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Energy 258 (2022) 124820

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Optimal sizing of an integrated CHP and desalination system as a

polygeneration plant for supplying rural demands
Ardavan Shahsavari, Mohammad Amin Vaziri Rad, Fathollah Pourfayaz *, Alibakhsh Kasaeian
Department of Renewable Energies and Environment, Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Keywords: Simultaneous production of electricity, heat, and water is a global challenge for rural residential areas. In the
Hybrid energy system present study, techno-economic optimization of a system including PV, wind turbine, generator, battery, and
Polygeneration CHP system alongside brackish water reverse osmosis desalination system is investigated. The proposed poly­
generation hybrid system provides the required loads of a village and health clinic in a rural area with a warm
Combined heat and power
climate. This study aims to find the optimum energy cost of essential rural needs, including required electricity,
heat, and water demands to improve remote areas’ life quality. While previous studies often considered only one
or two of these needs. Several sensitivity analyses based on the different economic and climate conditions are
carried out. The grid breakeven distance, environmental aspects, and the developed hybrid energy system’s
technical performance are analyzed. The results demonstrate that the optimum system, including PV/WT/DG/
CHP/Bat and reverse osmosis desalination unit has COE and NPC equal to 0.236 $/kWh and 428,246 $,
respectively. Also, the CHP unit decreased the annual fuel consumption by about 224 m3/yr. Furthermore, the
proposed hybrid system has a 58.4% lower CO2 emission than conventional natural gas-fired plants and less than
27 km of grid breakeven distance.

difficulties due to rapid population growth around the world [2]. On the
other hand, only 1% of the world’s total water resources can be used as
1. Introduction freshwater, while the rest is in the form of saline water (97%) and frozen
water (2%) [3]. In this regard, using desalination can be an excellent
Electrification to rural and sparsely populated communities with low solution. Water desalination is a process in which salt is separated from
approachability to the national electricity grid is one of the most critical the incoming saline water using special methods so that freshwater can
issues in the world, such that according to the report of the International be consumed for numerous requirements such as drinking, agriculture,
Energy Agency (IEA), in 2019, 15% of the worldwide rural population etc. There are various processes for salt separation from water, but just
has significant difficulties in accessing to electricity [1]. For unraveling two groups are more acceptable, thermal and membrane processes.
this issue, two main strategies are ongoing, including depending on Although, between different technologies related to these two classes,
fossil fuels or moving to a combination of renewable energies. However, Reverse Osmosis (RO) with 65% installed capacity is widely used [4].
due to several negative aspects of fossil fuels employment, such as The combined heat and power (CHP) system is an advantageous
environmental demolition and finitude of these resources, hybridizing structure for the simultaneous production of heat and power from a
various renewable energy resources seems more attractive for some single fuel source in which the generated waste heat is recovered to
countries. In general, a hybrid renewable energy system is an arrange­ create another form of energy. Among the features of the CHP system,
ment of renewable energy resources, conventional energy resources, and higher efficiency, lower fuel consumption, and less greenhouse gas
energy storage devices. Nevertheless, due to the intermittent nature of emissions can be pointed out [5].
renewable energy resources, using conventional energy systems along­ HOMER is a technical and financial optimization tool for on/off-grid
side the storage devices as a supporter ensues in raising reliability and power systems developed by the US National Renewable Energy Labo­
reducing the surplus electricity of hybrid renewable energy systems. ratory (NREL). The main usage of this software is the optimization of the
Access to freshwater for drinking and other purposes is one of the hybrid of multiple energy resources on an hourly basis, based on the Cost
most primary human demands. However, this need faces immense

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Pourfayaz).
Received 3 January 2021; Received in revised form 11 March 2022; Accepted 11 July 2022
Available online 15 July 2022
0360-5442/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

Nomenclature Greek symbols

α1 Constant
A Swept area (m2) αP Temperature coefficient of power (%/◦ C)
C Cost ($) γ Specific labour cost ($/m3)
Cann,tot Total annualized cost ($/y) α0 Constant
CBat Battery charge capacity (kW) σ Hourly self-discharge rate (%)
Celect Energy cost of hybrid energy system ($/kWh) ρ Air density (kg/m3)
Edefferable Deferrable load served (kWh/y) ηBat Battery efficiency (%)
Efromhs Electricity generated by the hybrid system (kWh) ηinv Inverter efficiency (%)
Enon− ren Electrical production by non-renewable energy resources
(kWh/y) Abbreviations
Eprimary Primary load served (kWh/y) Bat Battery
f Inflation rate (%) BWRO Brackish water reverse osmosis
FDG Generator fuel consumption (L/h) CHP Combined heat and power
f PV Derating ratio (%) COE Cost of energy ($/kWh)
GT Incident solar radiation (W/m2) CRF Capital recovery factor
GT, ​ STC Radiation incident in standard test condition (W/m2) DG Diesel generator
IRO Specific capital cost ($/(m3/day)) EDR Electrodialysis reversal
i Real interest rate (%) FC Fuel cell
í Nominal interest rate (%) GA Genetic algorithm
H Produced thermal load (kWh/y) HOMER Hybrid optimization of multiple energy resource
k Cost of the chemicals used in treatment ($/m3) HT Hydrogen tank
n Number of years IC Initial capital
NPV Number of PV panels IEA International energy agency
NWT Number of wind turbines LCOW Levelized cost of water ($/m3)
P Power (kW) MED Multi effect distillation
PDG Power output of diesel generator (kW) MSF Multi stage flash
PDGR Rated capacity of the generator (kW) MVC Mechanical vapor compression
Q Thermal load (kW) NPC Net present cost
Qannual Annual water production (m3/y) PSO Particle swarm optimization
QP Hourly water production (m3/h) PV Photovoltaic
RR Annual replacement rate for the component (%) RF Renewable fraction
T Temperature (◦ C) RO Reverse osmosis
t Time (s) STC Standard test condition
YPV PV rated capacity (%) SWRO Seawater reverse osmosis
V Speed (m/s) TVC Thermal vapor compression
VC Vapor compression
WT Wind turbine

Of Energy (COE) and Net Present Cost (NPC) objectives [6]. In recent results by HOMER software for the first configuration, the optimum
years, some studies have compared HOMER algorithm output to the scenario was 8.3 kW of PV, 1 wind turbine, 4.9 kW of diesel generator,
other well-known optimization algorithms. The HOMER software has 15 units of battery, and 5.29 kW of the converter. Also, the RF, COE, and
indicated comparative optimization speed, sensitivity performance, and water cost were 52.5%, 0.2252 $/kWh, and 1.10 $/m3, respectively. On
reliability compared to other common algorithms such as Particle the other hand, the second optimized configuration included 2.82 kW of
Swarm Optimization (PSO) [7] and Genetic Algorithm (GA) [8]. More­ PV, 3 hydrokinetic turbines, 4.9 kW of diesel generator, 15 units of
over, Sinha and Chandel [6], in a review of software tools for renewable battery, and 0.984 kW of the converter with 98.2% RF, 0.1216 $/kWh
energy systems optimization, concluded that HOMER is highly accurate COE and water cost equal to 0.56 $/m3.
at determining the techno-economic characteristics of an energy system. Atallah et al. [10] performed a simulation by HOMER software to
So far, various studies have been done for the supply of electricity, provide the needed electricity of a RO unit (557.22 kWh/day) with a size
water, heat, and combination of them by several hybrid energy config­ of 100 m3/day by a combination of PV/WT/DG/Bat at Nakhl, North
urations and HOMER optimization tool, which in the following some of Sinai, Egypt. They reviewed 11 different hybrid systems to find opti­
these researches are introduced. Also, a summary of these studies mized configuration, which based on that the optimal system including
alongside other studies based on the country, initial hybrid system, type 160 kW of PV, 50 kW of DG, 39.3 kW of the converter, and 190 units of
of supply (electricity, heat, water, or combination of them), load, COE, lead-acid batteries with RF equal to 93.1%, had a COE and NPC pro­
and Renewable Fraction (RF) of optimum configuration as well as op­ portional to 0.107 $/kWh and 502,662 $, respectively. Also, the carbon
timum hybrid energy arrangement are presented in Table 1. dioxide emission related to the optimized case was 122,897 kg/year.
In some studies, a combination of hybrid energy systems is consid­ Padrón et al. [11] worked on electricity supply of RO autonomous
ered to supply only water as the primary load. For instance, Ibrahim desalination systems (with a capacity of more than 50 m3/day and en­
et al. [9], in a numerical study, investigated the two-hybrid systems ergy consumption equal to 5 kWh/m3) in two islands of the Canary
including PV/Wind Turbine (WT)/Diesel Generator (DG)/Battery (Bat) Archipelago. The results illustrated that for providing of 250 kWh/day
and PV/DG/Hydrokinetic Turbine (HKT)/Bat to provide electricity for a electric load, the PV (5 kW), 1 unit of 30 kW wind turbine, 160 and 200
desalination seawater RO unit with the capacity of 1 m3/h and power units of battery, 10 kW and 15 kW of diesel generator, and 15 kW of
demand equal to 4.38 kW in a city of Egypt. Based on the optimization converter were the optimal structure for Lanzarote and Fuerteventura

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

Table 1
Summary of numerical studies on the supply of primary energy needs using the HOMER optimization tool.
Country Studied hybrid system Supply Load (kWh/ COE RF Optimum hybrid system Ref
day) ($/kWh) (%)

Egypt PV/WT/DG/Bat Water 105.12/ 0.2252 52.5 PV/WT/DG/Bat/RO [9]

Egypt PV/HKT/DG/Bat Water 105.12/ 0.1216 98.2 PV/HKT/DG/Bat/RO [9]
Egypt PV/WT/DG/Bat Water 557.22/ 0.107 93.1 PV/DG/Bat/RO [10]
Canary Archipelago/ PV/WT/DG/Bat Water 250/Electrical 0.404 96 PV/WT/DG/Bat/RO [11]
Canary Archipelago/ PV/WT/DG/Bat Water 250/Electrical 0.478 92 PV/WT/DG/Bat/RO [11]
USA PV/WT/DG/Bat Water 1.8/Electrical 0.174 100 PV/Bat/EDR (Well 1 water at 25 ◦ C and a [12]
2.8/Electrical product flow rate of 26.5 L/min)
USA PV/WT/DG/Bat Water 8.6/Electrical 0.161 100 PV/DG/Bat/RO (Well 1 water at 25 ◦ C and a [12]
product flow rate of 26.5 L/min)
South Africa FC/TLC/Boiler Electricity + 14/Electrical 7.32 R/kWh _ FC/TLC/Boiler [19]
Spain PV/FC/Electrolyzer/HT/ Electricity + 200/Electrical 0.8399 55.8 PV/FC/Electrolyzer/HT/Boiler [20]
Boiler Heat 250/Thermal
Australia PV/WT/MGT/Bat/TLC/Boiler Electricity + 1,338.75/ 0.178 63 PV/WT/MGT/Bat/TLC/Boiler [21]
Heat Electrical
China PV/Wood gas generator/Bat/ Electricity + 2.18/Electrical 0.351 _ PV/Wood gas generator/Bat/Boiler [16]
Boiler Heat 39.5/Thermal
Serbia PV/WT/Biogas CHP/Natural Electricity + 12,000/ <0.04 _ PV/WT/Biogas CHP/Natural gas CHP/ [22]
gas CHP/Boiler/Grid Heat Electrical €/kWh Boiler/Grid
Iran PV/Bat Water _ 0.455 for 100 PV/Bat/RO [23]
Malaysia PV/Bat Water 66/Electrical 0.438 100 PV/Bat/RO [24]
Qatar PV/WT/DG/Bat/Boiler ater 100,000/ 0.145 88 PV/WT/DG/Bat/RO [14]
Maldives PV/WT/DG/Bat Electricity + 298/Electrical 0.437 _ WT/DG/RO [13]
Water 20/Deferrable
Egypt PV/WT/Bat Water 403/Electrical 0.327 100 PV/WT/Bat/RO [25]
Greek island PV/Bat/ORC Water _ _ 100 PV/Bat/ORC/RO [26]
Pakistan PV/DG/Bat/CHP/Grid Electricity + 13,331.07/ 0.049 for _ 2PV/2DG/Grid (with waste heat recovery [15]
Heat Electrical Gilgit unit) for Gilgit
India PV/WT/DG/Bat Electricity 51.54/ 0.179 95.7 PV/WT/DG/Bat [27]
India PV/DG/BG/Bat Electricity 880.74/ 0.222 94.4 PV/DG/BG/Bat [28]

islands. Moreover, the COE, and NPC of optimum cases for Lanzarote 1.375 kW of PV, 9 battery units, and 0.6 kW of the converter with 0.174
and Fuerteventura were equal to 0.404 $/kWh and 0.478 $/kWh, 473, $/kWh as COE, and 3,636 $ as total NPC.
013 $ and 560,247 $. HOMER software is also used to introduce an optimum hybrid energy
As can be seen, based on the reviewed literature, only RO desalina­ system for concurrently water and electricity supply. For instance,
tion unit was used in optimization by HOMER software; however, the Setiawan et al. [13], in an empirical and simulation inquiry, surveyed
following literature also used RO as well as Electro-Dialysis Reversal the system including PV/WT/DG/Bat for supplying a primary (298
(EDR) desalination technology. Karimi et al. [12], in a modeling and kWh/day) and a deferrable (20 kWh/day) load for RO desalination
experimental work in Alamogordo, New Mexico, analyzed the energy system (with 5 m3/day water production) in the Maldives based on the
consumption of EDR and RO under the effect of various temperatures, two scenarios; after and before the Tsunami of 2004. The simulation
flow rates, and water salinities. In addition, WATSYS software and outcomes revealed that after Tsunami, the optimum system for the
WinFlows software modeled the EDR and RO. They applied concurrent supply of electricity and water was WT/DG with the COE,
PV/WT/DG/Bat hybrid energy system for the electricity supply of EDR Initial Capital (IC), and NPC equal to 0.437 $/kWh, 185,900 $, and 632,
and RO desalination units by HOMER based on the results of the 159 $, respectively.
experiment. Simulation of the optimized case for each desalination In [14], HOMER was used to cover the required electric load and
technology was carried out, however for Well 1 water at 25 ◦ C and a water (4800 m3/day) with three different desalination technologies,
product flow rate of 26.5 L/min, the optimum case for RO was 0.5 kW of including RO, Multi-Stage Flash (MSF), and Multi-Effect Distillation
DG, 2.75 kW of PV, 12 battery units, and 1.5 kW of the converter with (MED). The studied hybrid system for RO was PV/WT/DG/Bat, and for
0.161 $/kWh as COE, and 7,337 $ as total NPC. On the other hand, at the the other two desalination devices was PV/WT/DG/Bat/Boiler. The
same condition, the outputs of optimization for EDR were as follows, electric energy for each introduced desalination device was 3 kWh/m3,

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

3 kWh/m3, and 1.5 kWh/m3. Also, the thermal energy for the second 2.1. Location of the study
and third technologies was 14 kWh/m3 and 10 kWh/m3, which were
completely supplied by the boiler. They reported that based on In the current research, the village of Tang-e Sanan with the
comparing the output results between the mentioned three devices, the geographical coordinates of 32◦ 20′ N and 49◦ 34′ E in Khuzestan prov­
NPC of the RO device was approximately 69 M$, which was lower than ince, Iran is selected. According to the latest census by the statistical
the other two devices because it did not require thermal energy. center of Iran in 2016 [29], this village has around 136 residents, equal
On the other hand, some studies investigated the optimization of a to 25 families. Fig. 1 shows the location of the selected place.
hybrid energy structure for concurrently supplying electricity and heat
by the HOMER tool. Some of them are introduced in the following. 2.2. Resources
Waqar et al. [15] investigated a CHP set consisting of
PV/DG/Bat/Boiler (on/off-grid) to provide heat and electricity for six Fig. 2 shows the variations of the different climatic parameters,
cities of Pakistan. The objectives of this study were maximization of the including average solar radiation, ambient temperature, wind speed,
thermal unit’s annual waste heat recovery and annual grid sales and clearness index during an entire year in the Tang-e Sanan village,
alongside minimization of the NPC, COE, and annual greenhouse gas arranged based on NASA’s data center [30]. Fig. 2 (a) demonstrates the
emissions. They reported that between different scenarios, for depreci­ solar radiation, which based on that the highest value is in June equal to
ation of the NPC, and COE, Gilgit city with on-grid configuration 7.74 kWh/m2/day. Furthermore, the annual average of this parameter is
including 2 photovoltaic systems, 2 diesel generators, alongside waste equal to 5.2 kWh/m2/day. Fig. 2 (b) indicates the ambient temperature
heat recovery unit was the optimal case with values equal to 5.79 M$ of the village, which based on that the highest value, is in July equal to
and 0.049 $/kWh, respectively. On the other hand, Lahore was the op­ 30 ◦ C and the annual average is 16.66 ◦ C. On the other hand, based on
timum option (PV/DG/Bat with waste heat recovery) in terms of mini­ Fig. 2 (c), the yearly average wind speed related to this village is 5.1 m/s,
mization of annual greenhouse gas emissions (1,000.214 ton/year). and the highest speed occurs in June (equal to 5.95 m/s).
Finally, Quetta was the optimum case (2 photovoltaic systems, grid, 2
diesel generators, 240 kWh of battery alongside waste heat recovery 2.3. Load profile
unit) in terms of maximization of thermal unit’s annual waste heat re­
covery (2,040,282 kWh) and yearly grid sales (8,322,268 kWh). The Tang-e Sanan village has a low population; therefore, its power
Yuan et al. [16] used an off-grid hybrid system comprising of PV/Bat consumption is not very high. The average electric power consumption
alongside a wood-syngas CHP (combination of a generator and boiler) to and loads’ peak of this village are 200 kWh/day and 35.87 kW. Due to
supply an average electric and thermal loads equal to 2.18 kWh/day and the high need for health facilities in rural areas, a health clinic is
39.5 kWh/day and to reduce greenhouse gas in a rural household of considered to improve residents’ quality of life. Table 2 presents the
China. They reported that between 3 feasible cases, the optimum system power consumption of various devices in a typical rural health center.
with 0.5 kW of PV, 0.65 kW of a wood gas generator, 3 battery units, and On the other hand, by assuming average annual thermal demand based
0.5 kW of a converter had a COE, NPC, and CO2 emission equal to 0.351 on the heating, reheating, and possible steam piping losses (41% of total
$/kWh, 3,572 $, and 6,490 kg/year, respectively. energy consumption of the health clinic [31]), HOMER software simu­
Reviewing the mentioned studies, it is clear that the techno- lates the power consumption profile based on a typical health clinic
economic optimization of a hybrid energy system for the concurrent load. Also, a deferrable electrical load for supplying a water desalination
supply of electricity, heat, and freshwater has not been studied by unit is considered [32]. Due to the hot and dry climate of the Khuzestan
HOMER Pro software. Also, in Ref. [17], various benefits such as lower province, on average, 0.3 m3/day water consumption is assumed for
environmental issues, increasing system performance, and lower ex­ each person, which, based on the population, is converted to 40.8
penses were expressed for multi-energy systems. On the other hand, due m3/day for all residents of the village. The different electrical and
to the low contribution of renewable energy in urban thermal power thermal power consumption profiles are shown in Fig. 3.
supply, applying CHP co-generation units along with hybrid renewable Due to the high potential of burning wood and other local sources,
energy systems can help reach a more environmental-friendly and better the Iranian residential rural areas have not faced serious thermal energy
sustainable energy planning procedure [18]. accessibility problems. The main challenge of these rural areas is the
Accordingly, in the current study, the arrangement of photovoltaic lack of proper access to electricity. However, wood-burning cannot
module, wind turbine, diesel generator, battery, converter, and CHP provide the thermal energy needed by the health clinic because, ac­
package system, alongside brackish water reverse osmosis desalination cording to the World Health Organization (WHO) [33], it will cause
system for the supply of electricity, heat, and water to a remote area and health problems. So the thermal load is just considered for a health clinic
health clinic in Iran is proposed. After optimization of the hybrid to increase the power supply quality to the medical sector and reduce the
renewable energy system, the CHP performance in the best scenario is overall energy wastes of the stand-alone hybrid unit.
investigated. Furthermore, sensitivity analyses on the several effective
parameters such as component capital cost, local economic condition, 2.4. Components specification
and available resources are made to generalize the results to other rural
communities. Finally, the grid breakeven distance is analyzed, and the In this section, related equations and financial information for the
CO2 emissions by different power plants and the proposed system are hybrid energy system, including photovoltaic module, wind turbine,
compared. battery, and converter, are introduced. Table 3 presents the technical
and economic data of components. Table 4 demonstrates the applied
2. System description equations for different components in the hybrid system.

In this section, details of the hybrid energy system, the study’s 2.5. Water desalination technology
location, natural resources, component equations, and power grid
characteristics are discussed. Also, all needed explanations related to the Many technologies have been advanced to desalinate saline water
used parameters in equations are available in the Nomenclature table. It and turn it into fresh and clean water. Generally, desalination technol­
should be noted that for the upcoming explanations, the main difference ogies are classified into two groups: membrane and thermal technolo­
between kW and kWh is that a kW reflects the rate of power generation/ gies; membrane technologies only need electrical energy for working,
usage in each moment, whereas a kWh refers to the total amount of and thermal technologies need thermal and electrical energy. Table 5
energy generated/used in a time period. presents the conventional water desalination technologies based on

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

Fig. 1. Location of the Tang-e Sanan village.

Fig. 2. Potential of natural resources in the location of study. a) Solar radiation (kWh/m2/day) b) Ambient temperature (◦ C) c) Wind speed (m/s) d) Clearness index.

their various characteristics. As can be seen, among different technolo­ hypotonic medium, resulting in the separation of salt and freshwater
gies, reverse osmosis or RO water desalination technology with 65% [44]. Fig. 4 shows a typical reverse osmosis water desalination system.
worldwide installed capacity is more common than other devices. By comparing brackish water desalination devices based on Table 5, it
In general, reverse osmosis is a kind of pressurized filtration, which can be concluded that brackish water reverse osmosis or BWRO device
applies to desalinate water [43]. In this method, the semipermeable has a better condition for utilization. Accordingly, a BWRO device with a
membrane is utilized to pass a solution from a hypertonic medium to a maximum of 2.5 kWh/m3 total electricity consumption and 900

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

Table 2 $/(m3/day) specific capital cost is considered for the current

Power consumption of different devices in a health clinic [34]. investigation.
Devices Quantity Power Operation Power Table 6 presents used equations to calculate the related costs of
(W) hours (Wh/ consumption brackish water desalination device as well as Levelized Cost of Water
day) (kWh/day) (LCOW) by the introduced hybrid energy system. Also, Fig. 5 specifies
Vaccine Refrigerator 2 60 6–12 0.72–1.44
Small Refrigerator 1 300 5 1.5
Centrifuge 1 575 2 1.15 Table 4
Hematology Mixer 1 28 2 0.056 Equations of utilized components for the hybrid energy system.
Lighting 2–3 15 10 0.3–0.45
Sterilizer Oven 1 1,564 1 1.564 Parameter Equation Ref
(Laboratory ( G )[
The output power of the T [39]
Autoclave) PPV = YPV .fPV 1 + αP (TCell −
PV panel GT, STC
Microscope 2 15 5 0.15
TCell,STC )]
Incubator 2 400 2–12 1.6–9.6
The output power of the 1 [40]
Water Bath 1 1,000 2 2 PWT = ρAV3 Ce
wind turbine 2
Communication via 1 _ _ _
Diesel generator fuel FDG = α1 PDG + α0 PDGR [41]
VHF Radio
Stand-by _ 2 12 0.024
Total CHP efficiency P+Q [42]
Transmitting _ 30 2–3 0.06–0.09 ηCHP =
Computer 1–3 _ _ _ [
Power of the battery in CBat (t) = CBat (t − 1) × (1 − σ) + (NPV × [40]
Power Save Mode _ 50 7 0.35–1.05
the charge state ]
In Use _ 150 5 0.75–2.25 Pload (t)
PPV (t) + NWT × PWT (t)) − × ηBat
Printer 1 65 3 0.195 ηinv
Other _ _ _ 1 Power of the battery in [P (t)
load [40]
CBat (t) = CBat (t − 1) × (1 − σ) − −
Total _ _ _ 11.6–22.5 the discharge state ηinv
(NPV × PPV (t) + NWT × PWT (t)) ηBat
The output power of the PInv− out = PInv− in .ηinv [41]

Fig. 3. Different average load profiles of the current study. a) Electric power consumption of the village b) Electric power consumption of the health clinic c)
Thermal power consumption of the health clinic d) Electric power consumption of water desalination system.

Table 3
Details of components prices.
Component Type Rated capacity Capital cost ($) Replacement cost ($) O & M cost ($) Lifetime Ref

PV module Generic flat plate 250 W 1300/kW 1300/kW 20/kW/year 20 years [35]
Wind turbine AWS HC 1.5 kW 3450/unit 2250/unit 60/unit/year 20 years [36]
Battery Lead Acid 1 kWh 300/unit 300/unit 10/unit/year 10 years [37]
Converter Generic 1 kW 300/kW 300/kW 3/kW/year 15 years [38]

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

the share of different items in the capital cost of reverse osmosis water

capacity (%)
installed 2.6. Combined heat and power system


CHP system is an appropriate option for using diesel engine waste

heat to supply thermal load alongside electricity production. Accord­
ingly, in this paper, a CHP package system is used in the hybrid energy
Usual capacities


(m3/day) [43]

system which its capital and maintenance costs are considered to be



1,000 $/kW and 0.13 $/h, respectively [49]. The heat recovery ratio of
diesel engine, which is the heat percentage that can be recovered to
serve the thermal load, is considered equal to 30% [50]. On the other
hand, a boiler is used to burn natural gas to supply remained thermal
demand, which the efficiency of boiler and price of natural gas are 85%
Specific capital or

1,200–2,500 [47]
investment cost

900-2,500 [47]

900-2,000 [47]

608-3,464 [46]
[51] and 0.04 $/m3 [52], respectively. Also, it should be noted that in
700-900 [44]

this study, the price of diesel fuel is considered to be 0.1 $/L [53].
Table 7 demonstrates the characteristics of natural gas and diesel fuels.

2.7. Economic parameters

Water cost ($/m3)

capacities [43]

Various optimization objectives are involved in the study of an

in different

hybrid energy system. The details of each parameter are presented in




Table 8. In this study, the discount rate, the inflation rate, and project

lifetime are considered 15%, 12%, and 20 years, respectively [55].

2.8. Grid optimization

Total electricity

(kWh/m3) [43]



In this study, the national grid’s specifications are used due to the

need to assess the optimal distance of the stand-alone hybrid energy



system from the electricity power grid. Table 9 illustrates the price of

electricity for three levels of consumption. Fig. 6 depicts the grid rate
schedule for 24 hours-12 months. Table 10 presents the amount of CO2
consumption (MJ/

Thermal energy

3. Modeled system
m3) [43]



In the current study, using HOMER software, a stand-alone hybrid



energy system including photovoltaic module, wind turbine, battery,

consumption (kWh/

converter, and CHP system (including diesel generator and boiler) for
Electrical energy

simultaneous electricity, heat, and water supply for a rural community

in Iran, is proposed based on the COE objective. In the CHP system
m3) [43]


performance section, the effect of CHP operation on output power is



The share of all other technologies plus VCs (MVC and TVC) is equal to 4%.


investigated. Also, the most appropriate range for heat recovery ratio is

introduced in this section. The sensitivity analysis section examines the

effect of variation in different parameters such as capital cost and
water quality
(ppm) [43]

electricity consumption of brackish water reverse osmosis desalination




unit on the COE. In the grid breakeven distance optimization section, the




effect of grid extension distance changes against variation in other pa­

rameters such as diesel fuel price and electric load is examined. In the
final part, the CO2 emission by the proposed hybrid system and con­
Comparison of various water desalination technologies.

Ambient [45]

Ambient [45]
Maximum 74

ventional power plants is discussed and compared. Fig. 7 displays the


90-110 [45]
63-70 [45]

proposed configuration of the hybrid energy system, which will be

70 [45]

optimized by the HOMER optimization algorithm.

(◦ C)

4. Results and discussion







In this part, the overall optimization results, the CHP unit perfor­

mance, sensitivity analysis on various parameters, the grid breakeven

distance, and CO2 emission are discussed.
water [45]






4.1. Overall results






Type of






Table 11 presents the overall HOMER software simulation results for

concurrent electricity, heat, and water production by a hybrid energy
Table 5




system alongside brackish water reverse osmosis desalination technol­




ogy. As can be seen, the optimum scenario consists of all the proposed

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

Fig. 4. Reverse osmosis water desalination technology [43] [Reprinted with permission from Elsevier].

Table 6
Equations related to reverse osmosis water desalination technology [48].
Parameter Equation Constants

Total capital cost ($) CRO = 24IRO QP _

Total annual operation and maintenance cost ($) CRO, O & M = CRO, chemicals + CRO, labour + CRO, replacement _
Annual labour cost ($) CRO, labour = 8760γQP γ = 0.05 $/m3
Annual chemicals cost ($) CRO, chemicals = 8760kQP k = 0.03 $/m3
Annual replacement cost ($) CRO, replacement = Cmembrane RRmembrane + Cpump RRpump + Cmotor RRmotor Cmembrane = 40% ​ of ​ RO ​ components ​ cost
Cpump = 15% ​ of ​ RO ​ components ​ cost
Cmotor = 15% ​ of ​ RO ​ components ​ cost
RRmembrane = 20%
RRpump = 10%
RRmotor = 10%
Levelized cost of water ($/m3) CRO CRF + CRO, O & M + Celect Efromhs _

Fig. 5. Share of different costs in total capital cost of RO [48].

renewable and non-renewable systems. In this case, due to the using a

Table 7 10 kW diesel generator, the heat recovery ratio is applied to supply
Characteristics of utilized fuels [54].
considered thermal load of the rural zone by CHP unit; accordingly,
Fuel Price LHV Density Carbon Sulfur 12,222 L and 456 m3 of diesel and natural gas fuels are consumed to
name (MJ/ (kg/m3) content (%) content (%)
provide electrical and thermal loads. In this regard, COE and NPC of
optimal configuration are obtained 0.236 $/kWh and 428,246 $,
Natural 0.04 45 0.79 67 0 respectively. In the second and fourth optimum scenarios, energy costs
gas ($/m3)
are increased due to using a single type of renewable technology
Diesel 0.1 ($/L) 43.2 820 88 0.3 alongside a diesel generator. This suggests that the simultaneous use of
[53] PV and WT is necessary to reduce system costs due to their resources’
intermittent nature.

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

Table 8 installation of more power equipment. This commonly occurs in the

Details of economic parameters. night hours and in the absence of solar resource, when the impact of the
Economic Definition Equation Ref intermittent nature of renewables becomes more pronounced.

Net present The present value of all Cann,tot [56]

cost ($) expenses and revenues CRF(i, n)
over the lifetime of a
hybrid energy system.
Capital A ratio to compute the i(1 + i)n [56]
CRF(i, n) =
recovery present value of an (1 + i)n − 1
factor annuity.
Real discount The real interest rate is iˊ − f [56]
i =
rate (%) applied to compute 1+f
discount factors and
convert between
annualized and one-time
Cost of The average expense per COE = [56]
energy kWh for generated energy Cann,tot
($/kWh) by the hybrid energy Eprimary + Edefferable + EOthers
Renewable The share of the generated ( [57]
RF = 1 −
fraction power by renewable
(%) energy technologies. Enon− ren + Hnon− ren Fig. 6. Grid rate schedule for 24 hours-12 months.
× 100%
Eserved + Hserved

Table 10
On the other hand, in the rest of the scenarios, the diesel generator is
CO2 emission by different sectors.
not considered in the hybrid system; then, electricity is supplied only by
Fuel CO2
renewable systems, which causes the renewable fraction to be in the
highest amount equal to 95.4%. Also, the thermal load is supplied only Diesel generator [59] 801.07 g/kWh
by natural gas fuel, which causes 680 m3 consumption in all related Iran natural gas-fired power plant (grid) [60] 660.65 g/kWh
Standard new and reconstructed natural gas power plants [61] 453.6 g/kWh
cases. While by applying a CHP unit in the hybrid system, the natural gas Standard new coal-fired power plants [61] 635.04 g/kWh
consumption decreases to 456 m3. These results show that due to the Standard reconstructed coal-fired power plants [61] 816.48 g/kWh
reasonable price of energy generation by diesel fuel, the CHP system’s Natural gas boiler [59] 2 g/L
existence reduces costs and plays an essential role in reducing the sys­
tem’s dependence on natural gas for supplying thermal demand.
Due to the high inflation rate in Iran and the limitation of the gov­
ernment budget in the energy infrastructure development, the most
effective decision criterion for the optimization of energy systems to
supply rural areas demands is their affordability. At present, the gov­
ernment’s priority is to use only fossil fuels to supply energy to these
areas. While these results are shown that hybrid energy systems, part of
which consists of renewable sources, can be cost-effective and reliable
for providing demands to rural areas. In fact, these results provide an
applicable proposal from a government perspective.
Fig. 8 shows the demand-supply process by the optimum configu­
ration in a typical week of the project lifetime. The main reason for
introducing this typical week in the autumn is that the weather varies in
the fall, leading to different modes of operation for generator and bat­
teries. Accordingly, the priority of power supply is by renewable com­
ponents such as wind turbines and PV panels. When the generated power
by these resources is not enough to meet the electrical load, the diesel
generator operates to supply the remaining demand. Also, in the sudden
load peaks or when the installed capacities of energy systems are unable
to supply the entire load, the batteries are put into operation to avoid
incurring more costs that can be imposed on the hybrid system by
Fig. 7. Hybrid system configuration.

Table 9
Grid prices based on the level of consumption [58].

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

Table 11
Results of the simulation of proposed hybrid energy systems.
Scenario System PV WT DG Bat Converter COE NPC ($) RF Diesel consumption Natural gas
(kW) (unit) (kW) (unit) (kW) ($/kWh) (%) (L) consumption (m3)

1 PV/WT/ 39.4 20 10 96 20.1 0.236 428,246 45.4 12,222 456

2 PV/CHP/Bat 68 _ 10 142 27.8 0.261 473,559 27.6 16,546 381
3 PV/WT/Bat 106 41 _ 322 39.7 0.362 658,074 95.4 _ 680
4 WT/CHP/ _ 94 10 378 24.6 0.453 822,728 68.8 6,564 519
5 PV/Bat 223 _ _ 569 36 0.463 839,915 95.4 _ 680
6 WT/Bat _ 122 _ 1,261 117 0.835 1.52 M 95.4 _ 680

Fig. 8. Power supply process by the optimum hybrid energy system in a typical week of the project lifetime.

The simultaneous use of the battery bank and diesel generator pre­ flexibility of the power supply process. The next two parameters include
pares more flexibility for the power supply process. In fact, because of the cost of energy and the excess electricity because the main effect of
the need to supply two kinds of electrical load for residential, clinic, and decreasing system flexibility will be visible in increasing these
water treatment units (deferrable load), this flexibility decreases energy parameters.
system costs and leads to more reliable performance. During the diesel The results showed that without applying the deferrable load, the
generator operation, if there is a need for thermal load, the CHP system optimized diesel generator operation hours increased from 4,036 h/year
enters the demand-supply process. On the other hand, the natural gas to 4,352 h/year. Furthermore, the battery bank throughput significantly
boiler will supply the thermal demand if the DG is out of operation. This increased from 7,621 kWh/year to 19,537 kWh/year. These increases
reduces the overall fuel consumption, prevents energy wasting in the are due to the efforts of other equipment to improve the flexibility of the
generator by exhaust heat, and saves costs. system in the absence of the deferrable load. Because the total needed
Quantifying a parameter such as overall hybrid energy system flex­ electricity in the two simulations was constant, and the only difference
ibility cannot be done by a simple equation and maybe need a was the applying of deferrable load. Without applying the deferrable
comprehensive study. But for a better understanding of its role in the load, the hybrid system cost of energy and excess electricity increased
hybrid system, four main parameters that can be affected by the overall about 26% and 7%, respectively, emphasizing the importance of
system flexibility are selected, and they are compared by re-simulating considering the electricity required by the RO unit as a deferrable load.
the optimum scenario without deferrable load. To this end, the defer­ A good sample of difference in mode operation of the hybrid energy
rable load is eliminated from the hybrid configuration, and the needed system can be observed on Sep 27 and 28. On Sep 27, the average
load for the RO unit is added to the primary electrical load. The first two renewable power production is much higher than on Sep 28. In both
parameters are diesel generator annual operation hours and battery cases, the diesel generator will be switched off at sunny hours because
bank annual throughput because traditionally, in off-grid hybrid sys­ the amount of generated renewable energy is sufficient to supply the
tems, these equipment with their flexible operations increase the overall load. But on Sep 27, due to higher total renewable energy generation

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

than demand, the deferrable load is activated at the peak of solar radi­ reaches more than 680 m3/year. The diesel generator operates about
ation to use excess electricity, which has not happened on Sep 28. If 4,036 h/year, and the boiler operates about 4,724 h/year, which in­
during these hours of the day, the total produced renewable energy will dicates the proper interaction of the CHP system in the supply of thermal
be less than the demand (such as Sep 29), the deferrable load is deac­ load. Accordingly, part (b) shows the diesel generator power production
tivated, and the batteries are activated. On the other hand, if the acti­ profile; it is evident that this component works more when the solar
vation of the batteries cannot provide the demand, such as hours of the resource is weak or unable to provide the demand (refer to Fig. 10 (b)
day when there is no solar radiation, the activation of the diesel and Fig. 8). In this case, the CHP unit can supply the thermal load. Part
generator will be a priority due to the lower cost than the batteries. In (c) illustrates the boiler fuel consumption profile; as can be seen, the
fact, the main reason for the difference in the participation of the CHP boiler often operates in the outage hours of the DG unit to supply
system in the supply of thermal load between September 27 to 30 and thermal demand.
October 1 to 4 was the same operation mode difference in the supply of Fig. 11 shows the profit in fuel consumption compared to the CHP
energy from renewable sources. system’s different heat recovery ratios. The estimated values can be seen
Fig. 9 illustrates the Levelized Cost of Water (LCOW) for each in Table 12. Accordingly, the heat recovery ratio of 20% can provide
introduced configuration in Table 11, calculated based on the last more than 33% of the thermal load. This shows that less than a 20% heat
equation in Table 6. As can be seen, scenario 1, which has the most recovery ratio will not be suitable for the proposed hybrid energy sys­
economical cost of energy and total net present cost, also has the lowest tem. More than a 30% heat recovery ratio leads to much more power
Levelized cost of water ($ 0.89 per cubic meter). It can be concluded production, which can be applicable for larger thermal loads. In fact, a
that, according to the LCOW equation in Table 6, due to the constant heat recovery ratio between 20% and 30% can provide proper reliability
value of all parameters except the COE, the cost of energy has a direct for the CHP system against sudden increases in clinical thermal load,
effect on the water cost so that it increases with increasing of COE and such as conditions caused by epidemic diseases. In fact, considering the
decreases with decreasing of COE. thermal consumption profile of the health clinic and also the annual
operation times of the generator, about a 20% heat recovery ratio can
4.2. CHP system performance lead to useful thermal energy generation equal to one-third of total
This section presents the CHP system performance based on its Furthermore, the supplied power by the CHP unit is equivalent to the
output power profile. As can be seen in Fig. 10, the diesel generator is an usage of about 2,893 m3/year natural gas. This profit can be essential for
essential component throughout the year. Based on part (a) of this rural areas with limited fuel access and countries with high natural gas
figure, diesel generator produced power increases in the warm months costs. Due to the importance of this profit, the circles’ area (in Fig. 11)
of the year, which the load peak power consumption is increased due to compares the fuel profit in each possible heat recovery ratio.
the use of cooling devices. On average, PV, WT, and DG generate about
41.2%, 31.7%, and 27.1% of the total power in the optimum scenario. 4.3. Sensitivity analysis
The share of diesel generator participation in the hot months of the year
is about 6% more than in the cold months of the year. Sensitivity analysis is one of the essential methods to investigate the
It should be noted that all of the generated electricity by the diesel effect of variation in input data on the main simulation outputs and
generator is used to supply demand, but the solar panel and wind turbine generalize the results for use in other parts of the world. The most
generate some extra electricity (about 10% in the proposed hybrid en­ important parameters affecting the main objective of optimization
ergy system) due to their dependence on wind and solar sources. Part of (COE) are economic parameters such as the capital cost of power gen­
this surplus power is stored in batteries, and a part of it is considered as eration units, inflation and discount rates, and the potential of local
excess electricity. renewable resources. Changing any of these parameters can change the
The PV, WT, and DG units generate 60,720 kWh/year, 46,783 kWh/ cost-effectiveness of the optimal scenario. For the capital price of
year, and 39,889 kWh/year, respectively. On the other hand, the battery renewable power generation equipment, a 30% change is considered
unit provides 6,817 kWh/year for the hybrid system as a backup because this is the largest change recorded by observing the local mar­
component. Besides, the boiler supplies 3,831 kWh/year of the thermal ket. For the inflation rate and discount rate, according to the announced
load, while the CHP unit provides 1,878 kWh annually. This means that values by the Central Bank of Iran in recent years, a change of about 3%
the CHP unit can provide about 33% of the thermal load. In this regard, is considered. According to data from NASA meteorological data, the
the boiler uses just 456 m3/year, while without a CHP unit, this value range of changes in solar radiation and wind speed does not exceed 3

Fig. 9. Levelized cost of water for each scenario of hybrid energy configuration.

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

Fig. 10. Profile of the annual contribution of the CHP system to the power supply of the hybrid system. a) Monthly average electrical production by each component
b) Diesel generator power production profile c) Boiler’s natural gas fuel consumption profile.

Fig. 11. The effect of variations in heat recovery ratio on the annual fuel consumption profit.

kWh/m2/day to 7 kWh/m2/day and 3 m/s to 7 m/s, respectively.

Table 12
Therefore, in order to perform the sensitivity analysis, these numerical
Estimated values from Fig. 11.
ranges, with steps equal to 0.01 by HOMER default, are analyzed.
Heat recovery Generated thermal power Equal natural gas consumption Fig. 12 shows different cases of sensitivity analysis. Part (a) dem­
ratio (%) (kWh/year) (m3/year)
onstrates the effect of variations of reverse osmosis capital cost (in range
0 0 0 of 700 $/(m3/day) to 1,100 $/(m3/day)) and electricity consumption (in
5 4,019 486.8 range of 1.5 kWh/m3 to 3.5 kWh/m3) on the cost of energy. As obvious,
10 8,038 973.2
15 12,058 1,447
these variations change the COE between 0.252 $/kWh and 0.268
20 16,288 1,928.9 $/kWh. Increasing both parameters has an increasing effect on the
25 20,360 2,411.2 amount of energy cost. However, the impact of rising RO capital costs on
30 24,432 2,893.3 changing COE is more severe than electricity consumption.
35 28,504 3,375.6
Part (b) of Fig. 12 illustrates the impact of inflation and discount
40 32,576 3,857.9
rates changes on the NPC of the hybrid energy system. Due to unstable
economic conditions, changes in discount and inflation rates can be an
effective challenge on the amount of NPC; therefore, based on the local
economic conditions, the rate of change for inflation is considered

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

Fig. 12. Sensitivity analysis of different parameters. a) Capital cost and electricity consumption of RO b) Inflation and discount rates c) Renewable resources d) Wind
turbine and PV module capital costs.

between 10% and 15%, and for the discount rate is considered between module capital cost variations effect on the optimal hybrid energy
12% and 18%. According to this figure, an increase in the discount rate configuration cost. The PV and WT capital cost multipliers are the
reduces the amount of NPC, and an increase in the rate of inflation multipliers that refer to the increase or decrease of primary capital cost
causes NPC to rise. These results show the negative effects of rising (the primary component cost in Table 3). As can be seen, these variations
inflation on the economic efficiency of hybrid systems. For example, cause a change in the cost of energy in the range of 0.210 $/kWh to
assuming a discount rate of about 15%, an increase in the inflation rate 0.260 $/kWh, so the increase of both parameters results in a greater
from 12% to 15% will increase NPC by approximately 11%. These re­ COE. It can be considered that with approximately a 10% increment or
sults display that this hybrid system can be more affordable in countries decrement of the current capital costs, the cost of energy differs roughly
with low changes in the ratio of inflation to the discount rate. between 0.225 $/kWh and 0.245 $/kWh. This issue demonstrates that
Part (c) of Fig. 12 depicts the heat map of the influence of renewable the obtained energy cost in this study has a reasonable range in ex­
resources (solar radiation and wind speed) variations on the optimum change for possible changes in renewable equipment price.
cost of energy. As can be seen, these variations cause a change in the cost
of energy in the range of 0.2 $/kWh to 0.3 $/kWh. Increasing both pa­
rameters results in a lower COE, but wind speed has a higher impact on 4.4. Grid breakeven distance optimization
this decrement. Based on the more considerable expense on each kW of
wind turbines than each kW of solar panels, changing wind speed has a In this study, the point where the grid is removed from the hybrid
more severe effect on system costs than changing solar radiation po­ system is considered breakeven distance, indicating the distance that the
tential. It can be observed that with considering ±10% possible varia­ stand-alone system is economically optimized. In this study, the HOMER
tions in the current wind speed and solar radiation potential, the cost of grid optimization tool is used to calculate the grid extension distance. To
energy differs almost between 0.23 $/kWh and 0.26 $/kWh, which in­ this end, the possible distance of rural areas from urban areas in Iran
dicates these results can be applied to other parts of the world with (maximum 60 km) is imported to the software, and other variables such
similar climate conditions. Furthermore, by decreasing the wind po­ as grid capital cost, diesel fuel price, primary electrical load, and annual
tential, the PV installation reaches higher affordability. Besides, higher grid blackouts are simulated for each possible distance. The new color
capacity of PV leads to higher converter installation, which leads to specifies the distance that the grid is eliminated from the optimum
higher expense for the hybrid system. It is worth mentioning that due to scenario in the HOMER grid sensitivity diagram as Fig. 13. It should be
the lower lifetime of the converter than the PV module (15 years against noted that to estimate the worst-case scenario for optimizing a hybrid
20 years), a replacement cost also will be imposed on the system. renewable energy system compared to using the power grid, possible
Part (d) of Fig. 12 displays the heat map of the wind turbine and PV network outages are not considered in this simulation. However, the
effect of blackouts is analyzed according to Fig. 13 (d).

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

Fig. 13. The impact of grid extension distance variation on different parameters for breakeven distance. a) Grid capital cost b) Diesel fuel price c) Primary electric
load d) Annual grid blackouts.

Fig. 13 part (a) illustrates the grid breakeven distance boundary kWh/day), the maximum suitable distance for using the grid reaches
based on variation in grid capital cost and grid extension distance from about 28.30 km. Then for longer distances, the stand-alone hybrid en­
the energy system area. According to this figure, for a capital cost equal ergy system becomes economical.
to 8,000 $/km, the maximum appropriate breakeven distance between Part (d) of Fig. 13 demonstrates the influence of alterations of the
the specified location and grid transmission lines is approximately 27 grid power blackouts hours (failure frequency) on breakeven distance.
km, and for more far distances, utilization of the grid is not cost- According to this figure, when the power outages are low (the grid
effective. While, the stand-alone hybrid energy system, including PV/ reliability is high), the breakeven distance is about 14.50 km. On the
WT/DG/Bat, can be applied for electricity supply. On the other hand, other hand, by increasing the power outages, this distance decreases to
with an upsurge in the capital cost, the maximum appropriate breakeven approximately 12.50 km. It is also evident that in stand-alone cases, in
distance reduces, so that for a capital cost equal to 22,000 $/km, the high power outages, it is better to apply more flexible power generation
optimum distance for utilizing the grid reaches about 10 km, and for devices such as diesel generator rather than a renewable device such as
longer distances, it is not an affordable solution. Given the geographical wind turbine.
and economic conditions, the capital cost for the development of grid
transmission lines is estimated at an average of 15,000 $/km, which will
be used for further analysis. 4.5. CO2 emissions
Part (b) of Fig. 13 indicates the effect of changes in diesel fuel price in
the range of 0.1 $/L to 1 $/L on breakeven distance. Based on this figure, The proposed hybrid renewable energy system, including PV/WT/
when the fuel price is low, the breakeven distance occurs in less than DG/CHP/Battery/Boiler, annually emits about 33,065 kg of carbon di­
14.5 km; while increasing the fuel price to international tariff (1 $/L), oxide. Fig. 14 indicates the heat map of diesel fuel consumption and
the breakeven distance reaches about 24 km. Also, between 14.5 km and diesel fuel price alteration impact on CO2 emission. According to this
24 km, breakeven distance is highly dependent on diesel fuel price. This figure, the effect of diesel fuel price and diesel fuel consumption varia­
issue shows the importance of considering fuel price in developing tions on the CO2 emission is opposite to each other. Increasing the diesel
stand-alone hybrid energy systems. fuel price to about 1 $/L causes CO2 emission to decrease to the lowest
Part (c) of Fig. 13 shows the impact of alterations of the average values because the economic benefits of renewable energies are more
electrical load in the range of 50 kWh/day to 350 kWh/day on break­ significant than the economic benefits of fossil fuels. On the other hand,
even distance. As can be seen, the amount of load has a significant effect increasing fuel consumption from 6,000 L to 17,000 L increases carbon
on the cost-effectiveness of the power grid extension, so for small loads dioxide emission to about 33,000 kg per year.
such as 50 kWh/day, at distances greater than 6.5 km, it is not affordable Fig. 15 shows the comparison of produced CO2 in the current study
to develop grid transmission lines, and it is better to apply the stand- with other conventional power plants for a constant load. Accordingly,
alone hybrid system. However, by the load increment (about 350 the proposed CHP based hybrid renewable system has a 58.4% lower
emission than natural gas-fired plants in Iran. Also, from the

A. Shahsavari et al. Energy 258 (2022) 124820

converter with 45.4% renewable fraction, 0.236 $/kWh cost of en­

ergy, 428,246 $ net present cost, 12,222 L diesel fuel consumption,
and 456 m3 natural gas consumption.
• Based on the water cost evaluation, the Levelized cost of water for
different scenarios varied between 0.89 $/m3 to 2.39 $/m3, which
the lowest one was related to the optimum configuration.
• On average, about 41.2%, 31.7%, and 27.1% of the total power
production in the optimum scenario were related to PV, WT, and DG
• Applying a set of diesel generator and boiler as CHP unit played an
important role in saving fuel consumption and preventing energy
losses such that due to the reasonable energy generation price by
diesel fuel, applying integrated CHP unit reduced energy cost by
about 34.8%.
• Based on the results of the CHP system performance section, a heat
recovery ratio between 20% and 30% could provide adequate power
Fig. 14. Sensitivity analysis of the hybrid energy system CO2 emissions based with good reliability. In addition, the generated thermal power and
on diesel fuel price and its availability. equal natural gas consumption related to 20% and 30% as heat re­
covery ratio were ranged from 16,288 kWh/year to 24,432 kWh/
international point of view, this system decreases CO2 emission by about year, and 1,928.9 m3/year to 2,893.3 m3/year, respectively.
39.9%. The results exhibit that the combination of a diesel generator • Sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the influence of RO capital
based CHP unit with a hybrid renewable energy system can also be cost growing on COE increment was more noticeable than the in­
applicable for the countries with coal-fired power plants. Accordingly, fluence of increment in the desalination device electricity
the proposed system can reduce the emitted CO2 in the range of 56.7%– consumption.
66.2%. • An increment in the inflation rate had negative effects on the eco­
nomic efficiency of hybrid systems, such that an increase in the rate
5. Conclusion of inflation caused NPC to rise. On the other hand, an increase in the
discount rate reduced the amount of NPC.
Secure access to electricity, heat, and water in remote areas with a • The maximum achieved grid breakeven distance was about 27 km,
small population is one of the significant challenges facing the people of which showed the proposed system’s high potential for stand-alone
these areas. Therefore, if an optimal energy system can meet all of these development. In fact, in the range of 14.5 km–24 km, the break­
needs simultaneously, it can be considered a desirable option for use in even distance was highly dependent on diesel fuel price. Further­
such areas. Accordingly, in this paper, a hybrid energy system including more, the proposed system indicated higher cost-effectiveness in off-
photovoltaic panel, wind turbine, battery, converter, and CHP unit (set grid areas with low fuel prices.
of diesel generator and boiler) along with reverse osmosis desalination • The CO2 emission analysis of the optimum system showed that the
plant was introduced to simultaneously supply electricity, heat, and developed system could effectively reduce the annual emission by
water of a village and health clinic. Simulation and identification of the about 39.9% and 66.2% compared to natural gas-fired and coal-fired
optimal hybrid energy system among different feasible combinations power plants, respectively.
were done by HOMER software and based on the lowest COE as the main
objective. The results of optimization with the outcomes from other For further studies, it is suggested that the combination of other
sections of this paper, including CHP system performance, sensitivity power generators such as biogas generators and fuel cells with a CHP
analysis, grid breakeven distance optimization, and carbon dioxide unit be investigated. This can be a helpful step to apply a cost-effective
emissions, are presented in the following: CHP based hybrid renewable energy system for rural electrification.

• The optimum hybrid energy configuration between feasible options Credit author statement
was the combination of 39.4 kW of PV, 20 wind turbines, 10 kW of
diesel generator, 96 battery units, a boiler, and 20.1 kW of the Ardavan Shahsavari: Data curation, Writing-Original draft

Fig. 15. Comparison of emitted CO2 by different power plants and optimum scenario of the current study.

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