Bikram Yoga

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Bikram Yoga is a unique sequence of 26 hatha yoga postures including two breathing exercises.

The Bikram series includes the most medicinal hatha yoga postures to help reshape and heal your body. In order to be effective, yoga must be practiced daily or on a regular basis with no long lapses between lessons. A minimum commitment of 10 classes in 30 days is required for the student to derive the maximum benefit from this program. You will find that you will want to do yoga. It is fun and it works. Your time and effort will return to you tenfold.

The 26 "Live" Posture Photos Here

Names of the 26 Postures

1. Pranayama Series - Standing Deep Breathing 2. Ardha Chandrasana with Pada-Hastasana - Half Moon pose with Hands To Feet Pose 3. Utkatasana - Awkward Pose 4. Garurasana - Eagle Pose 5. Dandayamana-JanuShirasana - Standing Head to Knee Pose 6. Dandayamana-Dhanurasana - Standing Bow Pulling Pose 7. Tuladandasana - Balancing Stick Pose 8. Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimottanasana - Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose 9. Trikanasana - Triangle Pose 10. Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana - Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose 11. Tadasana - Tree Pose 12. Padangustasana - Toe Stand Pose 13. Savasana - Dead Body Pose 14. Pavanamuktasana - Wind Removing Pose 15. Sit up - Sit Up 16. Bhujangasana - Cobra Pose 17. Salabhasana - Locust Pose 18. Poorna-Salabhasana - Full Locust Pose 19. Dhanurasana - Bow Pose 20. Supta-Vajrasana - Fixed Firm Pose 21. Ardha-Kurmasana - Half Tortoise Pose 22. Ustrasana - Camel Pose 23. Sasangasana - Rabbit Pose 24. Janushirasana with Paschimottanasana - Head to Knee Pose with Stretching Pose 25. Ardha-Matsyendrasana - Spine Twisting Pose 26. Khapalbhati - Blowing In Firm Pose

1. Pranayama Breathing - brings fresh oxygen to entire body, opens the shoulders, builds focus and prepares the body for practices 2. Half Moon/Hands to Feet - Helps to alleviate lower back pain, bronchi distress, scoliotic deformities, frozen shoulders, increases flexibility of the spine, strengthens and firms the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks

3. Awkward Pose - Relieves arthritis and gout in the legs, increases hip flexibility, increases circulation in the knee, toe & ankle joints, strengthens lower limbs and firms upper arms

4. Eagle Pose - Improves flexibility of all 12 major joints, relieves tension in neck and shoulders, improves sexual vitality and control

5. Standing Head to Knee - Develops concentration, determination and patience, strengthens and firms abdomen, thighs, legs, upper body and arms

6. Standing Bow Pulling Pose - Increases circulation to the heart and lungs, improves flexibility and strength of the lower back, helps correct high blood pressure 7. Balancing Stick Pose - increases circulation to all parts of the body, works pancreas, kidneys and spleen, strengthens and firms arms, hips, buttocks and upper thighs 8. Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose - helps constipation, abdominal obesity and hyperacity, increases circulation to the brain, stretches and strengthens the sciatic nerve

9. Triangle Pose - improves every muscle, joint, tendon & internal organ in the body, increases hip flexibility, good for kidneys

10. Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose -

massages internal organs, helps abdominal obesity, diabetes, thyroid, blood sugar balance, improves flexibility of the spine, shoulders, hips, sciatic nerve






11. Tree Pose - improves posture and balance, increases flexibility of ankles, knees, and hips, strengthens internal oblique muscles 12. Toe Stand - develops patience, strengthens stomach muscles, helps with arthritis, knee problems or gout 13. Dead Body Pose - returns circulation to normal, teaches relaxation 14. Wind Removing Pose- stimulates all areas of the intestines & aids the digestion process, increases flexibility of hips, alleviates lower back pain 15. Sit-up - strengthens and tightens the abdomen, increases flexibility of spine 16. Cobra Pose - increases strength in lower back, strengthens leg and gluteus muscles, helps to develop core strength 17. Locust Pose - increases strength in upper back, strengthens leg and gluteus muscles, helps to develop core strength 18. Full-Locust Pose - increases strength in the middle back, opens chest and shoulders, strengthens leg and gluteus muscles, helps to develop core strength 19. Bow Pose - increases strength through the entire back, opens chest and shoulders, strengthens leg and gluteus muscles, helps to develop core strength 20. Fixed Firm Pose - strengthens and improves flexibility of lower spine, knees, and ankles, realigns the hips, helps to cure sciatica, gout, and varicose veins 21. Half Tortoise Pose - mild inversion increasing blood flow to the brain, good for mental clarity, relaxation, alleviates headaches, stretches the lower part of the lungs, opens shoulders and stretches spine 22. Camel Pose - strengthens muscles in the back and shoulders, opens chest and major energy centers of the body, improves flexibility of the entire length of the spine

23. Rabbit - creates maximum extension and stretches entire spine, good for thyroid, abdominal muscles, nurtures the nervous system

24. Head-to-Knee with Stretching Pose - helps balance blood sugar levels, good for immune system, improves kidney function, increases circulation to liver, spleen, pancreas, and intestines, increases flexibility in hamstrings, calf muscles and achilles tendon 25. Spine Twisting - improves flexibility of entire spine and hip joints, increases circulation and nutrition to spinal nerves, helps sciatica, improves digestion 26. Kapalbhati - helps rid body of toxins, good for respiratory system, strengthens, massages and increases circulation to abdominal muscles and organs, energizes and revitalizes


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