Priyo Romano

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Name : Priyo Romano Lab.

Number : NMC23010610
Date Of Birth : 13 may 1992 Med. Record : DKI0027380
KTP/Passport : 3312031305920001 Date of Exam : 06 Feb 2023 15:23
Room Number : - Date of Result : 06 Feb 2022 15:39
Sex : Male Company : KLINIK BIRU
Nationality : INDONESIA

Penanggung Jawab : dr. Jono Ulomo Sp.PK


RAPID TEST (Antigen)

Sample Nasopharyngeal
SARS-COV-2 Negative Negative

Hasil pemeriksaan Negatif tidak menyingkirkan kemungkinan infeksi SARS-COV2(COVID-19)Sehingga

masih beresiko menularkan ke orang lain. A Negative result does not rule out the possibility
of Covid 19 infection So that it is still at risk of transmitting to other people.
Hasil Negatif SARS-COV2 dapat terjadi pada kondisi kuantitas antigen pada specimen dibawah
level deteksi alat / Negative SARS-COV2 results can occur when the antigen quantity in the
specimen is below the detection level of the instrument.
Saran/suggestion :

- Bila pasien dengan gejala ( ASIMTOMATIK )atau memiliki riwayat Kontak erat dengan
orang yang terkonfirmasi COVID-19( Lakukan pemeriksaan PCR untuk konfirmasi)/If the
patient is symptomatic or has a history of close contact with a person confirmed with
COVID-19 (Perform a PCR examination to confirm).

- Tetap lakukan Social & Physical distancing / Keep doing social

- Pertahankan hidup bersih dan sehat ( cuci tangan, terapkan etika batuk,gunakan
masker,jaga stamina )/ Maintain a clean and healthy life(wash hands, apply cough
etiquette, use a mask, keep stamina)


Ulfiah Wardah, A.Md. AK

A laboratory assessment can only be given by a doctor who has patient clinical data. This
laboratory has been verified electronically, no signature required.

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