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August 2022- Present

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August 2022- Present

Seasonal affective disorder or the winter blues

What do you think is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? What is the prevalence of such
disorder? Do people in North America or Northern Hemisphere exhibit more seasonal affective
disorder or do Southern Hemisphere exhibit such disorder?
These are questions to be asking yourself especially when seasons change, and
temperature evolve in your surrounding environment. During the end of the month of October
to the end of the month of April are usually months to investigate for changes in your mood.
Defining seasonal affective disorder
To begin, SAD is defined according to Verywell Health as a cyclical type of depression
that occurs in a regular relationship to the seasons. It can be a disabling mental health
condition, but it is also highly treatable. SAD was formerly known as major depressive disorder
with seasonal pattern.
To further elaborate, as seasons change, so does your mood which becomes affected
immensely. Additionally, as the days become shorter in the fall and winter that is when the
seasonal affective disorder or SAD comes into effect. We as humans develop numerous
changes, whether it would be feeling low, having a challenging time to handle thinking
patterns, and taking on daily activities or tasks.
What does national institute on mental health discuss about SAD?
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, symptoms of SAD last around 4 to
5 months per year. Certain symptoms from major depression exhibited by SAD include but are
not limited to, feeling hopeless or worthless, having difficulty concentrating, having frequent
thoughts of death and suicide, and much more. Moreover, according to NIMH (2022):
“Millions of American adults may suffer from SAD, although many
may not know they have the condition. SAD occurs much more often in
women than in men, and it is more common in those living farther north,
where there are shorter daylight hours in the winter. For example, people
living in Alaska or New England may be more likely to develop SAD than
people living in Florida. In most cases, SAD begins in young adulthood.”
Overall, it is essential for you to take proper action and seek professional help or
advice when beginning to encounter symptoms lasting over two weeks. Consulting with
a health care provider, or mental health specialist immediately when symptoms persist
will enable you to treat such depression or low mood.
How to enhance your mood
A few ways to help enhance SAD, or brighten your mood, would be help
increase your serotonin level as much as light does, or find rich foods with nutrients and
August 2022- Present

carbohydrates. Working out has proved to help release negative feelings as it increases
endorphins and neurotransmitters in the brain, which are chemicals that make you
Spending time with pets, and petting animals, has also demonstrated to lower
blood pressure, which can help you calm down. It is also necessary to review with
physician for vitamin and iron level, as well as investing in a solar interior SAD light
during the season of winter or fall to help boost sun exposure and make you enjoy time
and feel happier.
Additionally, according to the Recovery Village and verywellhealth, these are a
few techniques of many to help you treat SAD symptoms as they develop:

• Light therapy
• Medications for SAD
• Psychotherapy
• Alternative techniques

LIGHT THERAPY: sitting near a light box for a certain amount of time to make up for the
less amount of natural sunlight. *Note: It is essential that you use the light therapy
wisely only when SAD symptoms begin and during the time or occurrence of SAD
months. Light therapy takes a few days to a few weeks to show results. Daily use for 30
minutes, early morning use.
MEDICATIONS FOR SAD: further complementary treatment if light therapy does not
work for you would be the use of medications. Antidepressants may be prescribed.
Medications include but are not limited to; Zoloft, Celexa, and Prozac (Fluoxetine).
*Note: Some people take the medications only when symptoms arise or the whole
entire year.
PSYCHOTHERAPY: in addition to light therapy, medications, Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy (CBT) helps a person change their negative beliefs and self-talk, to a more
positive coping skills, and improve stress management.
ALTERNATIVE TECHNIQUES: are very popular, even when you do not struggle with
symptoms these alternative techniques help you improve low mood during certain
Examples of alternative techniques:
August 2022- Present

-Get outside

How to seek help with getmaple therapists and healthcare professionals

To conclude, SAD is treatable, and it affects us all, including men and women
around the globe. Especially individuals living in the northern hemisphere. Make sure to
act when symptoms arise and connect with professionals on the go. You are not alone
during the changing seasons. Practice makes perfect and finding the right tools will
allow you to defeat such depression.
Do not hesitate to connect with us for your counseling needs. We can be reached
at getmaple and services are offered in a variety of languages.

Blog written by Hiba M. Hamed, (H) B. Arts and Sciences, MSW, RSW, Psychotherapist at
getmaple (September or October 2022)

References and resources:
causes/syc-20364651 (Includes a PDF fact sheet)


(The Prowler, 2019)
National suicide line (from NIMH, 2022):

If you or someone you know is in immediate distress or is thinking about hurting

themselves, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline toll-free at 1-800-273-TALK
(8255). You also can text the Crisis Text Line (HELLO to 741741) or use the Lifeline Chat on
the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline website.

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