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5Student Name: Karan Sanjay Joshi

University No.: W22007803

Subject: Academic skills Academic Language Skills for Mechanical and Construction

Technical skills are all that is necessary to be a successful engineer:

Engineering is a rewardingly exciting career it has been constantly upgrading the
fabrication of construction environment for decades. (‘UK-SPEC third edition (1).pdf’,2014)
demonstrated engineering profession with requirement of leadership skills along with
technical, hard, and soft skills is a necessity to cultivate. Soft skills can be defined as
intangible within qualities developed such as writing, conversation, behavioural pattern,
body language and software skills. Hard skills demonstrate possession of technical skills of
and individual. Therefore, hard skills can be defined as technical skills as companies intend
of maintaining competitive edge in the engineering profession the demand of soft and hard
skills can construct the bridge leading towards desired goal .
Literature Review:
A. (‘UK-SPEC third edition (1).pdf’, 2014) highlighted the generic areas of
commitment for every registrant covering soft skills such as knowledge and
understandings, Design and development process, service products, Responsibility,
management leadership, Communication, inter-personal skills, professional
B. As soft skills are defined as intangible (Koelsch 2012) suggest writing skills are
essential for engineers as employers demand applicants on their interpersonal
communication skills. (Koelsch 2012) It is important for employer having good
communication skills, as lack of communication equals lacking opportunities.
Communicating with backbones of the organization’s engineers need to get
acquainted with writing E-mails, report, and meeting notes. Michelle Bryner quoted
“If communication and writing skills were not good, I don’t think that management
would have let me lead a team.” Therefore, if ideas need to be suggested it need to
be communicated well to the listener or viewer.
C. By evaluating the soft skills and demand for software development (Ahmed,
Capretz et al. 2012) analysed 500 advertisements that are strongly based on soft
skills with clarity of top soft and software skills which are neglected despite
recognizing their importance the skills mentioned were communication skills,
Interpersonal skills, analytical problem solving, team player, organization skills,
learning fast, work independently, innovative, adopt change.
D. Robles, M. M. (2012) the 10 soft skills demanded by business executives which
includes hard skills such as learning software’s are presenting assignments. In
current scenarios universities teaching excludes soft skills from learning environment
by mentioning the skills such as integrity, communication, courtesy, responsibility,
social skills, positive attitude, professionalism, flexibility, teamwork, and work ethic

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with respect to software skills in academic learnings as important as compared to
soft skills.
E. (Farr and Brazil, 2010) Leadership skills are essential to be developed for
engineering professional to add value towards project individual working on
leaderships skills can position engineers for career advancement, allowing them to
achieve superiority roles and sharpening decision-making skills.
Word Count: 393

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Engineering Council. (n.d.). UK-SPEC: UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence. Third
TEXT B: Koelsch, J. R. (2011). ‘Is Writing an Essential Skill for Engineers?’ Automation World.
Ahmed, F., Capretz, L. F., and Campbell, P. (2012). ‘Evaluating the demand for soft skills in software
development.’ Electrical and Computer Engineering Publications 152, 44-49.
Robles, M. M. (2012). ‘Executive perceptions of the top 10 soft skills needed in today’s workplace.’
Business Communication Quarterly 75(4), 453-465.
Farr, J. V. and Brazil, D. M. (2009). ‘Leadership skills development for engineers. ‘Engineering
Management Journal 21(1), 3-8.

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