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Sophia Christle L.

dela Cruz


Activity: Speech Writeshop


Topic: Technologies inside the school
Title: Technologies: A solution to a better Education (TEACHnology)
Purpose: To instill in students and teachers the importance of technology-based
education as a means of improving our country's education system.
Thesis Statement: For the past years, a lack of effective learning and teaching
techniques has hampered the lives of every student and teacher. As a result, the
educational system implemented technology-based education as a solution to this
problem. Students and teachers are then given cutting-edge technologies to help
them improve their learning and teaching methods.

Hook or Grabber statement: “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our
children of tomorrow”-John Dewey.

Main Idea 1: To promote technology-based education in order to improve our
country's educational system.
Supporting Details: Over time, students and teachers in our country have made
demands for a better educational system. They have complained that books and/or
printed materials are insufficient to meet every student's academic needs. They also
stated that student-teacher engagement has decreased as a result of monotonous
learning and teaching methods. According to the quotation, we should not confine the
children to the past because they were born in another era. Even in the field of
education, the modern world has had an impact on our lives. Previously, it was
prohibited to use technology on school grounds, but because the world is constantly
changing, we can't help but go with the flow of the change that is happening to our
world. As a result, the educational system offered technology-based education. And it
is now evident how this new educational system has helped to improve student-
teacher interaction. It also created a more exciting teaching and learning method.
Example: Teachers can now create a more personalized learning environment for all
types of students by utilizing these cutting-edge technologies. For example, students
with disabilities can now use assistive technologies to catch up with their teacher's
lessons more easily.
Supporting Details: This new approach keeps students engaged and productive.
According to reports, technology-based education is beneficial not only to students
but also to teachers.
Main Idea 2: Technology transforms the learning experience of every learner.
Supporting Details: Students have access to a plethora of new opportunities.
Technology enables students to be more creative and connected, from learning how to
make online presentations to learning how to better collaborate across people online.
New technology has revolutionized the way we learn today.
Example: For example, if teachers assign students to create online presentations on a
specific topic, students will use various internet applications to create engaging and
comprehensible presentations. And, as a result of these presentations, their classmates
will be more engaged, interested, and attentive while listening to their presentation.
Supporting Details: With these modern technologies available, students can also
create video presentations, learn coding, and generate their own websites. There are
more entertaining activities or things students can do with technology; these are just
some! Students, explore and augment your knowledge with the power of technology!
Main Idea 3: TEACHnology: Tech played a significant role during COVID-19.
Supporting Details: Teachers and students have faced different hardships during the
pandemic. "How can we continue our education during this pandemic?" "How can we
teach our students if there is COVID?" Technology has an answer to these questions.
Education was continued through the system of blended learning—modular and
online. With the help of technological devices such as laptops and printers, teachers
were able to produce modules as an alternative to books, so students could continue
to acquire knowledge even amid the pandemic. Teachers communicated with their
students using internet applications such as Google Meet and Zoom App to further
elaborate on the contents of the modules.

Example: Face-to-face learning was prohibited in school facilities during the peak of
covid-19. As a result, the educational system considered blended learning modalities
like modular and online learning.
Supporting Details: Technology has been extremely beneficial in this regard; tools
such as printers and laptop computers were used to create and print out modules to be
distributed to students as a means of learning material. Teachers used video
communication platforms to communicate with their students and vice versa.
Students also used communication apps to clarify points or ask questions of their
Summary of Main Ideas: The main ideas discuss the significance of technology in
the educational system. Each concept simply states that students and teachers deserve
to improve their learning and teaching methods, so they implemented technology-
based education.
Re-statement of thesis statement and benefits: Technologies are currently being
developed because they will be useful in the future. Some schools have implemented
"technology-based education," which will assist learners and teachers in providing
better learning and teaching techniques. As stated in the preceding concept, we have
greatly benefited from these technologies; therefore, we must take good care of the
ones we have and ensure that they are used properly and effectively. We can use
technology to improve our country's education system.
Closer, clincher, call to action: "Technology can take our educational world to new
heights—if only we will let it." This quotation encourages us to incorporate
technology into our education in a positive way. Hence, as a student or teacher, how
will these technologies enable you to go beyond the knowledge you have now?

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