Middle Ages in Class Project

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The Middle Ages Individual In Class Project

Complete and submit one fo the following options:

A1. This period of history (450-1400) began the development of modern Europe. Explore the advantages and
disadvantages of this time period and important people and events.

For each of the following list at least two points (5)

Guido D’Arezzo Hundred Year War Chivalry The Black Death


A2. Look at artwork from the Middles Ages. Find two examples and describe the features that distinguish it as
Mideival art. You may use the textbook to help you. (5)

B1. Pope Gregory I is a significant figure of the Middle Ages.
What significant contributions were made to music and education under Pope Gregory I’s leadership? (5)

B2. Monasteries, convents and churches were cultural centres of the Middle Ages.
How did these institutions serve their communities and contribute to the history of music in the Middle Ages? (5)

C1. While the presence of sacred music was strong and important during the Middle Ages, secular music existed.
It was mostly performed by trouveres, troubadours and jongleurs.

Write a fictional bio and “performance review” for a trouvere, troubadours or jongleur. Create a character name
and short biography. Choose an instrument from the era for them to play. Refer to a real or fictional song. (5

C2. Describe the development of notation in the Middle Ages. Include 3 images to illustrate this development! (5)
You must include a bibliography for your images.


D1. Research two (2) of the following composers. For each composer give 5 points about their life and music.
Most of the information can be found in the texts provided. Provide a title of one famous piece (per composer)
along with a short description and analysis of that work. (10)

Leonin (1163-1190)
Perotin (1160-1205)
Guilluame de Machaut (1300-1377)
Francesco Landini (1335-1397)
Hildegard of Bingen

All OPTIONS : Neatness, Organization, Spelling/ Grammar. - 5 MARKS.

Total / 15

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