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Department of Education

Region III
Schools Division of Nueva Ecija
Putlod, Jaen, Nueva Ecija
S.Y. 2022-2023

March 22, 2023

At the end of the lesson the students are able to:

a. define literature and shared heritage;

b. identify literary devices in a text sample; and
c. construct sentences using different literary devices.


a. Topic: Analyzing Literature as a Mirror to a Shared Heritage of People with Diverse Backgrounds
b. Reference: Self-Learning Module
c. Materials: Laptop, Television, Printed Materials, PowerPoint Presentation



1.Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Environment
d. Checking of Attendance
2. Review of the Past Lesson
The teacher will ask the students to bring out their assignment. The teacher will discuss the correct
answers in the class.
Directions: Using a graphic organizer, the students will identify the elements of the story in Makato and
the Cowrie Shell.




3. Motivation
“Unlocking of Difficulties”
Directions: Study the jumbled letters and try to rearrange the letters to form a word.
Column A Column B
1. MDEABE -smiled very happily
2. UNGLC -held tightly
3. UBSOITOERS -noisy and active
4. PLSEA -end without being renewed
5. DNAITLYI -delicately, in a lady fashion


What is Literature?
It refers to a body of written works such as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays
that reflects the background of a certain culture. It has two types; Fiction which is a
product of the writer’s imagination and Non-Fiction, a literature that is based on facts.
What is Shared Heritage?
It means putting common values, shared history and experiences in the spotlight that can
contribute to and reinforce a sense of belonging among people regardless of physical,
social and cultural boundaries.
 For example, cultural heritage does not end at monuments and collections of
objects. It also includes traditions or living expressions inherited from our
ancestors and passed on to our descendants, such as oral traditions, performing
arts, social practices, rituals, festive events, knowledge and practices concerning
nature and the universe or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts.
Literature promotes cultural understanding and appreciation; literature helps people
understand themselves, their families, and their communities better as members of a particular
culture. By reading folk tales and legends, for example, they learn about "the origin of traditional
cultural values and beliefs"

Literary Devices/ Meanings Examples

Simile a comparison between two unlike things, Our soldiers are as brave as lions.
using “like” or “as”. He ran like a cat, lightly and quietly.
Her blue mood passed as quickly as an afternoon
rain shower.
Metaphors make an implicit, implied, or hidden His words are pearls of wisdom.
comparison between two things that are Another example:
unrelated, but which share some common Life is a highway.
characteristics. Her eyes were diamonds.
He is a shining star.
(Both similes and metaphors make comparisons. The snow is a white blanket.
The difference between them is that similes use
the words 'like' and 'as' to compare things;
whereas metaphors directly state a comparison.)
Imagery is the use of visually descriptive or 1. It was dark and dim in the forest. The
figurative language in writing which uses man’s words “dark” and “dim” are visual
physical senses- sight, smell, hearing, taste and images.
touch, 2. The children were screaming and shouting
in the fields. “Screaming” and “shouting”
appeal to our sense of hearing, or auditory
3. He whiffed the aroma of brewed coffee.
“Whiff” and “aroma” evoke our sense of
smell, or olfactory sense.
4. The girl ran her hands on a soft satin
fabric. The idea of “soft” in this example
appeals to our sense of touch, or tactile
5. The fresh and juicy orange is very cold
and sweet. “Juicy” and “sweet” – when
associated with oranges – have an effect
on our sense of taste, or gustatory sense.
Another example:
The smell reminded him of rotting tomatoes.
Personification is when a writer gives human Examples:
qualities to animals or objects. My car drank the gasoline in one gulp.
The cat laughed.
The newspaper headline glared at me.
The sun smiled down on us.
The story jumped off the page.
Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent The color red can symbolize struggle, power,
ideas or qualities. passion or romance.
Symbolism is also using an object or action that Another example:
means something more than its literal meaning. Pink - the fight against breast cancer
The Statue of Liberty – freedom
Dove – peace

The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What is literature?
2. What is shared heritage?
3. State a literary device and give an example of it.
The teacher will flash sentences on the screen, and the students will need to identify what literary
devices were used in the text. After stating their answer, the students will write their answers on the
Directions: Identify what literary devices were used in the text.

1. The snow is a white blanket.

2. Jason Statham is as cool as a cucumber.
3. The light danced on the surface of the water.
4. He felt like the flowers were waving hello
5. The Statue of Liberty – freedom

Direction: Construct five sentences using at least three literary devices that has been discussed. You are
free to choose whatever devices you would ever want to use. Two points each for every correct answer.
1. Simile
2. Metaphor
3. Imagery
4. Personification
5. Symbolism
Directions: Read and analyze the poem below then answer these questions on your notebook.

(Sin Hum 1566-1628)
Translated by Graeme Wilson

It rained last night. The pomegranates,

Red and orange-red,
Have all burst open into flower.

Not to be comforted,
I sit in this cool pavilion
Set in a lotus lake
And under its glass-bead curtains wait
For my closed heart to break.

1. In Korea, the pomegranate is a symbol of good omen and fertility. What representation is hinted by
the pomegranate being rained on?
A. Colorful life
B. Abundance in life
C. Hardwork and productivity
D. New life means new change
2. What can be concluded about the author’s preference?
A. He takes delight over the sight of rain.
B. He loves reminiscing the past on a rainy night.
C. He loves resting comfortably in his cool pavilion.
D. He gets fascinated seeing the burst beauty of the pomegranate.
3. “For my closed heart to break”, what does this line suggest?
A. Heartbreaks often last longer.
B. A man’s life is full of heartbreaks and pains.
C. A broken heart never welcomes new feelings.
D. The sad and unhappy moments never last for long, there is also a hope of happiness.
4. What feeling or atmosphere is created in the second stanza?
A. Sorrowful and pain
B. Calm and peaceful
C. Cheerful and glowing
D. Restive and recreational
5. What Korean values does the poem show?
A. Loyalty and patriotism
B. Hopefulness and optimism
C. Simplicity and cheerfulness
D. Hardworking and productiveness


1. D
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. B


Prepared by:

Ma. Angela P. Eduardo

Teacher Intern

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