One Act Play - Group D (SCRIPT)

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“Just A Stranger”

By: Group D

Time: Saturday, 10:21 P.M, 2003
Place: Orange County, California

HARRY - Young male, High school sophomore
GIRL - name unstated

AT RISE: Harry, wearing pajamas, carrying a Game Boy, murmuring to

- Male Deep Voice -
Back in 2003, I was on my way to my friend’s house when I witnessed a
horrific car accident. Car accidents are pretty common in California but
certainly not in my area. The cars were jammed together, it was bad. My boy
scout training kicked in and yelled at someone to call the ambulance. I checked
both cars, the other person got his neck snapped, when I got to the other car
it was a girl, there’s blood everywhere but she was conscious.


HARRY: Hello, My name is Harry. You just got into a car accident, I need you to
calm down. I know how to do first aid and help is on it’s way.

GIRL: I’m well aware of that. (Chuckling nervously)

- Male Deep Voice -

I remember her smiling, even though I know she’s in so much pain. I was
scanning her earlier, and her left ribs are almost popping out. But I needed
her to remain conscious.

(clears throat)

HARRY: What do you call a pig that does karate?

GIRL: Really? Right now? (visibly achings, keeping smile)

HARRY: Well? (smiling)

GIRL: What is it?

HARRY: A porkchop.
- Male Deep Voice -
She chuckled a bit. I continued to talk about random things, it was
probably the most lengthy thing I have done. But she was humming lightly. I
remembered hearing the ambulance sirens in the distance.

HARRY: You’re gonna be alright. (smiling)

GIRL: Why didn’t I meet you earlier? (eyes closing)

- Male Deep Voice -

I never got to ask her name. It was approximately 2 minutes, I didn’t
know it could be eternity. I never knew it would have an impact on me this
much, it hurts seeing someone like that. The hard thing is, I'm just a
stranger. I don’t know if I should feel empathy for myself. I just hoped, even
a little bit, that she was distracted by such a tragedy. Sometimes it’s the

Script: Marion Lia
Plot Suggestions: Marion Lia, Kim Valerie, Jheousse Cyhnnee
Title: Marion Lia
Description: Marion Lia
Proofread: Janina Evian, Kim Valerie,Jheousse Cyhnnee
Video Editing: Janina Evian, Kim Valerie
Theme: Janina Evian, Marion Lia, Kim Valerie, Jheousse Cyhnnee, Jheofrix,
Joanna Paula
One Act Play
By: Group D

Time: 1990
Place: Sendai City, Japan

LUCY - Girl in the ward

AT RISE: Lucy, in the corner of her room, gritting her teeth, wearing her
nightgown that smells like mosity sedative. A cloth is covering her eyes

- Eerie Voice -
Things were vivid, she was blind. Somehow, she never gets sad because her
father always describes the things around her and how he feels about it, he was
so nice. She makes a new friend every month,and she talks to them a lot but
apparently her father doesn’t see them and he said it was his hallucinations.
She was frustrated and confused because they always talk to her.

PERSON: (stuttering female voice) Were you playing in that park too?
(Father walks in)

FATHER: What’s wrong sweety?

LUCY:(Panicked voice)I hear it again.

FATHER: It’s oka—-

LUCY: Dad? What’s wrong?

FATHER: Get some help—-- outside—-

- Eerie Voice -
Lucy was frantic, yelling in the window, shaking. A neighbor saw her and
called the emergency services immediately. She was escorted and her father
passed. An officer asked her about the cloth wrapped around her head.

OFFICER: What’s this on your head?

(carefully scanning it with their hands)

LUCY: I’ve been blind my whole life, it’s a gauge.

OFFICER: That’s odd. Would you mind if I take it off?

(Lucy nodded and blinding light met her eyes)

LUCY: Aw! That hurts. Where’s my dad?

(A woman appeared in front of her, it was the officer, she can see her)

OFFICER: Listen Lucy, your father had a heart attack and unfortunately it was
too late. And we found a girl and bodies in your basement.

- Eerie Voice -
Lucy isn’t blind, her father made her think she was. She was not
hallucinating, they were all real, it was the victims of her father. Her father
isn’t nice, her father kidnaps kids and puts them in their basement.

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