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Now I’m going to explain some risks that we

consider in our case:

✓ The second risk that we can analyze
✓ The first risk that we find is:
Good morning, everybody, today I would like “Lacking of internal auditors to
“Lacking of trained personnel on
to discuss the Risk analysis and Probability compare EMS requirements” – To
EHS due to long and extended
Impact Matrix of our project. have internal auditors takes long
working hours” – Normally the
hours of training, that means that
schedule of the company is so tight
To begin with, I would like to show you the we have to invest money and more
that we have to plan very good the
scale that we consider in our project to time to get the objectives of our
training time to don’t stop the
evaluate every risk after the identifying project, the probability is 6 because
production line. This is something
process: we can manage that, but the impact
that we can control that’s why we
in our objectives is really high
have 5 in probability, but if we are
we can see that we used a scale from 1 to 9 because we need them to guide us
no able to plan this training we
where 1 is the lowest value and 9 is the through all the process.
wont get the objectives of the
highest value. Generally, the risk with low
project that’s why the impact will
probability of occurrence has a high value on A response could be to hire new personnel
be a bit high.
impact. with internal auditors competency in their cv
*** or get this service from an external while we
A response could be to plan the training at
get the accreditation.
the end of the work schedule to face this
difficulty and get the highest number of
workers trained
✓ The next risk that we can see is:
✓ The next risk that we can see is: ✓ The next risk that we can see is:
“Accidents due to lack of safety
“Limited Budget for equipment “Lacking of certified suppliers/
signs in "out of date" machines” –
changes and replace old machines Suppliers don’t implement EMS
Whether you work in an office
with high energy consumptions” – (Environmental Management
space or manufacturing setting, just
Energy initiatives tend to focus System)” – One of the changes of
glance around: safety signs are all
primarily on improving operations ISO 14001:2015 that may not be so
around us. Other than being a legal
with existing infrastructure. obvious is how your organization
requirement in some cases, safety
However, investments in new manages outsourced services and
signs help to promote a safe,
technology and infrastructure can suppliers, and ensuring that this is
responsible environment for
help industrial organizations make a aligned with the terms of the ISO
employees and visitors. Sometimes
stronger, faster impact on energy 14001:2015 standard, but this is an
in old machines these cards have
and sustainability. external risk because also depends
been removed and this becomes in
of the suppliers that’s why we
a potential hazard.
A response could be performing a cost consider 5 in probability and 7 in
analysis with different providers not only impact.
A response could be signaling of the different
local, moreover includes the reliability
areas according to the environmental culture,
engineering department in this analysis to A response could be to give accompaniment
I mean use materials environmentally friendly
know how much money we are going to save in the implementation of the standard for
and with the environment protection like turn
doing these changes. suppliers.
off the machine for saving energy when you
are not using the equipment.
✓ Finally, the last risk that we are
going to analyze is:
“Resistance to change on the part
of workers to reach environmental
culture causing delays in goals” –
One of the most critical failures to
change is employees’ attitudes
toward change. There are many
reasons for resistance, but,
resistance is rooted in fear of the
unknown. People are biologically
wired to look for patterns and
predictability, and any uncertainty
can trigger anxiety

A response could be to educate the

employees on the value of the change to
show the benefits of implementing the
standard, communicate early and often the
Now, lets continue with my colleague

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