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Book review on

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

By Harry McCaughey

Ready Player One is a book based on a supposed dark future the world is
to come to. The theory goes we have over-heated the Earth and that
space has become a very rare thing where human beings live where the
can, even in cars and vans stacked on top of each other.
But in this looming future there is something known as the Oasis. The
Oasis was the brain storm of James Halliday and is a virtual world where
nothing has to make sense and you can do anything or be anyone.
After James Halliday dies the question of
who inherits the Oasis is the problem.
He has no living family and that’s how
the competition begins.
In James Halliday’s Will he leaves a
message for every oasis user which
gives a clue to one of three keys that
are necessary to find to open the final
gate and ‘win’ control of the Oasis.
Wade, the main character spends two
years trying to find the meaning of the
riddle but neat the end of the
competition joins his new friends to
win. Beating the evil IOI industry who
use cheats to try and win James
Halliday’s competition. In the end, Wade barely wins the competition but
shares the prize with his friends.

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