Portfolio Avz. 11

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The lost Patrol

Also known as Flight 19 of the Bermuda Triangles to the Bahamas, four months
after the Second World War it completely disappeared from the face of the earth
without leaving any trace. During the time of flight and time of descent of these
planes, the station tower did not receive any landing instructions from
Commander Charles Taylor, who, at that time, was in charge of this flight.

Over the years some second world war planes have been searched for and
found, but none have been identified as this rescue flight. Even the plane in
charge of searching for this flight known as "Flying boat", also disappeared and
nobody knows why. Although the commander tried to communicate with the
tower, he only managed to say a few words

Although many experts and researchers have tried to decipher and find out
what really happened with this flight, no one has been able to find clues.
Likewise, several theories have been created, such as "the Bermuda triangle",
but many say the flight simply deviated from the path, due to technical failures,
lack of gasoline, etc.

In conclusion, although it is unfortunate what happened to this flight and the

people who were on this flight, there is no correct or true theory that explains
how something like the disappearance of these flights or planes could really
happen, despite the fact that the Second World War had already ended. To this
day, many people and even expert researchers question the reason for this

The lost Patrol

There are many reasons why Steven Winston presents this event known as
"Flight 19 of the Bermuda Triangles to the Bahamas", which four months after
the Second World War it completely disappeared from the face of the earth
without leaving any trace. During the time of flight and descent of these planes,
the station tower did not receive any landing instructions from Commander
Charles Taylor, who, at that time, was in charge of this flight. Although the
commander tried to communicate with the tower whereas they were flying, he
only managed to say a few words. “Over the years, some Second World War
planes have been searched for and found, but none have been identified as this
rescue flight. Even the plane in charge of searching for this flight, known as
"Flying boat", also disappeared and nobody knows why." 
Even though many experts and researchers have tried to decipher and find out
what really happened with this flight, no one has been able to find clues.
Despite several theories have been created, such as "the Bermuda triangle",
there is no correct or true theory that explains how something like the
disappearance of these flight and planes could really happen, taking into
account that the second world war had already ended. In addition, many say
that seeming to be true that the flight simply deviated from the path, due to
technical failures, lack of gasoline, etc. 
In conclusion, although it is unfortunate what happened to this flight and the
people who were on this flight, still nobody finds an answer to what happened.

Favorite place to visit when I was a child

When I was a child my favorite place to visit was the national or zonal parks. In
addition, I liked to spend time with my family playing a sport or walking around
the park, we also brought our lunch to eat there and sometimes even cooked
there, since in some parks there are facilities for each family where you can
have a barbecue or tables where you only sit down to eat if you bring your food
from home. The parks can be fun by the services they provide like mechanical
games for children and all the animals that there are to meet.

Most of the parks are known for the facilities that they have within
them. Normally, you go to a park with your family, since they are open spaces
where you can eat, play different sports or enter the games, which can be
mechanical or fanciful, you can get on the boats to walk, if there are any. You
can also visit the animals, which can be aquatic, for entertainment, others can
be wild, that are under professional care and you can even find animals that are
probably in danger of extinction in the country or city.
In conclusion, you can go to the park alone, but it would not be the same
experience or you would not enjoy it in the way that you would enjoy being with
your family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues or rather, in company.

My favorite place to visit when I was a child

Have you ever been to a park with a zoo and met different species of animals?
Parks with zoos receive visits from at least 102,387 people each holiday
weekend. That is why a memory I have from when I was little is when my family
and I went to the parks with zoos, especially to the "park of legends", since it
was bigger and better known than the others. In addition, we spent hours
playing sports or walking in the park. Also, we took our lunch to eat there and
sometimes we even cooked there, since in some parks there are facilities for
each family where you can have a barbecue or tables where you only sit down
to eat if you bring your food from home, as it is in Huascar Zonal Park. Some
people believe that parks with zoos are very fun because of the facilities there
are, as well as the rides for children, because of all the animals that there are to
meet and even because of the boats that travel around the entire park.

Today, visits have decreased due to the pandemic, but that has not prevented
the authorities of these parks from keeping their facilities in good condition in
order to take care of the environment and, above all, the well-being of each
animal that is inside. Despite the fact that there have been many losses of these
living beings due to the lack of economic stability, everything has been able to
recover little by little while government restrictions are lifted. Normally you go to
a park with your family, since they are open spaces and there is not so much
risk of contamination. Although, due to the social distancing that exists, the
capacity has also changed, since it is now limited, but if you book in time for a
non-working day, it is much better, because you can go without worrying that
someone else will go ahead or take your place. In the park of legends, you can
also visit animals, which can be aquatic, entertaining, others can be wild and
you can even find different species of animals that are not in any other park,
since many parks with zoos do not have a good budget or environment to
support them. Therefore, the animals you find in this park are under
professional care and are in good condition. In conclusion, you can go to a park
alone, but it would not be the same experience or you would not enjoy it in the
same way that you would enjoy being with your family, friends, acquaintances,
colleagues or, rather, in company.

To come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or
Containing or made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous
Fond of
Having a liking for or love of (someone or something).

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