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Semestre Enero- Junio 2021

Semana 2 al 5 Febrero
Unit 1

Name: Angel Sebastian Victoria Baez Group: 6o

I. Complete the survey with true information about yourself.

1. The most important event in my life happened when I got a new computer.
2. I have never visited Japan, but I have always wanted to.
3. The happiest day in my life was when I played with my dog. I was happy
because he was too.
4. I have played videogames many times. The last time I played was on Sunday
5. My biggest mistake was the time I dropped my phone .
6. I have been 17 for a long time.
7. I have never run a marathon because I don´t want to.
8. I haven’t watched tv in many years.

II. Draw a timeline including 5 events mentioned above.

(2012) I stopped (2013) I started (2021) I got

Watching TV. playing videogames a new computer.

(2018)I dropped
(2013) I played my phone.
With my dog.

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