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Hot Reflection

After each lesson you teach, take 5-10 minutes to write down your initial feelings and
thoughts about the lesson.

Write your Hot Reflection here:


Nervousness is always the feeling that comes and stays. As the class goes on and students are responding
well to this, that feeling is going away. I think this class has been the best so far. I strongly believe that
learners did learn the vocabulary studied in class. That is seen through the fluency stage. It rocked on!
Learners, as I observed, were able to share their thoughts on the recipe and the ingredients they will make.
I was glad to see how Rafael and Byron were able to help others, specially Yorleny and Claudia, and see
the progress in them and how they are capable of saying words. I felt great.

What puzzles me is I want to know how the beginning of the class went, at the beginning, I was
convinced that it was more Teacher centered than student centered, so the challenge for next class is to
make this the other way around.

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