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I dedicate this guide to all the men around the world who have been lied
to about importance of sexual attraction and who didn’t have strong
masculine role model to teach them about cold truths.

 My journey
“Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.”
- George Bernard Shaw

When it came to creating myself, my journey began in 2018. Young,

inexperienced and ready to do anything to get to the top.
Like everyone, I started mindlessly consuming self-improvement
content on YouTube and certain forums. Those were helpful, but
certainly lacked something. That something I discovered later in my
Four years later, I can comfortably state that I made it. I am still hungry,
and I always will be, but younger me would be proud of the beast I’ve
become. Wide, dark, jacked, handsome, tall and charming, gals simply
can’t resist.

“Woman’s life is about memories, man’s life is about conquest.”
- Theascendingman

Huge part of man’s life. The sole purpose of his existence. Since the
dawn of human time, men conquered foreign lands. The most powerful
survived, weaklings perished.
Treat your life like conquest. You are conquistador, who is ruthlessly
dominating any field his heart desires. Whether it’s business, women,
sports, you are competing for something, something glorious. Refuse to
settle for average. Take action NOW. Roman empire wasn’t built in a
 Sexual appeal
Let’s clear some things up. Sexual appeal has nothing to do with
prettiness. It’s combination of dimorphic traits that make you more
sexually attractive and respected.
Do I look dominant? Does she fantasize about me roughing her up in
bed? Do I command respect? Do other men find me dangerous?
Being a pretty motherfucker is not enough. You SHOULD be
intimidating. The wildest female fantasy is taming untamable beast that
other fear.
I know, sounds fascinating. What if I told you can become one?
Handsome habits, depending on your genetic potential, can ascend you
to yet unknown realms.
The secret to successful, sexy life is simply being sexy and surrounding
yourself with other sexy people. Just like Jim Rohn famously said: “You
are the average of five people you spend the most time with.”

These traits that WILL make you more sexually desirable by women and
respected by men: deep voice, stubble, dark hair, tattoos, muscles, scars,
thick neck, tall stature, wide frame and big penis.

 Deep voice
“The human voice is the organ of the soul.”
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Sounding good is as important as looking good.
Gals love deep, seductive voice. It affects the perceived attractiveness of
individual. Men with deeper voice signalize larger body size, attract
more women, father more children, intimidate and command respect
from other men.
The larger the larynx, the longer and thicker the vocal folds and the
lower the pitch of the voice. The size of the larynx is a secondary sexual
characteristic partly controlled by testosterone; this is why the male
larynx-commonly referred to as the “Adam’s apple”-enlarges
disproportionately with the onset of puberty. The size of the vocal folds,
commonly referred to as the vocal cords, is largely determined by the
size of the larynx, and their thickness is further influenced by the action
of hormones such as testosterone. Typical male voices range in pitch
from 85 hertz to 180 hertz, with 96Hz and lower being the most
attractive voice depth.

A man's deep voice more attractive than good looks.
“The scientists suggest a deep voice in a man is comparable to a
peacock's tail - it has no survival value, but attracts the female of the
“According to researchers from the U.S. and Canada one of the features
which attracts a woman to a man is a deep voice. The researchers

say men with deep voices are also much more likely to have more
children than men who do not have deep voices.”
How to get a deeper voice?
- Non-surgical Method:
- Deep chanting: start making "oohmm" sounds over and over in a
controlled manner which relaxes your vocal chords
- Primal screaming: go out somewhere(preferably where not to
many people are) and start screaming (growling loud screams) as
loud as you can for 5-10 minutes every day.
- Smoking cigarettes: over time can deepen voice by causing
swelling in the vocal cords which lowers the pitch (not
recommended only if you truly wish).
- Make sure you maintain high amounts of T during puberty
- Clear your throat, take a deep breath (through diaphragm), and
swallow your spit before talking. Relaxing your vocal cords lowers
the pitch of your voice, this is why your voice is usually deeper
when you wake up in the morning.
- Speak from your diaphragm instead of your throat
- Mint Pastilles: help to relax throat muscles and open up vocal
tract increasing the resonance of your voice and make your voice
temporarily deeper
“When wanting to change your pitch, my teacher taught me to think of it
like a imaginary ball of light. Imagine the ball at the front of your
tongue for a higher voice then you can think of it moving to the middle
for a mid- voice and lastly to the back of your tongue for a lower voice.
This helps me to maintain talking in a certain voice instead of, for
example: talking in a low voice but suddenly slipping into a higher voice
with little control over my pitch.”
-quote by reddit user on r/VoiceActing

 Stubble

“A total of 9991 participants (8699 female, 1292 male) completed this

study. There was a significant main effect of facial hair with heavy
stubble being most attractive followed by light stubble, then full beards
and clean‐shaven faces being least attractive of all. Stubble was judged
as most attractive overall and received higher ratings for short-term
relationships than full beards, which were more attractive for long-term

Facial hair is sexually dimorphic trait that makes men look more
attractive. You are not completely shaven like a boy, but you aren’t in
Viking mode either, which can potentially hide a weak jawline. The best
of both worlds. Strong jawline and ability to grow beard equals
masculinity and sexiness.

How to grow a stubble?

Lads with godly beard genetics need few things: beard trimmer, razor,
shaving cream and a moisturizer (beard oil).
Video demonstration
How to get a stubble beard in 5 simple steps: Ali Gordon

 Step 1: Choose your stubble length and adjust trimmer accordingly
 Step 2: Trim your stubble until you are satisfied with the length
 Step 3: Shape your stubble by removing excess hair on cheeks,
neck and upper lip
 Step 4: Clean shave with razor
 Step 5: Moisturize and maintain

What to do if I can’t grow a beard yet?

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. Always seek the guidance of your
doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may
have regarding your health or a medical condition. Never disregard the
advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of
something you have read online.
Following advice is for men 18+.
Minoxidil 5%

Minoxidil is a topical solution which encourages hair growth through

topical applications. It is widely treated for androgenic alopecia (male
pattern baldness). Originally, it was used in medial treatments for high
blood pressure.

How to use: Start with a low dosage in order to minimize chances of
side effects (0.5ml-1ml daily). Apply evenly on areas of beard growth.
Use tissue to wipe any excess liquid.
Cost: $15-$30
Potential side effects: heart palpitations, irritation, burning sensation,
application site redness, body hair growth.
Duration: Once you stop using most your results will diminish. If the
hair you gained turns into terminal hair, then those will be permanent.

Microneedling device

Micro-needling with a dermaroller or dermarolling machine has been

proven to treat hair loss (Androgenetic Alopecia in humans) and it
appears to be more effective than minoxidil.
“ Dermaroller along with Minoxidil treated group was statistically
superior to Minoxidil treated group in promoting hair growth in men
with AGA for all 3 primary efficacy measures of hair growth. Micro-
needling is a safe and a promising tool in hair stimulation and also is
useful to treat hair loss to Minoxidil therapy.”
Cost: Dermaroller $10-30, Dr. pen $30-150$
Certain supplements have been proven to activate dormant hair follicles,
strengthen hair, and promote hair growth.
Overview. L-carnitine is a chemical that is made in the human brain,
liver, and kidneys. It helps the body turn fat into energy. L-carnitine is
important for heart and brain function, muscle movement, and many
other body processes.
“Our findings suggest that l-carnitine stimulates human scalp hair
growth by up regulation of proliferation and down regulation of
apoptosis in follicular keratinocytes in vitro”.

Also known as vitamin H, biotin is one of the B complex vitamins that
help the body convert food into energy. Most people get the biotin they
need from eating a healthy diet, but there have been many claims that
getting more biotin can regulate your blood sugar, promote healthy hair,
skin, and nails.
Recommended daily allowance: 30-100mcg
“Since biotin deficiency can lead to thinning of the hair, proponents
claim that taking biotin supplements pill or tablet form—or using biotin-
enriched shampoo and hair products can thicken hair and stimulate hair
and nail growth. Taking care of any underlying deficiencies can help
keratin production and strengthen your hair. This may not be as
effective if you're healthy and don't biotin deficiency.”

 Dark hair

Hair color is important, rather underrated. When women say the dark in
“tall, dark, and handsome”, they are referring to men who look/appear to
be “dark triad” due to dark hair/features.

“By analyzing data from over 145,000 of their male members (they have
800,000 in total), the site found that men who have brown hair average
10 dates per month, while blonde guys only have around three.”

“Women attracted to dark and brooding men because they want to find
a mate.”

It is worth mentioned the importance of dark eyebrows and eyelashes.
Ideally, eyebrows should be few shades darker than hair.

How to change hair color?

Dye your hair dark brown/ black. Once dyed, it can last for months.
Keep in mind that eyebrows must be dyed too.
If you are guy with blonde hair who is unwilling to dye it black/dark
brown, AT LEAST work on eyebrows (cheap black pen can make
substantial difference).

High appeal Low appeal

Video tutorial
&feature=emb_title (for facial hair)

Demonstration of black vs blonde

 Muscles

Muscle mass and size is one of the biggest indicators of dimorphism,

health, and fitness. Ideal physique is one that attracts and intimidates.
Extreme bodybuilder physique and thin twig physique only have niche
appeal. Getting jacked is one of the most crucial factors of increasing
sex appeal.

Why muscles matter

- Muscularity is sexy
- Men are intimidated by them
- Muscles are indicators of health and fitness
- Muscles attract attention
- Strength correlates with health

“In a separate study, women reported that their short-term sexual

partners were more muscular than their other partners. The
researchers suggest women have fewer requirements for muscular

Workout routine
Keep it simple. Choose between these splits:
1) push, pull, legs (2 days a week each)
2) upper body, lower body (2 days a week each)
3) full body (3 times a week)

Basic training principles

 Principle 1: Overload
 Principle 2: Progressive overload
 Principle 3: Recovery
 Principle 4: Specificity
 Principle 5: Regularity

For any growth to occur, body mast be taken beyond normal stress levels
of training. Put simply, you need to suffer in order to progress. Each
working set you complete, you must struggle.
Each set leave with additional 2-3 reps in reserve, this way you are
working hard enough, but not completely going to failure. Last set I
recommend going to failure, push yourself above your limits. Body
thrives under pressure.

Progressive overload
“Sometimes it takes great suffering to pierce the soul and open it up to
- Jocelyn Murray

Progressive overload is gradual increasement of the weight, frequency
and the number of repetitions in your training routine.
Picture it like this. In order to get stronger, you need more suffering.
Deliberately make training routine more demanding. For example, the
next training do the same amount of sets and reps, but add additional
When you are not able to add more weight anymore, simply increase
number of sets or reps. This way, you are always making sure your
training is slightly more demanding than the previous. Doesn’t matter if
the progress is 1%. Every percentage matters long term.

Example: 4 sets for 6 reps 50kg on inlince bench,Monday

Rest for 3 days until next workout
4 sets for 7 reps 50kg on incline bench,Thursday
4 sets for 6 reps 52.5kg on incline bench,Thursday
Now, it is hard to maintain constant progressive overload for years on
certain exercises. Nothing wrong with temporary plateau, we all have
limits. However, there are ways to keep progressing. Simply change
exercises. Swap incline bench with dumbbell incline. Increase your
calorie intake. Maximize sleep. Instead of adding more weight, try to
complete sets in shorter time frame (this is also a way of progressing).

“A 2011 study Trusted Source published in the European Journal of

Applied Physiology tested a progressive overload regimen. The
researchers observed 83 people over a period of 12 weeks as they
performed a series of arm strengthening exercises.

Researchers found progressive overload — gradually increasing the
weight and number of repetitions of exercises — to be effective for
increasing bicep strength and muscle growth in both men and women”.

“Anyone can work hard, but the best have discipline to recover.”
Recovery is not an excuse for laziness. Simply, one muscle group is
resting, while other is working.
Depending on your intensity, muscle recovery takes between 24-72h.
Ways to maximize recovery:
- Protein pre and post workout
- Carbs post workout
- Overall balanced diet to avoid micronutrient deficiencies
- Hydration
- Massage `
- Creatine
- Long sleep
- Heat and cold exposure (water)
- Avoid smoking and alcohol
As a very competitive arm-wrestler myself, recovery is crucial. Not only
muscles, but tendons suffer greatly. My best advice is ALWAYS
MOVE. Limiting blood flow by sitting on your ass all day will inhibit
your recovery potential.

“I fear not the man who has practiced ten thousand kicks once, but I
fear the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand times.”
- Bruce Lee
The secret to being the best at something is simply focusing on it more
than everyone else. Structure your training that way.
You want the best back? Master weighted pull ups and rows. Get
extremely strong. Strength correlates with aesthetics.
Specificity is directly determined by your fitness goal.
I specialize is arm-wrestling. Muscle, tendons and ligaments need to be
conditioned. It’s a strength and combat sport, so my training specifically
revolves around arm-wrestling on actual table+ gym workouts for
developing strength, speed and explosivity. When I get stronger, my
muscles and tendons get thicker.
You want to be the best at something? Do it as frequently as possible
without diminishing returns (overtraining).

No. Matter. How. You. Feel. You. Never. Skip. A. Workout.
Without consistency and dedication there is no ascension.

GET LEAN. 8-12%.

Yes, lose weight, pancake lover.

 Tattoos

The history of tattooing goes back to Neolithic times, practiced across

the globe by many cultures, and the symbolism and impact of tattoos
varies in different places and cultures.
Many tattoos serve as rites of passage , marks of status and rank,
symbols of religious and spiritual devotion, decorations for bravery,
marks of fertility, pledges of love, amuletes and talismans, protection,
and as punishment, like the marks of outcasts, slaves and convicts.

Tattoos and sexual attraction
“2,369 women and 215 men were recruited, and were first shown
pictures of tattooed and non-tattooed men. Then, they were asked to rate
them on their attractiveness, masculinity, dominance, aggression,
potential for being a good partner, potential for being a good father,
and how healthy they look. The results revealed that the women rated
men with tattoos as healthier, more masculine, dominant and

Reasons to get one
- The research indicates that women thought tatted men were not
good long term partners because it made them look like they
have “bad boy appeal” which is very good for short term flings
and slaying

- If you emerge from a tattoo unscathed, you just survived a

wound. Which means, by definition, that you are a man who is of
above-average health and immunocompetence. Piercing the skin
exposes the recipient of a tattoo to infection, and only those with
the strongest immune systems can come through the process with
their health intact

- According to the research linked above, tattooed men stood out

as the stereotypical vision of the machismo man

- There was a greater difference in overall ratings of tattooed

versus non-tattooed men with male participants than there was
with female participants. What this means is that non-tattooed
men see tattooed men as rivals in the dating game

- The researchers concluded that when a man gets inked, that tattoo
does two things: it attracts the ladies by exuding an air of health
and masculinity, and it intimidates other men, because men
with tattoos simply look like alpha males. Tattoos make you look
hotter to women, and it clears away rivals, so you just have a better
chance of having sexy

Demonstration of tatted vs non tatted

Think of tattoos as the icing on the cake. Visible lean muscle mass +
tattoos = Bad boy look and increased sex appeal.

Dos and don’ts

 Face/neck tats
 Tats of girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, family, or fraternity
 Tats on butt/rear end
 Ankle Tattoos
 Finger Tattoos
 Full Sleeve Arm Tattoos
 Forearm Tattoos
 Back Tattoos
 Underside of Wrist Tattoos
 Chest Tattoos
 Calf Tattoos

Minimum Cost: $25
Maximum Cost: $4,000
Average cost: $250

Know the risks

Tattoos breach the skin, which means that skin infections and other
complications are possible, including: allergic reactions, skin effections,
bloodborne disease etc.

Make sure you're ready

Before you get a tattoo, think carefully about it. If you're unsure or
worried that you might regret it, give it more time. Don't allow yourself
to be pressured into getting a tattoo, and don't get a tattoo if you're under
the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Choose the location of the tattoo carefully. Consider whether you want
the option to hide your tattoo under clothing or not. Visible tattoos may
affect your job opportunities, in that case it’s better to get them on places
that aren’t visible.

 Scars

If you ever suffered an accident that left a mark either on your body or
face, don’t hide it. Let the world know.
“Scientists at Liverpool and Stirling University have found that women
find scarring on men attractive and may associate it with health and
bravery. It is seen by women as a sign of masculinity and an exciting,
risk-taking personality. Men with mild facial scars were typically
ranked as more attractive by women who were looking for short term
relationships/flings. 115 women and 64 men to rate the attractiveness of
eight strangers of the opposite sex. Half were asked to look at original
face shots, while the other half viewed images that had been digitally
manipulated to add scars to their cheeks, jawbones or foreheads.
While the scars made no difference to the perceived attractiveness of
women, scarred men ranked 5.7 percentage points higher in the appeal
ratings than those with undamaged skin.” *Only men with scars were
as more attractive and appealing NOT women.

Reasons why women find facial scars attractive:
- When scarring is seen as the result of a violent encounter, it
signifies strength or bravery in a guy, or it could be due to an
accident, and so evidence of a risk-taking personality

- Women may have rated scarring as an attractive quality for short-

term relationships because they found it be a symbol of
masculinity, a feature that is linked to high testosterone levels and
an indicator of good genetic qualities that can be passed on to

- Men without scars are more likely to be seen as caring, cautious,

and conscientious, and therefore more suitable for long-term
relationships, whereas men with scars project a rugged bad boy
vibe that’s irresistible in the context of a no-strings-attached fling.
They are unconsciously viewed as a sign of strength, bravery, or an
adventurous, risk-taking personality. Call it the James Bond effect
– dangerous, and probably doomed, but seductive nonetheless

Get slits in your eyebrows similar to what Jason Momoa has. However,
his slit is an actual scar.
I do not recommend harming yourself just for sake of it.
Cost: Free if you do it yourself. If you go to the barber the prices may
vary depending on the location or barber himself.

 Thick Neck

Neck training is essential. The effect it has on overall appeal is

substantial, making face appear balanced and masculine overall. Wider
neck visually enhances the size of lower third.
The neck is a great shock absorber and a great mechanism for
decelerating the movement of the head. Having stronger neck muscles
can help control the whipping motion of the head, which in turn controls
the velocity of the brain moving inside the skull.

How to train?
Every single principle I already mentioned in my Muscles section
applies to neck training.
Training/engaging the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles is
what makes the neck thicker/wider.

For video demonstration: How To Build A Thicker Neck Fast!
(Simple Science-Based Training) by Jeff Nippard

 Frame

Ideal ratios
- SWR (shoulder to waist ratio) greater than 1.6, ideally 1.8 - 2.0
- SHR (shoulder to hip ratio) greater than 1.4
- WHR (waist to hip ratio) greater than 0.80, ideally 0.9 to 1.0
- Having broad shoulders and narrow hips gives that Superman like
V-taper. A man having good SHR/SWR is similar to a woman
having good WHR. It is very sexually attractive and dimorphic.

“Males with high SHR and females with low WHR reported sexual
intercourse at an earlier age, more sexual partners, more extra-pair
copulations (EPC), and having engaged in more instances of intercourse
with people who were involved in another relationship (i.e., having
themselves been EPC partners).”

How to increase frame size?
Design a gym routine specifically for improving frame (revisit my
principle of specificity). Focus on developing shoulder, back and chest
muscles. Muscle hypertrophy and new bone modeling= visually larger
Must do exercises:
- Steve Reeves deadlift (shrug)
- Weighted pullups
- Barbell/ dumbbell over-head press+ lateral raises
- Hercules hold (strongman)

Steve Reeves

Steve left us with an absolute gem. One of the best exercises for
widening frame through clavicle microfractures, aka Steve Reeves
deadlift. (The Reeves deadlift). In reality, it is a shrug motion.
Video demonstration:
NOT A DEADLIFT!! By Golden Era Bookworm
Hercules hold

Is it a coincidence that a world record holder, Mark Felix, has one of the
widest shoulders on the Earth?
Realistically, you don’t the access to the same equipment. However, you
can mimic this stretch by grabbing two parallel bars, about one hand
span apart.

Keep in mind that breathing DEEPLY during exercise is very important.
Expended lungs= Expended ribcage. Every word class bencher has huge
ribcage, which on combination with narrower waist can create incredibly
aesthetic physique (although they usually have big bellies).
Analyzing golden era physiques, I noticed that every single one has
these traits: broad shoulders, big ribcage, narrow waist.
Years of strict emphasis on exercises such as lateral raises, incline
presses, overhead presses, shrugs, pullovers, pull ups, barbell rows.
Weight heavy enough creates microfractures, thus making bones thicker
and stronger. In combination with HGH its one way to getting wide as

 Height
Height is not only important in attraction but intimidation/domination as
well. Good frame combined with good height sets you apart and
substantially amplifies sexual attractiveness.
Ideal height is between 183-195cm.

“Women are most satisfied when their partner was 8 inches (21cm)
taller. Men are most satisfied when they are 3 inches (8cm) taller than
their partner”.
“1-inch increase in height is associated with a 1.4–2.9 percent increase
in weekly earnings”.
“Men taller than 6 feet 3 inches (194 cm) were 2 to 3 times more likely
to obtain a higher education compared to men shorter than 5 feet 4
inches (165 cm)”.

How to get taller?

Lifts: good temporary fix that can grant you anywhere from 1-3 inches
of height boost.
Cost: $20-$50
No cost solution: homemade lifts.

Microfracture method

Just like repeatedly creating micro tears in muscle tissue in order for
muscle to grow, you are creating micro fractures in your bones. With
diet focusing on calcium, magnesium, k2 and d3 intake, bones heal, thus
becoming denser.

Left and right arm of a professional right- handed tennis player. Notice the difference in size,
density and thickness.

How to cause microfractures?

Jump, sprint, ride high sited bike. The goal is to increase shin bone
For this method alone, I could write 30 pages. To save time I linked site
that specifically focuses on this matter.
For my short kings
Remember, being sexy and short is way better than being ugly and short.
You got it G!
 Penis
“It’s not the size of the boat, it’s motion of the ocean.”
- A girl who has just lied
Yes, both size and motion are important. The sole purpose of this guide,
my G, is to increase your chances of sexual relationship. Properly
dicking down your girl will inevitably make her submit. Now, you may
What’s ideal size?

This hugely depends on the girl. Too big is less of a problem then too
small. Ideal bone-pressed length is 7-8.25 inches, while circumference is
6-6.5 inches.

For vaginal orgasm 8 inches (20.3cm) seems to be the best. However, I
strongly suggest you to learn how to satisfy your girl with fingers and
tongue. Less than half of women are able to orgasm just through
penetration. Clitoris is your best friend.
Now, don’t get me wrong. You definitely can have successful
relationship with average penis if you compensate in other areas.
However, why wouldn’t you work on improving size? Refuse to be

How to improve size?

- Lose fat. Penis is surrounded by fat pad, which can potentially
visually harm length
- Keep your pubic hair trimmed
- Penis pump and manual stretching of suspensory ligament
- Angion method and SABRE technique by Janus Bifrons
Keep in mind that penis can get injured if overtrained. Good indicator of
penis health are morning woods. If you get morning woods daily, your
penis is in good condition, feel free to exercise it on that day.

Video explanation
How to Build a Better Penis by Leo and Longevity

Penis pump

Pumping is exceptional for your sexual health. It dramatically improves
erections and overall size.
Penis is meant to be engorged with blood daily. It it doesn’t it will
Pumping work through mechanism of angiogenesis (just like angion

Angion method by Janus Bifrons

DISCLAIMER: I am not a creator of this method. Please, support
Janus’s work.
His YouTube channel:
His reddit page:
The purpose of angion method, through manual use of your hands,
increasing health and size of your penis. Mechanism is similar to penis
pump, but it’s completely FREE.
Angion method 1.0- for absolute beginners with low vascular
Angion method 2.0
Angion method 3.0
Video demonstration of all 3 angions:
Each level is more demanding than previous.

Sabre technique
You basically beat your meat up.
Sabre is good addition to angion routine. For example do angion 1.0 on
Monday, Sabre on Tuesday, rest on Wednesday. Repeat.
Be gentle, gradually build force.

My personal experience after 4 months of sabre and angion 3.0

- stronger, longer erections
- substantially improved vascularity
- improved fullness
- 0.5cm increase in length and 0.25cm in girth (significant size gains
appear after years of use)
My penis is already way above average. The goal is to keep my penis
healthy at all times, additional gains are cherry on top.

 Jewelry and style

Well-chosen jewelry can enhance a man's appeal the same way it can for
a woman. Be careful not to overdo it by wearing too much at once.
Dos and don’ts
 silver/gold necklace
 silver/gold ring
 silver watch
 casual silver ear piercing (depending on the culture)
 black/silver bracelet
 sunglasses
 extremely eye catchy/big jewelry
 nose piercing
 big earrings
When it comes to style, keep it casual and elegant. Always wear clothes
that are well tailored and fit well.
 Black
 Navy blue
 Olive
 White
 Two color combination
 Extremely eye- catching colors
 Baggy clothes
 Big logos

 Last words
Good job. You reached to the end. There is a lot of information to
process. Read multiple times. Write your own points. After reading it I
want you to personally DM me and give your review.
Keep in mind that your health is the most important. I don’t want my
followers to hurt themselves.
Things such as penis pump can potentially reduce your sperm count and
make you less fertile IF you constantly expose your testicles to
heat(penis pump increases the temperature of water that’s in it). Only
put your penis into it, testicles should stay out. A way to counter this is
to expose your testicles to cold temperature (ice) from time to time.
Benefits are increased testosterone and sperm count. Research it.
When doing sprints and jumping, wear tight underwear, so it prevents
testicles from unnecessary movement . Too much sprinting and riding
can enlarge your veins , which again, can potentially affect your fertility.
Keep it modest, 1-2 sprints a week,2-3 jumping sessions a week.
Minoxidil in rare cases, can cause Athlete’s heart. Use it temporarily,
keep doses low, and if you experience side effects, stop with usage.
Your beard will eventually grow anyway.
ALWAYS do your research when you take advice from people on the
internet. I am not trying to scare you. Care for your health. Health is
I am grateful for your trust.


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