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In this game of chess, white is going to move their rook (castle) on spot d1 to take black’s rook on d8 by

sliding it across the chess board’s surface. This will put black in checkmate and white will win the game.
Each square on the chess board is 5.70cm by 5.70cm and the mass of a rook is 12g. The coefficient of
static friction between the rook and the chess board is 0.40, the coefficient of kinetic friction between
the rook and the chess board is 0.25.

a. Determine the maximum force of static friction that can be applied to the rook before it
beings to slide along the chess board
b. Determine the force of kinetic friction as the rook is sliding across the chess board.
c. Determine the acceleration of the rook if white applies a force of 0.050 N when they first
start to slide the rook across the chess boards surface.
d. Determine the work done by kinetic friction while sliding the rook from d1 to d8. (Note the
rook starts and ends at the center of squares d1 and d8)
e. Describe how the work done by kinetic friction would change if the materials of the rook
and chess board changed such that coefficient of kinetic friction changed to 0.30
f. Explain what would happen to the motion of the rook if as white was pushing it, they
lowered their force applied to 0.010 N

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