ENGLISH - Interjections in Conversation

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First Person: Hey! I found a newly opened restaurant near the park today.

I was wondering
if you want to come?

Second Person: Hello! I’m currently out of town right now. But I’d be happy to join you once
I come back.

First Person: Shoot! I forgot about your trip! Where are you going again?

Second Person: No way! You forgot? I’ve been telling you about how excited I am to go on
this trip!

First Person: Well, sorry! You talked about a trip you’re planning to go on like 2026! How am
I supposed to know which one is it?

Second Person: Hmmp! It Looks like you’ll be visiting that restaurant on your own. You're
only forgiven, if you guess it right.

First Person: Really? That’s how you’re going to play it? Okay then, give me a clue.

Second Person: Hmmm, Let’s see. It’s somewhere in the south, where the coffee is good.

First Person: Aha! Laguna!

Second Person: Pffft! Wrong! You’re geographically close though.

First Person: Ahhh! Batangas!

Second Person: Bingo! That quick? Quite impressive.

First Person: Anyways, how is it so far?

Second Person: Oh God! It’s breathtaking, it feels good to be out of work once in a while.

First Person: Yippee! You’re having a good time, that’s good to hear.

Second Person: Yeah, it was going good until this happened. (insert picture)

First Person: Yikes! That must’ve hurt! Did you get it treated already?

Second Person: Yes! The hotel nurse took care of it, they even gave me a free ointment,
they were so nice! Good thing it healed quickly.
First Person: Phew! I must say their customer service is good just from hearing it from you.

Second Person: Yay! I’m so glad you liked it, I was planning to bring you and our friends
here some time in November since I enjoyed it that much.

First Person: Aww! I’m sure they’d love that idea!

Second Person: Well, I do hope so!

First Person: Oh! When are you coming home again?

Second Person: I’ll be home by the 28th! I’m so excited to tell you about the things I saw
here! Well, if you want to know some now, I’d be happy to tell you!

First Person: Duh! Eyes are open and they are waiting!

Second Person: Aah! The sunset was breath-taking there! It’s like I’m in a whole different

First Person: Whoa! I suppose it’s even prettier seeing it in real life!

Second Person: Yeah, it is! Ooh! I have another one.

First Person: Spill it! Don’t make me wait for too long!

Second Person: So, we went to this famous restaurant and the establishment was huge. I
didn’t realize that I was going the opposite way as my parents. I panicked once I realized it
and then, I bumped into a man and Whoosh! His drink spilled all over me.

First Person: Hey! Are you sure this isn’t from any books or movies? Hahahaha, kidding! So
was he cute?

Second Person: Tsk-tsk! Really? That’s the first thing you’re asking? Hahahaha.

First Person: Jeez! I was just wondering hehehe.

Second Person: Uhmm, he was kind enough to tell me where the dining area is. That’s
pretty much all!

First Person: Oy! You’re avoiding my question!

Second Person: Oh Dear! He was near his pensions.

First Person: Ehhh! Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?!

Second Person:Oh, well! I was curioused on how you'd react! Hahahaha. I must say I’m
satisfied with it.

First Person: Well, you sure are!

Second Person: Just a sec! I’m afraid I have to go.

First Person: Well, enjoy the rest of your trip and I’ll see you when I see you. Bye!

Second Person: Thank you! Bye!

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