Field Study Assignment

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Submitted By:
Sandeep Sandeep
Student ID: 4499735
Student Feedback Form

Survey Websites: Create Survey and Zoomerang are the website which help to
create survey for conducting any field study or research. These can be used by any
group of people such as by students, corporate professionals or researchers to get
some specific information.
By using these websites, we are about to get information about student’s satisfaction
with the college facilities. With the help of close ended questionnaire from 5-7 group
of people, we got the specific information for our study. Lets’ begin by asking some
questions from students about of Niagara College about college facilities.

Create Survey

1. What is your overall satisfaction with the services provided by the Niagara
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied

If you are dissatisfied, why?

2. How long have you been studying here?

Less than 1 month
1 to 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1 to 3 years
More than 3 years
3. Does your teacher encourage you to perform better?
 Yes, all the time
 Only sometimes
 No, not at all

4. How would you evaluate the overall academic experience you have with the
professors in our university program?

 Very Dissatisfied
 Not Satisfied
 Neutral
 Satisfied
 Very Satisfied

5.Please share your agreement with this statement: “My teacher has fair rules for the
class and is extremely impartial.”

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
Zoomerang Website:

Students Feedback Form

1. How satisfied are you with the services provided by the college?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

2. How useful are the services provided by the on- campus career centre?
 Extremely useful
 Very useful
 Somewhat useful
 Not so useful
 Not at all useful

3. Do you feel this month’s learning was exciting?

 Yes 
 No

4. How easy it is to get/access the resources from the school library?

 Extremely easy
 Very easy
 Somewhat easy
 Not so easy
 Not at all easy

5. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the quality of the following facilities at
your school:
 School campus
 Classroom and laboratory facilities
 School library
 School parking
 Public transportation
 Student hostel
 Food and cafeteria services
 Sports and gym facilities
 Career counselling and placement services
Comparison between Create survey and Zoomerang websites.

Create Survey Zoomerang

1. Expensive Cheaper

2. Does not provide the facility to Possibility to capture

capture screenshot screenshot
3. Less features A lot of features to use

4. Less user friendly Highly user friendly

Ex. Mobile version, 24/7

live rep., cloud, SaaS and
web based.
5. Less customers satisfied Highly satisfied

6. Customer support service is not good Customers support

services are always

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