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Amber Soukup


● Identify the purpose and importance of a code of ethics.

A code of ethics is put in place in order to help create a clear set of guidelines that we
as educators can use as a tool and a resource. The purpose for this is to establish a
clear set of guidelines and boundaries for everyone to follow. It ensures that everyone is
on the same page and has a known understanding of what the expectations are that
need to be followed. With this it leaves minimal room for misinterpretation on what is
correct and what not. Everything is clearly laid out in a way for everyone to all
understand. Having this also helps to keep a team and everyone working together all on
the same page and working collaboratively. It’s important that everyone is all on the
same page and there aren’t too many differing viewpoints on how things should be.
Working with students with special needs it’s important that we have these things in
place to ensure their safety and their rights are being followed. They have the right to an
education and to be treated just like everyone else, and by having the code of ethics it
helps make sure that happens.

● Identify the purpose and importance of your code of ethics.

The purpose for this code of ethics for individuals with special needs is to ensure their
needs are being met, and there is fair and equitable treatment. These are a set of
guidelines to be followed at all times, and expectations as well. It helps to ensure that
everyone is on the same page and provides that individual with the best opportunity to
be successful. It allows for minimal miscommunication to happen if everyone has
different ideas. This tool helps to keep everyone on track and on the same page with
things at all times.

● Identify the specific themes that appear in your code of ethics.

○ Protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities
○ Working collaboratively with others to ensure all the needs of the individual
are being met.
○ Creating an environment that is safe and a place the individual is going to
be successful in.
● Describe why those themes are part of their specific code of ethics.

For individuals and students with disabilities they don’t always have a voice they can
use to express and stand up for themself. These are important themes throughout this
code of ethics that makes sure it happens no matter what. It ensures that the individual
is treated fairly and provided with the necessary resources to be successful. It is also a
way to make sure their rights are being taken seriously and followed just like everyone
else. This is also a team effort and we want to ensure that everyone is all under the
same understanding and on the same page with things as well.

● What are three areas or themes that cross over all three codes of ethics
(ECE, Education, & Special Education).
○ Continuous growth in the profession.
○ Advocating for students and individuals.
○ Keeping students safe at all times.
○ Building strong relationships with others and students.

● Analyze three areas or themes that cross over all three codes of ethics (ECE,
Education, & Special Education). Explain why these themes cross over areas
of certification.

These are all main themes I noted that were consistent across all of the codes of ethics.
All of them are important pieces and foundational components that help to build a code
of ethics as well. With continuous growth in the profession, this is where we as
educators need to stay up to date on things going on in our profession. Things are
always changing and new things are coming out. It is our job and responsibility to be
aware of these changes and make sure we implement new things into the classroom
and school. We all have to be a voice for our students and be willing to advocate for
them in any situation. This is important and makes sure that if something needs to be
done, as educators we are there to always have our students back and speak up.
Keeping students safe at all times is a number one priority, and something that should
go unsaid in a code of ethics. It is our job each and everyday to provide students with
an environment they are safe in at all times. Lastly, building a strong relationship not
only with students but with everyone involved as well. This could be other members of
the team, administration, or even the students' parents/ caregiver. It is our responsibility
to build a relationship and collaborate effectively with all these individuals to provide the
best learning environment for students.

● The candidate describes an area that is not part of their code of ethics, but
you feel should be and why?

One area that I feel wasn’t a part of the code of ethics is how we should go about things
if something needs to be addressed. For example if a student's needs aren’t properly
being met in the school for any reason, what would be the correct order of having
change be made. This way it helps to ensure that everyone on the team is all on the
same page, and isn’t overstepping in any way either. There is a proper “chain of
command” that is followed by everyone to help make sure things are done correctly.

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