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Grav as laborers in serf-like roles, laboring in mines, farms, and the

like, while a minority are elites in positions of mercantilism or

nobility. The Miners, as the lower castes are known regardless of
Ability Score Adjustments: The initial ability scores are their tasks, wear utilitarian workman’s clothing made of plain,
modified by a +1 bonus to Strength and Constitution, and a −1 sturdy cloth, with belts, gloves, and other accessories suited to
penalty to Dexterity and Charisma. their job. The Elites, as those who are merchants or nobility are
known, wear clothing with similar styles but made of much higher
Ability Score Range quality cloth and often foppish colors. Males and females have
equal roles in society, and other than the lack of beards on
Ability Minimum Maximum females, most other races have a difficult time distinguishing the
Strength 9 18 genders.
Dexterity 4 15 Gravish structures are utilitarian in design, typically in a
Constitution 9 19 gothic brutalist style, and many live in underground barracks near
Intelligence 3 18 their workplaces. Their living spaces are comfortable if spartan,
Wisdom 3 18 with heavy furniture made of stone or dense wood. They are
Charisma 3 18 (12 to non-Grav) friendly towards outsiders, but keep to themselves and only have
basic services in their ports. They are not militaristic and
Class Restrictions generally only fight to defend themselves.
Class Maximum Level Gravish fashion is utilitarian and workman-like, made of
Warrior leather and strong wool. Even among the Elites the fashion is
Fighter 9 similar, although materials are much more often brightly colored
Ranger — and made of more expensive cloth. Reigar have been heard to
Paladin — refer to the Elite garb dismissively as “workman chic.” Pockets,
Wizard equipment loops, and belt pouches are common accessories for
Mage 9 all levels of society. A good pair of leather overalls, a wool shirt,
Specialist 9 and a leather apron are common newlywed gifts among grav
Priest Miners. Gravs admire dwarven and gnomish work gear, finding
Cleric 9 them perhaps a little too flashy. They say rustic humans and
Specialty Priest 13 halflings have a good look to their clothing, although far too weak
Druid — for everyday use.
Crusader — Gravs are omnivores and can eat anything humans,
Mystic — demihumans, and most humanoids can eat, but their own cuisine
Monk 7 is far heavier than most of those other races like. For their part,
Shaman — they find human and demihuman cooking far too light for their
Witch Doctor — own tastes, especially airy foods like cakes and custards. Gravish
Rogue meals are also often considered gritty by other races, especially
Thief 9 their alcoholic beverages, which are made with water that has
Bard — extremely high mineral content. Gravs enjoy well-dried meat,
Other hardtack, roots and tubers, and nuts especially, and their breads
Psionicist 7 are always unleavened.
While gravs raise animals for food and leather production, the
Multiclass Options: Cleric/mage. idea of using them as beasts of burden is a foreign concept. They
Specialist Options: Alchemist, dimensionalist, diviner, earth use their own powers of altering gravity to move heavy objects,
elementalist, transmuter. with floating gondolas and barges poled along the ground
Hit Dice: Player character gravs receive hit dice by class. In replacing the carts and wagons of other races. If put in a position
addition, they receive 3 bonus hit points at first level. where they are expected to ride an animal, gravs will be extremely
Alignment: Gravs tend toward lawful neutral. PC gravs may wary and inept at it, although they can learn with training.
be of any alignment. Gravs are by nature nonviolent. Those who choose to become
Natural Armor Class: Gravs have a natural armor class of fighters are defenders and guards; they use their skills to protect
10. others rather than initiate combat. Gravs have little innate concept
Base Movement Rate: Gravs have a natural movement rate of thievery, so those who become thieves are scouts and
of 6. troubleshooters rather than burglars or similar professions.
Background: Gravs are stocky, square-bodied miners. They Gravish wizards, priests, and the extremely rare psionicists tend
average about three feet tall, but are much wider than similar towards scholarly roles in their society.
humanoids. They have heads that are smaller than expected for Languages: Grav, common, hurwaeti, rastipede, lizard man,
their size, and appear flattened or squashed. Their skin tones dwarvish, tinker gnomish.
range from light to dark grey to yellow, with rare white or pinkish Role-Playing Suggestions: Player character grav are rare, as
tones, appearing similar to granite, basalt, marble, and sandstone. the urge to conform within their stratified society is strong. PCs
Their hair is steel grey, coppery, silver, or golden in hue, and their from the Miner caste are often those who have questioned the
eyes are grey, brown, black, or deep green. structure of grav society and fled rather than suffer the shame of
Gravish society is feudal and heavily stratified, with family being sent off to the homeworld for a position “better suited to
status being measured by wealth. Most gravs live in lower castes their talents.” Miner gravs will likely treat such an individual as
an outcast, while Elites will actively attempt to keep such a PC spent reducing their weight. Thus if they start up the wall after
away from other Miners to ensure their rebelliousness doesn’t two rounds, they gain a +20% bonus instead of a −20%. Any loss
spread. PCs from an Elite caste, on the other hand, are often lesser of concentration ends the reduced weight immediately, forcing a
scions from minor families who are ultimately looking for a new Strength check to hold on to their location. Failure indicates they
place to colonize and mine, but without the resources to do so fall to the ground below.
with the backing of their family.
Special Advantages: Gravs have power over gravity. By
concentrating, they can reduce the effect of gravity on a single
Medium-sized creature or object within 60 feet. For each round
spent concentrating, the effective weight of the creature or object
is reduced by 25%; on the fourth round the target becomes
weightless and begins floating. Gravs typically use this ability to
intimidate creatures or disrupt their attacks rather than to
aggressively harm others. Gravs can work together to affect larger
creatures and objects; two gravs can affect a Large-sized creature,
four can affect a huge-sized creature, and a minimum of eight are
necessary to affect a Gargantuan creature. If their concentration
is disrupted, the gravity alteration is immediately ended, possibly
dropping an affected creature many feet to the ground. Gravs can
gently lower a creature that has been fully affected if they wish,
or drop it instantaneously.
Gravs’ innate density and control over gravity drags along
three times the amount of air as other creatures of their size would
indicate when leaving an air envelope; thus they have enough air
to last for 6–60 (6d10) turns.
Gravs have 60-foot infravision.
Special Disadvantages: Gravs have such a deep and abiding
hatred of silatics that they will attack them on sight. Gravs cannot
take any riding proficiency at character creation; such skills must
be learned through adventuring. Outside of grav communities,
clothing and armor sized to fit the gravish body is nearly
impossible to find; all must be custom-made at half again the base
price; thus a suit of studded leather armor for a grav costs 30 gp
rather than 20 gp outside of grav ports. This price increase does
not apply at character creation.
Monstrous Traits: None.
Superstitions: None.
Weapon Proficiencies: Mattock, maul, military pick, pellet
bow, sledge, spade, warhammer, any mining tool.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Blacksmithing, carpentry,
endurance, engineering, gem cutting, mountaineering,
navigation, navigation (phlogiston), navigation (wildspace),
planetology, religion (grav), stonemasonry, survival
(underground), zero-gravity combat.
Bonus Proficiencies: Mining.
Preferred Kits: Academician (PHBR4), diplomat (CGR1),
medicus (CGR1), mine rowdy (PHBR10), noble warrior
(PHBR1), nobleman priest (PHBR3), patrician (PHBR4), peasant
hero (PHBR1), scholar priest (PHBR3), scout (PHBR2),
troubleshooter (PHBR2).
Average Height and Weight: Height: 38/36+1d6; Weight:
Age: Starting Age: 20+2d6; Maximum Age Range: 100+4d20;
Average Maximum Age: 142; Middle Age: 50; Old Age: 67;
Venerable: 100.
Thieving Skill Adjustments: PP: −15%; OL: −10%; F/RT:
+5%; MS: —; HS: —; DN: +5%; CW: Special*; RL: −10%.
Ordinarily, gravs suffer a −20% to their climb wall checks, but if
they spend four rounds concentrating, they can make themselves
weightless, and they can float up a wall, guiding themselves with
their hands. If they spend fewer rounds, they still reduce their
weight enough to give them a bonus equal to +10% per round

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