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Cannons 1. Be Smarter than Your Phone No matter how good you are at multitasking, we ask you to put away your phone, and all that jazz, We wil take a break and you can send a quick text snap, Point. Ifyou are expecting a phone call you cannot miss we will not judg 2. Questions, Questions, Questions resist from texting tweet, insta, etc. at that el Please feel free to ask questions at any time throughout this training. Unless someone is imid-sentence, itis aways an appropriate time to ask questions Even ifit isn't relevant tothe topic, throw it out there ~ get it off your mind and on to ours, 3. Vegas Rule Slightly modified! So during the training someone may share something really personal, may ask a Question, may say something that they wouldn't want attached to their name outside this space, So ‘remember that what is said here stays here and what is learned here leaves here. You're welcome to share anything that we say in this space with others and attach it to our name but we respectfully request that you take away the message from others’ shares and not their names, 4. LOL We really appreciate iti, at some point, yall could laugh This training is going to be fun, and well do ‘our best to keep it upbeat, so just know... it's ok to laugh! Laughter indicates that you're awake, that you're paying attention, and that we haven't killed your soul, So yeah... go ahead and do that! 5. Share the Airtime If you are someone who participates often and is really comfortable talking - awesome! Do it. Also we ask that you try to remain aware of your participation and after you've shared a few times to leave space for other people to also put their ideas out there. If you usually wait to share... jump in! 6. Reserve the Right to Change Your Mind If you say something and then later disagree with yourself, that is a-okay! This isa safe space to say something and then later feel differently and change your mind. We even encourage it. Asa wise Safe Zone participant once said, “Stop, rewind, I changed my mind.” www. 3 a .stions to the best of your ability: y, bisexual, oF ‘Answer the following que you can remember learning that some people are lesbian. 62) shen the st time Rison Saniora 778% oyiadle pressions/understanding of lesbian, gay. bisexual 2, where did most ofthe influence of your tia im : nee cote come ro (eg. mi ends, telelon Books oma Ar ends a fy Hees (Haye wert aged RxPHient Pikading, chun oll Guwily amily frierds eommunity ember learning that some people ae transgender? 3. When's the fist time you can rem Provably high, shoo! was fist F learned of prenabence at your ial impressions/understanding of transgender people Sn, books, news, church) 505. A lot of come from impressions Shows 14, Where did most of the influence come from? (eg., family friends, televisio AN paedita- rruws Anite, wou MS cussions on diag quel 5, How have your impressions/understanding of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and life? sucer/questoning) people changed or evolved throughout your aware of the discrimination Z Wowe become op lof more wy flaw with TL gle realivins, T supp Hom er. ono feable bck haat? dont — ee ally atlie’/ - noun: a (typically straight and/or cisgender) person who supports and respects members of the LGBTQ community. We consider people to be active allies who take action on in support and respect. asexual - ad) experiencing litle or no sexual attraction to others and/or a lack of interest in sexual Feationshipe/behavior. Asexuality exists on a continuum from people who experience no sexva) vitraction or have any desire for sex, to those who experience low levels, or sexual attraction ony tinder specific conditions. Many ofthese differen places on the continuum have their own identity labels (see demisexual). Sometimes abbreviated to “ace.” fed to refer to the chromosomal, hormonal and anatomical individual as female or male or intersex. Often referred to “sex assigned at birth.” biological sex - noun: a medical term us characteristics that are used to classify an as simply “sex,” ‘physical sex,” “anatomical sex," or specifically as \biphobla- noun: avangeot negative atttudes @g, fear, anger intolerance, invisibility, resentment, “erasure, or discomfort) that one may have or express Biphobia can come from and be seen within the LGBTQ community as well as straight society. biphobic - ad): word ised to describe actions, behaviors, or individuals who demonstrate elements of this range of negative atitudes toward bisexual people. bisexual - 1 noun & ad): a person who experiences attraction to some men and women. 2 adj.:a person who experiences attraction to some people of their gender ‘and another gender. Bisexual attraction does not have to be equally split, or indicate a level of interest that is the same across the genders an individual may be attracted to. Often used interchangeably with “pansexual” cisgender gender description for when Someone's Sex assigned at birthiand (e.g. someone who was assigned male at birth, and identifies as a man). A simple way to think about itis if a person is not transgender, they are cisgender. The word cisgender can also be shortened to “cs.” s-jendur’s - adj. coming out - 1 noun: the process by which one accepts and/or comes to identify one’s own sexuality cr gender identity (to “come out" to oneself). 2 verb : the process by which one shares one's sexuality ‘or gender identity with others. gay -1 ad; : experiencing attraction solely (or primarily) to some members of the same gender. Can be used to refer to men who are attracted to other men and women who are attracted to women. 2 ‘adj: an umbrella term used to refer to the queer community as a whole, or as an individual identity label for anyone who is not straight. gender expression - noun: the external display of one’s gender, through a combination of clothing, grooming, demeanor, social behavior, and other factors, generally made sense of on scales of masculinity and femininity. Also referred to as “gender presentation.” 2 — themselves, their options for gender f0 mn of an one’s gender and how they label fh what they understand ed at birth. _gender identity - noun the internal percePht eeved on how much they align or don align wit te often conflated with biological sex. oF x 2551" jetqueer - 1 ad): 2 gender identity label often used by people who. do not identify. with Pe sanumbrellaterm ormanygendernon=conforming oNen-bINA 2adh. (eg. agender, igender, genderfuid in individuals and/or in institutions Abner ads to invisibility and essen rd Maite sewolies wen lea nana the sa eng er wht her husbands seenaing te gpa sue at ny mace men an ering NON are straight. attitudes (e.g. fear, anger, people. The term ord .n umbrella term for a range of neg: rie may have toward LGBTQ sure, or discomfort) that of vreike of being perceived a5 LGBTQ. homophobic adh £9 W dividuals who demons ss of this range of homophobia - noun a intolerance, resentment, era ccanalso connote a fear, disgust OF 1d to describe actions, behaviors, oF in« use negative attitudes toward LGBTQ people. nally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to adj. & noun 2 person primarily emotion v_gender. This medical] term is considered sgmaling (particularly as a ectagory of mental illness, and is discouraged for common USS (use gay trate element: homosexual - ‘members of the same se) noun) due to its history a or lesbian instead) ORR 2: ter fora sa pnt), ut these er seen noun adj amen who are primary traced Oma ‘emotionally to other women. LGBTQ; GSMPDSG™ abbr. : for albfolks wher HSve's HOR-narmative (OF ‘there are many different intialisms people prefer. LGBTQ is Lesbian Gay sometimes people’ . nitialism GLBT or LGBT and the acronym QUILTBAG (Queer [or lersex Lesbian Trans* Bisexual Asexual [or Allied] and Gay [or Formerly known as re now outdated and derogatory. intially, erotically, and/or hhermaphro¢ Bisexual Transgender and Queer and/or Questioning (s Other options include the i Questioning] Undecided Int Genderqueer!) ‘pansexiial= 0. a person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction for . members of all gender identiies/expressions Often shortened to “pan.” ‘a member of their adj. & verb: eit identified gender identity (regardless of sex assigned at birth) without being identified as trans*. 2 ‘ad an LGB/queer individual who is believed to be or perceived as straight. theSafeZoneProject.c — — queers 1 2: atumbretfito describe indivi 20 ged reer to sree who it saight and/or GEENA ols Ee ry ter, and ha cs sill used 252 sur Many Ome isnot now queer" can often be use interchangeably with “LGBTQ people’. me when someone is unsure about or exploring thei" historical [ebr0 (eg. “queer people” instead of verb, adj. an individual who of ‘own sexual orientation or gender identity wn - noun: a capacity that evokes the .d in varying degrees (from marriage), experience ‘emotional attraction, and/or spiritual attraction. \gage in romantically intimate want to en little-to-none, to romantic attracti behavior (eg. dating, relationships, intense). Often conflated with sexual attraction, sexual attraction - noun: a capacity that evokes the want to en82er in sexually intimate behavior rouching, intercourse), experienced in varying degrees (rom little-to-none, to intense). tion, emotional attraction, and/or spiritual attraction. ‘emotional/spiritual attraction one has the ship between the eg. kissing, Often conflated with romantic attract sexual orientation ~ noun: the type of sexual, romantic, capacity to feel fr some others, generally labeled based on the gender relation: person and the people they are attracted to. Often confused with sexual preference. straight - aq: a person primarily emotionally, physically. and/oe sexually attracted to some people ‘tho are not their same sex/gender. A more colloquial term for the word heterosexual. 1 someone who has transitioned (or is transitioning) ella term for anyone whose sex assigned at birth a gender description fo ‘who was assigned male at ther. 2 adj. an um! transgender - 1 ad). din the expected way (e.g., someone from living as one gender to anot and gender identity do not correspon birth, but does not identify as 2 man). imination against, or hatred of trans* people, the trans* transphobia ~ noun: the fear of, discri Community, or gender ambiguity. Tansphobia can be seen within the queer community, well as in general society. Transphobic ~ ad): a word used to describe an individual who harbors some aervents ofthis range of negative atitudes, thoughts, intents, towards trans* people. © LUSIVE LANGUAG LGBTQ-INC Avord shyiNG. Hermaphvodte's #sorstizino ‘vemaphodie’ -—“ntereex’-—=snacurate word wih a negative redial ston “NomosexuF often connotes 9 “Homosexua" ‘coy merical diagnosis ora discomion wath gayesbin people ; ; “nesigned" language accurately —" pcs the stuation of what on ee happens at birth “Assigned femalanieat tink’ “bodied” language is often “Female-bodied” or interpreted a 9 pressure 0 “Maleboded” medical transiton or invalidation Gt once gender Went Gay and transgender are adjectives ‘Agay'or’a —“Agay/transgender that describe a person/group transgender’ person" saying “normal implies abnormal” cricsagnace nse “meaner MUL alien gids a Saptari oe IGT coe ti Both’ implies there are only two; spothgenders"or oe ‘othgend*or —qgendrst “Oppose ences nanos (Opposite sexee amongst genders : cage Moving away from binary language is Lodies and "Everyone Folks “adesand eee! ake morencsie of ee of a ; oenders, “Mail clerk,” “Mailman? “freman? ‘policeman’ etc. People of all genders do these jobs “te when referring to someone (e.g., when a pronouns are dat unknown) N's for referring to things, not people. a and DON'Ts what are the best practices for the medical care of intersex infants?” -we want to do a better job of ‘being inclusive of our gay “employees.” "Max was assigned female at birth, then he transitioned in high school” "We had a transgender athlete in our league this year. " “This group is open to both transgender and cisgender people” “Video games aren't just a boy thing ~ kids of all genders play them? "Good morning everyone, next stop Picadilly Station” “Lactually saw a firefighter rescue a cat from a tree” "You know, | am not sure how they identify” d LCErOe is an acronym meant to encompass a whole bunch of diverse sexualities and genders. LGB T Sexualities. Genders we The Genderbread Person. = palin sara -- Yomenti. er” a D amnonica Sex con a dagen on aseied at bth not at oi toh nol? Spm as gender Ob a @ 10 o eo leges for Sal privilege costs $100 to purchace, As Please look atthe following list of privileges, ach gr0up, please purchase as many privile 1. Celebrating your marioge(s) wit your fay, ends, and coworkers 2. Pad leave rom your jb when grieving the death af your parsven 3+ Inheriting from your partnersVlover(sycompanions) automate after thelr death iatmutil poste rlemodes Sharing health insurance with your partner(s. ‘i “fesse 001 ai 6. Being able to find role models ofthe same sexual orientation os ye ee p ‘finan accident or emergency. SM! We 7. Being able tose your partner) immedtey ; fob without your sexaly playnga factor. squat 4s CCL Being able to be promoted in your 9. Adopting your children, (Prcae 10 Finn ot rer, Dante a 11. Able to obtain child custody. 12, Being able to complete forms and ‘communicates who you are. ing able to feel safe in your interactions with police officers. (being able to travel, or show 10 in restaurants or bars, without fear youll be rejected, 15, Kissing/hugging/being affectionate in public without threat or punishment, (deeing abte to discuss and have access to multiple family planning options a 17. Not questioning normalcy both sexually and culturally Anse emu lages aint of 4 18, Reading books or seeing movies about a relationship you wish you could have. 19, Receiving discounted homeowner insurance rates with your recognized partners). \ ising children without worrying about state intervention, Nov. ike 21. Having others comfort and support you when a relationship ends, hae) Re 0k” 22, Being a foster parent. 23. Using public restrooms without fear of threat or punishment jp mt. 24, Being employed asa preschool or elementary school teacher without people assuming you will “corrupt” the children, 25. Dating the person you desired in your teens. 26, Raising children without worrying about people rejecting your children because of your sexuality = Aaah fo be cane 27. Living openly with your partner(s). 28. Receiving validation from your religious community. 29, Being accepted by your neighbors, colleagues, and new friends. & wat ott Being able to go to a doctor and getting treatment that doesn’t conflict with your Identity. ADA awe Being able to access socal services without fear of discrimination, or being tuned away. Q(es6 40, 32. Sponsoring your partner(s) for citizenship, what can & 33, Being open and having your partner(s) accepted by your family. Ve them? = PSR, lee am, % Lom oY Paperwork withthe information you feel most accurately \y People may be “UT in some spaces, and “IN” in others. toFamily —toFriends to Clasamates/Coworkers to Religious Community A decision to come out to a person or group is one of sakoty, combor' +, trust, € readiness, 1. Say “I always knew,” or downplay the significance of their sharing with you. 2. Gotell everyone, bragging about your “new trans friend, ZZ 3.Forget that they are the person you knew, befriended, or loved before Ss © 4Ask probing ques or cross personal barriers you wouldn't have cro: 5. Assume you know why they came out to you. earlier 1. Know this is a sign of huge trust! (Yay!) <5 2 Checkin on how confidential this is (Do other people know? Is this a secret?) $3. Remember that their gender/sexuality is just one dimension (of many) of them. 4. Show interest and curiosity about this part of them that they are sharing with you 5. Ask them how you can best support them. 2 w.TheSafe ject.con go Please answer honestly :) What is one thing that you learned from the training today? What did you enjoy about today’s training? F aaa mot pbonr Aitkrenr Zorn walepn bye dilfeynt- ides, (aka Non _for Sel ate expres ae vegan ates Wr prop ask queskons to tage ped ee el Vow alts are f What could be improved for the next time this training is faciitated? How do you think this training could be improved? Frcopoe snort _achvities Miscuss ion ane Ailing ai indl sda ta_gillans 3 He chal pica (lens Goce Teta Who would you recommend this training to? What would you say to get them interested? in adits ah cog, peooe Ln _lachrshie pesto’ wok fore ~ worl s 5 He ippeten Po eee 4o Oak a Se » You tommun: “Additional feedback for the facilitators? This could be in regards to material covered or the facilitation process. Cvtat rainy | e Websites, reading lists, recommended orgs, and more at szp.quide Full List of Vocab Terms: Websites for Learning More ‘Asexual Visibility and Education Network — © — wwurbisexual. org Everyday Feminism — wwww.everydayfeminism,com © Get Real — «It's Pronounced Metrosexual — wwnitspron 1 salacious — httpsi// © Soul Force ~ www, TransWhat? — © We Are The Youth —, Organizations Doing Good . © GLAAD — wwnu.glaad org — Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation © GLSEN — — Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network «Family Acceptance Project — hitps://familyproject # ItGets Better Project — National Gay and Lesbian Task Force — The "Not All Like That” (NALT) Project — The Religious Institute — httov/ jousinsti PFLAG — — "Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United with LGBT People’ ‘Transgender Law Center — wwww, ‘The Trevor Project — Want even more Resources? We have even more resources that don’ fit on this page. Head to ng to find more! Are you, or is someone you know, in crisis? Trevor Hotline: “If you're thinking about suicide, you deserve immediate help.” Call 1-866-488-7386 or text "TREVOR" to 1-202-304-1200 Trans Lifeline: “A peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning callers.” Call 877-565-8860 (United States) or 877-330-6366 (Canada) » “ www.TheSafeZoneProject.con a aE ae at €

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