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EES 3 – Execute mathematical operations accurately

EES 4 – Apply a systematic approach to solve problems
EES 5 – Analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources
EES 10 – Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects

Student should demonstrate awareness of these EES in a lab setting.

[observed only, not evaluated]

CLO 1 – Perform calculations involving quantitative measurements using appropriate units, round answers
according to the significant digit rules and perform metric system conversions, , CLO 6 – Prepare for and
conduct laboratory experiments to investigate scientific questions using appropriate techniques

-1 mark if incomplete
• Student uses the correct technique to “reset” the lab bench for the next group of students.
See procedure 1 [3 marks]
• Procedure 1, row D: Student uses the data and applies the correct formula to determine the average atomic
mass of 1 atom of each isotope. Student shows a full calculation and answers include the correct units.
• Procedure 1, row E: Student uses the data and applies the correct formula to determine the percent abundance
of each isotope. Student shows a full calculation and answers include the correct units.
• Student applies the significant digit rules to counted, measured and calculated data.

See procedure 2 [3 marks]

• Tchange: Student uses the correct formula to obtain Tchange for both wells A1 and A2. Student shows a full
calculation including units throughout the calculation and with the final answer.
• All temperature readings are reasonable, are recorded in the correct places and include the correct unit.
• Observations are accurate and thorough.

See procedure 2 [1 mark observed]

• Student correctly uses a thermometer.
LO 2.10 – Given the average atomic mass formula, use isotope percent abundances and masses to calculate
the average atomic mass for an element

See average atomic mass calculation [2 marks]

• Student shows a full average atomic mass calculation including all steps and all units throughout the calculation.
Student’s average atomic mass calculation is correct, the final answer includes the correct unit and is rounded to
3 significant digits.

LO 2.14 – Recognize periodic trends of elements (i.e. ionization energy, atomic radius)

See tying it all together [1 mark]

• Student uses observations to provide correct/reasonable comment on the periodic trend for metal reactivity.

• 1 observed task
• 9 marks written responses

CHEM 1701 – Lab 3 Page 2 of 8


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