Age 28 Gender 1 Accidents 1 Usage 1

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Software Apps # 423

1. Open the database risk-class.dta using Stata 16 MP and create a log file. Save the
log file as “your Name”.
a) Explore the dataset and realize the descriptive statistics (mean, standard
deviation, Min, Max) of the dependent variable (risk_class) and the continuous
variables (premium age).
b) Use the right command to dress the tables of frequencies for the discrete
variables (gender accidents usage).
3. Calculate the correlation (Pearson Chi2 test) between risk_class and accidents,
risk_class and gender. Comment and discuss the outcomes
a) Estimate the following model using the appropriate method:
risk_class = a0+a1*premium+a2*age+a3*gender+a4*accidents+a5*usage+u
b) Predict the different probabilities.
c) Predict probabilities for a policyholder with specific characteristics ( 50000 age=28
gender=1 accidents=1 usage=1):

d) Plot probabilities predicted by the ordered logit regression model.

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