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Liberal Democrats

What are their key beliefs – these can be found/summarised from their website and recent election

What happened to the Liberal Democrats in 2010 GE?

Which policy areas was there the greatest debate with the Conservative Government?

How did the coalition work? (who did what jobs?)

How much influence did the Lib Dems exercise?

What happened to the Liberal Democrats in 2015 GE?

What happened to the Liberal Democrats in 2019 GE?

Why do some commentators argue that the Lib Dems are a ‘protest vote party?

Look at - who do they suggest has most chance of unseating your MP?

You may wish to consider:

 By election success versus GE of Lib Dems

 How often do LibDems come second in a constituency? Are they an anti-Tory vote in Tory
seats and anti-Labour votes in labour seats (and people vote for them because they have
next best chance of winning
 Are they more than a protect vote in Elmbridge (Reed’s constituency) – we were a target
seat for the Lib Dems in 2019 – why? What happened? (Same question will Elmbridge ever
get a Labour MP?)

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