SHULTZYS Bill Notice-Fourth Letter 27-02-2023

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Notice of Pending Lawsuit

as Beneficiary/Executor for Artificial Person,
First Middle SURNAME
Care of 123 Your Home Street
Your Home Town [4567]
Australian Nation
Attention to the following
Trustees/Administrators [Incorporated Public Servants]

Ben Cheating, in his private capacity

[Chief Executive Officer,
4 Fraud Street, Vice City 5678]

10th March, 2017

Ben Cheating in his Private Capacity


With Prejudice
Regarding your Invoice Ref: 1234567 dated 5th March 2017 and your non reply of my Conditional
Acceptance of Claim with my Fee Schedule dated: 25th March 2017 and my Fault and Opportunity to
Cure dated: 05th April 2017 and my Default in Dishonour and Estoppel and Invoice dated: 25th April

Hi Mr. Ben Cheating, as you can see by my previous letters, I have done all I can to settle this debt.
However, by your non-response, you have established a contract with me that says, ‘I owe you
nothing’, per the Terms & Conditions I spelled out in my Conditional Acceptance of Claim letter which
also, Mr. Ben Cheating, included my Live Life Claim with Fee Schedule Terms & Conditions. My
Invoice was sent to you for payment with my Default in Dishonour and Estoppel letter.

With this Notice of Pending Lawsuit letter, you have the option to avoid court if paid immediately are
doing the following:

You have the opportunity to settle outside of court and save the shame and the expense of fighting – and
losing a case you cannot win. I am happy to settle the whole matter for a fraction of the Invoice balance
owing at a discount of FIFTY PERCENT.

As you are aware I have established a history of written documentation so a judge can see that I have
done absolutely all I could to settle this matter with diligence, with honour, and with dignity.

Because of your non-payment of my invoice, I now have a lawful court Claim against you for non
payment of a debt owed.
Signed By:

Artificial Persons Personal Representative

UCC1-308 All Rights Reserved

All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Non Assumpsit

Non Negotiable
Australia Post Domestic letter with tracking: TMP40 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Invoice Number: 001

as Beneficiary/Executor for Artificial Person,
First Middle SURNAME
Care of 123 Your Home Street
Your Home Town [4567]
Australian Nation
Attention to the following
Trustees/Administrators [Incorporated Public Servants]

Ben Cheating, in his private capacity

[Chief Executive Officer,
4 Fraud Street, Vice City 5678]

I, John-Henry, Being a person cited in S 13 Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) as entitled to lodge a Summons and
Information against you and your employer, in a Chapter III, Constitution 1901 competent Court of
Australia, you and the State of [Your State] or as the case may be, I hereby give NOTICE to you in the
following terms.
You are by S 5 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 bound by all the legitimately enacted
Laws of The Commonwealth notwithstanding anything in the laws of any State, and one of those is the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which is Schedule 2 to the Australian Human Rights
Commission Act 1986.
With the wholesale disobedience by the servants and agents of the States of these laws the Prisons could
not cope, so the Commonwealth in S 4B Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) has provided that a huge fine applies.
Refer to Sections; 3, 4, 5 & 8 to understand how you have committed Offences against the
Commonwealth. Also Judiciary Act 1903 s67A & 80.
Furthermore, I am the Naked owner through Usufruct to the Legal Name. Therefore I do not Lawfully
own them, but I Lawfully have the right to use them. Refer to attached Notice of Copyright and
accompanied Schedule Fee. Unauthorized use of copyright is Ten Million Dollars Australian
(AU$10,000,000.00). * Fees will be invoiced to all unauthorized users, Refer to Copyright Certificate
registration number: 42820210913545MRS, Copyright claimant: First Middle of the Family Surname

Make Bank Cheque to John-Henry, Surname.

Copyright of Name as per Fee Schedule amount Sub Total: AU$10,000,000

Crimes Act 1914 (Cth)

For each offence in your Private Capacity under your Commercial Liability.
s6. Accessory after the fact. $33,000

All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Non Assumpsit

s28. Interfering with political liberty. $49,500
s35. Giving false testimony. $82,500
s36. Fabricating evidence. $33,000
s38. Deceiving witnesses. $33,000
s39. Destroying evidence. $33,000
s40. Preventing witnesses from attending Court. $16,500
s41. Conspiracy to bring false accusation. $165,000
s42. Conspiracy to defeat justice. $82.500
s43. Attempting to pervert justice. $33,000
s72. Falsification of books or record by officers. $115,500
s73. Official corruption. $115,500
s74 False returns or certificates by officers. $33,000
s75 Personating public officers. $33,000

Your employer; Revenue NSW, NSW Police Force, NSW Government,a non commonwealth
body corporate, jointly invoiced for five (5) times the amount of the individual.
Sub Total: $??????

INVOICE TOTAL: $10,000,000


John-Henry: Surname
Beneficiary/Executor of the
No assured value, No liability.
Errors & Omissions Excepted.

All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Non Assumpsit

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