does not already exist in the My Mail (IMAP) folder you need to create a new folder first. Unfortunately you cannot simply drag a folder across. Once you do a Send/Receive your changes are synchronized with Gmail and can be seen online too.

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10.4 Turn off an email account

Initially you setup email synchronization without making changes to your old email setup. This allows you to try out Easy-Email without affecting the way you used to manage your email. When you have decided which solution is right for you, you need to turn off either your old email setup or the Easy-Email setup. This section explains how to turn off an email account. In this example we show how John turns off his old account. In this context an email account is simply the settings in Windows Mail you use for downloading your emails. Turning off an account just means you will stop downloading emails the way you used to. You can always come back at a later time and turn the account back on again should you wish to do so. Follow these steps: Click on Tools -> Accounts. Select the email account and click Properties.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Uncheck Include this account when receiving mail or synchronizing. Click OK.

Click Close. Note! If you are turning off your old email setup to stay with Easy-Email please continue with Turn off the spam filter on page 106.

10.5 Turn off the spam filter

Gmails spam filter will examine all your incoming email. This means you can turn off the Windows Mail spam filter. Follow these steps:

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Click Tools Junk E-mail Options...

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Select No Automatic Filtering. Click OK.

10.6 Export contacts from Windows Mail

It is easy to copy the contacts you have stored on Windows Mail to Gmail or other email clients. To Export your contacts:

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Go to File Export Windows Contacts.

Select CSV (Comma Separated Values) Click Export.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Choose a file name and location. Click Next.

Optionally modify which fields to export. Generally the default settings are fine. Click Finish.

Your contacts are exported.

The resulting file can now be imported into Gmail or another email client.

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10.7 Import contacts into Windows Mail

It is easy to copy the contacts you have stored on another email client into Windows Mail. First you export them from the other client, then you import them into Windows Mail. To Import your contacts: Go to File Import Windows Contacts.

Select CSV (Comma Separated Values). Click Import.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Browse to the file you wish to import. Click Next.

Optionally change the field mapping. Generally the default settings are fine. Click Finish.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Your contacts are imported.

Your contacts can now be used in Windows Mail.

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10.8 Create a signature in Windows Mail

To create a signature follow these steps: Go to Tools Options. Select the Signatures tab.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Click New... Enter the text for your signature. Click Add signatures to all outgoing messages. Optionally change the setting for Don't add signatures to Replies and Forwards. Click OK.

And your new signature is working.

10.9 Group emails by thread in Windows Mail

Gmail organizes emails in threads. Responses to an email are grouped with the original email making it easy to follow an entire conversation. In Windows Mail email threads are called conversations.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail To view messages in conversation order go to View Current View Group Messages by Conversation.


How to find your mail server settings

Go to Tools Accounts...

Follow these steps to find the current settings for your mail server:

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Select the email account you wish to view the details for. Click Properties.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Click the Servers tab. Make a note of the details in this window. Click Settings...

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Make a note of the settings in this window. Click OK.

Click on the Advanced tab. Make a note of the details in this window.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Click Cancel.

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Remove extra folders in Gmail

After you finish setting up your email you might see four extra folders in Gmail.

These extra folders will appear if you synchronize with Gmail before the manual modification of the configuration file has been completed. The folders can easily be removed by clicking Settings in the top right hand corner, then Labels.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail For each extra folder click on remove to delete the folder.


Tell Windows Mail not to save a copy of outgoing emails

Gmail saves sent mail for us automatically. We will now stop Windows Mail from saving another copy locally. Follow these steps:

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Click Tools Options.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Windows Mail Click on the Send tab. Uncheck Save copy of sent messages in the 'Sent Items' folder.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: How to find the information you need -

11Appendix: How to find the information you need

This appendix has more information on how you can find the information about your current email configuration you need to complete the Easy-Email setup. Note! If you are not given any information about the port numbers and whether SSL is enabled or not assume your settings are the same as for our sample user, John Doe. In this appendix: Check the setup in your current email program Search on Google Visit Contact your email provider

11.1 Check the setup in your current email program

If you have an email program already setup with the email address you want to use with EasyEmail you can get the settings from there. If you do not know where to find your settings see How to find your mail server settings on page 116.

11.2 Search on Google

Go to Google and search for the name of your email provider + email pop settings. For example if you use Bigpond then you would search for Bigpond email pop settings.

Often the first result will have the information you need.

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In this case there is no information for port number and SSL, so assume the port number is 110 and that SSL is not enabled. This is a very common setup.

11.3 Visit

If you are using a well known email provider our web site might have the information for you. Look in the forum, and if you have no luck you can always post a question there.

11.4 Contact your email provider

If you have not found the settings using the methods above it is time to contact the help desk of your email service provider.

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Easy-Email Essential Guide To Windows Mail - Appendix: Understanding sending and receiving emails -

12 Appendix: Understanding sending and receiving emails

To get this chapter please buy the Advanced Guide. We have included the table of contents here for your information.

This appendix describes how email sending and receiving works in relation to Easy-Email. In this chapter: Understanding the three different ways of receiving emails Emails sent to our Gmail address Emails forwarded from another email address to our Gmail address Emails we have Gmail pick up from our other mailboxes So which option should I choose?

Understanding the six different ways of sending emails Outgoing mail server what it is and what your options are Sending emails using the Gmail mail server Sending emails from Gmail using your own mail server

Sending emails Using your email client to send email via the mail server of your email address Using Gmail to send email from your Gmail address Using Gmail to send email from a personalized email address via the Gmail mail server Using Gmail to send email from a personalized email address via the mail server of your email address Using your email client to send email from a personalized email address via the Gmail mail server Using your email client to send email from a personalized email address via Gmail and the mail server of your email address

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