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“ 10 De Maio” Of Chicuque Secundary School

Stream:03 Grade:11
Work of English language


 João Artur N o31

 Milton Atanásio No 45
 Narciso Miz No47
 Samiro Antônio No52
 Suait Elves No 55

WHO ARE WER.............................................................................................................................5

The work bellow we will represent something about the topic: who are we, we will
explain it expressing the identity.

Who are we it is the topic that we will represent here showing some aspects that we
make to understand basically what is it,we will show too some test expressing this

This expression is related basically to show the identity, mean, expressing where
something is native. In this context we can consider that in mean and native of
something we can find the individualization of it.

For example as well we can see the text:

1. The name Mozambique is believed to have come from the Swahili

Musa al big, the name of an ancient Arab sheikh (chief), who lived on
the northern Ilha de Moçambique. Swahili grew out of a hybrid culture
that was created when Arab traders made their way down the fast
African coast and mingled with the African peoples. This culture and
Swahili language still predominate in several East African countries and
have a strong influence in northern Mozambique.
2. Mozambique, on the south-eastern coast of Africa, covers an area of
799.380 km2. It has northern borders with Tanzania, Malawi and
Zambia, southern borders with South Africa and Swaziland and western
borders with Zimbabwe. The Mozambique channel flows along its east
coast.The great Zambezi river runs west to east and cuts the country
into northern and southern regions. Mozambique s terrain ranges
from rain forests and swamps to mountains, grasslands, sand dunes
and beaches.
3. In 2012, Mozambique`s total population was 25.2 million people. From
roughly sixty difference ethnic groups, there are nine major ones. The
largest ethnic group, the Makua-lomwe, is in the north and acconts for
about half the population. Further north is the Makonde near the coast
and the yao near Lake Malawi. Southern tribes includethe Tsonga, the
Karanga, the Chopi, the Shona and Nguni. About three per cent of the
population is European, Indian, Chinese, Pakistani and mulatto (mixed
African and European or Asian).
4. Mozamique was colonised by Portugal and official language is still
Portuguese. After independence in 1975, FRELIMO wanted to replace
the colonial languages but no other languages was spoken by the
majority. In the north of Mozambique, the dominant languages are the
Bantu languages of Yao and Makua, while in the Zambezi Valley, shona
and Nyanja are spoken, while along the northern coast, many people
speak wahili.

As well we can consider that we did read , it show identification of Mozambique.

Where we can see some dances traditional, languages, location of Mozambique.
we conclude that the topic who are we is related to express the identity of some
being alive or things.

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