3.0. - 230004 - Section 3 - Itt - Technical Package

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TENDER No.: CMIT-PRT-10.30-230004

March 2023

Dubai, UAE

1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................................1

1.1 PROJECT’S INITIATION AND MAIN SCOPE OUTLINE...................................................................2

1.2 COMPLIANCE......................................................................................................................................................2
1.3 IRAQ’S PERMITS AND REGULATIONS...................................................................................................3
1.6 WORK ORDERS..................................................................................................................................................5

2. SCOPE OF WORK.......................................................................................................................................................7

2.1 GENERAL...............................................................................................................................................................7
2.2 SCOPE OF WORK..............................................................................................................................................7

3. INTERFACE.................................................................................................................................................................10

3.1 EQUIPMENT.......................................................................................................................................................10
3.2 PIPING...................................................................................................................................................................11
3.3 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEM.................................................................................11
3.4 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM..................................................................................................................................12
3.5 CIVIL AND STRUCTURE STEEL...............................................................................................................12

4. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY RESPONSIBILITUES......................................................................................13

4.1 CONTRACT BASIC OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................13

4.2 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES...................................................................................................14
4.3 COMPANY’S RESPONSIBILITIES............................................................................................................18

5. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL..................................................................................................19

5.1 SCOPE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT:...............................................................................................................20

5.2 PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN..............................................................................................................................20
5.3 ORGANIZATION PLAN..........................................................................................................................................22
5.4 MANAGEMENT PLAN............................................................................................................................................23
5.5 ASSURANCE PLAN................................................................................................................................................23
5.6 HSE PLAN.............................................................................................................................................................24
5.7 QUALITY PLAN......................................................................................................................................................24
5.8 PROJECT CONTROLS PLAN................................................................................................................................24
5.9 ENGINEERING PLAN.............................................................................................................................................26
5.10 CONTRACTING PLAN.......................................................................................................................................26
5.11 PROCUREMENT PLAN......................................................................................................................................27
5.12 MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION AND MANAGEMENT PLAN.....................................................................28
5.13 CONSTRUCTION PLAN.....................................................................................................................................29
5.14 RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN.............................................................................................................................30
5.15 INTERFACES/INTERDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN.......................................................30
5.16 DOCUMENT CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM................................................................................30

6. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL..................................................................................31

6.1 GENERAL.............................................................................................................................................................31
6.2 PROJECT QUALITY PLAN...........................................................................................................................31
6.3 QUALITY CONTROL.......................................................................................................................................32
6.4 INSPECTION AND TESTING......................................................................................................................32
6.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL............................................................................................................33

7. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT (HSE) MANAGEMENT.......................................................33

7.1 POLICY ON SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT.....................................................................33

7.2 RESPONSIBILITY............................................................................................................................................34
7.3 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................................35
7.4 SAFETY MEETINGS AND AUDITS...........................................................................................................35
7.5 REPORTING........................................................................................................................................................35
7.6 SAFETY TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT.........................................................................................................36
7.7 HOUSEKEEPING..............................................................................................................................................36
7.8 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE.................................................................................36
7.9 ACCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION...............................................................................37
7.10 ALCOHOL/DRUG POLICY........................................................................................................................37
7.11 MEDICAL WELFARE...................................................................................................................................38
7.12 SOCIAL INSURANCE.................................................................................................................................38
7.13 REPORT............................................................................................................................................................38

8. DETAILED DESIGN ENGINEERING.................................................................................................................38

8.1 DRAWING/DOCUMENT APPROVAL BY COMPANY.........................................................................43

8.2 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND OTHER CONCERNS.....................................................................44
8.3 ENGINEERING DELIVERABLES...............................................................................................................46

9. MATERIALS PROCUREMENT AND MANAGEMENT................................................................................51

9.1 SCOPE...................................................................................................................................................................51
9.2 SUPPLIER DOCUMENTATION...................................................................................................................51
9.3 CUSTOMS CLEARANCE...............................................................................................................................52
9.4 MATERIAL STORAGE AND MANAGEMENT........................................................................................52
9.5 SPARES.................................................................................................................................................................52
9.6 SPECIAL TOOLS...............................................................................................................................................53
9.7 LUBRICANTS.....................................................................................................................................................54
9.8 PROCUREMENT SERVICES FOR COMPANY ITEMS......................................................................54

10. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................54

10.1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................................................54
10.2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES........................................................................................................................55
10.3 SITE DEVELOPMENT................................................................................................................................56
10.4 CONSTRUCTION SITE FACILITIES....................................................................................................56

11. PRE-COMMISSIONING AND MECHANICAL COMPLETION.............................................................57

11.1 MECHANICAL COMPLETION CHECKLISTS/DOSSIER (MCD)...............................................60

11.2 MECHANICAL COMPLETION CERTIFICATE (MCC)...................................................................61

12. COMMISSIONING AND START-UP..............................................................................................................62

12.1 COMMISSIONING........................................................................................................................................63
12.2 START-UP PREPARATION.......................................................................................................................64
12.3 START-UP........................................................................................................................................................65
12.4 COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................65

13. TESTING..................................................................................................................................................................66

13.1 FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TESTS..........................................................................................................66

13.2 CONSTRUCTION TESTS..........................................................................................................................66
13.3 FUNCTIONAL TESTS.................................................................................................................................67
13.4 LIMITED PERFORMANCE TEST...........................................................................................................67

14. PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE AND HANDOVER..................................................................................68

14.1 PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE DOSSIERS........................................................................................68

14.2 PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE.................................................................................69

15. WARRANTY............................................................................................................................................................70

16. WORK ORDER CLOSEOUT AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE....................................................................71

16.1 WORK ORDER CLOSEOUT.....................................................................................................................71

16.2 FINAL ACCEPTANCE.................................................................................................................................72

17. PROJECT DOCUMENTATION........................................................................................................................72


17.2 FINAL DOCUMENTATION........................................................................................................................73

18. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................................74

19. OTHER REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................................................74

ATTACHMENT (A) – ACRONYMS.............................................................................................................................75

ATTACHMENT (B) – APPROVED VENDOR LIST (AVL)..................................................................................79

ATTACHMENT (C) – TPI PLAN FOR MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT.........................................................83

ATTACHMENT (D) – TARGETED SCHEDULE.....................................................................................................85

ATTACHMENT (E) – DOCUMENT AND DATA FORMAT REQUIREMENTS............................................86

ATTACHMENT (F) – WORK COMPLETION CERTIFICATES.........................................................................88

ATTACHMENT (G-1) – MECHANICAL COMPLETION CERTIFICATE FORM.........................................90

ATTACHMENT (G-2) – PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE FORM.......................................91

ATTACHMENT (G-3) – HAND OVER CHECK LIST FORM..............................................................................92

ATTACHMENT (I) – CODES AND STANDARDS..................................................................................................94

ATTACHMENT (Q) – WORK ORDER FORM........................................................................................................102

ATTACHMENT (R) – TECHNICAL INPUT DATA..............................................................................................104

ATTACHMENT (S) – BIDDER REQUIREMENTS...............................................................................................105



 MISSAN Oil Field is located in the SE of Iraq, close to Iran’s border, about 175 km N-NW of
BASRA City, and 350 km SE of Baghdad – the capital of Iraq.
 Nine (9) Degassing Stations have been established earlier since 20th (twentieth) century in
three MISSAN Field’s Areas named as ABU-GHIRAB (AGS1, AGS2 and AGN), FAUQI
(FQS and FQN) and BUZURGAN (BUN, BUS1, BUS2 and BUS3).
 Since MISSAN Oil Field was built in 1976, it has suffered from the Iran-Iraq War and the Iraq
War, so a lot of facilities need to be upgraded and revamped.
 Recently, during Phase I upgrading, five (5) New Degassing Stations have been established
along with (3) Water Injection Stations have been established adjacent to the New
Degassing Stations in FQS, BUN and BUS3.
 Currently, all further separation for the liquid and gas exported via liquid and gas trunklines,
through two junctions (one concerned to FQ area and another concerned to AG area), from
all degassing stations are processed in the unified BUZURGAN CPF Terminal that includes
Oil Treatment Facility, Gas Treatment Facility, Water Treatment Facility, Power Plant and
Utility and Auxiliary Facilities, etc.
 The intended project is mainly concerned for performing the Mechanical, Electrical,
Instrument, Control, Telecommunication, Structural and Civil Works in the AG, BU and FQ
areas of the MISSAN Oil Field.
 The contract category for the intended project is Unit-Rate Price.

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Due to the complexity of oil reservoir characteristics and the constant changes in production
throughputs, some of the existing and old degassing stations may experience operational
bottlenecks. Furthermore, some of the existing facilities at BUT and Power Plant, as well as
Pipelines/Trunklines, are experiencing operational bottlenecks and/or are in poor condition,
making it necessary to modify/renovate some of them in order to maintain and guarantee
stable production.
The Main Work that shall be executed by the Contractor for the Scope of this project shall
include, but not limited to the follows,
 Water Transfer Pump Installation in BUT water injection station.
 Installation for new drainage and sludge sump in WTP.
 Installation for motor operated valve on/off valve of WTP.
 WTP (phase I) old sludge pumps (PL-851001A/B) replacement.
 New Drain Trench construction for the WTP Water Injection Pumps.
 MOE gas custody transfer metering skid installation.
 FQS-FQJ water pipeline (newly built).
 Oil and Gas Trunklines (pig launcher, pig receiver, SDV and MOV etc.).
 Water Pipeline Upgrading in BUT and old pipeline (FQJ-BUT) renovation.
 Piping Modification for Test Separator in BUN / AGS1 / BUS3 / FQS.
 Water Delivery Pumps procurement and installation in FQS for water separation.
 Separator and booster pump relocation and installation in FQN.
 Booster pumps relocation and installation in AGN.
 Surge release valve skid installation on AGS1-BUT water transfer line.
 Fire Fighting system upgrading for BUT and Work Base camps.
 Water study and installation of related RO skid.


The written descriptions set forth in this Scope of Work are intended to provide general
prescription about the expected Scope of Work in order to aid the Contractor in properly
evaluating the project value and outfitting an adequate manpower and resources to execute
the Work in manner that makes the Company satisfied in terms of time, quality, and
SOW outlined herein might not encompass, in detail, all the Contractor responsibilities and
the Work Scope that to be covered where the Contractor shall note that all requirements
and needs making the requested Work operable and functional in convenient way shall be
considered as part of the original Scope of Work described herein.
Contractor shall be responsible for presenting, in writing, any discrepancies/conflicts
discovered in any of the Work’s documents in reference to the Scope of Work described

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herein and/or industry codes/standards, to the Company for the required resolution where
the approval shall be gained prior onset with any Work.
The Contractor shall meet or exceed the requirements of the latest edition of all
identified/specified codes, regulations and standards, except as superseded herein.
In cases where more than one code, regulation or standard apply to the same condition, the
more stringent requirement shall prevail unless otherwise approved by the Company.
The Contractor shall make available all Codes and Standards for the Company reference
during project execution period.
Any approval shall not relieve the Contractor of its obligation to perform Engineering,
Procurement, Construction and Commissioning, up to Final Acceptance of the project, so as
to meet the intended Facility/Equipment performance and quality requirement.
In case of any unresolved conflict/difference between the Contractor and the third-party
agency or any other party for any issue, which in the Company's sole opinion has an impact
on either project cost and/or schedule, technical integrity, etc., the Company reserves the
right to intervene and advise decisions on such issues which shall be binding on the
Contractor and other concerned parties involved in the execution of Work.
All Documentations produced by the Contractor in performance of the Contract shall only be
in English Language. Documentation shall be prepared in English Language by the
Contractor as follows:
(1) All Statutory Documentation;
(2) All Documentation required by IRAQ Authorities;
(3) All Documentation pertaining to workforce health, safety, security or environment, where
communication of narrative in IRAQ is deemed necessary by Company;
(4) All Documentation required for inclusion in the final Handover package;
The Contractor shall ensure that its Key Personnel are fluent in written and spoken English.

The Contractor shall comply with all regulations, legislation, codes of practice, and guidance
notes issued as applicable to operating in IRAQ.
The Contractor shall identify all necessary licenses, consents, authorizations, permits etc.
and develop a detailed plan to ensure that they are obtained in a timely manner.
The Contractor shall apply and obtain all licenses, consents, authorizations, permits etc.
and co-ordinate the interface with the IRAQ Authorities and other authorities in matters
relating to the performance of the Work.
Certain licenses, consents, authorizations, permits etc. will be applied for by the Company.
However, the Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with the Company to ensure
that they are obtained in a timely manner.
Where any Work will require direct contact with or impact on local inhabitants, e.g., farmer
in territorial area, the Contractor shall not commence the Work without first establishing the
correct contact and communication procedures, and presenting such procedures for
Company review.

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All Work shall be performed in accordance with the codes, standards, regulations and
general specifications referenced herein or elsewhere of the Contract documents. Unless
otherwise stated, the latest revision/edition at the time of start of Contract shall be applied.
The detailed Engineering specifications, drawings and Construction procedures shall
incorporate the requirements of the relevant codes, standards, regulations and general
specifications. While developing the detailed Engineering specifications, drawings and
Construction procedures, the codes, standards, regulations and general specifications shall
be applied according to the following guidelines:
(1) Requirements of the IRAQ laws and regulations shall be complied with;
(2) Requirements of the IRAQ mandatory codes and standards shall be met or exceeded;
(3) The relevant international code or standard shall be applied as the basic standard for Equipment
and Materials engineered; additional requirements or more stringent requirements, as specified
in the relevant codes, standards, regulations and general specifications, shall be complied with;
(4) In case of conflict, or where application of the relevant codes, standards, regulations and
general specifications leads to a suboptimal design, the Contractor shall refer to the Company
for resolution.
The Contractor shall perform all necessary analysis to determine the most stringent
requirements of the listed codes, standards, regulations and general specifications, and
provide supporting Documentations as required to justify the selection. If the Contractor
proposes to employ an alternative code or standard to that referenced in herein or
elsewhere of the Contract documents, the Contractor shall obtain the Company approval in
Where guidance (whether prescribed or specific) on acts and regulations is given by local
IRAQ Authorities, the Contractor shall take full account of such guidance. Where such
guidance recommends particular design and Engineering standards, the Contractor shall
apply these standards in the Design and Construction of the relevant part of the Plant and
Equipment in his Scope of Work.
The Contractor shall ensure that all project’s components (equipment, piping, structures
and buildings, power, control, etc.) will be designed, constructed, and tested according to
the referenced codes, standards, regulations and general specifications. The only exception
shall be if it can be demonstrated that no such standard is applies as well as if the
Company's approves. It is therefore mandatory that the Contractor shall state why a
recognized standard is not applied, and that it is clearly demonstrated that the Construction
complies with good Engineering Practice and that the item in question is fully fit for its
purpose and complies with the relevant specifications.
Any deviation to codes, standards, regulations and general specifications referenced herein
or elsewhere of the Contract documents which is approved by the Company shall be
formally recorded by the Contractor in a Deviations Register.
The Contractor shall provide copies of official English translations of all applicable IRAQ
laws, regulations, codes and standards to the Company. Where the Contractor proposes to
use its own standards, subject to Company approval, plain copies of the same shall be
made available if requested by the Company.

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Scope of Work to be performed by the Contractor shall include Engineering, Procurement,
Construction, Inspection and Testing, and Commissioning up to Handover and Final
The Contractor shall ensure that all Works required by the Scope of Work shall be
performed in accordance with the specifications, standards, codes which are part of any of
the Contract documents and the applicable Iraq government Authority rules, Regulations
and Laws.
The Contractor shall consider the site nature for the Work to be performed among/adjacent
to the Existing Systems, Brownfield (Live Plant), and ensure proper re-align of the Existing
Facilities/Systems (as required) and eliminate any obstacles that may be encountered
during the establishment of the New Facilities/Systems. All the modification Works should
be performed and completed in a proper and professional manner, which shall comply with
Company’s HSE management provisions, PTW management procedures and Oil Field
Operation District’s management requirements.
Hence all cost related to the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning
including the supply of materials and other costs, shall be included as part of this BID.
This Contract is a unit rate price type that applies to any facility encompassed in the
MISSAN Oilfield. A specific Work Order will be issued by the Company for the Contractor
that defines the specific Scope of Work.
The Company has right to terminate any Work Order or the entire Contract in the event
that the Contractor fails to meet the Company’s requirements including the Work scope,
safety, quality, or schedule.
The basic objective of each Work Order is to supply production to satisfy Customer’s
(Company’s) contractual requirements. Supporting this basic objective is a number of
Project goals which must be achieved, as follow;
(1) Satisfy HSE Requirements.
(2) Satisfy Guaranteed Performance Requirements.
(3) Satisfy Quality Requirements.
(4) Achieve High Reliability/Operability.
(5) Achieve Low Lifecycle Cost.
(6) Achieve Low Impact on Area Communities.
(7) Achieve Overall Project Schedule.
(8) Achieve Low Investment Cost.
(9) Achieve Good Constructability.
(10) Achieve High Degree of Automation/Minimize Manning Levels.
(11) Achieve High Degree of Commonality of Components within Plant and Equipment, and with the
Relevant Project.
Through this description of Project goals, the Contractor must be well informed of what is
required to satisfy the Company, thereby guiding his decision-making throughout the entire
project's phases.

1.1.1 Work Order Mechanism

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 As the Work pursuant to this Contract shall be on a “Call-Off” basis, the Company shall request
the Contractor to execute a Work whenever there is a requirement and in the form set out in
ATTACHMENT (Q). any further relevant document, other than one implied in the Contract
Design Package, for the respective Work, shall be attached by the Company to the issued
Work Order and for the Contractor consideration and action.

 The Contractor shall execute the Work assigned by the Company for any Work described in
the “Work Order Request” within the period stated thereof.

 The Company shall not reimburse the Contractor for any Works relevant to the preparation of a
Work Order preparation.
 In cases of extreme urgency, where the Contractor is unable to have a firm costing evaluation of
the proposed Work without further research. The Company may give written authorization for
Contractor to proceed with the Work, on condition that the Contractor provided a rough cost

1.1.2 Particular Contract Conditions

 The Contractor is to provide and maintain a management team throughout the entire Contract
period. The management team shall be dedicated to each Company operations and will be
available every working day and whenever required even at weekends or after office hours.
 The Contractor shall maintain the same approved personnel throughout the entire Contract
period and in the event that a replacement is inevitable due to non-performance or resignation
subject to the Company’s evaluation, the Contractor shall put forward a qualified replacement
from the Company viewpoint within one-week notification from either the Company or the
 The Company has the right to reject, terminate or accept the Contractor’s proposed team
personnel members on not meeting the minimum qualification, performance, discipline or
previous records of non-satisfactory services provided to the Company.
 The Contractor shall not receive remuneration for increased personnel if such increases are a
result of inefficient working inability or failures of the Contractor or for any reason not specifically
required by increases to the Scope of Work or acceleration instructed by the Company.

 The Work shall be re-measured from ‘Approved for Construction' (AFC) drawings or the
Contractor's detailed drawings or as site measured items and the Contractor is to allow for all
costs and charges incurred as a result of taking measurement, checking and agreeing
dimensions, rates and prices for the Work with the Company.
 Quantities shall be measured net as shown on the drawings. The rates shall include all cutting
allowances and working space. Such rates shall apply irrespective of the actual quantities
involved and of the Work location.
 All scrap or surplus materials shall remain the property of the Company and such materials shall
not be disposed of without the prior written consent of the Company’s representative.
 The cost of carrying out remedial Work caused by the Contractor’s method of working or by
trade operations on completed Work shall be to the Contractor’s account which shall include
additional system ancillaries (e.g. adding supports, flexible joints, etc.), the repair of welds or
joints as necessary, retesting and non-destructive examination.
 The Contractor Shall follow the relevant Company’s procedures included in the Contract

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The Unit Rate Project Phase II is devoted to Minor Works scattered among MISSAN
oilfield that includes all engineering, procurement, construction, inspection, testing, and
commissioning stages.
The Contractor shall outfit all resources that include management, coordination, labors,
equipment and materials, construction and installation facilities/machine/tools and
consumables, overheads, transportation, insurances, local official permits, all taxes and
duties (in the present or future), and all other costs that might be required to complete
assigned Works successfully (in the present or future) in accordance with the Work
Order Description, ITT documents, specifications, drawings and conditions of Contract.
The description in this section (Scope of Work) is not intended to be a comprehensive and
detailed statement of all operations and Works involved as it shall be read in conjunction
with all the other documents and drawings in the ITT, and subsequent issued Work
It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to assess the total quantities and limits of the
ordered Work. The Contractor, along with the Company representative, shall conduct an
advance worksite survey prior to the commencement of Work to define the Work scope
limits precisely and clarify any ambiguities with the Company.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have fully understood and accepted the requirements
and extent of the Work, as no additional compensation will be made on account of failure
to do so. The Contractor shall be deemed to have a thorough understanding and a
complete collection of all required information and data on the Site where the Work will be
executed, including prevailing weather, surface and subsurface conditions, hydrological,
climatic and physical conditions, contingencies, and all other circumstances applicable to
the Contract.
The Work shall be performed according to the provisions of the Contract documents and
subsequently approved for construction detailed drawings and documents (AFC) that must
be developed by the Contractor himself.
The Contractor shall purchase, supply, transport, load, offload and store to the worksite all
equipment and materials, and perform all site preparation, construction including fabrication,
assembling, erection, inspection, testing, adjustment, reparation, and re-correction,
mechanical completion, acceptance, commissioning, and performance testing until the final
handover the Work to the Company in a systematic manner and according to the Approved
Design, References and Bills of Quantities (BOQ).
The Contractor shall furnish the Company with the Final Documentation for each Work
Order discretely as per the requirements set forth in Section 16.

The Work location might be distributed widely in the MISSAN Oilfield that encompasses
BUT Terminal, Power Plant, Water Injection and Degassing Stations, Pipelines/Trunklines
and Camp. The Scope of each Work will be designated by the Company in the form of
issuing ‘Work Order’, which will be confirmed and countersigned by the Company.

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In each Work Order, the Contractor shall pay attention that the Scope of Work described
in the Work Order might encompass the broad frame of the targeted Work where the
final judgement for the Work Order Scope Limits will be based on the subsequent design
package to be developed by the Contractor himself and approved by the Company.
Although the Contractor must adhere to the specific Work Scope requirements as
described in each designated Work Order, the broad Scope forecasted for this Contract
will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
(A)Water Transfer Pump Installation in BUT Terminal
 One (1) set of New Water Delivery Pump with capacity of 600m 3/h need to be established in
BUT Terminal to increase the reliability of the existing system, including strainer, related piping,
fittings, valves, electrical, instrument, civil and structure and coating and painting, etc.
(B)Old Piping Replacement and Modification in BUT Terminal
 Two (2) sets of New Vertical Screw Pumps with capacity of 30m3/h, some old piping and
associated accessories in BUT area need to be changed and replaced due to long time service
and corrosion problem to maintain the operation safety and steadily.
(C)Installation for New Drainage and Sludge Sump in WTP
 Establish New Drainage and Sludge Sump and equipped with all ancillaries to avoid the waste
filter materials going inside of the sump pumps.
(D)Installation for Motor Operated Valve On/Off Valve of WTP
 In order to realize the remote control in FCR, two (2) set of On/Off Valves need to be equipped
for the storage tanks (TK-851001A/B).
(E)WTP (phase I) old sludge pumps (PL-851001A/B) Replacement
 Four (4) sets of New Pumps with capacity of 100m3/h need to be equipped and replace the existing
pumps due to the bad condition to maintain stable operation.
(F) New Drain Trench Construction for the WTP Water Injection Pumps
 New drain trench needs to be constructed to avoid the water accumulated in the water injection
pump shed.
(G) MOE Gas Custody Transfer Metering Skid Installation
 One (1) set of On/Off Valve with Pneumatic Actuators need to be equipped and existing control
system need to be upgraded for the MOE Gas Custody Transfer Metering Skid according to the
comments issued during the review meeting.
(H)Oil and Gas Trunklines (Pig Launcher, Pig Receiver, SDV and MOV etc.)
 pig launcher and receivers, MOV/SDV and manual valves need to be established for oil and gas
gathering and transportation pipeline system, including related piping, valves, Instrumentation,
Telecommunication, Electrical, civil and structure and coating and painting etc.
 All the facilities should be installed in the existing system which has been put into production.
Deoiling and nitrogen gas replacement, dismantling old facilities etc. (if necessary) should be
contractor' scope of work.
(I) FQS-FQJ Water Pipeline
 One (1) New Pipeline shall be established from FQS to FQJ for transferring the water from FQS
to BUT.

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(J) Water Pipeline Upgrading in BUT and old pipeline (FQJ-BUT) renovation
 12” old oil pipeline from FQJ to BUT need to be renovated and used for water pipeline to solve
the water transportation bottleneck from FQS to BUT, including related pipe, valves and fittings,
(K)Piping Modification for Test Separator in BUN/AGS1/BUS3/FQS
 The piping related to the existing test separators in old stations in BUN, BUS3, AGS1 and FQS
need to be modified to utilize test separators as gas/liquid metering facility due to the lacking of
OGM in dedicated area.
(L) Water Delivery Pumps Installation in FQS for Water Separation
 Three (3) sets of Water Delivery Pumps need to be established in FQS Degassing Station for
exporting the separated water to BUT to achieve the debottlenecking in FQ area, including
related piping, valves, electrical, instrument, civil and structure and coating and painting etc.
(M) Separator and Booster Pump Relocation and Installation in FQN
 Separators and booster pumps need to be relocated from other station and installed in FQN to
maintain the treatment and export capacity.
(N)Booster Pumps Relocation and Installation in AGN
 Two (2) sets of booster pumps need to be relocated from other station and installed in AGN
degassing station to replace the existing Gas Driven Pumps to maintain the stable production,
including related piping, valves, electrical, instrument, civil and structure and coating and
painting etc.
(O) Surge Release Valve Installation on AGS1-BUT Water Transfer Line
 One (1) set of Surge release valve package need to be equipped on the water transfer line
(AGS1-BUT) to protect the pipeline due to the altitude difference between upstream and
downstream, including piping, valves, instrument, civil and structure and coating and painting
(P)Firefighting System Upgrading for BUT and Work Base Camps
 Firefighting systems in BUT Camp and Work Base Camp need to be upgraded to ensure safety,
 including piping, valves, instrument, civil and structure and coating and painting etc.
 Piping modification and optimization including process, firefighting and utility system;
 Steel structure and civil works, including operation platform, shed, parking lots, garbage dump,
wire fence, concrete base, etc.
(Q) Water injection pump spare parts
 The UCP and soft starter components need to be supplied for water injection pumps for existing
water injection stations.
(R)Civil and Structural Works
 Wherever applicable, the Civil and Structural Scope shall include the engineering, procurement,
construction and make use/commission of the followings:
 Foundation Works for:
o Equipment (rotating and static equipment);
o Piping Works;

Page 9 of 105
o General Structural Steel Works (sheds, platforms, etc.).
 General Concrete Works for:
o Sumps, Pits, etc.;
o Drainage and relevant Infrastructures Works (roads and pavement);
o General Structural Concrete Works (underground and aboveground works).
 Sheds and general Structural Steel Works for Pipe Supports and others.
 General Civil Works includes Drainage, Earthworks and general Miscellaneous Civil Works.
 All necessary Site Preparation, Levelling, Backfilling and Excavation Works.
 All new construction area shall well be graded to maintain adequate drainage.
 Any necessary modification, demolishing and expansion works for existing foundations,
structures or any others facilities. Use of any existing foundation or structures shall be done
based on assessment for the available structures/foundation and engineering verification
according to the new use, installation or modification.
(S)• Water study and installation of related RO skid.
 Study the water quality which contain high salt, find the suitable RO system.
 Support OPD to check/maintain the RO skid in AGS1/AGS2/AGN DGS and water well pumps
for all DGS.
For better understanding and evaluation pertaining to the above-mentioned scope of Work,
the Contractor shall revert back to the respective available drawings in the design package
as well as the breakdown details listed in Section 4 – Schedule of Compensation.
The Contractor shall commence with the resource's mobilization first, and thereafter outfit
the Project's preliminary facilities that shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Outfit all adequate and necessary temporary accommodation, site office, warehouse and
storage, site traffic and transportation, electrical power supply, water supply and drainage,
security, and all the other working and living facilities which is necessary for the successful and
professional performance and completion of the Work.
(2) keep the site office clean and properly maintained, and establish and demolish of all the
preliminary facilities on site.
(3) Obtain any and all permits from Iraqi Government and Authorities necessary to perform the
Work. To bear any and all risk and cost arising from delay or unavailability of the permits.


 Interfaces detailed hereunder are illustrations in reference to the broad Scope of Work
where the Contractor shall bear in mind that all interfacing Works identified during the
execution of any Work Order shall be part of the Contractor Scope of Work.
 For all live systems and during the construction phase, the Contractor needs to be aware
that production stoppage shall be limited. The Contractor must develop, in advance, the
Work Execution Plan on that basis (Minimal Shutdown) as well as ensure safety and
smooth Work execution.

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For the equipment need to be relocated from one location to others, the Contractor shall
perform the relocation and installation of Separators /pumps Skids, including dismantling,
internal cleaning, transportation, installation, necessary modification (if any) of
separators/pumps skids, refurbishing, inspection, testing, hydro-test and commissioning.
The piping and instrument shall be dismantled in a protective way and dismantled to the first
valves from the edge of skids (determined by site investigation). The piping and instrument
shall not affect the equipment hoisting.
During equipment hoisting, the demolition and recovery of wire fence shall be in Contractor
’s Scope of Work.
Any free issued materials/equipment supplied by the Company such as Separators/Export
Pumps shall be identified in the Company Request for Proposal. The Contractor shall be
fully responsible for the transportation, safeguarding, unloading, installation and
commissioning of Company Provided Items.
All Works necessary to keep the demolished system uninterrupted and safe shall be part
of the Contractor scope.

Interface between new facilities and existing facilities is at tie-in point, and the tie-in Work
shall be completed by Contractor.
Piping system work, including welding, NDT, painting and coating, insulation, inspection,
hydro-test, flushing and backfilling, etc. shall be completed by Contractor.
Signal interfaces of the separators, pump packages and other related control system
provided for the equipment package’s status monitoring and control from Company’s control
room (DCS, ESD, FGS and SCADA).
-The Contractor shall collect/control field instruments and pumps signals utilizing the
available spare points of the existing system. If the spare points are not enough, additional
redundancy modules or even cabinets shall be added/installed in the Degassing Station
FCR for expanding and accommodating the new field instruments and pumps signals.
Moreover, programming and software upgrade for the added facilities/systems, as to be
integrated with the existing DCS/ESD/FGS/SCADA system, shall be part of the Contractor
Scope of Works.
-The instrument and automatic control system include, but not limited to:
1.Field instruments (including toxic gas detectors).
2.Cable/Cable laying (hardwired and serial/mud-bus communication).
3.Junction Boxes (JB's), Cable tray, Tubing.
4.Upgrade/Expansion DCS and SIS (Cabinets,Hardware, Software, System Configuration,
Programming, etc.).
-Toxic/H2S Gas Detectors and combustible gas detectors shall be designed, procured,
tested and established on suit location in order to protect the pump area.

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-The distance between Instrument cable and electrical cable shall follow the standard
requirement; contractor shall consider the proper cable route in pump area.
The length of instrument/control cable shall be surveyed on site and confirmed by the
Contractor. All cable routing, installation, termination and accessories shall be part of the
Contractor ’s scope.
All Instruments Testing and Calibration Works shall be part of the Contractor ’s scope.


The Power System of the ordered Works shall be shared with the existing systems. All tie-
in Works shall be part of the Contractor Scope of Work.
The power supply shall follow the principle of proximity.
 For FQS, the power of pumps shall be taken from the existing substation. The New 0.4kV switchgear
will be provided and installed in substation by CONTRACTOR. One new cable trench shall be
established by contractor.
 For AGN, the power of pumps shall be taken from the existing 33KV OHTL. The interface is the tie-in
point which has been reserved on site. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all the power system
work including 33KV/0.4KV transformer, 0.4KV switchgear, change new power cable, etc. The
transformer/0.4kV switchgears will be provided by Company.
 For FQN, the power of pumps shall be taken from the existing substation. The 0.4kV switchgear s will
be provided by Company.
The length of electrical cables shall be surveyed on site and confirmed by the Contractor.
All cable routing, installation, termination and accessories shall be part of the Contractor ’s
Scope of Work.
Lighting, cabling, earthing and lightning facilities will be installed for the whole area of the
ordered Works.

All design, materials, equipment, manpower shall be provided by the Contractor.

The Contractor can refer to the typical drawings furnished by the Company, as long as it’s
available, and update the drawings according to the actual site conditions and Company
requirements. Otherwise, the Contractor shall be responsible for develop the required
drawings and seek for the Company approval.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all construction Works and all material provisions.
Civil and structure Work Scope follow the Work Order.
All other structure materials for prefabrication and erection will be in the scope of the
Any necessary control and coordination of vertical and horizontal alignments between new
and existing facilities and structures where the using of existing benchmarks shall only be
done based on accurate verification.
Survey works considering the interface and integration with the existing facilities and
structures as per the relevant functional requirements, The Contractor shall develop its own
benchmarks (reference points) based on accurate study and survey for the existing
structures in-order to have full integration between new and existing facilities. Any use of

Page 12 of 105
existing benchmark or reference shall only be done after careful verification and correction
as necessary.
Survey Work considering the interface and integration between new drainage and existing
drainage facilities, otherwise the new end destination to discharge the rain water away shall
well be studied and surveyed in manner that not affecting any existing or new facilities.


The basic objectives of the Contract, which the EPPC Contractor presume to achieve, shall
include, but not limited to, the following:
1. Complete any Work assigned as specified in the issued Work Order within the period
stipulated therein.
2. Meet the Company’s requirements pertaining to Work’s functionlaity, processing, quality
assurance and control, safety, operability, and maintainability.
3. Meet all the requirements with respect to Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE). Meanwhile,
the Contractor shall pay more attention to security and ensure the safety of the Work towards
the special environment in Iraq.
4. The Company may, at its sole discretion, determine that in the case that a Scope of Work and
Bill of Quantities (BOQ) has been split off among several Contractors, each Contractor shall be
responsible for executing and completing all his Work, including all associated Work and tie-
ins, in accordance with the Company's judgment and arrangement.
5. Accept the presence of Company personnel at its and/or its Sub-Contractors’ premises and
facilities for the purpose of administration of the Contract, coordination, monitoring, reviewing of
Documentation and schedules and witnessing of all operations, tests and inspections.
6. Confirm all necessary Materials, Tools, Consumables, Services, Equipment and Labour to
undertake the Work, including, but not limited to, the following:
a. All Project Management and Engineering, including those activities required to;
 Support the Company in the preparation of the Operational HSE Management System.
 Provide project controls (progress, cost and resource management) during all phases of the
 Provide all necessary Documentation and manage the Project Documentation system during all
phases of the Work.

 Enforce the Company’s HSE management plan during all phases of the Work.
 Participate in Company Project Health Safety and Environmental Reviews, (PHSER’s), which
will be held prior to Detail design, fabrication/Construction, during Construction, and prior to
 Interface with regulators, IRAQ Authorities and other third-parties as necessary to meet
permitting and certification requirements.
 Interface with the Company and the other Contractors involved in the Work as required.
b. The Procurement of all Equipment and Materials, and Consumables excluding the Company’s
Supplied Equipment/Materials.

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c. All Civil Works required for development of the Construction Site, including all Temporary
Works such as roads and drains, and including proper disposal of all Construction Site
clearance debris, soil, rock, dredged spoil etc. generated during such work.
d. A comprehensive logistics infrastructure to ensure goods are properly received, handled,
customs cleared, transported to the Worksites for storage and installation.
e. All necessary covered and uncovered storage facilities for Equipment and Materials.
f. All necessary government and statutory licenses, consents, authorizations, permits etc.
g. Securing of all necessary permits and approvals.
h. Engineering of the entire Work within the Battery Limit.
i. Engineering, Construction and installation of the complete Company’s Supplied
Equipment/Materials within the Facility, including metering and control, instrumentation and
j. Inspection and Testing activities.
k. Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, Start-Up and Performance Testing activities (as
l. Any necessary Construction Site facilities and all temporary Construction Site facilities and
support services, including Construction Site offices for the Company
m. Construction Camp and all temporary Construction Camp facilities.
n. All necessary transportation to convey the Contractor’s workforce to and from the Construction
o. A sewage collection, treatment and disposal system adequate for supporting the temporary
Construction Camp and facilities throughout the course of the Work.
p. Construction Site medical and first aid facilities and an ambulance.
q. Construction Site access.
r. Warranty and Handover Documentation for each Work Order (three (3) complete sets of hard
copies, plus three (3) soft-copies (each) uploaded in discrete flash-memory).
s. Calibration for all instruments by qualified engineer and tools.
t. Employ a Private Security Company.

In addition to the activities summarized herein above, the Contractor shall also be
responsible for the following:
1. Provision of project management, detailed engineering, design, procurement, construction,
inspection, testing, pre-commissioning, commissioning, warranty, project control services,
administration, accounting and reporting to the Company.
2. Provision of management, coordination, design, and supervision services for interfacing and
coordinating with any other party(s) involved in the execution of the Work.
3. Provision of planning, scheduling, cost control, project control services, and progress
measurement reporting for the whole of Work.

4. Provision and implementation of detailed plans, Work time schedules and procedures for
Construction, Testing, Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning and Warranty Maintenance for all

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equipment at Vendor’s workshops as well as onsite.
5. Provision of all engineering deliverables (documents, drawings, specifications, calculations,
reports, etc.) to be approved by the Company before commencing with any procurement and/or
construction activity.
6. Performing all necessary engineering Works related to detailed engineering, procurement,
construction, pre-commissioning, commissioning, and performance testing.
7. Engaging a reputable, qualified and experienced international engineering firm with sufficient
track record in the field of Oil & Gas processing plants engineering.
8. Performing all necessary calculations, simulations, and analyses as required for optimizing the
sizing and selection of equipment, and ensuring the safeguarding of the Work assigned.

9. For each Work Order, Preparation of discrete Deliverables Schedule (Technical Document
Register) as part of the Work Execution Schedule. The TDR shall detail documentation titles and
issue target dates, identifying dependencies, critical items, review chain and each document class.
TDR shall include all engineering documentation and drawings originated by the Contractor, including
third-party reports, surveys, inspection reports and certification. Moreover; for the Execution Schedule,
the Contractor shall also take into account any internal and external audit of the Works, delay of
review cause of bad deliverable quality, etc. and consider the TDR as life document to be updated
whenever required.
10. Provision of Vendor, out of the Contract’s Approved Vendor List (AVL), list and pre-qualifications
ahead of award recommendation that is to be approved by the Company.
11. Provision of submission of the Project’s Procedures and Documents for the Company approval
within fifteen (15) calendar days upon receiving of the signed Work Order, including but not
limited to:
 Engineering (complete package);
 Procurement (Purchasing, logistic, etc.);
 Planning/Schedule;
 QA/QC;
 Document Control;
 Construction;
 Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning.
12. Provision of project management, project control services, construction, administration,
accounting and reporting to Company as defined in each Work Order.
13. Provision of equipment and materials procurement (excluding the Company supplied
items/equipment) as defined in each Work Order.
14. The Contractor’s Project Organization Structure (to be approved, in advance, by the Company)
shall facilitate smooth coordination between the management and execution levels of
engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning that are required to carry out the
whole assigned Work successfully with respect to the targeted schedule and quality
15. Establishing a progress reporting system by which the Company remains regularly informed of
the status of the Works. The report format (as part of the planning package) shall be developed
and submitted by the Contractor to the Company for the required approval immediately upon
receipt of the LOA (Letter of Award).

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16. Provision and implementation of detailed execution plans, Work schedules, and procedures
and method statement for construction. The plan and schedule shall be in-line with the
milestones stipulated in each Work Order.

17. Ensuring the consistency of the Work execution schedule with the timeline stipulated in the
Work Order, without compromising the Work quality requirements.
18. Provision of verifying and locating all the old/existing facilities (piping, cabling, etc.) and
protecting them during the Works execution. If required, the old/existing facilities shall be
relocated and dismantled accordingly. The Contractor is deemed to include all the costs
associated with the verification, protection, relocation, and dismantling of the old/existing
facilities in the scope.
19. Accepting the Site on an “as is where is” basis and completing Site preparation Work,
including dismantling of existing facilities (if required), temporary access, roads, tracks etc., as
required for the Work.
20. Provision of instrument, tools, and apparatuses for the Company representatives, as required
for any testing/inspection assignment.
21. Preparation, submission for approval and implementation of Quality Assurance plan suitable to
ensure compliance with Contract specifications, and other inspection requirements.
22. Preparation and submission of all Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Pre-
Commissioning, Commissioning, and Quality Control documentation and Timeline for the
Company review and approval.
23. Confirmation of the adequacy of the specifications and design information by means of detailed
review in accordance with the Scope of Work requirements. Generation of specifications and/or
drawings where the existing specifications and/or drawings are deemed insufficient.
24. Provision of procurement services and supply, including inspection, expediting, coordination,
acceptance, forwarding, payment of legal fees, payment of customs duty, customs clearance
(including custom transit if necessary) of equipment and bulk materials including sufficient
overbuy, spare parts and consumables for Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, Performance
Testing of the Work.
25. Performing all material tendering, and evaluation of bids and shall place purchase orders, for all
materials and equipment and deliver to the Site in a timely manner, per Work Order scheduled
26. Provision of all materials required for execution of Work, but not limited to all consumables
necessary for the testing, flushing, pre-commissioning, commissioning, performance testing and
operation of the assigned Work equipment and system.
27. Provision of operation and maintenance of temporary construction facilities and removal and
cleaning of the same after completion of the Work.
28. Implement requirement of Site storage and material protection for all procured equipment and
materials including the Company’s supplied materials/equipment.
29. Provision of preparation, demolishing and re-routing of the old/existing systems (if any),
fabrication, assembling, erection, construction, installation, pre-commissioning, testing and
adjustment, reparation and re-correction, and commissioning of all equipment and facilities of
the Work, and hand-over to the Company following successful accomplishment of the
Performance Tests and inspection. The Contractor shall consider all possible scenarios, as part
of their Scope of Work that will eliminate any influence on the production during the
performance of the Work.

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30. Provision of construction and pre-commissioning method statements, and procedures including
lifting plan, scaffolding erection and dismantling plan, hydrostatic test procedure, Nitrogen (N2)
inerting procedure, equipment installation and alignment, etc. and related JSA and PTW.
31. Assignment of qualified personnel, materials, equipment and support as required to perform the
32. Warrant that the personnel, material equipment, consumables, and logistical requirements are
provided to ensure effective and safe performance of the Work has been determined.

33. Provision of qualified project personnel (covering all Works disciplines and management)
among the entire Project Period whom shall be available all time’s onsite for resolving any
concerns or discovered defectives. The Company has the right to request to replacement or
demobilize from the project. The Contractor shall never change the Key Personnel assigned to
the Project without prior approval from the Company.
34. Operating a Quality Management system, in line with the requirements of ISO 9000 series,
latest Edition, and supplemented by the Company’s Quality Assurance specifications. The
Contractor shall ensure that all Sub-Contractors, Fabricators, and Vendors are operating in line
with the same requirements.
35. Operating a health, safety and environment (HSE) Management system, in line with the
requirements of ISO 14000 and ISO 18000 series, latest Edition, and supplemented by the
Company’s HSE specifications. The Contractor shall also ensure that all Sub-Contractors,
Fabricators, and Vendors are operating in line with the same requirements.
36. In view of some possible working points that might be in the mined area, the Contractor shall
adhere to the Company's mine-area management regulations and guidelines.
37. Provision of inspection and testing services, installation and welding qualification procedures
and test, facilities, equipment, materials, consumables and documentation necessary for
inspection and testing at all stages of the Work, all as defined in the Contract and in
accordance with other industrial inspection requirements.
38. Development and implementation of a comprehensive equipment and bulk materials control,
traceability and tracking system throughout all phases of Procurement, Installation, Pre-
Commissioning, and Commissioning.
39. Construction of the Work, including site survey and preparation, verification of existing
underground services, build, fabrication, assembling, reparation and re-correction, installation
and erection as required in accordance with the Scope of Work’s specifications, drawings, etc.
as defined in the Contract.
40. Provision of operation and maintenance of the temporary facilities including any temporary
safety equipment and facilities during Construction, Pre-Commissioning, and Commissioning as
required for the performance of the Work.
41. Provision of all expendable/consumable construction supplies, fuel and lubricant for
construction requirements including safety items (hard hats, safety shoes, safety clothing, eye
goggles, etc.) for the Contractor’s Workers and the Company representatives.
42. Provision of general Site security, including security for the Contractor’s Work and
accommodation areas, equipment, materials and tools, and also barricades or fence if required.
43. Provision of Vendors’ assistance including mobilization of Vendors’ personnel to the Site during
Construction, Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, Performance Test, and Warranty of the
44. Provision of procurement of commissioning and two years spare parts, as required.
45. Handover of construction surplus and scrap during execution and upon completion of the Work

Page 17 of 105
to a designated place approved by the Company.
46. Provision of housekeeping of the Worksite and Surrounding Areas during and after completion
of the Work.
47. Provision of Functional Testing, Start-up and Performance Test (uninterrupted continuous 72
hours) for all equipment/systems, system by system, with reference and requirements of the
Scope of Work, and approved specifications and standards.
48. Provision of All Constructions Risk Insurance, the Third Party Insurance, and other relative
necessary insurance in accordance with Clause of Conditions of Contract- “Insurance”.
49. Provision of services of an independent, recognized Third-Party Inspection Agency as required
and including all inspection tools for critical items. The TPI shall be elected from the Contract’s
Third-Party Inspection Agency Approved List.
50. Provision of all water requirements including potable, utility, testing, and any other activities.
51. Mobilizing all equipment, materials, consumables and personnel to the Site and providing
transportation for personnel to and from the site.
52. Providing temporary lighting for the Site, as required.
53. Provision for all installation and construction activities to be carried out as per duly “Approved
for Construction (AFC)” drawings
54. Obtaining necessary permits, including Hot-Work Permit, from the Company on daily basis to
perform any Work inside or near the old/existing facilities (if any).

55. Obtaining necessary construction permits and certifications for the Work from local
government (if any).
56. Liaise with various Vendors, Other Contractors, and Sub-Contractor for interfaces during all
Work stages starting from the design phase up to, the commissioning phase (as required). This
includes the Contractor’s obligation to bring to the Company’s immediate attention, any potential
interface issue that the Contractor identifies.
57. Provision of all Final Documentation, Redline-Mark-up and As-Built Drawings, Commissioning
Reports, Completion Reports, Equipment’s Operating and Maintenance Manuals, Work Order
Close-out report, and any other relative documents.
58. Provision of submission of weekly and monthly reports to the Company in accordance with the
form approved by the Company at least two (2) days ahead of the weekly and monthly
59. Provide the process and mechanical performance guarantee for the executed Work.

60. Provision of qualified warranty personnel (covering all Works disciplines) and tools/equipment
among the entire Warranty Period whom shall be available all times onsite for resolving any
concerns or discovered defectives.
61. Provision of Office Stationery, and Maintenance and Cleaning of the Project Team’s Premises.
62. Provision of two (2) Pickup Car, in good condition, onsite (with maintenance, consumables and
drivers) among the whole contract term period.


The Company shall be limited to the following:

1. The Company will review and approve the design and perform design appraisal during detailed
engineering, furthermore, manage the project during the whole execution phases since project

Page 18 of 105
initiation till close-out.
2. The Company shall have the right to participate in the technical evaluation prior vendor
3. The Company will, but is not obliged to, provide assistance to the Contractor in securing
necessary permits when required under this Contract. Failure by the Company to obtain and
provide such assistance shall not relieve the Contractor from its obligation to secure the same at
its own costs.
4. Whenever available, the Company will provide, the relevant specifications, drawings, and
technical documents and clarify any ambiguity, inconsistency or contradiction.
5. The Company will hand over the Site to the Contractor, as where it is, during the Construction
6. The signing, countersigning, or other endorsements of any drawings and documentation by any
of the Company’s representatives shall not be interpreted as implying the responsibility for the
correctness of such documents or relieving the Contractor of its obligations to review all
information, data, Drawings, and specifications provided by the Company.
7. The Company will specify the power connection location for the Contractor’s living and
construction; however, the Contractor shall also prepare the diesel generators as the Company’s
power supply might not be stable or available.
8. The Company will specify the freshwater source location that might cover the Contractor’s water
needs; however, in case of lack or privation of fresh water, the Contractor shall be sole-
responsible to cover his needs of freshwater.
9. The Company shall check, inspect and supervise the Work performed by the Contractor.
10. In case of any unresolved differences between the Contractor and Third-Party Agency or any
other party for any issue, which in the Company's sole opinion has an impact on either project
cost and/or schedule, technical integrity, etc., the Company reserves the right to intervene and
advise decisions on such issues which shall be binding on the Contractor and other concerned
parties involved in the execution of Work.

11. The Company will execute all demining Works.

12. Should the Company at its sole discretion determine at any point in time that the Contractor's
resources are not satisfying the job requirements then the Company shall have the right to the
following options:
 Request an immediate replacement resource at the Contractor's cost.
 Alternatively maintain the resource at fifty percent (50%) of the full construction rates set out in
the Schedule of Compensation.
 No payment will be made to the Contractor for any period during which the normal planned Work
cannot proceed because the Contractor’s personnel cannot perform their normal duties and/or
the equipment cannot perform their normal operations for any reason within the reasonable
control of the Contractor.
 All personnel and equipment rates in set out in the Schedule of Compensation shall be
applicable to any day of the week, regardless of weekends and holidays. They shall also be
applicable for daytime, night or shift working.


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- The Contractor shall provide comprehensive project management and control services to
control the performance of the Work. The Contractor’s project management and control
services shall be sufficient to ensure delivery of the Company’s Project goals.
- Project management and control services shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
 Planning.
 Schedule Control.
 Resources.
 Cost Control.
 Coordination.
 Communication with the Company.
5.1 Scope Of Project Management:
 The Contractor’s Scope of Project Management shall include, but not limited to, the followings:

1. Project management of the detailed design, procurement (including supply), installation, pre-
commissioning (including oil flushing), commissioning, warranty maintenance and the
management and supervision of all Sub-Contractors, Vendors, and ancillary or temporary
services which are necessary for the expeditious completion of the Works.
2. Preparation and submission of organization charts for detailed design, procurement,
construction, pre-commissioning, commissioning, performance testing and warranty
maintenance. The chart shall display up to the junior engineer level.
3. Provision of a project management team or teams to manage the implementation of the
4. Provision of the services of all Contractor’s personnel as required for execution of Works.
5. Coordination and control of each work group, e.g., engineering, procurement services, project
control, contracting, construction/installation, pre-commissioning, commissioning,
performance testing, reliability run testing and warranty maintenance to ensure the Works is
completed within the stipulated completion dates and according to the specifications and
drawings within the Contract.
6. Implementation of a safety program throughout the execution of the Works.
7. Implementation of a quality assurance program throughout the execution of the Works and
submission of periodic reports to the Company.
8. Carrying out periodic quality, safety, technical and schedule audits with the Company
attendance and advising the Company of the results of such audits together with the
appropriate action taken and any recommendations.
9. Management and coordination of all external interfaces associated with the Works, covering
detailed design, procurement services, Construction, Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning,
Performance Testing, Reliability Run Testing and Warranty Maintenance activities.
10. Attending all management meetings with the Company at the specified location by the
11. Reporting to the Company in accordance with the guidelines provided in the Contract.
12. Liaison with Iraqi Authorities and fulfil all the statutory requirements for the execution of

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13. Provision of continuous services of the Contractor’s personnel at site during Warranty Period.

5.2 Project Execution Plan

 The Contractor’s Project Execution Plan (PEP) shall set out the entire Work plan for the Project.
The PEP may be based on the Contractor’s standard PEP, but shall be modified as necessary to
ensure coverage of all relevant topics, including but not limited to, the following:
 Organization.
 Management.
 Assurance.
 Health, Safety, and Environment Management.
 Quality.
 Project Controls.
 Engineering (including Technical Package Verification/Validation).
 Contracting.
 Procurement.
 Materials Transportation and Management.
 Risk Management.
 Document Control.
 Communications.
 Interface Management.
 Interdependent Activities.
 Construction (including Pre-Fabrication).
 Construction Camps/Temporary facilities.
 Training and Competency Assessment.
 Industrial Relations.
 Pre-Commissioning.

 Commissioning.

 Start-up.

 Performance Testing.

 Reliability Run Testing.

 Testing.
 Completion of Punch list Items.
 Redline-Markup and As-Built Drawings.
 Handover Documentation.

Page 21 of 105
 Handover.
 A formal meeting to review the PEP shall be held prior to the Contract Award. Key elements of
the PEP shall be finalized and approved by the Company within thirty (30) days of the start
of the contract.
 The Contractor shall appoint a project director or senior project manager who shall take
ownership of the PEP and who shall be responsible for successful delivery of the Project to the
Company. The Contractor’s Project Manager shall ensure that all of the resources required
meeting the overall programme and the Project milestones are available and meet the
specified acceptance criteria. The Contractor’s Project Manager shall be the prime contact
between the Company and the Contractor and shall be accountable to the Company for the
achievement of the Project to the agreed standards.
 The Contractor shall nominate a Project Sponsor from within the Contractor’s Senior
Management Team with responsibility to ensure that Project goals are met.
 The Contractor shall report the performance of all elements of the PEP on a monthly basis.
Monthly reviews shall be held with the Company’s Management Team to verify progress and
ensure that all problems are being dealt with in a proper and timely fashion.
 The following sections provide further details on some, but not all, of the key plans which the
Contractor shall include in the PEP:

5.3 Organization Plan

 The Contractor shall provide an integrated project organization, which shall, as far as practicable,
be mobilized as a single project task force. The Project task force shall be mobilized in a single
Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning management office, with a fully
networked information technology system linking all key personnel.
 The resumes of key person shall be provided in Technical Proposal.

 During the course of the Project, the location of the Project task force office may change to suit
the Work being performed, with the Project task force office always being in the location where
the predominant Work is being conducted at that time in the programme.

 The following key personnel who will execute the Work are critical for the Company, and will
be approved by the Company prior to start of contract:
 Project Manager (≥ 12 years’ experience in the Oil & Gas Industry).
 Engineering Manager (≥ 8 years’ experience in the Oil & Gas Industry).
 Project Controls Manager (≥ 8 years’ experience in the Oil & Gas Industry).
 Procurement Manager (≥ 8 years’ experience in the Oil & Gas Industry).
 Construction Manager (≥ 8 years’ experience in the Oil & Gas Industry).
 QA/QC Manager (≥ 8 years’ experience in the Oil & Gas Industry).
 Project Engineer (≥ 8 years’ experience in the Oil & Gas Industry).
 HSE Manager (≥ 8 years’ experience in the Oil & Gas Industry).
 Additional personnel (≥ 8 years’ experience in the Oil & Gas Industry) shall include, but are
not limited to, the following:
 Lead Process Engineer.

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 Lead Civil and Structural Engineer.
 Lead Piping Engineer.
 Lead Electrical Engineer.
 Lead Instrument and Control Engineer.
 Lead Painting and Insulation Engineer.
 Lead Rotating Equipment Engineer.
 Lead Static Equipment Engineer
 Lead Welding and NDT Engineer.
 Site Document Controller.
 Material Management Engineer.
 Contractors shall pay attention to the demobilization plan in which no engineers, especially the
designer and construction executing engineers, are allowed to demobilize from worksite until all
Redline-Markup drawings are completed and approved by the Company. The Contractor should
be attentive to this rule as any violation will result in financial penalties and the concerned
completion certificate(s) will be held up.

5.4 Management Plan

 The Contractor shall be responsible for all management activities related to performing the
Work. The Contractor shall provide all personnel and resources required to develop, administer
and perform management activities.
 The Contractor shall develop a detailed management plan. The management plan shall be
consistent with the requirements of the contract and shall be submitted to the Company for review
and approval.
 The Contractor’s Management Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
 Identification and description of any consortia formed to perform the Work including definition of
division of responsibility between consortia members.
 Location(s) of office where the Work is to be performed, together with timing of any changes to
office location.
 Project management procedures manual. These procedures shall clearly set out the method by
which the Project shall be controlled and shall include a comprehensive Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS).
 Procedures for efficient coordination of activities between multiple locations as required.
 Details of the management performance measurement and reporting systems.
 Damage avoidance procedures as set forth in Section 5.4.1.
5.4.1 Damage Avoidance Procedures
 The Contractor shall ensure, by providing and following fully developed procedures and by
installing temporary protection, that no damage is done to the existing infrastructure or
adjacent land, property, habitation and local community facilities during execution of the
 Similarly, the Contractor shall take all precautionary measures and follow detailed working
procedures to avoid damage to the Company Supplied Materials/Equipment.

Page 23 of 105

5.5 Assurance Plan

 The Contractor shall be responsible for all HSE, Quality and Technical Integrity assurance
activities related to performing the Work. The Contractor shall provide all Personnel and
resources required to develop, administer and perform assurance activities.
 The Contractor shall prepare an assurance plan in accordance with the requirements of
Assurance Philosophy. The assurance plan shall meet the requirements of international
standards ISO9001/ ISO14001/ OHSAS18001, or equivalent. And shall be submitted to the
Company for review and approval.
 The assurance plan shall be revised and updated as the Project proceeds. The assurance plan
shall include the procedures, working practices and systems by which the Contractor intends to
manage the Work and deliver a high standard of assurance in accordance with the Contractor’s
own assurance system and the Company’s standards.
 The Contractor shall provide a dedicated Assurance Manager who shall have overall
accountability for the implementation of assurance. Under the Project Manager's direct
supervision, the Assurance Manager shall ensure the quality of the project, and shall be based at
the Construction Site during Construction and Commissioning phases, up to Handover.
 The Contractor shall be responsible for assurance of Suppliers and Sub-Contractors. The
Contractor shall ensure that Suppliers and Sub-Contractors operate an assurance system, and
that the system meets the requirements of ISO9001/ ISO14001/ OHSAS18001, or equivalent

5.6 HSE Plan

 The Contractor shall be responsible for all HSE activities related to performing the Work. The
Contractor shall provide all Personnel and resources required to deliver a high level of HSE
 The Contractor shall prepare a HSE plan in accordance with the requirements of Project
Specification for Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Plan. The HSE plan shall
be submitted to the Company for review and approval.
 The HSE plan shall be revised and updated as the Project proceeds. The HSE plan shall include
the procedures, working practices and systems by which the Contractor intends to manage the
Work and deliver a high standard of HSE performance in accordance with the Contractor’s own
HSE management system, Company’s HSE standards and the applicable laws and regulations.
 The Contractor shall provide a dedicated HSE manager who shall have overall accountability for
the implementation of the HSE plan. The HSE manager shall be directly responsible to the project

5.7 Quality Plan

 The Contractor shall be responsible for all quality activities, assurance and control, related to
performing the Work. The Contractor shall provide all Personnel and resources required to
develop, administer and perform quality activities.
 The Contractor shall develop a detailed quality plan. The quality plan shall be consistent with the
requirements of the Contract and shall be submitted to the Company for review and approval.
 For details of the Quality Plan, refer to Section 6.

5.8 Project Controls Plan

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 Successful execution of the Work requires efficient project controls and management. The
Contractor shall be responsible for all project control activities related to performing the Work.
The Contractor shall provide all Personnel and resources required to develop, administer and
perform project control activities.
 The Contractor shall prepare a detailed project controls plan in accordance with the requirements
of Coordination and Administration Procedures. The project controls plan shall address both cost
and schedule controls and management activities. Cost and schedule management are closely
related as both are driven by the Work, resources, and productivity trends. The project controls
plan shall be submitted to the Company for review and approval.
 The primary objective of the intended Project Control System is to provide timely accurate
information needed by the Company to identify areas of concern and opportunity, and to initiate
appropriate action for the successful execution of the Works.
 The Project Controls Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
 Project Planning and Control System.
 Detailed Organization Chart for the Project Controls Group.

 Work Breakdown Schedule including Commissioning and Start-Up.

 Manpower Requirements showing current and Projected Workloads.

 Level 1 (Project Master Schedule) shall be derived from the activity network analysis.
Level 1 will contain a summary of activities contained in Level 2, 3 and 4 Detailed Contract
Schedule, clearly indicating the dates set out in the schedules and will shall contain All Key

 Detailed Level 3 (Work Package) Schedule showing activities from start of Contract to
successful completion of facility reliability run testing. Any pre-award activities required to
maintain overall project schedule shall be identified.
 Level 4 (Task) relational databases linked to schedule on Activity ID shall support the
schedule and shall be the principal control level. Level 4 databases shall retain periodic
history and permit full roll-back history.
 Project Overall Progress Curve (planned actual and forecast percentage complete
versus time).
 Histograms showing number of man hours by discipline required from start of Contract
through successful completion of facility performance testing – planned, actual and forecast
versus time (incremental and cumulative).
 Change Control.

 Progress Measurement detailing means of assessing and recording progress for each
type of task. Shall include as minimum:
 Engineering Progress Measurement System.
 Procurement Progress Measurement System (MTR Material Tracking Report shall be
essential part of this system).
 Construction /Commissioning Progress Measurement System.
 Cost Estimating and Budgeting.
 Cost Control.

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 Details of Project Controls Measurement and Reporting Systems.

 TDR, Drawings/Documents Templates and Reporting/MOM System Formats.

 Document Control and Management System.
 The schedules shall be prepared in a structured way showing individual elements. Each element
will be able to be definitively progressed and be rolled up to multiple levels of control.
 The Contractor shall update task level schedules through a weekly reporting system designed to
verify that Work is proceeding according to plan. The Contractor shall produce look-ahead
summaries of activities planned and resources to be employed, covering the period up to one
month ahead at any time. Weekly reviews will be held with the Company Representative to verify
progress and ensure that data flow continues to support the schedule.
 Problem areas shall be identified and corrective action plans put in place by the Contractor. The
role of the Company Representative will be to ensure that corrective actions are appropriately
coordinated across the Project. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to co-ordinate those actions
within the Project and advises the Company of any potential impact on interfaces with other
 The Contractor shall prepare summary link schedules for Procurement, Construction and Pre-
Commissioning, Commissioning and Start-Up showing all critical activities. In the monthly report he
shall identify all critical and marginally sub-critical activities and report on his strategy for ensuring
that the Programme will be maintained. The Contractor shall prepare and report on the Programme
in accordance with Co-ordination and Administration Procedures.

5.9 Engineering Plan

 The Contractor shall be responsible for all Engineering and design activities related to performing
the Work as detailed in FEED Technical Data Package. The Contractor shall provide all
Personnel and resources required to develop, administer and perform Engineering activities.
 The Contractor shall develop a detailed Engineering plan. The Engineering plan shall be
consistent with the requirements of the Contract and shall be submitted to the Company for review
and approval.
 The Engineering plan shall include but not be limited to, the following information:
 Detailed organization chart for the Engineering group and each Engineering discipline.
 Activities to complete survey studies, geotechnical investigations, modelling etc.
 Activities required carrying out detailed Engineering resulting from FEED.
 Engineering activities which the Contractor intends to be carried out by other organizations.
 Activities required to Procurement.
 Activities required to Construction and installation at the Construction Site (Field Engineering).
 Work split between locations and plan for co-ordination.
 Procedures for the Contractor’s review and approval of Supplier and Sub-Contractor work
 Procedures for Company review of Contractor work products.
 Procedures for the integration of safety review findings and recommendations into detailed
 Technical change control procedure.

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 Details of Engineering reporting systems.
5.10 Contracting Plan

 The Contractor shall be responsible for placing all Sub-Contracts related to performing the Work.
The Contractor shall provide all Personnel and resources required to develop, administer and
perform all its Sub-Contracts.
 The Contractor shall develop a detailed contracting plan. The contracting plan shall be consistent
with the requirements of the Contract and shall be submitted to the Company for review and
 The contracting plan shall include but not be limited to, the following items:
 List of all Sub-Contracts required for the execution of the Contract. The number of Sub-
Contractors shall be optimized, taking into account the capabilities of IRAQ companies,
Contractor’s responsibilities for the control of safety and quality, and cost factors.
 Details of all procedures related to Sub-Contracts, including pre-qualification, tendering, Sub-
Contractor evaluation and Sub-Contract administration.
 The procedures shall take into account the special requirements of managing IRAQ Sub-
Contractors (including Design Institutes and Construction companies).
 Specific activities to allow the Contractor to meet the overall PROGRAMME objectives of the
Contract. The Contractor shall provide regular monthly updates to the Company as to the status
of the Sub-Contracts including planned and actual award dates, hold point dates and
performance test dates.
 The Contractor shall give due consideration to IRAQ companies to provide services, provided that
they are competitive, that quality is to the standards defined in the Contract and the Programme is
not impacted.
 The Contractor shall be responsible for preparing and issuing bid packages, receiving the bids,
performing the formal bid evaluation and making a recommendation to the Company.
 The Company reserves the right to periodically audit the Contractor’s Sub-Contract process to
assure compliance with the approved procedures.

5.11 Procurement Plan

 The Contractor shall be responsible for all Procurement activities related to performing the Work.
The Contractor shall provide all Personnel and resources required to develop, administer and
perform all Procurement activities in accordance with the requirement by Company.
 The Contractor shall develop a detailed Procurement plan. The Procurement plan shall be
consistent with the requirements of the Contract and shall be submitted to the Company for
review and approval.
 The Procurement plan shall include but not be limited to, the following information:
 Detailed Organization Chart for Procurement Group.
 Business Ethics Policy.
 Designation of long lead-time Equipment and Materials for the Facility, and details of
Procurement activities related to the acquisition of such items.

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 Plans for Equipment and Material supply, Procurement schedule, Procurement status,
Procurement progress tracking, expediting, transportation and logistics, Supplier data
administration and purchase order close-out.
 Purchasing procedures including, but not limited to:
 Pre-qualification.
 Bid List Development.
 Request for Quotation (RFQ).
 Bid Technical Evaluation.
 Formal Award.
 Change Orders.
 Inspection and Expediting.
 Spare Parts.
 Traffic Management.
 Close-out.
 Supplier selection criteria
 Risk assessment plan
 Details on how the number of Equipment and Materials Suppliers will be minimized to simplify
training and reduce spare parts inventories
 Details on how it will be ensured control systems of packaged equipment units are developed.
 Details on how commonality of key components of packaged equipment units (including but not
limited to valves, instrumentation, motors, junction boxes and tubing compression fittings) will be
 Inspection and expediting
 Training services for operations and maintenance personnel available from Suppliers.
 Preparation of Asset Register (complete inventory of all Equipment, Materials, furniture, spares,
tools, consumables, etc.) of the facility at handover.
 Details of Procurement reporting systems.
 The Contractor shall consider a considerable margin of the materials supplied for the execution of
the Work in which can avoid any imperfections, shortage, unseen, etc. matters that can delay the
execution of the Work on its scheduled period or affect the quality or outcome of the targeted
Project’s goals.
 The Contractor shall prioritize the purchasing and supplying of all long lead items and materials
that will have considerable impacts on the Project scheduled execution period and plan.

5.12 Materials Transportation and Management Plan

 The Contractor shall be responsible for all transportation and logistics activities related to
performing the Work. The Contractor shall provide all Personnel and resources required to
develop, administer and perform all transportation and logistics activities.
 The Contractor shall develop a detailed materials transportation and management plan. The
materials transportation and management plan shall be consistent with the requirements of the
Contract and shall be submitted to the Company for review and approval.

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 The materials transportation and management plan shall include but not be limited to the
following information:
 Detailed organization chart for logistics group.
 Material control and sequencing consistent with Programme.
 Method of transportation, unloading and site handling for large Equipment items (e.g., vessel,
 Importation and customs clearance.
 Expediting schedule–critical Equipment and Material, spare parts and replacements.
 Reporting status of Equipment and Material transportation.
5.13 Construction Plan

 The Contractor shall be responsible for all Construction activities related to performing the Work.
The Contractor shall provide all Personnel and resources required to develop, administer and
perform all Construction support activities.
 The Contractor shall develop a detailed Construction plan. The Construction plan shall be
consistent with the requirements of the Contract and shall be submitted to the Company for
review and Approval.
 The Construction plan shall include but not be limited to, the following information:
 Detailed Organization Chart for Construction Group.
 Interface Management; managing the interfacing issues with existing facilities/other Contractors.
 Identification of Critical Path Construction Activities.
 Construction Supervision.
 Pioneer activities at the Construction Site, including but not limited to offices, Construction quay,
power, telecommunications, security, site clearing, infrastructure, access roads and pioneer
camp facilities.
 Construction temporary facilities, including but not limited to offices, Construction quay, laydown
areas, workshops, warehouses, power, water, telecommunications, security, infrastructure,
access roads and Construction Camp.
 Pre-Fabrication and Pre-Assembly, including description of Work to be done off-site.
 Field labour training and competency assessment.
 Welders and NDT Qualifications.
 Details for developing job method statements.
 Verify, protect, relocate, demolish/dismantle and reinstate the existing facilities/ancillaries as
 Description of Construction activities and associated supporting facilities at the Construction Site,
including but not limited to marine works, fabrication shop and warehouse requirements, site
maintenance, waste handling, and site remediation.
 Scaffolding, including but not limited to Sub-contracting, supply of scaffolding materials and
safety and certification.
 Lifting activities and list of crane requirements.

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 Identification of foreign worker requirements.
 Supplier Field Support Requirements.
 Coordination of Construction and Pre-Commissioning activities.
 Safety Management.
 Quality Assurance/Control.
 Inspection, Testing and Pre-Commissioning Services.
 Construction Engineering and technical control services.
 Material Control and Warehousing.
 Sub-Contractors Management.
 Third-Party Certification Services.
 Disposal of construction surplus materials.
 Dismantling and disposal of construction aids and other temporary facilities.
 Liaison with the Company for obtaining of Permits to Work, shutdown, tie-ins, etc.
 Reporting.
5.14 Risk Management Plan

 The Contractor shall be responsible for managing all risks related to performing the Work. The
Contractor shall provide all Personnel and resources required to develop, administer and perform
all risk management activities.
 The Contractor shall develop a detailed risk management plan. The risk management plan shall
be consistent with the requirements of the Contract and shall be submitted to the Company for
review and Approval.
 The risk management plan shall include but not be limited to the following:
 Identification of external and internal risks to Project success
 Assessment of the probability of each risk’s occurrence and its impact
 Review of risk mitigation steps to reduce the probability of occurrence and/or its impact

5.15 Interfaces/Interdependent Activities Management Plan

 The interfaces and interdependent activities management plan shall address how every party
(Company, Contractor, Sub-Contractors, Suppliers, other companies and Contractors,
Government and external parties) shall work together to ensure the overall Project is successfully
 The Contractor shall develop a detailed interfaces and independent activities management plan.
The detailed interfaces and independent activities management plan shall be consistent with the
requirements of the Contract and shall be submitted to the Company for review and Approval.
 The interfaces and interdependent activities management plan shall include but not be limited to
the following:
 Identification of all interfaces

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 Identification of what is to be delivered, with each element (e.g., design, procure, install, test and
commission) identified
 Identification of the party responsible for carrying out each element of the Work.

 Identification of all interdependent activities (i.e., those activities which affect, or are affected by,
the performance of activities by other parties)

5.16 Document Control and Management System

 The Contractor shall be responsible for all Document Control and Management System related to
performing the Work. The Contractor shall provide all Personnel and resources required to
develop, administer and perform all Document Control and Management System.
 The Contractor shall develop a detailed Document Control and Management System Plan. The
plan shall be consistent with the requirements of the Contract and shall be submitted to the
Company for review and Approval as part of the Planning Package which shall include also the
Reporting, Projects Formats, TDR, PMS Execution Plan, Manpower Histogram and Progression
 The Document Control and Management System Plan shall include but not be limited to, the
following information:
 Roles and Responsibilities.
 Documents Distribution.
 Documents Filing.
 Documents Auditing.
 Interdisciplinary Check.
 Electronic Documents Management.
 Hardcopy Documents Management.
 Document Review and Approval.
 Numbering System and Formatting.
 Sub-Contractor Documents Control.
 Information Handover and Document Archiving.
 Work-flow Chart (for each).



Contractor shall be responsible to plan, establish, implement and maintain a Quality System
for the engineering, procurement, fabrication, installation, pre-commissioning,
commissioning and Performance Testing as per the Contract in line with ISO 9001, ISO
Contractor shall submit a copy of Contractor ’s policy statement on their corporate quality
manual and procedures, as a part of their bid, for review by the Company.

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Contractor shall be responsible for all Quality Assurance and Quality Control functions and
shall at all times provide adequate, competent and qualified supervision and inspection
personnel, approved by the Company, to ensure that the quality of Work is met.
Contractor shall supply all the relevant quality assurance requirements to its Sub-
Contractors, suppliers etc. involved in the compliance and shall be responsible for Overall
Project Quality Assurance and Quality Control.

Contractor shall prepare a specific Project Quality Plan for the Contract, detailing all quality
aspects as defined in Company specification mentioned above and submit to Company for
their approval, within 4 weeks from the Contract effective date. The Quality Plan shall cover,
in addition to compliance with project specification, all aspects of on and off-site inspections,
inspection request forms, non-conformance reports, remedial actions, records, scheduling,
Contractor shall effectively implement the quality system defined in the plan, verify
execution of the implemented system and issue reports of audits performed. Any non-
conformance will be handled in line with the requirements of the Quality Plan. Any
deviations / non-conformance that require Company approval will be submitted to Company
with adequate back-ups justifying the acceptability of the deviations / non-conformance.
Contractor shall be responsible to extend these requirements to its Sub-Contractors and

Quality control activities for the Work shall include the following, as a minimum:
 Development of Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs), Procedures, Schedules and Reports for
Procured Materials and Equipment, and Construction Activities;
 Review, approval and monitoring of Sub-Contractors/Vendors inspection and test plans;
 QA/QC requirements for Sub-Contractors/Vendors;
 QA/QC requirements for all site related activities (Field QA/QC plan);
 Design Control;
 Quality Control of Procurement Procedures;
 Document Control;
 Safety and Environmental control;
 Verification of all Test Certificates for compliance with the Company and applicable standards
 Performing of all Materials Acceptance Tests (e.g.; concrete mix design, backfilling sub base
materials, structural steel materials, concrete crushing test, compaction test, etc.) as per the
relevant ASTM standard procedure.
All Quality Control activities as listed above as to be performed by the Contractor or his
Sub-Contractors/Vendors shall be approved in advance by the Company.
In case of any doubt regarding actual soil properties compared with the provided
information by the Company, the Contractor shall consider any Soil Assessment Tests to
verify the properties of foundation’s soil. The provided bearing capacities by the Company is
given for information where the Contractor shall verify prior commencing with design works;

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any further needed soil data shall be obtained by the Contractor through services of
competent geotechnical expert that to be furnished by the Contractor.

Contractor shall arrange, coordinate and be responsible for all inspections and testing,
including code inspection covering all shop and site related items. Contractor shall provide
all necessary testing equipment, materials, tools, supervision and manpower assistance for
carrying out proper testing of all facilities.
Contractor shall inform the inspection and testing schedule of all major items to Company at
least two (2) days in advance. Similarly, field-testing schedule will be informed to
Company one day in advance.
Contractor shall be responsible for safe and proper inspection and testing of items and
Contractor shall provide facilities for the radiographic, ultrasonic, magnetic particle and dye
penetration inspection of weld, in accordance with the project specification. Contractor will
also provide dark room facilities for development of films and full-time services of qualified
technicians, trained in ultrasonic and radiographic inspection techniques. The cost of all
such facilities, materials and resources, shall be included by the bidder in the Contract
Inspectors from Company and Contractor shall perform the inspections together on all
materials, equipment and Works for compliance with the project specifications.

The contents of Contractor ’s Quality Assurance Manual shall cover:

1. Structural Construction
2. Piping Fabrication
3. Structural steel
4. Electrical
5. Pipes and fittings
6. Handling and lifting equipment
7. Materials Receiving at Site
The details of Quality Assurance Manual will be in accordance with project requirements.


 The Contractor shall be acknowledged that the typical modification Works will be
performed in the existing Degassing Station, where some facilities nearby are still on
service. All the modification Works should be performed and completed in a proper and
professional manner, which shall comply with Company’s HSE management provisions,
PTW management procedures and Oil Field Operation District’s management


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1.1.3 Policy Statement and Objectives
 Contractor shall conduct its operations in such a manner as to:
 Provide a safe working environment.
 Ensure the safety and health of Contractor’s crew and personnel working within the Contractor
directed areas of operation.
 Protect the public from injury or ill health and prevent loss or damage to properties resulting from
its activities.
 Ensure and safeguard the conservation of the environment.
1.1.4 Safety Targets
 In taking steps to ensure a safe working environment, Contractor shall aim for:
 No fatalities.
 No loss time and any significant accidents.
 No roll over to vehicles.
1.1.5Implementation Aspects
 The policy is implemented with special attention to the following specific aspects:
 The requirements of all relevant government legislation are followed.
 Company’s standards, specifications, procedures and regulations are applied.
 Safety is given equal importance to productivity and cost.
 Each employee is given specific procedures related to his Work.
 Each employee receives suitable technical and safety training.
 Work instructions are clear and pay due regard to safety requirements
 Experience gained, lessons learned from accidents/incidents and new technical developments to
be widely distributed amongst staff.
 Work Sites, work area is designed, built and operated in such a way that Work can be carried
out safety and in an environmentally sound manner.
 Only materials, tools and equipment which meet high standards are used.
 The safety aspects of Work Sites, work area, materials and tools are reviewed continually.
 Contractor is required to adopt and maintain the same high standards as per Company
 All Work carried out, whether by the Contractor or its Sub-Contractors, is effectively monitored
by Contractor.
 Regular safety meetings to be held at all levels in the organization to ensure safety occupy
important aspect of work planning and execution.


1.1.6 Unit Safety Officer

 The Contractor shall have at all times a fulltime responsible person appointed as the crew's Unit
Safety Officer. The Unit Safety Officer shall oversee all matters pertaining to safety in all crews’
operation and shall

Page 34 of 105
a) Conduct fortnightly safety meetings with all his crews.
b) Follow-up safety items raised during safety meetings.
c) Ensure accident/incident reports are completed and forwarded to the Company’s Representative
within twenty-four (24) hours.
d) Set up a system to enhance the safety attitudes and awareness of all his crews. Participate in
safety program or meeting conducted by the Company. Arrange or participate in the accident/
incident investigation.
1.1.7 All Personnel
 It is the responsibility of every personnel to maintain a safe working environment, both at his
assigned Work place and in other parts of the survey area.
 Inappropriate conduct or mischievous acts shall not be allowed, as this presents a safety hazard
to the entire crew. Subject to regulation enforced, firearms, weapons, prohibited drugs or alcohol
shall not be allowed at base camp or Work place.


1.1.8 First Aid, Resuscitation and Fire-Fighting

 There must be an adequately trained first aider at Work location.

 All personnel must be trained to operate fire-fighting equipment at their own Work stations.

1.1.9 Operation of Geological Equipment / Machinery

 Formal training must be provided for operators of heavy-duty equipment / machinery
 Trainee shall not be left to Work unsupervised.


1.1.10 Safety Inspections/Audits

 Prior to Works, Contractor ’s equipment shall be inspected by the Company Representative(s),

satisfied for operation and must meet all Company safety specifications and regulations.
Subsequent inspections will be made to ensure that proper actions have been taken to rectify
earlier identified unsafe situations and that equipment is in working order.
1.1.11 Safety Awareness/Meetings
 Contractor must be responsible for maintaining and enhancing the safety awareness of its
personnel and Sub-Contractor personnel, including arranging and/or participating in regular
safety meetings/briefing and emergency drills. The objectives of safety meetings are to:
 Provide opportunities for personnel to voice their concern over unsafe situations or procedures in
their respective Work places.
 Provide information and warning for other personnel in regard to potential or existing hazards.
 Allow collective solutions to be put forward through discussion.
 It is Company’s requirement that all Contractor personnel attend regular safety meetings and
names of attendees shall appear on the minutes of such meetings. Non-attendance at a safety
meeting must be authorized by a responsible person and a reason for non-attendance must be
given in the minutes.
1.1.12 Frequency

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 The meeting shall be held fortnightly and include a safety talk or presentation on a chosen
subject aimed at enhancing safety awareness on site.
 Safety audits shall be conducted by the Party Chief / Safety Officer in conjunction with the
Company’s Representative on a monthly basis or whenever deemed necessary.


All safety meetings are to produce minutes of meeting and forwarded to Company’s
All emergency drills are also to be forwarded to the Company’s Representative.
All safety audits are to be reported to Company’s Representative monthly, with action points
All accidents and incidents related to the survey shall be reported in accordance with
Company Accident Reporting Procedure, within twenty-four (24) hours in the event of:
a) Any loss of or damage to material or equipment supplied by either the Company or Contractor.
b) Any personal injury to any Company or Contractor Personnel, its agents or Sub-Contractors.
c) Any injury to any third party.
d) A near miss incident.
A full detailed report sent to Company within twenty-four hours (24) hours and an Accident
or Incident Report filled out by the Contractor Contract Administrator immediately.

The use of correct, properly designed and serviceable tools and safety equipment is
required. All working personnel should be taught the proper and correct way of using safety
tools and equipment. Such as torque wrench shall be used for installation of bolts and nuts.
1.1.13 Fire-Fighting Equipment
 Fire-Fighting systems are to be checked and tested periodically.
 All fire extinguishers are to be checked and certified semi-annually.
 Fire extinguishers and fire hose stations are to be prominently marked.
 Fire water pump to be inspected, serviced regularly and maintained in operational mode at all
 Alarm system to be tested during every drill.
 Fire axes are to be strategically located.
1.1.14 First Aid and Survival Equipment
 Adequate number of first-aid boxes and resuscitation units are to be placed at strategic points.
 First aid boxes are to be inspected regularly and stocks replenished.
 Prescription drugs are to be certified by druggist and kept under lock. Drugs can only be
administered with the consent of the Party Chief or Safety Officer.
1.1.15 Protective Equipment
 All protective equipment shall be of types manufactured to standards and approved by the

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 Protective equipment shall be worn at all times at the Work areas.


Contractor shall ensure good housekeeping at the Work areas.


1.1.16 Emergency Procedures

 Contractor shall have in place an Emergency Response Procedure (ERP) describing in detail
the communication system, site emergency response operation, duties and responsibilities of
personnel and action to be taken in the event of an emergency.
 The Contractor ERP, which is to be consistent with the Company ERP, shall be reviewed and
approved by the Company prior to the commencement of the Works.

1.1.17 Emergency Response

 Contractor shall where applicable at its own expense provide adequate first aid, firefighting,
lifesaving and other safety equipment and shall maintain this equipment in a professional
manner and where appropriate re-certify as dictated by legal and industry standards. Contractor
shall keep up-to-date records of all said equipment, including equipment location plans.


1.1.18 Accident is defined as any unintentional or unplanned event or condition which has or could
have resulted in injury to a person and loss or damage to equipment, plant or property.
1.1.19 It is Company requirement that all accident, no matter how trivial, must be reported to
Company’s Representative. Contractor shall ensure that its employees are aware of this
mandatory requirement.
1.1.20 Contractor shall be responsible to investigate, in a professional manner, all accidents that
occur during the performance of the Work and the investigation report shall be made
available to Company when requested.
1.1.21 Contractor shall also be responsible to assist Company in accident investigation if so
required. Company may call for a joint investigation with Contractor if necessary.
1.1.22 Contractor shall where applicable have, prior to commencement of Contract, accident
reporting and investigation procedures and shall maintain accident statistics which shall be
compatible with Company Accident Reporting Procedures. Otherwise, Contractor shall adopt
the current Company Accident Reporting Procedures.
1.1.23 Contractor shall submit the basic safety information to the appropriate Company’s
Representative not later than the first day of the month following the month under review, by
telex or fax.


1.1.24 Contractor warrants that its personnel, agents and Sub-Contractors shall not perform any
Work for Company while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance
Contractor. Contractor personnel, agents and Sub-Contractors shall not misuse legitimate
drugs or possess, use, distribute, or sell illicit or un-prescribed controlled substances or drug
on Company business or premises. Contractor shall adopt and enforce Work rules and
policies in order to assure compliance with these obligations.

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1.1.25 Contractor is to conduct alcohol and/or drug tests on Contractor personnel, agents or Sub-
Contractors while on premises owned or controlled by the Company where reasonable cause
1.1.26Company also reserves the right to conduct searches on possession of drug and/or alcohol
to the person, vehicles, and other property of Contractor, its personnel, agents or Sub-
Contractors while on premises owned or controlled by the Company. Any person who
refuses to cooperate with any such search shall be removed from the premises and not
permitted to return.
1.1.27 Contractor shall require its personnel, agents and Sub-Contractor to submit to medical
evaluation on alcohol or drug testing where cause exists to suspect alcohol or drug use.
1.1.28 Contractor warrants that any of its personnel, agent or Sub-Contractors who either (a)
refuses to participate in medical evaluation or alcohol or drug tests, or (b) tests positive for
alcohol or controlled substance, shall be removed from the premises and not be permitted to
perform any Work with the Company.

1.1.29 Contractor shall maintain strict discipline and good order among its personnel, agents and
Sub-Contractors, and shall not permit any of them to engage in activities which Company
deems contrary or detrimental to Company interests. If Company should request that any
personnel of Contractor or of Sub-Contractors be removed from Company property or Work
site pursuant to this Contract for any reason Contractor shall accede to such request and
shall provide a replacement acceptable to Company at no additional cost to Company.
1.1.30 In the event Contractor is unable to comply with these obligations, Company shall have the
right to terminate this Contract.


1.1.31 Contractor shall ensure that all its personnel and/or other personnel assigned by the
Contractor for the performance of the Work are medically fit and healthy. Any medical
disabilities including such disabilities which Contractor may consider will not adversely
influence the person's ability to perform his role in the Work should be reported to Company
prior to the start of the Work. Contractor, if requested by Company, shall provide medical
certificates for Contractor and Sub-Contractor personnel.
1.1.32 Contractor shall subject its key personnel and its Sub-Contractor personnel to regular
medical examination at their cost. Records of such examination shall be made available to
Company on request.
1.1.33 Contractor shall at no cost to Company be responsible for the medical welfare of its own and
Sub-Contractor personnel and shall take care of arrangements for medical attendance
treatment or hospitalization if and when necessary and will arrange suitable insurance
coverage for such contingencies. In cases of emergency, Company may make or provide for,
the necessary emergency arrangements, the costs of which shall be reimbursed to Company
by Contractor.
1.1.34 Contractor shall make first aid arrangements for all of its personnel and ensure that all
personnel are informed of such arrangements.
1.1.35 Where applicable, Contractor shall provide a suitably equipped and staffed first aid room if
the Work Site presents a high risk from hazards.


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Contractor shall be familiar and follow MOC and Iraqi law on social insurance, which is
directly related to payment of the project.

Contractor is to document its performance in HSSE for the duration of the contract and
submit to Company at the end of contract or when requested by Company.

 The Contractor shall be responsible for all Engineering and design activities related to
performing the Work as defined in Technical Data Package.
 The Contractor shall perform all detailed design and engineering services necessary for the
 The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying and completing the works based on
information contained in the Technical Design Package, SOW and any other data provided
by the Company.
 The Detailed Engineering shall comply with the requirements of the Approved codes,
standards, regulations and general specifications, and with the technical requirements
contained in Technical Data Package.
 The Contractor shall ensure that the Detailed Engineering results in a design that meets the
Project goals to the greatest extent possible.
 The Contractor shall perform all necessary Engineering and shall maintain a dedicated and
qualified Engineering team to complete the Detailed Design, Procurement support and all
Fields Engineering for the Work.
 The Contractor shall propose a Qualified Engineering Entity (Sub-Contractor) whom have
robust and identifiable engineering experience in Oil & Gas industry, in order to do all
necessary engineering Works as described herein or in any other ITT documents. Upon
award; the Contractor shall in no case be able to change its elected engineering entity
without prior approval of the Company.
 Within the candidate engineering entities profiles; Interdisciplinary (IDC) Check
methodology/approach shall be clearly identified. The Company has the right to suggest
another procedure if it is not convinced/satisfied with the offered methodology/approach.
 The Engineering Entity (Sub-Contractor) profile shall include, but not limited to, the following
information and supporting documents:
o All Detailed Engineering Experiences performed previously.
o Entity’s experience in providing engineering Works for similar projects.
o Proposed engineering team experiences and organization chart.
o Proposed detailed engineering office.
o Discipline-based list of engineering software.
o Working System (from first deliverable release to final As-Built approval).
 Detailed Engineering activities shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

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 Reviewing and verifying the technical requirements contained in Technical Data
Package and complete any outstanding basic engineering being identified;
 Developing the Data Sheets for all Equipment and Materials;
 Developing the detailed Work Specifications for all Equipment and Materials;
 Developing the Method of Statement(s) for each necessary activity;
 Developing the Design Documentation;
 Developing the Engineering Lists and Schedules, including but not limited to Equipment
List, Line List, Valve List, Instrument List and DCS input/output Schedule;
 Reviewing and verifying the Documentation for all Equipment and Materials;
 Developing the Tie-In Drawings for Packaged Equipment Units and any interfaces;
 Developing the Detailed Communication Interface Documentation or Interconnection
Cabling and Wiring/Termination Drawings for coordination of Packaged Equipment
Units from various Suppliers;
 Maintaining the Design Change Control through formal Management of Change (MOC)
system, including field changes;
 Developing the Isometric/Fabrication drawings;
 Developing the field erection drawings, including drawings for temporary erection aids;
 Developing all procedures including, but not limited to, the following:
 Equipment and Materials Storing and Preservation in reference to the Suppliers’
 Facilities Fabrication, Welding, Inspection and Testing;
 Equipment and Materials Installation in reference to the Suppliers’ recommendations;
 Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, Start-Up and Performance Testing;
 System Mark-Up and Pressure Testing Diagrams for Construction tests;
 QA/QC.
 Developing the Construction Activities ITP’s;
 Developing the As-Built Documentation in reference to the approved Redline-Mark-up
AFC drawings;
 Developing the Equipment and Materials Requisitions;
 Developing the Master Vendor Lists (after qualifying of any Vendor further the one listed
in the Contract’s AVL) for the Company approval;
 Developing the Bid Evaluation Documentation for Supplier/Sub-Contractor selection;
 Conducting the Suppliers clarification meetings to assist in Bid(s) Evaluation;
 Developing the Technical Bid(s) Evaluation (TBE) and recommendations submission to
the Company regarding the agreement of Suppliers and Sub-Contractors;
 Attending the Supplier(s)/Sub-Contractor(s) Kick-Off Meetings following Purchase-
Order/Sub-Contract Award;
 Verifying/Assessing the Material Selection and Developing the Detailed Material Take-
Offs (MTOs);

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 Developing/Reviewing the Acceptance Test Requirements for all major Equipment and
Packaged Equipment Units;
 Reviewing the Suppliers’ recommended spare parts and Developing the final
recommended Spare Parts List in Spare Parts Interchangeability Record (SPIR) forms;
 Developing/Reviewing the Contract Documentation for Sub-Contracts;
 Developing any Documentation required for the purpose of supporting the selected
Construction methods.
 Providing the Engineering support for Procurement, Construction, Pre-Commissioning,
Commissioning and Start-Up.
 Interpreting the Field Design to ensure maintaining of Technical Integrity throughout the
entire Work stages;
 Checking, verifying completeness, recording and cataloguing all Material Mill
Certificates, Equipment Documentation and Test Records;
 Reviewing the Manufacturer’s Data Records (MDR’s);
 Provision of Handover Documentation;
 Co-coordinating and other Detailed Engineering activities shall include, but not be
limited to, the following:
 Controlling the Documentation using a Computer Database System and the
Contractor’s Standard Document Control Procedure.
 Implementing a formal Action Tracking System (ATS) for tracking actions from various
sources, including but not limited to internal and external meetings, workshops and
 Developing the Work Order Close-Out Report.
 Liaising with the appropriate IRAQ Authorities to ensure compliance with the
requirements of agreed IRAQ codes and standards to achieve certification of the
 Developing all Documentation required to be submitted for approval by IRAQ
 Implement a technical query system for resolving technical issues formally with the
 Developing and formatting of design and Supplier data to be transferred to the
Company’s Maintenance and Materials Management System (MMS).
 As-Built Documents and Drawings.
 Basically, the Primary Engineering activities shall include, but are not limited to:
(A) Pre-Engineering Kick-off:
1. Execute all necessary site surveys and field verifications to establish the actual status of
locations and facilities, and to locate the existing facilities (aboveground and
underground) at the proposed site.
2. Ascertain and confirm the adequacy of the specifications and design information
included in the Bid Documents.

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3. Review, verify, and wherever necessary, propose updates to the Technical Design
Package and seek for the Company approval.
4. Review and verify the technical requirements contained in the Technical Data Package
and complete any outstanding basic engineering that is identified.
5. Peruse, verify, and wherever necessary, develop of the pre-executed (if existed)
Geotechnical Survey/Topographical Survey Reports of the proposed site.
(B) Detailed Engineering Design:
1. Develop detailed design documents, encompassing the Bid requirements in the
standard format for approval by the Company.
2. Develop all technical specifications, detailed calculations, data sheets, material take-
offs, schedules, lists, drawings, procedures, method statements, required for the full
implementation of the Work Scope.
3. Develop all studies, analysis, calculations, etc. that are required for optimization of
equipment(s) sizing/selection, line sizing, piping stress analysis. Calculations and
Analyses shall be performed using established computation techniques and programs.
The Contractor shall identify within its bid; all computer programs and software’s that
shall be used for the concerned SOW. All software’s and programs shall be checked
and validated prior to usage for design and shall be of the latest version.
4. Develop, for each Work Order discretely, Technical Document Register (TDR) and
update it on fortnightly basis or wherever requested by the Company. The TDR is a live
document, so it may need to be updated throughout the project lifecycle.
5. Review documents for compliance with QA/QC and HSE requirements.
6. Verify and finalize equipment’s and lines sizing.
7. Implement document control system for design/engineering documentation and Vendor
8. Maintain design change control through formal Management of Change (MOC) system,
including field changes.
9. Incorporate process design, operation and maintenance requirements in design and
engineering of all disciplines.
10. Develop and verify all tie-in schedules, method statements. The Contractor shall
procure/supply all materials/equipment(s) required for tie-ins on priority basis and
continually liaise with the Company for all tie-ins and interfaces.
(C) Procurement Management, Monitoring and Tracking the Procurement Processes:
1. Develop (TBE) Technical Bid Evaluation for all approved (Sub-Vendors/Suppliers) bids.
2. Peruse, review and endorse of technical documentation and drawings produced by
Vendors/Suppliers. Each party (the Contractor and its Engineering Party) shall specify
one of his team to act as focal point for coordinating all issues related to the
procurement as well as to assure that all necessary inter-disciplinary checks have been
conducted. The Contractor/Engineering Party is responsible to incorporate the
requirements of Vendor Data into the design.
(D) Construction Management and Technical Field Support:

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1. Provide engineering support to the Sub-Contractor(s), Vendors as required and provide
field engineering assistance at Worksite during the entire Work stages.
2. Liaise with the Company for tie-in(s) and other interfaces, for obtaining the Company’s
approval for tie-in locations. Prepare tie-in schedules, method statements on priority
3. Provide execution plans for the Work.
4. Develop fabrication and field erection drawings, including drawings for temporary
erection aids.
5. Develop facilities fabrication procedures.
6. Develop Equipment and Materials storage and preservation procedures based on
Suppliers’ recommendations.
7. Develop Equipment and Materials installation procedures based on Suppliers’
8. Develop Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, Start-Up and Performance Test
9. Carry out any other engineering activities deemed necessary for the successful
implementation of the Work that is not stated herein.
(E) Project Close-Out and Final Documentation:
1. Develop, for each Work Order discretely, the ‘Site Redline-Mark-up’ and ‘As-Built’
documentation in accordance with the approved procedure. All ‘Site Redline-Mark-up’
shall be executed ONLY on the AFC deliverables. All ‘Site Redline-Mark-up’ shall be
endorsed by the Company Work-site representative prior being converted to ‘As-Built’
deliverables. Soft copy (native file) of all documents and simulation models shall be
submitted to the Company as part of ‘As-Built’ documentation.
2. Submission of all (electronic/editable copy) engineering deliverables and
Vendors/Suppliers documentations (after their verification) to the Company for the
required review and approval.
3. Develop, for each Work Order discretely, a Close-Out Report.

For the whole project, the Contractor shall develop a unified Document Numbering System
and unified Document Revision System for all Documentation. Both Document Numbering
System and Document Revision System shall be developed by the Contractor and
approved by the Company within ten (10) calendar days from the Contract Effective
For each Work Order discretely, the Contractor shall develop and maintain an electronic
Technical Document Register (TDR) showing planned, forecast and actual dates
and current percentage complete for each document, which will include all technical
specifications, data sheets, drawings, schedules, manuals, calculations, procedures and
other documents planned to be generated/ updated as a part of detailed engineering.
The TDR shall include all deliverables required among the entire Work Order stages,
starting from project kick-off until the Final Acceptance and Close-Out.

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The TDR shall indicate all documents scheduled preparation and issue dates. The
Contractor shall submit the TDR for the Company approval within five (5) calendar
days from the Contract Effective Date.
The Company reserves the right to review all deliverables. However, it is the intention that
the Company will only review and/or approve certain critical Documentation. The Company
Approval is a “Hold” point in the document issue.
All Deliverables (drawings, documents, etc.) that requires the Company approval shall be
identified and proposed by the Contractor in the TDR. The Company will return the
documents/drawings within five (5) calendar days, with comments/approval to the
Contractor. The Contractor shall seek re-approval from the Company for the commented
submissions or in case of any further changes with respect to the pre-approved
deliverables. The Contractor shall maintain a formal system for tracking the response to,
and close out of, all Company comments.
All superseded documents shall be stamped “Superseded” and removed from use.
Every Work Order’s TDR, shall be updated and issued wherever requested by the
Company. The TDR is a live document, so it may need to be updated throughout the Work
Approval of documents/drawings by the Company does not relieve the Contractor of his
contractual responsibilities and guarantees towards the completeness, correctness of the
design and engineering of the Work.
The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals from certification bodies
and authorities, if necessary. In this respect, the Contractor shall copy all correspondence
with certification bodies/authorities to the Company’s Representative.
The Contractor shall update all Documentation to reflect the As-Built condition of the
permanent Work prior to Start-Up. The Contractor shall submit to the Company for
approval, a complete document registers of the As-Built Permanent Work. The register
shall include but not be limited to documents, data sheets, drawings, specifications,
procedures, construction documents, survey records, quality control records, tie-in work
records, cleaning records, pigging records, and pressure testing records. Following review
and approval by the Company of the submitted register of the As-Built Permanent Work,
the Contractor shall provide to the Company the complete documents register of the As-
Built Permanent Work at least two (2) weeks prior to the anticipated date of the
Provisional Acceptance Certificate.
The As-Built Documentation shall be properly indexed. A comprehensive index of
radiographs and materials reconciliation (for Company Supplied Items) shall be included.
The Contractor shall prepare and maintain a register of all Suppliers and Sub-Contractors
Documentation, including all manuals.
Detailed Operating Manuals shall be provided for the Company review and comment at
least two (2) weeks prior to Start-Up and shall include, but not be limited to, the
 System Descriptions.

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 Technology Descriptions.
 Operating Instructions – Start-Up, Operation and Shut Down.
 Design Limitations.
 Operational Set Points.
 Drawings, Diagrams and Charts (P&ID’s, Cause and Effect charts, etc.).
 Any Special Operating Procedures (including Emergency).


The Contractor shall verify all the data given in the Design Basis with reference to process
design of the new Works and shall update these documents during the course of detailed
design up to and including “As Built” stage.
The PID’s and PFD’s (and UFD’s) are to be updated and verified by the Contractor. All
changes must be approved by the Company, prior to implementation.
The equipment/line sizes are to be verified for the design flow rates. For all the Contractor
supplied equipment, the Contractor shall guarantee the (process and mechanical)
equipment performance as spelt-out in the datasheets.
The Contractor shall ensure all instrumentation handling sour fluids and/or susceptible to
corrosion shall be made of anti-corrosive materials approved by the Company.
The Contractor shall develop an Equipment and Material numbering system for all items.
The Contractor shall number all Equipment and Material items in accordance with the
Approved Equipment and Material numbering system.
The equipment and materials selection shall be as per datasheet(s) and in conformity to the
applicable codes, standards and project specifications. In case of conflict, the order of
precedence shall be as follow;
 Design Basis Memorandum;
 PIDs;
 Data Sheets and Material Selection;
 Specifications;
 International Codes and Standards.
All pumps shall be sized for the worst scenario considering the feed source level at its
minimum low-low level. At worst scenario, the difference/margin between NPSHA and
NPSHR shall be maintained higher than or equal to one (1) meter.
Stress analysis using software program (CAESAR II) shall be performed on all lines as per
project specification and ASME B31.3 requirements. The stress analysis shall confirm the
stability of the piping arrangements and the pipe support arrangements. The stress analysis
shall consider the most onerous loads occurring during construction, pre-commissioning
and operation. All factors and loading influencing the piping wall thickness shall be
considered for verification. The stress analysis shall consider the existing system into
account while assessing the stance of the new system loads and possible applied stresses.
All piping must be designed for thermal expansion under start-up, operating, shutdown and
other conditions deemed necessary as part of good engineering practice without
overstressing the piping, valves or equipment.

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Vents shall be provided for all high point(s) in piping work. The vent discharge shall be
routed to safe and compatible location upon gain the Company approval.
Lines shall be sloped and provided with drain points to ensure that no liquid pockets
in any vent lines or/and relief discharges line. All drain lines shall be constructed with 1:300
slope. All vent and gas lines shall be elevated and constructed with 1:500 slope.
The Contractor shall design all foundations and structures with adequate safety margins for
all individual load cases and the various load combinations that may act together as
specified in design codes ASCE 7, AISC 325 and PIP STC01015 where in all cases the
most stringent design loads, and loads combinations and factors shall be considered.
The Contractor shall consider the Vendor loadings and requirements for the piping,
foundations, and any further relevant systems.
The Contractor shall design any equipment with dynamic nature (e.g.; Pumps) based on the
dynamic analysis. Resonance shall be avoided and the natural frequency of the
foundation/soil system is either 20 % under or over the machine’s operating frequency, the
maximum amplitude at resonance shall not exceed 0.02mm or as per specific Vendor
recommendations; others considerations for minimum foundation weight, limitations for
static and dynamic soil capacities, and geometrical constraints shall all be satisfied
according to the best standard practice where both (ACI 351.3R-04 and ACI351.2R-2010)
shall both be satisfied.
Structural steel design shall consider adequate stability, horizontal and vertical bracing shall
be considered and sag rods shall be provided for the purlins of sheds. Anchoring to
foundation shall be through adequate anchor bolts satisfying applicable design stresses
with the minimum embedded depth, edge and side distances be designed according to ACI
Drainage Reinforced Concrete Trench, Reinforced Concrete Sump and Reinforced
Concrete Pipe/ Box Culvert shall be designed and the geometrical and layout shall be
based on engineering study as per catchment areas and rain intensity.
Pipelines shall be design based on topographical surveys to obtain relevant elevations,
coordinates and crossings information and conclude with the best possible shortest pipeline
length and avoiding risky crossings that may require further construction works that impact
the cost.
Any crossing of road or waterway or crossing with any existing pipeline shall be designed
and constructed according to relevant international standard, soil and traffic loading shall be
considered and buoyancy force for any water way in addition to protection from flooding and
washout. Minimum specified depth for the pipeline shall be satisfied in addition to side slope
during construction.
Reinforced concrete anchor block and thrust block shall be designed as per the inputs from
piping discipline.

The following are the minimum deliverables expected to be developed by the Contractor, as
applicable, and seek the Company's advance approval prior onset of any Procurement or
Construction activities:
8.3.1 Process

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 Process Flow Diagrams (and Heat and Mass Balance) and Utility Flow Diagrams;
 Equipment List;
 Process Data Sheets;
 Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID);
 Process Design Calculations;
 Equipment Sizing;
 Line Sizing/Hydraulics;
 Control Valve Sizing;
 Relief Valve Sizing;
 Blow-down valve/orifice plate sizing;
 Utilities Consumption;
 Operating, Control and Safeguarding Philosophy;
 Cause and Effects Diagrams.
8.3.2 Piping, Pipeline and Mechanical
 Piping and Layout
 Piping Stress Analysis
 Piping Thickness Calculation Report;
 Key Plan and Equipment Layout drawings;
 Key Plan and General Arrangement drawings;
 Isometrics drawings;
 Tank General Arrangement drawings;
 All Calculations;
 Data Sheets;
 Piping Supports Standard drawings;
 Line List;
 Tie-in List;
 Pipeline Hydraulic (Static and Dynamic) Study Calculation and Report;
 Pipeline Buoyancy Study (for Pipelines passing through Deep Wadi, Lagoon, or Crossing Rivers);
 Pipeline Route Layout;
 Pipeline Alignment Sheets and Profile Drawings;
 Large Scale Strip and Profile Drawing of Crossing Areas;
 Pipeline Typical Drawings;
 Plot Plan and General Layout;
 Spare Lists;
 Corrosion Protection and Painting, and Insulation Specification, Material Requisition and MTOs;

Page 47 of 105
 Piping, Pipe Fittings and Special Items Specifications, Material Requisition and MTOs;
 Equipment (Rotating and Static) Specifications, Material Requisition and MTOs;
 Redline-Mark-up and As-Built Drawings and Documents.
8.3.3 Instrument and Control
 Tank Monitoring Systems;
 Architecture Drawings;
 Hook-up Diagrams and Installation Drawings;
 Interfaces Drawings;
 Cabinet Layouts;
 Input/Output Schedules;
 Schematics Drawings;
 Logic Drawings;
 Block Diagrams;
 Equipment and Package Units Load Calculations;
 On-Off, Pressure Regulating, Control and Shutdown Valves Calculations;
 On-Off, Pressure Regulating, Control and Shutdown Valves Datasheets;
 Field Instruments (Level, Pressure, and Temperature) Datasheets;
 Instrumentation Flow and Level Calculations and Data Sheets;
 Instrument Air Consumption Calculations;
 Intrinsic Safety Design Calculations;
 Instrument index;
 Instrument Datasheet and Calculations for all Packaged Equipment Units;
 Instruments and Packaged Equipment Units Loop Drawings;
 Instruments, and Fire and Gas Devices Location Drawings;
 Junction Box Layout Drawings;
 Cables Schedule;
 Cable Routing Drawings;
 Control Room Layout;
 Detailed interface drawings for each packaged equipment unit include but are not limited to the
following: I/O schedules, multi-core connection drawings and communication address schedule for
serial interfaces.
 Instrument air distribution installation and routing drawings.
 Hazardous Area Equipment Register.
 Spare Lists;
 All Specifications, Material Requisition and MTOs;
 Redline-Mark-up and As-Built Drawings and Documents.

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8.3.4 Telecommunications
 Block Diagrams;
 Equipment Index;
 Load Calculations;
 Hazardous Area Equipment Register;
 Telecom Devices Location Drawings;
 Telecom Equipment Layout Drawings;
 Fiber Optic Cable Splices Location Drawings;
 Cable Schedule;
 Design Calculations;
 Radio Interference Calculations;
 Installation Drawings;
 Cabinet and Marshalling Cabinet Layouts;
 Telecom System Power Distribution Single Line Diagram;
 Wiring Diagrams and Multi-Core Termination Schedules;
 Available Radio Frequencies List;
 Operator Interface Schematics;
 Allocation of Alarm Priorities and Alarm Handling;
 Control /SCADA System Configuration;
 Safety System Configuration including Safety Instrument Systems, ESD and F&G;
 Common Interface Techniques to Smart Instrumentation;
 Common Approach for Hazardous Area Instrument and Electrical Equipment;
 Common Equipment Installation Techniques;
 IP address list;
 Spare Lists;
 All Specifications, Material Requisition and MTOs;
 Redline-Mark-up and As-Built Drawings and Documents.
8.3.5 Electrical and Cathodic Protection
 Electrical Load List for all Power categorize (Main Power and Emergency Power);
 Cable Schedule for all Electrical Control, Power and Earthing Cables;
 Electrical Equipment Lists;
 Hazardous Areas Classification Layout;
 Detailed Single Line Diagrams;
 All Equipment Layouts Drawings;
 Detailed Interconnect Diagrams for Electrical Devices, Control Panels, Marshalling and Junction

Page 49 of 105
 Lighting and Distribution Board Schedules;
 Typical Electrical Installation Details;
 Switchgears Control Schematics and Arrangement Drawings;
 Switchboard Layouts including base frame and sub-station cable duct details;
 Installation Drawings for all Cable Ladder include the required supports and bracketing;
 Cable Ladder/Tray and Cable Trench Layouts;
 Cable Transits Detailed Drawings;
 Short Circuit Calculations for Switchboards and Feeder Cables;
 Protective Relay Coordination Study;
 System Recovery On Start-Up for Large Loads (Motor starting study);
 Sizing Calculations for all Power categorize (Main Power and Emergency Power);
 Sizing Calculations for Temporary Transformers, Switch Boards and Feeders;
 Voltage drop Calculations for the complete electrical system including individual cables;
 Lighting Level Calculations for Normal and Emergency Lighting;
 Lighting and Power Layouts;
 Earthing Layouts;
 Cathodic Protection Installation Drawings;
 Cathodic Protection System Diagrams;
 Spare Lists;
 All Specifications, Material Requisition and MTOs;
 Redline-Mark-up and As-Built Drawings and Documents.
8.3.6 Civil and Structural
 Topographical and Geotechnical Survey Reports;
 Structural Analysis and Calculations;
 All Design Calculation Reports for Structural Steel and Concrete Works;
 Site Preparation Works and Earthworks;
 Drawings for paved areas, laydown areas, storm water and firewater drainage systems, all site
access roads, pipe trenches, service trenches, ducts and associated works;
 Construction Site Landscaping;
 General Civil & Foundations Layout Drawings;
 All Structural General Arrangement Drawings and Details;
 Pipe Racks, Pipe Supports and Pipe Sleepers Layout and Structural Details;
 Sheds Layout and Roof/Wall Details, Plans, Sections, Structural Details and Foundations Layout &
 Ancillary Items (Access Ladders, Platforms, Walkways, Associated Handrails and Guards, etc.)

Page 50 of 105
 General and Miscellaneous Structural Details Drawings and Typical Drawings;
 Site Grading and Leveling Drawings;
 Infrastructure Detailed Drawings;
 Design Calculation Reports and Detailed Construction Drawings for all Foundations, Structural
and Civil Works;
 All Specifications and MTOs;
 Redline-Mark-up and As-Built Drawings and Documents.
8.3.7 HSE and Noise
 Fire Protection P&ID(s);
 Fire Protection System designs;
 Data Sheets for Fire Protection and Safety Systems;
 Area Protection Layouts;
 Fire Main and Hydrant Layouts;
 Safety Equipment Layouts (including but not limited to gas, smoke and flame detectors, manual
call points, etc.);
 Safety Equipment Schedules;
 Hazardous Area Schedules;
 Hazardous Area Classification drawings;
 Equipment Noise Limitation Sheets;
 Noise Contour Map;
 Acoustic Insulation specification.
 All Specifications and MTOs.



The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all Work associated with the Procurement of
all Equipment and Materials for the Permanent Work, except in respect of Company
Provided Item.
This includes all Work necessary for the Contractor to make an award to a Supplier,
preparation of Documentation, preparation of bid lists, preparation of bid packages, bidding,
bid evaluation including clarification meetings, awarding, scheduling, Supplier kick-off
meetings, Supplier drawings approval, expediting, inspection, witness testing and
acceptance, transportation, receiving inspection, Commissioning, data books, as-built, etc.

A Supplier Data Requirements list shall be included as part of each bid package. The
contents of this list, which shall be agreed between the Contractor and the Suppliers, shall
be subject to review and Approval by the Company.

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The Contractor shall ensure that all Supplier Documentation is received in a timely manner
in order to ensure input to design, Construction, Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning
The Contractor shall deliver to the Company final certified Equipment data reports
(Manufacturer Data Records, MDR’s) for all Equipment.
Mill test and quality certificates shall be submitted for any procured materials (e.g.; piping,
fittings, plates, cables, structural steel, bolts, anchor bolts, etc.) in-order to verify quality
according to the specified material standard.
Any local purchased materials shall be subjected to quality test to certify its quality as per
requirements (e.g.; cement, grout materials, etc.).
All special materials shall be provided with stamped manufacturing and quality data, and
application instructions.
Certificate of origin stamp by Iraqi embassy in manufacturing country for the procure
material/equipment shall be supplied by contractor.

The Contractor shall be responsible for customs clearance for all goods received in the
IRAQ. Company shall be responsible for customs clearance for Company Provided Items.
The Contractor shall prepare all necessary manifests and information etc. required for
customs clearance in respect of all Equipment and Materials. The Company will not be
liable for any claims for delays to customs clearance of Contractor provided items.
Imported Equipment and Materials may be exempt of import duty and value added tax. All
the CoO (Certificate of original) for the materials and equipment must be stamped by Iraq
Embassy. The Contractor shall be responsible for all other costs incurred as the goods pass
the ships rail at the port of entry to IRAQ including other taxes, agent fees/commissions,
port fees, handling, mooring, storage, transportation to the Construction Site, as well as any
other applicable charges. The Contractor shall maintain full records of all invoices.

All equipment and materials shall be carefully handled and stored at site, either inside
covered stores or inside fenced materials yard, depending upon the type of equipment or
material. Handling, preservation and storage of equipment and materials shall be carried
out in conformance with Vendor’s instructions, in addition to Company requirements stated
in specification Work Site Storage and Equipment Protection.
Fragile equipment, Instrumentation and electronic items etc. which are sensitive to weather
conditions, if required, shall be stored in an air conditioned enclosed storage. After
installation in the field, these items shall be provided protection from sun, sand ingress etc.
by installing temporary plastic covers/shelters/sheets.
Liquids such as chemicals, lubricants etc. shall be stored on hard standings with shed and
proper facility for spillage and drainage control.
Contractor 's obligation in respect of Company’s Procured Materials shall include receiving,
unloading, handling and maintenance of the same with adequate storage and preservation
of markings in accordance with all the Agreement and the Good Engineering and
Construction Practices, including protection against weather hazards, water, humidity, sand,
fire, theft, vandalism and the like. Company’s Procured Materials missing or damaged while

Page 52 of 105
in Contractor 's custody shall be promptly replaced or repaired either by Contractor or, at
Company's option, by others, at Contractor 's sole cost and expense.
Regular inspection of stored items shall be carried out to verify adequacy of storage
protection provided.

The Contractor shall review the Suppliers’ recommended spare parts and prepare final
recommended list of spare parts in Spare Parts Interchangeability Record (SPIR) forms.
The Contractor shall be responsible for reviewing of the supply of spare parts as identified
1.1.36 Operating Spares

 The Contractor shall compile a single consolidated list of the two (2) years’ operating spares
recommended by Suppliers. After submission of the consolidated list, the Company will review and
advise the Contractor of its requirements for operating spares within six (6) weeks so that the
Contractor can place supplementary purchase orders for these spares.
 The Contractor shall be responsible for the Procurement, inspection, expediting and delivery of all
spares to the Company facility at the Construction Site (or any other location as Construction,
Commissioning and Start-Up Spares
 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and Suppliers to ensure sufficient spares are
retained on the Construction Site to construct, Commission and Start-Up the Plant and Equipment.
Suppliers shall include the cost of such spares in their bids.
 The Company retains the right to claim the Contractor for purchasing any further additional
Construction, Commissioning and Start-Up spares for the serve of the Work. All un-used spares
shall be handed over to the Company.

1.1.37 Spare Parts Philosophy

The following spare part philosophy shall be applied for each Work Order in reference to the Work
contents therein;
For For 2-year
Item Description Unit
Start Up and Commissioning Maintenance

A Centrifugal Pump (Over-Hung Type)

1 Mechanical Seal set 1 100% of Pump QTY.
2 All Gasket and O-Ring Kit set 1 200% of Pump QTY.
Shaft Seal for Bearing
3 set – 100% of Pump QTY.
50% of Pump QTY.
4 Shaft Sleeve (if applicable) set –
(at least 1 set)
50% of Pump QTY.
5 Pump Casing Wear Ring set –
(at least 1 set)
50% of Pump QTY.
6 Impeller Wear Ring set –
(at least 1 set)
Pump Bearing (DE and
7 set – 100% of Pump QTY.

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Motor Bearing (DE and
8 set – 100% of Pump QTY.
B Others
1 Manual Valves Packing set 10% of Valve QTY.
2 Bolts and Nuts set 10% of Valve QTY.
To be determined and
3 Gaskets set 100% of All QTY.
considered by Contractor
4 MOV – Actuator set 1
5 MOV – Fieldbus set 1


The Contractor shall advise the Company of the recommended special tools required for
the maintenance of Equipment prior to purchase order placement to each Supplier. Note
that the special tools for Construction and Commissioning are within the Contractor’s
Scope. The Company will review and advise the Contractor of its requirements for special
tools, which shall be provided by the Contractor as part of the Equipment supply and
included in the Equipment price.

The Contractor shall advise the Company of the lubricants (oils and greases, etc.)
recommended by Suppliers. The Contractor shall present information on lubricants for each
item of equipment (including Company’s provided items) in the form of a lubricant schedule,
in a format approved by the Company. The Contractor shall purchase and provide all
lubricant (including for Company provided items) as follows:
 First fills
 Backup for one complete replacement
The Contractor shall store all lubricants safely and in accordance with Manufacturer’s
recommendations. The Contractor shall dispose of used lubricants in a proper manner in
accordance with local regulations.

For designated Company items, the Contractor shall take responsibility for the engineering,
specification, delivery to the Company facility at the Construction Site, Storage, Installation,
Commissioning and Maintenance and Warranty as required.


The Contractor shall be responsible for all Construction Management activities related to
performing the complete Work. The construction equipment and tools shall be supplied by
Contractor, the list of equipment and tools supplied by the Company shall be attached
herewith, and necessary special equipment and tools for construction Work will be
provided by the Contractor, The Construction shall comply with the requirements of the
Approved codes, standards, regulations and general specifications, and with the technical
requirements contained in Technical Data Package. The Contractor shall ensure that the
Construction follows the design to produce a facility which satisfies to the greatest extent
possible the Project goals as previously stated.

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The Contractor shall perform all necessary Construction Management activities and shall
maintain a dedicated and qualified Construction team to complete the Work.
The Contractor shall provide manpower chart at commencement of contract.
The Contractor shall provide construction schedule (at least 4 levels) at commencement of
contract. The Contractor ’s responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
 Administration, planning, management and control services, as required to effectively control the
execution and timely completion of the Work.
 Provision of all direct and indirect labor or subcontracted services inclusive of Construction Plant
and consumable materials necessary to undertake the Work.
 Responsibility for management of interfaces between disciplines and Sub-Contractors to ensure
completion of the Work.
 Responsibility for co-ordination of interfaces between other parties as required to ensure
completion of the Work.
 Responsibility for fabrication, installation, testing and inspection of the Facilities.
 Provision of a Permit to Work system. This requirement shall include the training and
familiarization of Construction Site Personnel with the Permit to Work system.
 Provision of a materials control system to enable full control of warehouse and storage yard
materials Security of the Construction Site and the goods stored on the Construction Site including
control of all Personnel with access to the Construction Site.
 HSE provisions, as defined in Project Specification for the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
Management Plan.
 Identification, Engineering and implementation of all temporary facilities required to complete the
 Care and maintenance (in accordance with Suppliers’ recommendations) of all Equipment and
Materials comprising part of the Permanent Work.
 Provision of Construction Site services to support Construction.
 Provision and servicing of office accommodation and facilities.
 Preparation of all as-built and reinstatement records


Temporary facilities are defined as those non-permanent facilities necessary to support

Construction. The Contractor ’s responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the
 Design and provision of all Temporary Work and facilities including lifting equipment, spreader
beams, supports required during fabrication, Construction, testing, transportation and installation,
installation aids and any other aids and/or protection required
 Design and provision of any required temporary power generation and electrical distribution
systems required for site establishment, installation and commissioning up until the Handover of
the Permanent Work.

 Design and provision of all Temporary Work and materials required for the testing of piping and
pipeline systems and equipment

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 Design, Engineering and co-ordination of all site designed supports to determine position, type,
capacity and the preparation of support drawings and documentation
 Some existing roads and bridges are damaged. Design and provision of access roads, upgrades
to existing roads and bridges as required transporting Equipment and Materials to the
Construction Site.
 Design and provision of Construction facilities for transport of Equipment and Materials by water to
Construction Site (if required)
 Design and provision of all activities associated with dredging and clearing waterway approaches
(if required)
 Design and provision of the Construction Site support facilities including offices for Contractor and
Company personnel
 The provision of temporary HVAC services for the central control building and the HV/LV switch
rooms (if required)
 The provision of facilities for welder training and welder qualification.
The Contractor shall confirm the acceptability of this area for the establishment of a
Construction camp and other temporary Construction facilities at Contractor ’s own cost. If
this area is not acceptable, then the Contractor shall make alternatives arrangements as he
sees fit. The Contractor shall also identify any other areas and/or locations required for use
as temporary sites during the Construction of the Permanent Work.
The Contractor shall be responsible for leasing offsite areas, including obtaining all
necessary permits and government approvals.
The Contractor shall remove all temporary facilities and reinstate the place as where it is
within two months of the commissioning completion otherwise been written informed for
further use by the company or local authority

The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper disposal of all excess materials, including
obtaining all necessary permits and government approvals.

The Contractor shall provide all services that required to support the Construction phase of
the Work. The Construction’s supporting services shall include, but not be limited to, the
 All necessary office and accommodation facilities;
 Potable water supply;
 Canteen and rest area facilities;
 Security arrangement;
 Water drainage facilities;
 Transport arrangement for Contractor ’s Personnel;
 Temporary power generation and distribution;
 Telecommunications facilities;
 Firefighting facilities;

Page 56 of 105
 Vehicle parking/ hardstand areas;
 Toilet and washroom facilities;
 Waste storage and disposal facilities.
The Contractor shall provide all site facilities to support site construction execution. The
facilities shall be with necessary certificate, in good condition, well run, with necessary safe
device, in accordance with the environment requirement
The Contractor shall provide adequate storage areas (including open and covered storage
space) for all Equipment and Materials. Controlled environment storage facilities shall also
be provided as necessary. Separate facilities for the storage and fabrication of carbon steel,
impact-tested carbon steel, and stainless-steel materials shall be confirmed with Company
and provided. All storage areas shall be adequately secured.
The Contractor shall provide at the Construction Site all necessary Construction workshops,
fabrication and testing facilities, machinery and Construction Plant necessary to complete
the Work. This shall include a separate instrument/electric workshop.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain concrete batching plant(s), as necessary, to
complete the Work.
The Contractor shall well plaster and protect (waterproof externally and internally by epoxy
bitumen mixture adequate to resist water infiltration and chemical attacks) the Concrete
Waste disposal facilities (e.g.; sludge sump, concrete drain pits/sumps, manholes, etc.).
The anti-corrosion layer thickness shall not be less than 500μm applied on both internal and
external faces over 20 mm of cement-sand plaster of 1:3.
The Contractor shall prepare the Concrete mix design and gain approval before casting on
site. All concrete materials shall be tested and qualified as per relevant ASTM standards.
The Contractor shall use only non-shrink cementitious materials of a minimum compressive
strength 35 N/mm2 for the light steel structures and static equipment.
The Contractor shall use non-shrink high strength epoxy grout for the vibrating equipment
(e.g.; pumps) and heavy equipment. The tensile strength shall exceed 15 N/mm2 and
compressive strength 70 N/mm2 at 7 days as minimum.
The Contractor shall provide all Construction access road(s) to the Construction Site, as are
deemed necessary to complete the Work. The Contractor shall be responsible for
obtaining all necessary permits and government approvals.
The Water used for hydrostatic test shall have chloride content less than 200 PPM and 50
PPM for carbon-steel and stainless-steel systems respectively. The Test Duration shall be
as per relevant Code, however, shall never be less than two hours as minimum. The testing
medium TDS (total dissolved solids) shall be less than 500 ppm.
The Contractor shall provide office accommodation facilities at the Construction Site,
including office space for the use of Company personnel.
Adequate drainage and treatment facilities shall be provided.
The Contractor shall be responsible for clearing up all spillages of fuel oil, chemicals, etc.
within 24 hours of occurrence.

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The Contractor shall remove all the temporary facilities upon completion of the Permanent
Work. The temporary Worksites shall be returned, as near as possible, to their original

 The Contractor shall ensure that all Construction and Pre-Commissioning Testes and
Inspections have been accomplished successfully.
 Mechanical Completion is a systematic and progression process.
 The Contractor shall provide qualified personnel owning the required experiences for
performing all Pre-Commissioning activities and achieve Mechanical Completion.
 The Contractor shall note that commissioning of any system, equipment and/or facilities
identified in the Contract shall not commence until Mechanical Completion of the
concerned system, equipment and/or facilities has been achieved and its Mechanical
Completion Certificate has been issued by the Company.
 The Contractor shall be responsible for achieving Mechanical Completion of the
Permanent Work.
 Mechanical Completion shall be progressed on a System-by-System Basis. The
System definition shall be defined at an early stage of the Work, and shall encompass all
the facilities as detailed in the issued Work Order, including, as applicable, but not limited

 Process and Utility System.

 Instrument and Control System.
 Power and Protection System.
 Civil and Structural Systems.
 Infrastructure Systems.
 The Company will review and approve the system definitions, wherein the priority of the
systems will be determined according to the Start-Up sequence.
 Process and Utility Systems shall be recorded on a Master Mark-up of the P&ID’s. Other
systems shall be recorded on the appropriate drawings.
 Mechanical Completion will be deemed to have been achieved when all systems have
fulfilled all the requirements for Construction completion, Construction testing and Pre-
Commissioning in accordance with the relevant document developed through the Work
lifecycle as requested by the Company.
 The Contractor shall prepare specific Inspection and Test Plans and Procedures outlining all
relevant tests required to achieve Mechanical Completion. These shall include all the

Page 58 of 105
required procedures, data collection, checks and tests. The Company will witness and sign
off on all tests and data records.
 The Contractor shall notify the Company (End User) to attend the test and training programs
to be provided by the Vendor in accordance with the Contract requirements.
 The Contractor shall be responsible for the control, assembly, verification, and timely
compilation of the records into Mechanical Completion Dossiers. The Contractor shall
develop a Mechanical Completion Dossier assembly procedure. The procedure shall
cover all relevant specification, technical data, quality control forms, and acceptance criteria.
 The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying of all necessary Pre-Commissioning
equipment, tools, instruments and consumable such as fresh, clean, inhibited water,
chemicals, temporary power, compressed air, nitrogen, lube oils, fuel, etc.
 The Contractor shall also be responsible for supplying of all necessary Pre-
Commissioning spare parts and attaining all required Vendor support.
 The Contractor shall be responsible for communicating with Vendor Representatives to
obtain all required information to develop Mechanical Completion planning activities,
including identifying any Vendor assistance, special equipment or tools required for
achieving Mechanical Completion.
 For all equipment(s) including the Company Supplied Equipment(s), the Contractor shall
provide all supports (including manpower, construction equipment(s), etc.) to the Vendor
during pre-Commissioning and Commissioning or whenever required (e.g.; Warranty
 All Pre-commissioning activities that recommended by the equipment’s Vendor shall be
executed by the Contractor.
 Upon Construction reached a point where the pressure testing is ready to begin (i.e.,
submission of test package as moving from Construction Completion to Construction
Testing), the Contractor shall check the concerned system first using a copy of the marked-
up P&ID(s) to verify and confirm the correctness and compliance of the installation and there
is no further corrections need to be made post-pressure testing.
 At least, one (1) week prior start of pressure testing for the concerned system, the
Contractor shall submit the testing package for the Company review and approval.
 After completion of the pressure testing, the Contractor shall reinstate the system to its final
position, thereafter successful test completion, generate a Punch-List to record all corrective
actions, and shall work to clear-off the Punch-List Items. When the system is determined to
be corrected as per the P&ID’s, the Contractor shall notify the Company that the system is
ready for final Punch-Listing. The Company will review the system and list any items that are
not in compliance, so that the Contractor onset with the correction actions.

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 After testing, the Contractor shall assemble a Complete System Package to include the
testing Documentation for all components included in the system. This shall include, as
applicable, but not be limited to, the following:

 Marked-up Copy of the System P&ID’s.

 Weld Records.
 Mechanical Equipment Maintenance Records.
 Motor rotation/run-in records.
 Vessel/Tank Internal Inspection Records.
 Air Compressor/Pump Alignment Records.
 Piping Pressure Test/Service Test Records.
 Cable Insulation Test Records.
 Instrument Data/Calibration Records.
 Instrument Loop Check Records.
 Electrical Single Line Records.

Detailed Mechanical Completion Checklists (System-wise) shall be prepared during

detailed engineering phase, as a part of Pre-Commissioning Manual which shall be
submitted for the Company approval at least six (6) weeks in advance before the start of
any Pre-Commissioning activities. These checklists shall be prepared based on API 700
guidelines for Mechanical Completion, as a minimum, the following sections:
 Vendor’s Assistance.
 Permits.
 Vendor’s/Special Instructions.
 Lubricants, consumable supplies and chemicals.
 Packing and seals.
 Removal of temporary supports, bracings, weather protection etc.
 Tie-ins at Unit Limits.
 Leak and Pressure Test.
 Inspection.
 Pressure/Vacuum Safety Relief Devices.
 Flushing and Cleaning.
 Temporary Screens, Strainers and Blinds.
 Purging.
 Housekeeping.

Page 60 of 105
 Noise Survey.
 Specific procedures for electrical, instrumentation, piping, static equipment, rotary equipment and
safety systems.
 Punch-List(s).
 All Inspection Records.
The Contractor shall ensure that all conformity checks shall be carried out in accordance
with the approved Mechanical Completion Checklists.
The Contractor shall ensure that the Mechanical Completion Checklists shall define
the entire Scope of Works which must be systematically performed, individually, on each
type of equipment and system. The Checklist shall also be used as a log to record the
checks made.
The Contractor shall ensure that static, de-energized tests shall be carried out in
accordance with the relevant specifications and reported on Pre-Commissioning test
In addition to the certified Manufacturer calibration, all instruments shall be calibrated onsite
by qualified engineer and apparatuses of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall ensure that a Pre-Commissioning test sheet be completed for
each test performed. All other Pre-Commissioning activities such as function tests,
piping flushing and cleaning shall be supported by specific reports and drawings.
Once the Facility/System is declared as mechanically completed, the Contractor shall
complete the Facility/System Mechanical Completion Dossier for the respective
system. The dossier confirms that the Contractor has provided, as minimum, updated AFC
design Documentations including Vendor Documentations, Redline-Mark-up drawings,
QA/QC records, operating and maintenance manuals, training, test certificates, Punch-List,
etc. to assure that the integrity of the system is acceptable to safely Commission and
The Contractor shall submit Mechanical Completion Dossier Table of Content (TOC),
at least six (6) weeks in advance before the anticipated Mechanical Completion
date, for the Company approval.
The Mechanical Completion Dossier shall be submitted together with the application
of Mechanical Completion Certificate.

The Mechanical Completion date is considered as the date of the last Pre-
Commissioning satisfactory test and approval of the Mechanical Completion
Certificate, in reference to the provided Mechanical Completion Dossier, by the
Company for the last portion or system of the Works.
Upon completion of all the Pre-Commissioning requirements related to the respective
system and such system is ready for commissioning, the Contractor shall apply for a
Mechanical Completion Certificate for this system and submit to the Company with
the Pre-Commissioning results, as part of MC Dossier, which have already been carried
out on this system.

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Subsequently, the Company representatives shall carryout inspection of the subject system
and if required, issue a Punch-List. The Punch-List Items will be categorized either;
 Critical (Category A), or,
 Non-Critical (Category B).
Critical (Category A) Punch-List Items defined as the errors, faults or incomplete
works that will affect the safety of personnel, equipment, facility, or the smooth operations of
the machinery and the associated ancillaries.
Non-Critical (Category B) Punch-List Items defined as the errors, faults, or
incomplete works that will not affect the safety of personnel, equipment, facility, or the
smooth operations of the machinery and the associated ancillaries.
At all events, the Company has the sole-discretion to classify the Punch-listed Items either
Critical or Non-Critical. The Punch-List Item definition, classification and rules detailed
herein shall be applied to all other milestones completion sections (e.g., PA, etc.).
Prior any inspection requested by the Company, the Contractor is deemed to have
conducted in-house inspection activities. Punch-List generated by the Contractor shall be
issued to the Company for monitoring and expediting purpose.
Within the following seven working (7) days from the Contractor’s submittal, the
Company shall stamp, sign and transfer the document (MCC) back to the Contractor.
However, if in the opinion of the Company, the test results are not satisfactory or/and
Critical Punch-List Items are not cleared-off, the Company shall, within the same seven
working (7) days, return the Certificate to the Contractor specifying the incompliant
The Contractor shall carry out all the necessary activities to remedy the incompliant point(s)
or/and clear-off, at least, the Critical Punch-List Items. The concerned Company’s
discipline engineer will follow-up and confirm closing of the incompliance point(s). Above-
mentioned paragraph shall be repeated until the Company has given final approval.
If the Works contains Non-Critical Punch-List Items which, in the opinion of the
Company will not affect the timely service of the System, the Company will sign the
Certificate, only after the Contractor provide a written commitment, with specific deadline,
to clear-off all the remaining items. The duration in which the Contractor shall complete the
Punch-List Items of the Works shall be agreed by both parties; however, the Company has
the ultimate discretion to reject the proposed dates and request for better commitment
The Mechanical Completion Certificate shall be stamped and signed by the
Company and the Contractor, at the end of Mechanical Completion of the respective
The Contractor shall follow the Mechanical Completion Certificate form that
provided in ATTACHMENT (G-1).
The Contractor needs to revert back to supplemented details and summary provided in
ATTACHMENT (F) concerning the Mechanical Completion Certificate

Page 62 of 105
 The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out the Commissioning and Start-Up
of the Facilities/Systems.
 The Contractor must ensure that the live (existing) system is not interrupted and work with
the same Supplier’s (Vendor’s) as the existing system to ensure seamless integration
between the new and existing systems in which must function as a unified unit.
 The Contractor shall develop all required software items including programming/ interfacing
with the existing operational controls.
 The Contractor shall provide the supervision specialists and labour to fully Commission
and Start-Up the Facilities to its normal operating condition. The Contractor shall provide
all necessary engineering, supervisory, maintenance and technical Personnel on a 24 hour
a day basis until handover the Facilities to the End User.
 The manpower-staffing plan and the Commissioning and Start-Up Organization Chart
shall be developed by the Contractor, and approved by the Company, at least three (3)
months prior to Start-Up.
 The main objective of Commissioning and Start-Up is to ensure that Equipment and
Systems are brought from Mechanical Completion through Commissioning to an
operational status safely.
 At least two (2) months prior to Commissioning, the Contractor shall supply Start-
Up, Operation, and Maintenance Manuals. These manuals will include the sequence of
activities and the checklist(s) that must be carried out in order to Start-Up the whole
 The Contractor shall peruse the Vendor(s) Manuals (including the Company Supplied
Equipment/Materials) carefully and extract the sections (including check point, testing and
start-up sequence, troubleshooting, etc.) and incorporate it in a Unified Project Start-Up,
Operation, and Maintenance Manual as referred above.
 As a general rule, systems shall be Commissioned in the following sequence:

 Control Room or Buildings to House Operating Staff.

 Power for Facilities and Equipment.
 Utilities – Air, Water, Nitrogen, etc.
 Instrumentation and Control.
 Storage Facilities.
 Process and Export-out Facilities.

The Contractor shall carry out Commissioning activities after Mechanical


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Closure of all Critical (Category (A)) Punch-List Items and achieving Mechanical
Completion Certificate are mandatory requirements before Commissioning
activities commence.
Work-packs shall be developed during the course of the Contract to assist in system
Commissioning checks and allow all the activities to be fully documented and recorded.
All Commissioning activities for Equipment shall be carried out in accordance with
Supplier’s instructions/recommendations and the operating and maintenance manuals.
In the Commissioning phase, the Contractor shall demonstrate that all Equipment and
Systems meet the functional requirements and that their integrity is adequate for Start-Up.
No later than three (3) weeks after the issuance of the respective Work Order, the
Contractor shall submit full details of the tests and, tests and evaluation methods proposed
for the Commissioning.
No less than three (3) weeks before the anticipated date for the commencement of the
Commissioning, the Company will confirm whether it accepts the Contractor’s proposals
and, if not, will specify the required modifications and/or additional tests as Company
requires. The Commissioning and, testing and evaluation methods shall be those
proposed by the Contractor with the required modifications and additions as the Company
The System Functional Test results shall be documented in an Inspection Test Record
(ITR) sheet contained in the work-pack that fully detailing all the results of checks carried
out on the respective system. The Contractor shall record all deficiencies and Punch-list
them on a worksheet for rectification in a timely manner.
Commissioning activities include all activities that must be completed prior to Start-Up
of Equipment and Facilities.
Where Equipment integrity is found to be deficient, it will be the Contractor’s responsibility
to ensure the Supplier responds and rectifies in a timely manner without impact to the
The Contractor shall be responsible for communicating with Supplier representatives to
obtain all required information to develop Commissioning planning activities, including
identifying any special equipment or tools required for Commissioning. Supplier
representatives are expected to provide additional guidance for Start-Up as required.
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all consumables and spare parts for
Commissioning, including the first fill of all chemicals and lubricants for the
Performance Test.
Maintenance work during Commissioning shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
This work includes, but is not limited to, checking pipe hangers, supports, guides, and pipe
special items for operating settings and making necessary adjustments as well as providing
all supports (manpower and equipment) to Maintain the Company Supplied Equipment(s). It
also includes repair of any Equipment, piping, assistance in cleaning temporary strainers,
replacing filters, changing lubricants and removal of any blinds as required.
Punch-List items outstanding from Mechanical Completion and Commissioning
shall be agreed between the Company and the Contractor with a clearance status attached.
Prior to or during any work involving the use of diesel oil or fuel gas in the plant, the
Contractor shall comply with the Company’s instructions with regard to safety and any other
matter concerning the use of diesel oil or gas with the running tests.

Page 64 of 105

Start-Up is generally defined as the point at which process fluid introduced into Facilities
in order to put the systems into operation. It will begin upon successful accomplishment of
all Commissioning activities where the entire system is free of oxygen. The cool down (If
necessary) and Start-Up procedure will commence with assistance from appropriate
Supplier representatives as required.
The Contractor shall prepare procedures for the Start-Up, Performance Testing, and
Provisional Acceptance of the respective system as it shall be submitted to the
Company for review and approval.
The Contractor shall follow the Handover format that provided in ATTACHMENT (G-3).
The Contractor shall dedicate specific team (other than Construction Team) for handling the
Commissioning activities whom shall be well expert in the concerned system (Work).
The Commissioning Team organization and CVs shall be approved by the Company in
The Commissioning Team shall be responsible for preparing all Mark-up PIDs (specify any
purging vent/feed points (if any), inspection point, etc.), commissioning table and
procedures, checklists, etc. The developed Commissioning Procedure showing the
sequence of the activities and shall be a unified procedure as extracted from the
Commissioning Procedures delivered by the equipment’s Vendors.
Prior to Start-Up, the Contractor and the Company shall jointly conduct a Pre-Start-Up
Safety Review (PSSR) to ensure the respective system is ready for Start-Up.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the Facility’s Start-Up under PMT/PMC
supervision, where the End User will be invited for witnessing.
The Contractor shall develop procedures for the Facility’s Start-Up, which will be delivered
to the Company for review and approval.
The Contractor shall provide the supervisory expertise and labour required to Start-Up the
Facility to its full functionality and operating conditions. The Contractor shall provide all
necessary engineering, supervisory, maintenance and technical Personnel on a 24 hour a
day basis until the Facilities are handed over to the Company.
The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall provide all consumables and spare parts
for Start-Up.

The Contractor shall be attention that the following minimal Commissioning activities, as
applicable, shall be accomplished successfully prior to commence of the facility/system
Performance Testing;
 Operational testing of the equipment including leak tests (at maximum operating pressure) and
inerting as required.
 Operational and functional testing of instrumentation, control, and safety systems (e.g., loop
checking, logic checking, operational testing of SCS systems, package control systems, etc.).
 Operational and functional testing of Fire & Gas system.

Page 65 of 105
 Operational testing of CP system and all electrical power system equipment, all motor runs, tests
on lighting, power and earthing systems. Energization of switchboards and transformers.
 Recording and enclosing of all commissioning activities in the commissioning report.
 Commissioning and energizing of all interface(s)/tie-in(s).
 Commissioning of all Vendor packages onsite, irrespective of the amount of testing that may have
taken place at Manufacturers’ workshops.
 Supplying all manpower resources, consumable materials (e.g., nitrogen, diesel fuel, chemicals,
lubricants, etc.), tools and equipment, commissioning spares, testing equipment and measuring
 Submission of the commissioning manpower resources organization chart as well as Vendor
landing onsite scheduled program to the Company for its review and approval.

The Company may supplement above minimum requirements at any period of the Work

 The facility shall be tested in accordance with the standards adopted for the Work as
established in the approved Specifications, Quality Plans, Testing Procedures and other
relevant Contract document.
 Within three (3) weeks prior to Start-Up, the Contractor shall develop a testing protocol
for the facility, for review and approval by the Company. The protocol shall reflect the
requirements set out in the Contract and shall define the test details, timing, etc. and be
subject to the conditions set out herein. The Company envisions the following tests, as
minimum, shall be conducted:

 Site Acceptance Tests (FAT presumed executed by TPI successfully prior Equipment(s)
arrived to site).
 Construction Tests.
 Functional Tests.
 Limited Performance Test.

The extent of testing during fabrication and assembling of the Equipment and the
Company’s rights to attend tests at Manufacturers’ works, including Factory Acceptance
Tests and Third-Party Inspections, shall be as detailed in the specifications and the
Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs).
The Contractor shall procure and maintain the Company’s rights of access to test data in
respect to the Equipment. The proposed tests to be carried out during fabrication and
assembly of the Equipment and the procedures involved in such tests, including proposed
test sheets, shall be submitted to the Company for its review as required under the
specifications and Inspection and Test Plans (ITP).
The Supplier/Manufacturer shall provide all instruments and apparatus used in the tests and
guarantee that they are calibrated according to relevant international standards or/and as
specified in the specifications and Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs).

Page 66 of 105
The Contractor shall ensure that the Company has the right to visit, at any reasonable time,
during fabrication and assembly of the Equipment, at the Manufacturer’s works or any other
location of the Suppliers or Sub-Supplier’s location where the Equipment (or any part
thereof) is manufactured, and to witness Factory Acceptance Tests.
Within seven (7) days of completion of any test referred as a Factory Acceptance Test, a
set of all principal test records, test certificates and correction, performance curves and TPI
final report shall be provided by the Contractor to the Company.
Following the testing of all equipment(s), all factory and site tests certificates with all
relevant data shall be compiled and provided to the Company, along with three (3) flash-

Construction Tests refer to the all tests carried out onsite during the Construction Phase
that have been supervised and approved by the Company representative.

As part of Pre-Commissioning (Before Commissioning and Start-Up), the

Contractor shall perform Functional Tests on the respective system’s equipment(s) (as
specified in the specifications and test plans), essentially checking the design ranges of the
functionalities of the system’s equipment(s).

The Contractor shall conduct Limited Performance Tests after Start-Up, at a time
agreed between the Contractor and the Company.
Passing the Limited Performance Test indicates that the Contractor has successfully
carried out the operation test after Start-Up, and that its results have been approved by
the Company.
The Limited Performance values given herein for these tests are set at or below/above
the specified values in the specifications whereas the Facilities will initially not operate at full
capacity after Start-Up. Unless it is satisfactorily demonstrated that these values have all
been achieved or bettered, the Limited Performance Test shall be deemed not to
have been achieved.
The Contractor shall prepare Performance Test (PT) Plan for the Company approval,
which shall detail the tests to be performed, acceptance criteria, the test and measuring
equipment to be used, recording formats, engaged team, sampling methods, sample
analysis, calculation methods and test results evaluation.
The Contractor shall gain the Company approval for the (PT) Plan before announcing
/issuing the Test Notice. The Contractor shall develop and submit the (PT) Plan to the
Company at least three (3) weeks from the scheduled testing date of the respective
System. The (PT) Scope of Works shall include, but are not limited to the following:
 The Contractor operation and monitoring of performance of the respective System in close liaison
and coordination with the Company Operations.
 The Contractor achievement of stable operation of the respective System in accordance with the
Design Basis and this Scope of Works.

Page 67 of 105
 Completion of successful throughput and performance testing after sustained stable operation of
the respective System.
The Contractor shall ensure that wherever applicable, the Vendors’ performance
guarantees shall be verified during the Performance Testing.
The Contractor shall ensure that the Performance Testing of the respective System’s is
conducted in accordance with a specific procedure to be established and approved by the
Company prior to the Commissioning preparation stage.
Once facilities have achieved reliable steady state and stable operation, the Contractor
shall initiate notification of its intention to undertake the Performance Test (PT). The
notification for such testing shall be three (3) working days prior to the actual Work.
The Limited Performance Test (LPT) shall be conducted through (72) hours
uninterrupted and continuous operation at design parameters.
The Limited Performance Test (LPT) shall be carried out by the Contractor and shall
confirm the following as a minimum;
 Quality and quantity of final product is in accordance with the Contract specification and
 Successful operation of the Unit’s Control System in accordance with Contract requirements.
 Interruption to the Limited Performance Test (LPT) shall require the Performance Test
duration to be reset/restarted for another uninterrupted and continuous (72) hours.

Once the Performance Test (PT) has been completed, the Contractor shall issue to the
Company a documented recording of each test, analysis of results and Performance
Test Report for the respective System’s.
In the event that the respective System’s fails to operate in accordance with the Contract
requirements, the Contractor shall at its own expense carry out appropriate remedial
Engineering and Construction Work including necessary replacement of any Materials
or/and Equipment, as required. The Contractor shall repeat the Limited Performance
Tests, from beginning, upon completion of any remedial Work.
The Contractor needs to revert back to supplemented details and summary provided in
ATTACHMENT (F) concerning the Limited Performance Test Certificate
Once the Limited Performance Test (LPT) Certificate for the Facility is issued by
the Company and received by the Contractor, then the Works is considered handed-over to
the Company (End User) and ready to be put into service.

 Upon successful completion of Commissioning activities and acceptance of

Performance Test, as well as fulfil all conditions listed herein, the Contractor shall apply
for the Provisional Acceptance (PA) Certificate.
 The Contractor shall be responsible for the control, assembly, verification, and timely
compilation of all concerned records into Provisional Acceptance Dossiers. The
Contractor shall develop a Provisional Acceptance Dossier assembly procedure. The

Page 68 of 105
procedure shall cover all relevant specification, technical data, quality control forms, and
acceptance criteria.
 Only Critical (Category (A)) Punch-List Items identified by the Company that has influence
on the operation can be considered for the Provisional Acceptance.


Once the respective System is declared passed the PT successfully, the Contractor shall
prepare the System’s Provisional Acceptance Dossiers.
The Contractor shall Submit Provisional Acceptance Dossier Table of Content (TOC),
at least two (2) weeks in advance before the anticipated Provisional Acceptance
date, for the Company approval; however, the Provisional Acceptance Dossier shall
include, as applicable, as a minimum, the following documentation:
 Mechanical Completion Certificates endorsed by the Company;
 Non-Critical Punch-List endorsed by the Company;
 Punch-List Clearance Commitment Letter;
 All Commissioning and Performance Test sheets endorsed by the Company;
 Endorsed Vendor Factory and Site Acceptance Tests (FAT and SAT) reports and certificates as
 Set points of Relays, Protective Devices, etc.;
 Record of site modifications in drawings and documents;
 Alarm, range control and trip settings register/schedule;
 Commissioning Procedures/Manuals;
 Vendor Manual Index, List of Equipment Vendor & Contact particular;
 All Calibration Sheets and Records;
 Warranty Formats and Plan/Procedures;
 Handover of all Commissioning Spares and Tools.
 Handover of list of recommended spare parts.
The Provisional Acceptance Dossier shall be submitted together with the application
of Provisional Acceptance Certificate.

The Provisional Acceptance date is considered as the date of the last satisfactory
Commissioning activities, successful completion of PT and approval of the
Provisional Acceptance Certificate, in reference to the provided Provisional
Acceptance Dossier, by the Company for the respective System.
Upon the completion of all the Commissioning and PT requirements and the respective
System is put into service by the Company, the Contractor shall apply for a Provisional

Page 69 of 105
Acceptance (PA) Certificate and submit to the Company, as part of PA Dossier, with
the Commissioning and PT results.
Prior any inspection requested by the Company, the Contractor is deemed to have
conducted in-house inspection activities. Punch-List generated by the Contractor shall be
issued to the Company for monitoring and expediting purpose.
Within the following seven working (7) days from the Contractor’s submittal, the
Company shall stamp, sign and transfer the document (PAC) back to the Contractor.
However, if in the opinion of the Company, there is missing’s or incomplete Work, the
Company shall, within the same seven working (7) days, return the Certificate to the
Contractor specifying the incompliant point(s).
The Contractor shall carry out all the necessary activities to remedy the incompliant point(s)
or/and clear-off, at least, the Critical Punch-List Items. The concerned Company’s
discipline engineer will follow-up and confirm closing of the incompliance point(s). Above-
mentioned paragraph shall be repeated until the Company has given final approval.
If the Works contains Non-Critical Punch-List Items which, in the opinion of the
Company will not affect the timely service of the respective System, the Company will sign
the Certificate, only after the Contractor provide a written commitment, with specific
deadline, to clear-off all the remaining items. The duration in which the Contractor shall
complete the Punch-List Items of the Works shall be agreed by both parties; however, the
Company has the ultimate discretion to reject the proposed dates and request for better
commitment dates.
The Provisional Acceptance Certificate shall be stamped and signed by the
Company and the Contractor, at the end of Provisional Acceptance of the respective
The Contractor shall follow the Provisional Acceptance Certificate form that
provided in ATTACHMENT (G-2).
The Contractor needs to revert back to supplemented details and summary provided in
ATTACHMENT (F) concerning the Provisional Acceptance Certificate

 The Warranty Period shall be for twelve (12) calendar months accounted from one
(1) day after the date of issuance of the respective Work Order’s Provisional
Acceptance Certificate by the Company to the Contractor.
 During Warranty Period, the Company (End User) shall be responsible for operating the
facility and making routine maintenance in accordance with the relevant manuals, provided
by the Contractor, and common best practices and operating standards.
 It is the Contractor's responsibility to remedy or repair any quality defects identified during
the Warranty Period that are traceable to the Work Scope; likewise, any problems
caused by improper operation or maintenance failure shall be resolved by the End User.
 In the event that the facility or any section thereof fails to operate or function to the
Company satisfaction in accordance with the Contract requirements, the Contractor shall, at

Page 70 of 105
its own expense, carry out appropriate remedial Engineering and Construction Works and
supply, as necessary, the replacement Materials and Equipment.
 For any defect that resulted as quality issue, the End User shall issue a Defect
Rectification Request (DRR) to the Contractor through PMC/PMT, who will
validate/verify the root cause and take appropriate action.
 For the fulfilment of the Contractor’s obligations throughout the Warranty Period, the
Contractor shall undertake the following:

 Develop Warranty Plan (implying the proposed warranty team) and submit to the Company for
approval four (4) Weeks prior submission of the Provisional Acceptance Dossier. Warranty
Plan Approval shall be connected with the issuance of the Provisional Acceptance Certificate
to the Contractor.
 The Contractor’s Personnel indicated in the Warranty Plan shall include all disciplines whom to
be stationed at the Company site throughout the duration of the Warranty period to ensure
continuous communication between both parties and immediate resolving to the Warranty related
 Ensure continuous Vendor, as well as engineering or any other technical, support, including
mobilization of Vendor representative to site whenever needed or requested by the Company.
 Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the Warranty of all materials, equipment, or any other
item procured for the benefit or use of this Work matches the entire Contract Warranty Period. In
case of Warranty shortages or un-fulfilments, the Company has the right to consider any kind of
punishment, including deduction the whole Contractor’s due payments.
 The Contractor shall warrant that:
 Has the experience and capability, including sufficient and competent personnel to perform the
work efficiently, expeditiously and economically.
 Shall continuously furnish skilled and experienced personnel to perform the Work.
 Shall perform the Work with skill and diligence and in a professional and careful manner and shall
adopt a standard for the Work that is no less than the generally accepted international industry
 The Work shall be performed in accordance with the requirements and conditions of the contract
and any applicable Company and design requirements.
 All materials furnished by the Contractor and used in the performance of the Work shall be new
and in accordance with contract specification requirements and are without defect, deficiencies
and/or omissions and are fit for the intended purpose.

 None of the Warranty provisions contained in any of the Contract documents shall relieve
the Contractor of his responsibilities to provide expert personnel, correct specifications and
application of materials and equipment to meet and satisfy the performance guarantees and
all other requirements of the Work.
 In carrying out Warranty related Work, the Contractor shall give priority to the Company’s
operational requirements and avoid interruptions of the Company’s operations to the
maximum extent possible.

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Six (6) weeks prior the Final Acceptance (FA) date of the completed Work Order,
the Contractor shall submit a Close-Out Report for the Company peruse and approval.
The Contractor shall Submit Close-Out Report Table of Content (TOC) for the Company
approval; however, the report shall contain, as minimum, the following;
 Detailed narrative of all main events, major decisions undertaken, problems faced and their
resolutions for technical aspects, lesson learnt, project management, engineering, procurement,
installation, testing, commissioning, and interfacing with other concurrent Company projects.
 Updated Project Schedule, S-Curves, Histograms and Material Tracking Record showing
scheduled versus actual data.
 Status of Commissioning Spares, giving details of unused spares handed over to the Company.
 Log of all approved SPIRs.
 Record of Final Documentation hand-over and Surplus Materials.
 Warranty Dossiers.

The Contractor shall issue a written notice of final completion of the Works, when the
Contractor considers it has completed the Works in all respects that it fully meets and
satisfies the requirements of this Contract.
The Final Acceptance Certificate shall occur when the Warranty period ended, all
Punch-List Items cleared-off, all deficiencies corrected, final documentation handed-over,
including Work Order Close-out report, and there is no pending issue still outstanding.
Once the Contractor has issued the notice of final completion above, the Company shall
within fourteen (14) working days of receipt of such notice, either issue a certificate of
Final Acceptance or otherwise inform the Contractor in writing of the Company’s
reasons for not accepting the Works. The Contractor shall continue in this trend until all
deficiencies have been corrected to the Company’s satisfaction and the Final
Acceptance Certificate has been issued.
The Contractor needs to revert back to supplemented details and summary provided in
ATTACHMENT (F) concerning the Final Acceptance Certificate Conditions.


 The Final Documentation submission shall be complied with, by the Contractor, the
following statements for each Work Order discretely;



Page 72 of 105
In the early stage of the respective Work kick-off, all deliverables (documents, data, and
drawings), that are to be submitted for the Company's approval or as informative data, shall
be developed by the Contractor as part of the Technical Document Register (TDR).
In the TDR, the Contractor shall categorize the action required for each deliverable, either
issued for approval or as informative data, however, the Company has the ultimate decision
to classify the needed action.
The Company reviewing cycle shall be five (5) calendar days from the receipt of the
deliverable and the Contractor shall plan and schedule all related activities accordingly.
Nonetheless, the Company will strive to review critical deliverables in a timely manner with a
shorter reviewing cycle as far as possible.
The Contractor shall ensure higher quality and qualified screening is implemented before
any deliverable's submission to the Company in order to guarantee to commit to the stated
reviewing cycle and avoid any passive warning notification.

After successful completion of Performance Testing and before Provisional

Acceptance, the Contractor shall handover the respective Work Order’s Final
Documentation to the Company as outlined below:
a) The number of sets of Final Documentation to be handed over shall be:
 Hard Copy - 3 Sets
 Electronic Copy (3 flash memories) - 3 Sets
 Hard copies shall be handed over as properly hard-cover bound volumes, with complete document-
ation index in each volume, in addition to the index of the respective volume. Proposal for hard-
cover bound shall be submitted and approved by the Company.
 Electronic copies shall be on Flashes with proper labels and List of Contents.
 Electronic copies shall include the clear PDF version for all documentation, and Editable (word, Ex-
cel, dwg, etc.) and Natives for all technical documents, including all design drawings, specifications,
datasheet, software models, manuals, procedures, and other related technical documents in Pro-
curement, Construction and Commissioning period.
b) The Final Work Order Documentation, in general, shall include, but not limited to, the following:
 Project Design Dossier (including all approved specifications and datasheets, calculations and
 Final Vendor Documentation;
 Construction Documentation and Records;
 Commissioning and Performance Test Records.
 As-Built Documents and Drawings;
 Vendor documentation shall be well organized and compiled. It shall have the following three sep-
arate sections:
 Design Section – Technical Documents, specifications, data sheets and drawings;
 Manufacturing Records;
 Operation and Maintenance Manual.

Page 73 of 105
 Contractor shall transmit this requirement to the Vendors during inquiry stage and ensure Vendor’s
compliance with this requirement upon receipt of the Vendor documentation.
 Contractor shall include copies of his Purchase Orders for the following items, in his final docu-
 Pumps;
 Manual Valves;
 Electrical equipment;
 Instrumentation Equipment, etc.
 Un-priced Purchase Orders for all other items and bulk items will be included in final documenta-
 The above Purchase Orders shall not be subject to any review, audit or reimbursement and shall
be submitted for Company’s future reference only.
 Final Acceptance Certificate shall be issued by the Company, only after Contractor han-
dover the complete Final Documentation to the Company’s satisfaction.


 The technical requirements for this project shall also be referenced to technical package.


 The Contractor shall have valid ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 certifications of
English version. The certificates from Parent Company or Same Group are not acceptable.

Page 74 of 105


AFC : Approved for Construction

AFD : Approved For Design
AC : Alternating Current
A/G : Above Ground
ATS : Action Tracking System
CAD : Computer-Aided Design
CAPEX : Capital Expenditure
CBL : Contractor’s Baselines
CCBL : Current Contractor’s Baselines
CCR : Central Control Room
CFR : Safety Standards (US)
CIF : Carriage, Insurance, Freight
CIL : Commercial Integrity Level
CIS : Chemical Injection Skid
CP : Cathodic Protection
CPF : Central Processing Facilities
CS : Carbon Steel
CVP : Capital Value Process
DBM : Design Basis Memorandum
DC : Direct Current
DCS : Distributed Control System
DGS or DS : Degassing Station
DN : Diameter Number
DVO : Disputed Variation Order
DWG : Drawing
DSS : Duplex Stainless Steel
EIA : Environmental Impact Assessment
EIL : Environmental Integrity Level
EMP : Environmental Management Plan
EPCC : Engineering Procurement Construction Commissioning
ESD : Emergency Shutdown System
FA : Final Acceptance
FAT : Factory Acceptance Test
F&G : Fire & Gas
FEE : Fire Exposure Envelope
FEED : Front End Engineering Design
FIR : Field Instrument Room
HAZID : Hazard Identification
HAZOP : Hazard Operability
HF : High Frequency
HSE : Health Safety and Environmental

Page 75 of 105
HSEQ : Health, Safety, Environment, Quality
HV : High Voltage
HVAC : Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
IA : Instrument Air
ICS : Integrated Control System
ID : Inside Diameter
IEC : International Electrical Commission
IIA : Independent Inspection Authority
I/O : Input / Output
IRN : Inspection Release Note
IS : International Standard
ISA : Instrument Society of America
ISO : International Standards Organization
ITP : Inspection and Test Plans
ITR : Inspection Test Record
ITT : Invitation To Tender
KOM : Kick-off Meeting
LAN : Local Area Network
LCP : Local Control Panel
LT : Low Tension
LV : Low Voltage
MAC : Main Automation Contractor
MC : Mechanical Completion
MCC : Motor Control Centre
MDR : Manufacturer Data Records
MEV : Main Electrical Vendor
MIS : Management Information System
MMS : Maintenance and Materials Management System
MOM : Minute Of Meeting
MTO : Material Take Off
MTV : Main Telecommunication Vendor
MR : Material Requisition
NB : Nominal Bore
NDE : Non-Destructive Examination
NEW CPF : A new CPF nearby the BUZURGAN Terminal
Nos. : Numbers
NPS : Nominal Pipe Size
N2 : Nitrogen
OCSP : Operating, Control and Safeguarding Philosophy
OD : Outside Diameter
OIA : Operational Integrity Assurance
OIAS : Operational Integrity Assurance System
O&M : Operating and Maintenance
OPEX : Operating Expenditure

Page 76 of 105
PA : Provisional Acceptance
PABX : Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PAC : Provisional Acceptance Certificate
PDB : Power Distribution Boards
PDS : Project Document System
PFD : Process Flow Diagrams
PHSER : Project Health, Safety and Environmental Review
PO : Purchase Order
PPM : Parts Per Million
PSSR : Pre-Start-Up Safety Review
PSV : Pressure Safety Valve
PT : Performance Testing
PVC : Poly Vinyl Chloride
P&ID : Process And Instrumentation Diagram
QA : Quality Assurance
QC : Quality Control
QRA : Quantified Risk Assessment
RC : Reinforced Concrete
RFQ : Request for Quotation
RP : Recommended Practices
RPD : Register of Protective Devices
RRT : Reliability Run Test
RTU : Remote Terminal Unit
SAT : Site Acceptance Test
SCADA : Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCS : Safety Control System
SIL : Safety Integrity Level
SIS : Safety Instrument System
SOW : Scope of Work
SP : Special Piping
SPIR : Spare Parts Interchangeability Record
SS : Stainless Steel
TBE : Technical Bid Evaluation
TDR : Technical Document Register
UFD : Utility Flow Diagrams
UHF : Ultra-High Frequency
TQ : Technical Query
UCP : Unit Control Panel
UPS : Uninterruptable Power Supply
U/G : Under Ground
VESDA : Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus
VIP : Value Improving Practice
VOR : Variation Order Approval
VOR : Variation Order Request

Page 77 of 105
WAN : Wide Area Network
WBS : Work Breakdown Structure
WFP : Water Feed Pump
WIP : Water Injection Pump
WIS : Water Injection Station

Page 78 of 105


 The Company has provided the following Vendor List, where the Contractor shall adhere to
the Vendors on the list in order to select the brands specified therein.
 The Contractor who proposes other Vendors that do not appear on this list, having
capabilities similar to those outlined herein, shall be evaluated and approved by the
Company before any kind of agreement is reached.
 The Vendors for other items, materials, and/or equipment not on this list shall undergo the
similar process to that of Unlisted Vendors.

Category Vendor Name

Kerr pump


1 Centrifugal Pumps KSB


Clyde Union



2 Flow-meter




Transmitters ROSEMOUNT

3 Temperature E+H


Page 79 of 105

Category Vendor Name


Pressure Gauges PARKER
4 Thermometers WIKA








5 Valves












Page 80 of 105

Category Vendor Name

China Oil Pipeline Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Xi’an Pump & Valve Plant Co., Ltd.

8 Insulation Joints
Shenyang Xinlian Petro-Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd.

Hebei Dongrui Petrochemical Machinery Equipment

Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


9 Transformer SIEMENS


Main Electrical
Components (Circuit
Breaker, Contactor,
Relay, etc)


L.V. Motors (Above
11 15kw), Switchgear, SCHNEIDER
MCC, Control Gear


NOV Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu Xinyang New Material Co., Ltd.

Lianyungang Zhongfu Lianzhong Composites Group Co., Ltd.

Shengli XD Co., Ltd.

13 Carbon Steel Pipe Tianjin Pipe International Economic & Trading Corporation

Hengyang Valin Steel Tube Co., Ltd.


Page 81 of 105

Category Vendor Name



Baofeng Steel Group

Jiangsu Wujin Stainless Steel Pipe Group

Duplex Stainless-
Steel Pipe
Zhejiang Jiuli Hi-Tech Metals Co., Ltd.



Ethernet Switch
15 3) TP-LINK



Control Valves
16 3) KOSO



17 ON/OFF Valves


18 Tank Plates/Others To be approved in advance by the Company

1) Contractor shall strictly follow the vendor list for procurement. The Company has right to
reject any materials and equipment purchased by Contractor out of Vendor List without
Company prior consent/approval.

Page 82 of 105

2) Vendor List may be adjusted according to actual market and project situation, any deviation
shall announced for the Company’s approval by official letter in advance (without using
change order procedure).

Page 83 of 105


 TPI appointment for procured equipment and materials will be the Contractor responsibility.
 It is the responsibility of the Contractor to entrust the inspection activities to an authority with
professional TPI expertise.
 The TPI shall be approved by the Company in advance.
 The Company Approved Third Party as below:

S/N TPI Companies


2 Bureau Veritas

3 Intertek Group PLC

4 TUV Rhineland

5 Rina


 Below is a list of the equipment and materials that will be subject to TPI. Detailed TPI plans must be
included with the bid documents of the Contractor.

No. Inspection Activity  Remark

Performance test, NPSH, Mechanical Running Testing

(If specified), Surface Preparation and Painting, Witness by TP
1 Pump Preservation and Packing

LCP Function test Witness by TP

Hydrostatic test report, Painting and coating

Inspection, Heat treatment execution, Visual and
2 Pipe Witness by TP
dimensional control, Final visual inspection including
packaging and quantity control

Hydro test/leakage test, dimensional inspection,

3 Valves Witness by TP

4 Power cable Voltage withstanding report Witness by TP

Page 84 of 105
Note 1: All equipment and materials MUST have TPI report and certificate stating its compliance
and acceptance with the stipulated targets and project specifications and requirements.
Note 2: For Chinese supplier, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade noticed that the
business division in Iraq embassy would not accept the TPI (Third party inspection) report (Including
COC and COI) from TUVRHEINLAND (TUV) and BUREAU VERITAS (B.V) date on March 2, 2020.
Above Two TPI companies would be replaced by:

1. HQTS Helmsman Quality and Technology Services/China

2. Intertek International Limited/UK

Page 85 of 105


 The Work Schedule will be as specified in each respective Work Order that is assigned by
the Company.
 The Company has the right to issue one or more Work Orders simultaneously and at any
 The Company has the right to claim the Contractor for completing the Work in a shorter
and earlier schedule than the one stated in the subject Work Order where the Contractor
shall recall adequate resources to guarantee Work completion in coincidence with the new
requested timeline specified by the Company.


Page 86 of 105
 The Company requires that all project Documentation and data follows a standardized
approach so that it can be readily handled by the Company during the period of the project
and throughout the lifetime of the Facility.
 Hard copy Documentation shall be in standard metric sizes (A4, A3, A2, A1, and A0).
Binders shall be A4 or A3 size, with a 4-hole design.
 Electronic Documentation shall be supplied in the format specified in the table below:

Document Type Format

Text Documents MS Office – Word (Font: Arial – Size: 11)

Spreadsheets / MS Office – Excel; Access; PowerPoint

Datasheets / Lists /
Databases (Font: Arial – Size: 11)

Schedules/ Plans PRIMAVERA

Layout Drawings and

General Arrangement AutoCAD

PFD, P&ID Drawings AutoCAD

Process Simulation Model Aspen HYSYS

Schematic Diagrams, e.g.,

MicroStation / AutoCAD

2D Engineering Drawings MicroStation / AutoCAD

3D Model for
Modularization construction

Scanned Images
Note: All scanned image shall be converted to PDF format

Instrumentation IN tools

Pipe Stress Analysis CAESAR II

Document Management EDMS/Equivalent

Photographs JPG

The As-Built PDS 3D model shall be handed over to the Company together with a

Page 87 of 105
comprehensive procedure document to allow a 3 rd party to update the model after project
If “externally referenced drawings” (XRef’s) are utilized in any AutoCAD drawing the Contractor
shall ensure that all “externally referenced drawings” are included in the handover package.
In addition to the above, Documentation shall be formatted and numbered according to the
project requirements as agreed with the Company.
The Contractor’s document control system shall be accessible to the Company project team as
the engineers can download the electronic files dispatched for the Company project review and

Page 88 of 105


 For each respective Work Order, the contractor is required to achieve the following
certificates, as a minimum, to pass the concerned milestone:

1. Mechanical Completion Certificate.

2. Limited Performance Test Certificate (if applicable).
3. Provisional Acceptance Certificate.
4. Final Acceptance Certificate.


 The Contractor will worth to claim for Mechanical Completion Certificate upon
Successful fulfilment of the following conditions:
 Contractor has provided the Mechanical Completion Dossier and has been approved by the
 Equipment(s), Apparatuses, Connections, etc. Installation of all designed Facility/Systems have
been accomplished;
 Materials/Equipment(s) Receiving and Construction inspections of all designed Facility/Systems
have been accomplished;
 All TPI Reports and Vendor’s As-Built Documents have been provided and all nonconformities, if
any, have been remedied with prior Company approval;
 Test Certificates have been signed by the Company for all of the Equipment and System
Functional Tests;
 For all instruments and apparatuses, all calibration records and certificates executed onsite as
well as provided by the Manufacturer have been submitted;
 The Facility/System has been free of any Non-Conformity Report (NCR);
 All Pre-Commissioning (Pressure Testing, Instruments Calibration, Loop Checking, Functional
Tests, etc.) activities of all designed Facility/Systems have been accomplished;
 Critical (Category (A)) Punch-List Items have been cleared-off to the satisfaction of the Company
without any exceptions noted on the Construction and Pre-Commissioning Reports;
 Contractor has issued a Commitment Letter, with planned schedule dates, for Closing all Non-
Critical (Category (B)) Punch-List Items;
 Following achieving Mechanical Completion Certificate, the Contractor shall
conduct Limited (72 hours), Continuous and Uninterrupted Performance
Test (PT) for the entire System/Facility.
 The Contractor will worth to claim for Limited Performance Test Certificate upon
Successful fulfilment of the following conditions:
 Mechanical Completion Certificate has been achieved;
 Critical (Category (A)) Punch-List Items have been cleared to the satisfaction of the Company
without any exceptions noted on the Mechanical Completion Reports;
 Successful completion of the Facility/System Performance Test, without any interruption, for
continuous (72) hours operation at the pre-set design parameters.
 Handover of all consumables and lubricants, as applicable.
 Upon issuance of the Limited Performance Test Certificate, the responsibility of
facility management, operation, and maintenance shall be considered officially handed over
to the End User.

Page 89 of 105


 The Contractor will worth to claim for Provisional Acceptance Certificate upon
Successful fulfilment of the following conditions:
 Contractor has provided the Provisional Acceptance Dossier and has been approved by the
 Contractor has completed all Work in accordance with the Contract, and the facilities are free
from any defect;
 Limited Performance Test Certificate has been achieved;
 Critical (Category (A)) Punch-List Items have been cleared to the satisfaction of the Company
without any exceptions noted on the Performance Test Report;
 Contractor has issued a Commitment Letter, with planned schedule dates, for Closing all Non-
Critical (Category (B)) Punch-List Items;
 All landscaping works and reinstatement survey have been completed.
 All residual/surplus materials have been disposed of from the entire site area, including adjacent
boundaries, and the site has been kept clean and tidy to the satisfaction of the Company;
 Contractor has issued to the Company a certificate (in form and substance reasonably acceptable
to the Company) stating that the Company has full title to all Equipment and the Permanent
Work free from any encumbrance.
 Contractor has provided all governmental permits and approvals necessary to operate the
facilities/Systems to the Company;
 Approved final version of the Final Documentation, including but not limited to As-Built Drawings,
Updated Design Documents, QA/QC Records, Operation and Maintenance Manuals and Training
Manuals, have been handed-over to the Company;
 Contractor has provided full and comprehensive (onsite and overseas) training to the Company
nominated personnel.
 Only Critical (Category (A)) items, which have influence on the operation, can be added in
the Provisional Acceptance Punch-List.
 The Contractor will worth to claim for Final Acceptance Certificate upon Successful
fulfilment of the following conditions:
 Warranty period, accounted from the date issued Provisional Acceptance Certificate, has
been finished;
 All Documentation(s) and Software(s) have been delivered to the Company;
 All Punch-List Items, either Critical or Non-Critical, have been cleared-off;
 All Defect Rectification Requests (DRR) have been closed;
 All services and facilities stated in the Contract has been provided;
 Project Close-out Report has been submitted by Contractor and approved by the Company;
 All outstanding and pending issues, if any, have been cleared-off to the Company satisfaction.


Page 90 of 105

Mechanical Completion Certificate – WO No. ( )

All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this certificate shall have the meanings set forth in the
Agreement of MECHANICAL AND E&I WORKS (PHASE II) (Contract No.: CMIT-PRT-10.53-
230004) by and between CNOOC Iraq Limited, a Company existing under the laws of the British
Virgin Islands (“Company”), and [insert Contractor name and registered address] dated as of
_______________, 2023 (the “Agreement”).

Contractor hereby certifies that all conditions and requirements for Mechanical Completion were
achieved and satisfied on [insert date], in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing certification, Contractor additionally
certifies that:

(a) Contractor has completed [insert Works completed by Contractor] or any applicable works
packages (as the case may be) to the extend required for the safe and continuous
occupation and use of the Project Facilities or any applicable Works Packages (as the case
may be) consistent with good Engineering and Construction Practices and all Applicable
Laws subject only to the Punch List Work with all permanent services and utilities connected
in compliance with Applicable Laws.

(b) The Completion Inspection of the Project Facilities or Section thereof (where required of
such Section by Appendix B) has been successfully completed in accordance with the
requirements of the Agreement and in particular Appendix B.

(c) A complete set of “as-built” records including a complete set of “As-Built” drawings have
been provided to Company.

(d) All obligations which are stated in the Agreement as being required for the Project Facilities
to be considered to have reached Mechanical Completion have been fully complied with; and

(e) Contractor and Sub-Contractors have delivered duly executed lien waivers and Contractor
shall have delivered a duly executed indemnity against Sub-Contractor liens relating to the
Work, each in form and substance reasonably acceptable to Company.

By: [insert Contractor name]





Page 91 of 105

Provisional Acceptance Certificate – WO No. ( )

All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this certificate shall have the meanings set forth in the
Agreement of MECHANICAL AND E&I WORKS (PHASE II) (Contract No.: CMIT-PRT-10.53-
230004) by and between CNOOC Iraq Limited, a Company existing under the laws of the British
Virgin Islands (“Company”), and [insert Contractor name and registered address] dated as of
_______________, 2023 (the “Agreement”).

Contractor hereby certifies that all conditions and requirements for Provisional Acceptance were
achieved and satisfied on [insert date], in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing certification, Contractor additionally
certifies that:

(a) All commissioning work or the relevant work packages (as the case may be) has been fully
and completely performed in accordance with the Agreement.

(b) The Project Facilities or the relevant work package is put in service by Company.

By: [insert Contractor name]




Page 92 of 105


Hand Over Check List – WO No. ( )

Page 93 of 105

 As part of the Contractor Scope of Work, the Company will make the items of this
Attachment available to the Contractor at the Company Site.
 Contractor shall be fully responsible for safeguarding, installing, commissioning and
integrating Company-supplied items into the Company's system until such items are
accepted by the Company.
 The Company Main Supplied Materials/Equipment Items as follow:
 Separators;

 Booster pumps (part of);

 Transformers;

 Other materials/equipment mentioned “construction only” in schedule of price in Section 4.

 Any time and from time to time, the Company may, by written notice, revise or update the
designation of the Company’s Supplied Materials/Equipment, such as using a stock of
manual valves, pipes, and/or fittings.

Page 94 of 105


 During the entire Contract lifecycle, the latest editions of the following applicable International
Codes and Standards shall be referenced; furthermore, any reference not listed hereunder
and, in the Company's opinion, necessary for the Benefits of the Work, will supplement this

API RP 14E Line Sizing Calculations and Erosional Velocity Check
API 520 (Part I and Recommended practice for sizing, selection and Installation of pressure relieving
II) systems in Refineries
API 521 Guide for Pressure Relieving and Depressurizing Systems
API 526 Guide for Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valves
Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks (Non-Refrigerated and
API 2000
Mechanical and Piping
ASME B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purpose
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ASME B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids
ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping System
ASME B36.10 Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe
ASME B36.19 Stainless Steel Pipe
ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
ASME B16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges: NPS 26 Through NPS 60
ASME B16.9 Factory Made Wrought Steel Butt welding Fittings
ASME B16.10 Face to Face and End to End Dimensions for Valves
ASME B16.11 Forged Fittings, Socket Welding and Threaded
ASME B16.20 Metallic Gaskets for pipe flanges-Ring Joint, Spiral Wound and Jacketed
ASME B1628 Wrought Steel Butt-Welding Short Radius Elbows and Returns
ASME B16.34 Valves Flanged, Threaded and Welded Ends
ASME B16.36 Orifice Flanges
ASME B16.48 Steel Line Blanks
ASME B 18.2.1 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws (Inch Series)
ASME B 18.2.2 Square and Hex Nuts (Inch series)
ASME Section II Material Specifications
ASME Section V Non-Destructive Examination
ASME Section VIII Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

Page 95 of 105
Qualification Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedure, Welders, Brazers and
ASME Section IX
Welding and Brazing Operators
API 5L Specification for Line Pipe
Recommended Practice for Internal Coating of line Pipe for Non-Corrosive Gas
Transmission Service
API 6D Specification for Pipeline Valves (Gate, Ball and Check Valves)
API 6FA Specification for Fire Test for Valves
API 334 A Guide to Leak Detection for Aboveground Storage Tanks
API 594 Check Valves: Wafer, Wafer-Lug and Double Flanged Type
API 598 Valve Inspection and Testing
API 600 Steel Gate Valves, Flanged and Butt-welding Ends
Compact Steel Gate Valves-Flanged, Threaded, Welding and Extended-Body
API 602
API 607 Fire Test for Soft Seated Quarter Turn Valves
API 610 Centrifugal Pump for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries
API 617 Centrifugal Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Services Industries
API 618 Reciprocating Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Services Industries
Rotary Type Positive Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and
API 619
Gas Services Industries
API 620 Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
API 660 Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services
API 661 Air-Cooled Exchangers for General Refinery Services
API 674 Positive Displacement Pumps – Reciprocating
API 675 Positive Displacement Pumps – Controlled Volume
API 676 Positive displacement Pumps – Rotary
API 677 General Purpose Gear Units
API 682 Pumps-Shafts Sealing System for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps
API 686 Recommended Practices for Machinery Installation and Installation Design
Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in
API 941
Petroleum Refineries and Petrochemical Plants
API 1102 Steel Pipelines Cross Railroads and Highways
API 1104 Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities
API 2028 Flame Arresters in Piping Systems
API 2350 Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities
Steel Globe, Gate and Check Valves for sizes DN100 and smaller for the
BS EN ISO 15761
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries (replaces BS 5352)
BS EN ISO 17292 Metal Ball Valves for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Allied Industries (replaces BS

Page 96 of 105
BS 1873 Specification for Steel Globe, Globe Stop and Check Valves
BS 5316 Part 1
Specification for Acceptance Tests for Centrifugal, Mixed Flow and Axial Pumps
(ISO 2548)
ISO 1940 Part 1 Mechanical vibration Balance Quality Requirements of Rigid Rotors
ISO 8501/4 Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and related Products
ISO Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and related Products
Standard Testing Method for Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Coated Tapes used for
ASTM D1000
Electronic Application
Standard Practice for using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine
Conformance with Specifications
SSPC-SP5 White Metal Blast Cleaning
SSPC-SP10 Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning
Firefighting and Safety
MSS SP97 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings
NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers
NFPA 11 Standard for Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam
NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems
NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection
Standard for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray
NFPA 20 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection
NFPA 22 Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection
NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code
NFPA 1963 Standard for Fire Hose Connections
IEC 60076 Power Transformers
IEC 60079 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres
Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety- Related
IEC 61508
IEC 60034-1 Rotating Electrical Machines
IEC 60072 Dimensions and Output Ratings-Frame Numbers 56 to 400
IEC 60071 Insulation Coordination
IEC 60129 A.C. Disconnectors and Earthing Switches
IEC 60146 Semiconductor Converters
IEC 60173 Colours for the Cores of Flexible Cables and Cords
IEC 60185 Current Transformers

Page 97 of 105
IEC 60186 Voltage Transformers
IEC 60228 Conductors for Insulated cables
IEC 60229 Test on Cable Over-sheaths
IEC 60265 High Voltage Switches
IEC 60269 L.V. Fuses
IEC 60282 High Voltage Fuses
IEC 60287 Steady State Current Calculation in Cables
IEC 60292 L. V. Motor Starters
A.C. Metal - Enclosed Switchgear and Control Gear for Voltages above 1 kV to
IEC 60298
72.5 kV
IEC 60331 Fire Resistant Cables
IEC 60332 Flame Retardant Cables
Identification of Equipment Terminals and Terminations of Certain Designated
IEC 60445
IEC 60439 Low Voltage Switch Gear and Control Gear Assemblies
IEC 60470 High Voltage A.C. Contactors
IEC 60502 Extruded Solid Dielectric Insulated Power for Rated Voltage from 1KV to 30KV
IEC 60529 Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures
IEC 60540 Test methods for Insulation and Sheaths of Electric Cables and Cords
IEC 60632 High Voltage A.C. Motor Starters (Direct-On-Line Full Voltage)
IEC 60694 Common Specifications for High-Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear Standards
IEC 60754 Tests on Gases evolved during Combustion of Electric Cables
Common test Method for Insulating and Sheeting Materials of Electric and Optical
IEC 60811
IEC 60885 Electrical Test Methods for Electric Cables
IEC 60947 LV Switchgear and Control Gear
IEC 61034 Measurement of Smoke Density of Cables under Defined Conditions
Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres, Electrical Resistance Trace
IEC 62086
IEC 60051 Direct Acting Indicating Analogue Electrical Measuring Instrument
IEC 60044-1 Current Transformers
IEC 60186 Voltage Transformers
IEC 60255 Electrical Relays
IEC 60502 Power Cables with Extruded Insulation (From 1kV to 30kV)
IEC 60287-1-2 Electrical Cables – Parts 1 and 2
IEC 60309 Plugs, Socket-Outlets Couplers for Industrial Purposes
IEC60332-3 CAT. Test on Cables under Fire Condition

Page 98 of 105
A, B and C
IEC 60364 Electrical Installations of Buildings
IEC 60529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (Ip Code)
IEC 60598-2 Luminaires
BS 5467 Insulated Cables up to 3.3kV – Armoured Cables with Thermosetting
BS 6451 Electrical Surface Heating
Cables with Extruded XLPE or EPR insulation for rated voltages 3.8/ 6.6kV up to
BS 6622
Cathodic Protection: Part 1: 1991 Code of Practice for Land and Marine
BS 7361
BS 7430 Design of Medium and High voltage substation
Cathodic Protection
Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic piping
NACE SP0286 Electrical Isolation of Catholically Protected Pipelines
Standard Practice Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed
Current Deep Anode Beds
Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Carbon
Steel Water Storage Tanks
Application of Cathodic Protection to Control External Corrosion of Carbon Steel
On-Grade Storage Tank Bottoms
Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and
Corrosion Control Systems
API RP505 Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities
API RP651 Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks
ISA S 5.1 Instrument Symbols and Identification
API 554 Process Instrumentation of Control
API RP 551 Process Measurement Instrumentation
BS 1780 Specification for Bourdon tube Pressure and Vacuum Gauge
BS 6174 Specification for Differential Pressure Transmitters with Electrical Output
BS 1041 Part 4 Code for Temperature Measurement Thermocouples
IEC 751 Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometer Sensors Thermocouples
IEC 584.1 Thermocouples Reference Tables
IEC 529 Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures
IEC 540 Test Methods For insulation and Sheaths of Electric Cables and Cords
ISO 79 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmosphere
IEC 331 Fire Resisting Characteristics of Electric Cable

Page 99 of 105
IEC 332-3 Flame Retardant Characteristics of Electric Cables. Part3
ISA International Standard for Automation
ISO 529 Standard for Short Machine Taps and Hand Taps
API MPMS Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards
Civil and Structure
AASHTO Standard Specification for Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts
ASTM C76 Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain and Sewer Pipe
Standard Specification for crushed Stone, Crushed Slag and Crushed Gravel for
Dry or Water Bound Base Courses and Surface Courses of Pavements
ACI-214 Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Strength Test Results for Concrete
ACI-301 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings
ACI-315 Detailing Manual for Reinforced Concrete
ACI-318 Building Code Requirement for Reinforced Concrete
ACI-347 Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork
ACI-3513R-04 Foundations for Dynamic Equipment (Reapproved 2011)
ACI-351.2R-2010 Report on Foundations for Static Equipment
ACI-360-R92 Design of Slabs on Grade
AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings Allowable Stress Design
AISC Manual of Steel Construction Allowable Stress Design
AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges
Allowable Stress Design Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A
490 Bolts - S329 (1985)
ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Others Structures
ANSI A10.9 Safety Requirements for Concrete Construction and Masonry Work
ANSI A-58.1 Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Other Structures
AWS D1.1/D1.1M Structural Welding Code - Steel
Spec 2B Specification for Fabricated Structural Steel Pipe
Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coating on Product Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed and
ASTM A123/A123M
forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strips
ASTM A36/A36M Structural Steel
ASTM A185/A185M Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement
ASTM A252/A252M Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Piles
Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete
ASTM A615/A615M
ASTM Standard Specification for Carbon-Steel Wire and Welded Wire Reinforcement,
A1064/A1064M Plain and Deformed, for Concrete
ASTM C31/C31M Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field

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ASTM C33/C33M Specification for Concrete Aggregates
Standard Method of Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete
ASTM C94/C94M Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete
Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete
Specification for Portland Cement
Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements
ASTM Standard Test Methods for Deep Foundation Elements Under Static Axial
D1143/D1143M Compressive Load
Standard Specification for High Strength Structural Bolts and Assemblies, Steel
ASTM and Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, Inch Dimensions 120 ksi and 150 ksi Minimum
F3125/F3125M Tensile Strength, and Metric Dimensions 830 MPa and 1040 MPa Minimum
Tensile Strength
CRSI Manual Manual of Standard Practice for Reinforced Concrete Construction
EC1 Calculation Bases
EC2 Design Bases of Concrete Structure
EC3 Design Bases of Steel Structure
EC8 Resistance Structure to Seismic Load
SSPC-SP02 Steel Structures Painting Council (Steel Structures Painting Manual)

Welding and NDE

Standard Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Rolled Steel
Plates for Special Applications
ASTM E94/E94M Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination
ASTM E114 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Straight-Beam Contact Testing
Standard Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indications on Ferrous
Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing for General Industry
Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 41⁄2 in. (50.8 to 114
mm)) Steel Castings
Standard Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Copper and
Copper-Alloy Tubes
Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (41⁄2 to 12 in. (114 to 305
mm)) Steel Castings
ASTM E309 Standard Practice for Eddy Current Examination of Steel Tubular Products Using

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Magnetic Saturation
Standard Practice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Ultrasonic Pulse-
ASTM E317 Echo Testing Instruments and Systems without the Use of Electronic
Measurement Instruments
Standard Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Seamless
ASTM E426 and Welded Tubular Products, Titanium, Austenitic Stainless Steel and Similar
ASTM E433 Standard Reference Photographs for Liquid Penetrant Inspection
Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to 2 in.  (50.8 mm) in
ASTM E543 Standard Specification for Agencies Performing Non-Destructive Testing
ASTM E709 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing
Standard Practice for Design, Manufacture and Material Grouping Classification of
Wire Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiology
ASTM Standard Practice for Measuring Thickness by Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo
E797/E797M Contact Method
Standard Guide for Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radiographic Film
Standard Practice for Detection and Evaluation of Discontinuities by the Immersed
ASTM E1001
Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Method Using Longitudinal Waves
Standard Practice for Design, Manufacture, and Material Grouping Classification
ASTM E1025
of Hole-Type Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiography
ASTM E1079 Standard Practice for Calibration of Transmission Densitometers
Standard Test Method for Determining the Size of Iridium-192, Cobalt-60, and
ASTM E1114
Selenium-75 Industrial Radiographic Sources
ASTM E1255 Standard Practice for Radioscopy
ASTM E1316 Standard Terminology for Non-Destructive Examinations
DIN EN10204 Metallic Products: Types of Inspection Documents

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Work Order No. ( )

Pursuant to Agreement for MECHANICAL AND E&I WORKS (PHASE II) (Contract
No.: CMIT-PRT-10.53-230004) dated [______________], 2023 (the “Agreement”)
executed by and between CNOOC Iraq Limited (the “Company”) and [the
Contractor Name] (the “Contractor”).
Company: Contractor:

Company and Contractor hereby enter into this Work Order on [ ] 20[ ]. Company and Contractor agree
that Contractor shall provide the Works described below, subject to the terms and conditions of the above-
referenced Agreement (as amended and/or modified), and otherwise, to the extent they do not conflict with
the Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in this Work Order.

Country: Operating Area: Services Location:

Iraq Missan Oil field
Commencement Date of the Work: Term of the Work to be performed under this Work
Target Schedule for the Work to be performed
under this Work Order:

Description of the Work to be provided:

Personnel and equipment (including vehicles, if any) to be furnished by Contractor:

Point of origin for equipment: Point of entry for equipment:

Responsibility for transportation, fuel and board/lodging arrangements:

List of items or services to be provided by Company:

Payment and currency terms (if different than the terms set forth in the Agreement):

Whether Contractor required to provide bank guarantee or irrevocable standby letter of credit:

Company’s address for submission of Contractor’s Contractor’s banking information:

Email for Company notices: Email for Contractor notices:

Page 103 of 105


Identification of the Company representative: Identification of the Contractor representative:

Other terms:
Any intention to modify the terms of the Agreement must be explicitly stated, with specific reference to
individual terms of the Agreement to be modified or amended.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company and Contractor have caused their duly
authorized representatives to execute this Work Order, in duplicate, with effect as of the
date written above.

CNOOC Iraq Limited Contractor

By:______________________ By:________________________

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 Soil Data

 Reference to available Geotechnical Investigation Report, the Allowable Bearing Capacity for Shallow
Foundation with depth between 1.0-3.0m is as follows:
Soil Bearing Capacity (kPa)
Minimum Maximum
AGS1 190 250
AGS2 175 210
BUS1 200 200
BUS2 100 100
BUS3 100 175
BUN 120 170
FQS 140 320
FQN 120 195
 The Contractor shall verify on site, based on quick soil testing or advice from geotechnical
expert, and bear the responsibility for the use of above bearing capacities, and make any
necessary testing to obtain any required further soil data.
 Design Environmental Data

Altitude m ASL 4~10

Atmospheric Pressure kPa 102
Maximum Temperature Daily °C 55
Wet Ball Temperature °C 22.2
Dry Bulb Temperature °C 42.2 (GPSA 11-3b)
Minimum Temperature Daily °C -5
Maximum Design Metal Temperature °C 80
Maximum Wind Speed m/s 40
Predominant Wind Direction Winter/Summer Northwest-Southeast
Maximum Relative Humidity 80%
Minimum Relative Humidity 25%
Rainfall mm/a 177.4
15 in Winter (1.2-1.6m)
Under Ground Temp. °C
33.6 in Summer (1m)
Seismic Zone 2B
Evaporation Rate mm/a 3054.4

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ATTACHMENT (S) – Bidder Requirements

A. The Bidder shall comply with the following Key-Items Requirements as detailed
hereunder and submit the supporting documents with bidding documents in the
appropriate section/form:
1. The BIDDER shall have valid certificates including ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS
18001 (or ISO 45001) of English version. Certificates from Parent Company or Same
Group are not acceptable.
2. The BIDDER shall have the similar EPC experience (renovation project performed in
operating plant) in Oil and Gas industry in past five years (Y2018 to Y2022) with valid
supporting documents. The resume of key person shall be provided according to the
requirement in ITT.
3. The BIDDER or BIDDER’s subcontractor shall have similar experience of Engineering
Design in Oil & Gas industry with the supporting documents & company profile.
4. The BIDDER or BIDDER’s subcontractor shall have experience of pump/compressor
installation and commissioning with no less than 500kW rated motor power in Oil & Gas
industry with valid supporting documents.
5. The BIDDER’s accumulated Contract amount in past five years (Y2018 to Y2022) for
Oil & Gas Industry in construction of production facilities (Oil or Gas CPF, Water
treatment plant, Degassing Station, oil pipeline, water injection pipeline etc.) shall be no
less than 30 million USD amount with valid supporting documents and reference
contact person.
6. The BIDDER shall have at least 15 million USD amount for one single EPC contract in
past five years (Y2018 to Y2022) with valid supporting document and reference contact
7. The BIDDER shall have at least 5 million USD amount for one single procurement
contract of equipment or material in past 5 years (Y2018 to Y2022) with valid supporting
8. The EPC Contractor’s past performance evaluation in Missan Oilfield, only bidders with
good performance record and new bidders to Missan Oilfield shall be considered

B. The Bidder should consider the following (including but not limited) contents to be
descripted in the appropriate section/form of the Bidding documents;
1) Bidder and Bidder’s Sub-Bidder experiences.
2) Project Organization and Resume of Key Staffs.
3) The required Specific plans in PEP.
4) Review and verification to technical package.

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