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Hi, I’m Tanner.

From North Carolina, USA and currently 21 years old living in Puerto

The first online business I ever started was a physical dropshipping store back in early
After making the first sales I quickly ran into some major problems. Long shipping times
from China, that led to unhappy customers, which ultimately caused other things to
happen like payment processors holding funds.

So what’d I do? Bought inventory - like a goofball.

Everyday after school I’d come home to pack orders and then head to the post office.

It was a great intro to business - but after $30k in revenue I was left with no profit and a
ton of product left in my parents house.

Fast forward to the present day..

Digital Product Brand's first month using our strategies:

Second month using our strategies:

Welcome to Digital Dropshipping Mastery.

Where you can learn exactly how to build a digital product brand like the one above (no
product cost).

Before I start dumping my brain onto a silver platter for you - I wanted to just break
down a little more about my digital dropshipping journey.
After that failure of a dropshipping store in early 2017, I knew something had to change.
I began creating digital products while simultaneously still trying to figure out the
physical dropshipping model.

From the consistency I was able to crack the code on both and hit 7-figures by 18 years
Then just as I was in my groove - the pandemic took over the world.

My physical dropshipping stores multiplied in sales. At first this seemed amazing, until
all of the shipping delays started to rip everything to shreds.

It was during that year of 2020 where I realized it was stupid to keep shipping products
from China. You can make quick sales, but margins are slim and your customers aren’t
going to be too happy.

My focus remains on longevity, customer success, and the ability to exit in the future.
Which is why we moved operations in-house for my two main physical e-commerce
After I quit dropshipping physical products from China I was relieved from lots of stress
and issues, which gave me more time and freedom.

I began working on what I really enjoy. Engineering the systems to scale digital products
infinitely, and profitably. I knew the best route for me to scale my skill levels as quickly
as possible was to start working with many different digital product brands.
At first it started by helping physical e-commerce brands increase their profits by bolting
on a winning digital product setup.

Next thing I know, I’m consulting for four 7-figure digital dropshipping brands ranging
from Adobe preset sellers to investing strategists.

Now here we meet - where I’ve put together the perfect beginner’s solution for you to get
into the world of making money online using a model with low risk, and high reward

Over this next month I want you to genuinely focus as hard as you can on replicating my
strategies inside of this program. With the resources you have at hand there is no reason
why you shouldn’t be able to make profitable sales within the next thirty days.

I’m here for you. Let’s crush it together!


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