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MODULE 1- THE EARLY PERIOD Holmes. Lowell, Shelley, Keats, Coleridge,  The Manila Tribune was founded and,
Lamb, Joyce, Tennyson, Thackeray, along with the Graphic, the Woman’s
TIMELINE Macaulay, and other famous writers. Outlook, the Woman’s Home Journal,
August 13, 1898 - the American forces occupied and the Philippine Collegian.
1913 – In one of the college students were asked to
Manila.  Philippine Writers Association was
write speeches for these topics: The Building of a
organized with Rizal G. Adorablel as
1899 - English newspapers such as The Courier, Modern Sanitary Market; a Speech at the First
Insular Press, and Manila Freedom. Banquet of the Philippine Normal School; An
 Among the early members were: Paz
Appeal to the Moral Sense – Cockfighting;
April of 1900- President William McKinley Primary Education in the Philippines; A Stump Latorena, Loreto Paras, Jose Garcia Villa,
directed the Philippine Commission to make Jose Panganiban, Remefios Mijares,
Speech before the People of a Certain Barrio;
English the official medium of instruction for all and the Unveiling of a Monument Dedicated to Mercedes Grau, Clemencia Joven, Casiano
public schools. Calalang, Jose Dayrit, Sol H. Gwekoh,
Apolinario Mabini.
Arturo B. rotor, D.H. Soriano, and Augusto
1900- Daily Bulletin was founded. 1913- The Philippine Normal School introduced C. Catanjal.
its publication, The Torch.
August of 1901- six hundred American teachers 1927- Writer’s club was founded University of the
arrived on the transport Thomas. 1912- These writings were gathered by Dean S. Philippines. This group published Literary
Fansler and published in Filipino Popular Tales in Apprentice which became the leading college
1901 - The Philippine Normal School was founded. literary publication in the country.
1912. In 1912 the graduates of the Manila high
1902- Cablenews School published their English writings in The
Coconut. 1921- The First Filipino novel in English was A
1905- Philippine Free Press started edited by F. Child of Sorrow, written by Zoilo M. Galang in
Theodore Rogers. 1914- Between 1908 and 1914 some students at the 1921.
University of the Philippines collected and retold, in
1908- The University of the Philippines was 1924- Vision of a Sower in 1924
English, old Filipino tales.
founded. 1929- Nadia
1920- the Philippine Herald began publication. It
1910 - the University of the Philippines’ College was founded by Manuel L. Quezon and its  Ernest Lopez who published His
Folio was published they were the first promising magazine section was edited by Paz Marquez Awakening in 1929.
writers in English. Benitez. Helped Paz Latorena, Loreto Paras, Jose
Garcia Villa, Casiano T. Calalang.
 Among the famous early teachers of ESSAY
English might be mentioned Professors 1924- A.V.H. Hartendorp became the editor of the
Dean S. Fansler and his wife Harriot Ely Philippine Education Magazine later became 1926- essayists expressed the need for a literature
Fansler, George Pope Sahnnon, Tom Philippine Magazine. that was native and national. Many essays first
Inglis Moore, Harold P. Scott. And C. V. appeared as newspaper columns and later they were
Wicker. In literature classes they taught the 1925- Free Press began paying for original published in anthologies.
works of Chaucer, Milton, Donne, manuscripts and offered Php 1,000 for the best
Shakespeare, Irving, Hawthorne, Emerson, stories.  In 1921 Zoilo M. Galang published Life
Thoreau, Poe, Longfelloww, Bryant, Harte, and Success, the first volume of essays in

English. Another collection of Filipino 1926- Jose Garcia Villa encouraged criticized as being too artificial and overwritten
essays appeared in 1924, entitled Thinking writers with his yearly selection of the best in order to achieve intensity.
for Ourselves, edited by Vicente M. Filipino short stories.
Hilario and Eliseo Quirino. 1927 -the first anthology of Filipino short The first collection of poems in booko form
 In that year Zoilo M. Galang also stories was edited by Paz Marquez was Reminiscences, by Lorenzo Paredes, in
Benitez. It was entitled Filipino Love 1921.
published another book of essays, Master
of Destiny. Among the early essay writers Stories. In 1922 Procopio Solidum published Never
might be mentioned F. M. Africa, Francisco Mind, a collection of Filipino poetry in English.
Benitez, Jorge Bocobo, Amador Daguio,  In that same year, Jose Villa
Leonardo Fernandez, Zoilo M. Galang, Panganiban published The Stealer Rodolfo Dato edited an anthology of Filipino
Fernando Ma. Guerrerro, M.M. Kalaw, of Heart and Other Short Stories. poems in 1924 under the title Filipino Poetry.
Pedro de la Llana, I. V. Mallari, Igancio  In 1928 the best short stories were In 1926 he published his own poems in Manila.
Manlapaz, Fernando Maramag, Camilo compiled by Jose Garcia Villa in Most critics agree that Marcelo de Gracia
Osias, Claro M. Recto, Carlos P. Romulo, Philippine Short Stories: The Concepcion was a leading poet of early period.
and Eulogio B. Rodriguez. Best 25 Stories of 1928. His Azucena was published In New York in
 1930 original and significant stories 1925. His poems reveal simple images with
were being written. “Zita”, written deep sensitivity and original thought.
SHORTSTORIES by Arturo B. Rotor around 1930,
has been called “…one of the finest Some poets who belonged to the early period of
Virginia R. Moreno has described the love stories in Filipino literature in Philippine Literature were: Aurelio S. Alvero,
literary years English.” Marcelo de Gracia Concepcion, Rafael Zulueta
1910-1924 as “…a period of novices with  Among the early short story writers da Costa, Luis Da to, Vicente L. del Fierro,
their experiences both in fiction-making were: Paz Marquez Benitez, Jorge Virgilio Floresca, Angela Manalang Gloria,
and the use of the new language; Bocob, Amador T. Daguio, Pular Jose M. Hernandez, A. E. Litiatco, Fernando M.
1925 to 1031 was the period of phenomenal hidalgo Lim, Paz Latorena, Tarcila Maramag, Natividad Marquez, Conrado B.
growth among the practitioners in the art. “ Malabanan, Jose Villa Panganiban, Rigor, Juan F. Salazar, Abelardo Subido,
July 1917 - Jorge Bocobo’s “Horrible Arturo B. Rotor, Loreto Paras Sulit, Trinidad Tarrosa Subido, Francisco G.
Adventure” in the Philippine Review for L.B. Uichangco, and Jose Garcia Tonogbanua, L. B. Uichangco, and Jose Garcia
Review for were praised by critics for their Villa. Villa.
high literary quality.
September 20, 1925 The Philippines POEMS
Herald published “Dead Stars” by Paz Poems are forms of literature usually written in
Marquez Benitez. lines or verses that make-up stanzas. The lines
1925- Zoilo M. Galang published the first The first known Filipino poem in English is and stanzas may be of various lengths. Some poems
collection of short stories in book form “Sursum Corda”, by Justo Juliano. It have rhymes and meters.
under the title Box of Ashes and Other appeared in the Philippine Press in 1907. This
Short Stories. poem, along with others of that period, has been Poems are designed to be recited or read aloud.
The recitation of poem reveals its rhythm (regular

sound patterns) and thought units that help out the rhymes in a some person, thing, a deep reflection, or a restrained
meaning it wishes to convey. stanza or in the feeling. The author is in an exalted mood. He/she
whole poem. feels deeply what he/she is saying, hence, the
1. Elements of poetry subject matter can never be trivial.
1.3 Structure. This refers to the arrangement of
1.1. Sense. It is revealed through the words, images, words and lines to fit together and 1.1.2 The Elegy- a lyric poem that can
and symbols. the organization of the parts to form always be distinguished by its subject matter- death.
1.1.1 Diction. This refers to the poet’s the whole. It may voice the author’s personal grief for a loved
choice of words; the denotative one, or a loss affecting the public as a whole, or it
1.3.1 Word order. This is the natural or may simply be meditation on death in general.
and connotative meanings of the unnatural arrangement
words. of words. 1.1.3 The Sonnet- a lyric poem that can be
1.1.2 Images and sense impressions. distinguished by its form. It always consists 14
1.3.2 Ellipsis. This refers to the omission of iambic pentameter lines. The Shakespearean sonnet
These are words used some words for economy
to appeal to the sense follows the rhyme scheme: abab cdcd gg- the last
or effect. two lines (called the couplet) rhyme consecutively.
of sight, smell,
hearing, taste and 1.3.3 Punctuation. This refers to the 1.1.4 The Simple Lyric-the category of all
touch. abundance of lack those lyric poems that do not properly belong under
of punctuation any of the other types of lyrics. The simple lyric
1.1.3 Figures of Speech. This refers to the marks
creative use of words touches on every mood and emotion of the human
or expressions that a 1.3.4 Shape. The contextual or visual heart.
poet uses to enhance design, omission of 2.2 Narrative Poem, this tells a story of love,
the sense impression. spaces, use of adventure or romance in verse form.
capitalization or lower
1.2 Sound. This is the result of the creative case. 2.2.1. The Epic- a long, narrative poem
combination of words. The poet may about the exploits of a supernatural hero. Some
resort to the use of alliteration, example is: The Iliad and the Odyssey, the Aenid,
assonance, rhyme, repetition and The epic of Gilgamesh, Song of Roland (Chanson
anaphora. de Roland), The Nibelungenlied (Song of the
1.2.1 Rhythm. This is the ordered TYPESOFPOEMS Nibelungs), El Cid.
alternation of strong and 2.1. Lyric poem. It expresses the author’s mood, 2.2.2 The Ballad- tells the story of ordinary
weak elements in the flow emotion, and reflection in musical language. It people. Some examples are: get up and bar the door,
of sound and silence. derives its name from the lyre, and was primarily Lochinvar
1.2.2 Meter. This is the duration, stress, or intended to be sung. Not all lyrics are singable, but
they are all melodious. 2.2.3 The Metrical Tale- a story told in
number of syllables per line. verse. The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer is
1.2.3 Rhyme scheme. This is the formal 1.1 The ode. The most majestic type of the best example of this.
arrangement of lyric poem. It expresses enthusiasm, lofty praise of

2.2.4 The Metrical Romance- a medieval moor, / I never saw the sea, / Yet I know the heather EARLY PERIOD WORKS/AUTHORS
verse tale based on legends, chivalric love and looks, / And what a wave must be.
adventure or the supernatural. The story Sir Gawain Fernando Ma. Guerrero
and the Greek Knight is one example of this. 3.1.10 Allusion- refers to any scientific,
historical, mythological, literary, or biblical event or  Born in 1873 in Ermita, Manila, Fernando
figure, e.g. I am not Lazarus nor Prince Hamlet. Ma. Guerrero studied at the Ateneo de
Manila and then took law courses in the
3. Literary Devices in Poetry 3.1.11 Paradox – a phrase or statement that University of Santo Tomas.
on the surface seems contradictory, but makes some  After a few years’ practice as lawyer, he
3.1.1 Simile- a composition of two unlike kind of emotional sense, e.g. You have to die or took up journalism.
things by using the word like or as, e.g There is no live.  General Antonio Luna invited him to join
frigate like a book
the editorial staff of La Independencia, the
3.2. Sound Devices
3.1.2 Metaphor- a composition of two organ of the Revolution.
unlike things or ideas, e.g. She is a phantom of 3.2.1 Onomatopoeia- the use of words that  “The poet of the Revolution”.
delight 3.1.3 Personification- give human traits to imitate the sound of the idea it denotes, e.g. The fly  He was elected representative of the south
inanimate objects or ideas, e.g Can Honor’s voice buzzed in my ear. district of Manila in the first Philippine
provoke the silent dust? Assembly. Later he became city councilor,
3.2.2 Alliteration- the repetition of and he held his position for several years.
3.1.4 Synecdoche- using a part of the consonant sounds, especially in the initial position,
 Afterward he became Secretary of the
whole, e.g. No busy hand provokes a tear/No roving e.g. The splendor falls on castle walls/ Any snowy
Commission of Independence.
foot shall crust thee there. summits old in story.
 As a founder and editor of the La
3.1.5 Metonymy- using another word 3.2.3 Assonance- the repetition of vowel Opinion, at the time of his death, June 12
which is clear identifiable or associated with the sounds e.g. Long. Long afterward, in an oak, I 1929, he was actively engaged in
other ideas referred to, e.g. And trouble deaf heaven found the arrow, still unbroken;/ And the song, from newspaper work. In his leisure time he
with my bootless cries beginning to end, / I found again in the heart of a wrote lyrics, short stories, novelettes, and
friend. miscellaneous articles.
3.1.6 Hyperbole- exaggeration, e.g. I  In his poetry he combined realism with
breathed song in the air, /It fell to earth, I know 3.2.4 Rhyme- the repetition of the same idealism. His hobbies were music and
where;/For who has sight so keen and strong, /That sound usually at the end of words, e.g. And what painting. Guerrero appreciated native
it can follow flight of song. shoulder and what art/Could twist the sinews of thy kundimans and yet he was a great lover of
heart? / And, when thy heart began to beat, / What classical music. Most of his paintings were
3.1.7 Apostrophe- a direct address to dread Hand and what dread feet?
something inanimate or dead or dead, e.g. Break, landscapes, sunsets and dawns. During his
break, break, /O thy cold grey stones, O sea! 3.2.5 Anaphora- the repetition of a word or life only one book of his Spanish poems
words at the beginning of two or more successive was published, -Crisalidas.
3.1.8 Oxymoron- using contradictory terms clauses or verses, e.g. Bring me my Bow of burning  He wrote several poems in ‘’Where Is My
or ideas, e.g. O heavy lightness, serious vanity! gold! Bring me my Arrows of desire! / Bring me my May’’ In his death the Philippines lost a
spear! O clouds, unfold! /Bring me my chariot of national poet and distinguished writer and
3.1.9 Litotes-giving an assertion by means
fire. journalist.
of negation or understatement, e.g. I never saw a

An essay is a prose composition with a focused 4. Narrative essay. It tells a story in logical established the National Federation of
subject of discussion or a “long systematic sequence. A narrative essay may employ flashback, Filipino Teachers.
discourse”. The word essay is taken from the transition or suspense. The focus is the totality of  He was also founder and editor of the
French infinitive essayer, “to try” or “”to attempt”. the sequence of event, usually arranged Philippine Journal of Education.
Micahel Montaigne was the first author to What is an Educated Filipino?
popularize this genre by describing his work as 5. Cause and effect. The main feature of the cause
essais. and effect essay is the causal connections, careful  Alterations in Our Social Life- The
language and the chronological or empathic order. contact with Americans and their
Aldous Huxley, a leading essayist, argues that an In writing this type of essay, a writer considers the civilization has modified many of our own
essay has a three-poled frame of reference: subject, identifies the purpose, considers the social customs, traditions, and practices,
audience, takes a critical stance about different some for the worse and many for the better.
● Personal and the autobiographical essays: these
causes or consequences, thinks of a thesis  Education Has Changed in Meaning-
use “fragments of reflective autobiography”.
statement, arranges the parts in logical order, With this growth in national consciousness
● Objective and factual: in these essays, the employs appropriate language and presents a and national spirit among our people, we
authors “do not speak directly of themselves, but conclusion. witness the corresponding rise of a new
turn their attention outward to some literary or conception of education – the training of
scientific or political theme”. 6. Classification and division. This classification the individual for the duties and privileges
essay focuses on the categorization of objects, of citizenship, not only for his own
● Abstract-universal: these essays “make the things and ideas into a larger whole, while the essay happiness and efficiency but also for
best… of all the three worlds in which it is possible division breaks a larger whole into smaller parts. national service and welfare.
for the essay to exist.”
7. Definition. This essay provides an extensive THREE CHARACTERISTICS OF
Types of Essays definition of a term through giving of examples, EDUCATED FILIPINO
contrasting, or giving historical background.
1. Persuasive/argumentative essay. This makes a 1. Practical Activity- I venture to suggest that
claim or presents a position and supports such claim 8. Dialectic. This type of essay is usually used in the educated Filipino should first be
or position with quotes from experts, facts, Philosophy. The writer makes a thesis or argument, distinguished by the power to do. The
substantial information, and supportive evidences. then analyzes the argument (with a Oriental excels in reflective thinking; he is
counterargument), then counters the counter a philosopher. The Occidental is the doer;
2. Comparison and contrast essay. This type of
argument with a final and novel argument. he manages things, men and affairs.
essay shows the similarities and differences
between two topics, objects, and ideas. It 2. Acquaintance with Native History and
demonstrates similarities and differences between Culture- The Educated Filipino, in the
two topics. Francisco Benitez second place, should be distinguished not
only by his knowledge of the past and of
3. Descriptive essay. This essay provides  He was a pioneer in education and current events in the world’s progress but
explanation on the “what, why, how, when and administration. more especially by his knowledge of his
where” of a topic. Usually, it is characterized by the  He founded the College of Education at race, hi people, and his country, and his
use of sensory details that appeal to the senses and the University of the Philippines, and he love of the truths and ideals that our people
readers’ sensibilities. have learned to cherish.

3. Refinement in Speech and Conduct -The 2. Character/s. This element answers the questions be confused with the moral of the story. Some
Educated Filipino, in the third place, must who takes part in the action. The character may be examples of themes are: a) Good always wins over
have ingrained in his speech and conduct people, animals or animated objects such as plants, evil; b) Slavery is bad so it should be abolished; c)
those elements that are everywhere books, toys, and the like. Abstract ideas like virtues Man must know his limits.
recognized as accompaniments of culture and vices may also act as characters.
and morality; so that, possessing the 6. Conflict. This is the element that makes a plot
capacity for self – entertainment and study, 3. Characterization. To characterize is to delineate interesting because it involves the tension or
he may not be at the mercy of the pleasure a character by projecting his/her strong and weak struggle between two opposing forces – the
of the senses only or a burden to himself points. Thus, a character is described as protagonist (main character) hinds himself/herself
when alone. sympathetic, evil, respectable, affectionate, sincere, in opposition to another person called antagonist
etc. (villain). Sometimes the conflicting force is within
There are, then, at least three characteristics the character himself/herself or it may be against
which I believe to be the evidence of the 4. Plot. This element answers what happens in the nature or society.
educated Filipino – the power to do, to support story. It is the sequence of the actions and events in
himself and contribute to the wealth of our a story. Since every story, true or fictional, portrays 7. Point of View. This refers to the storyteller. The
people; acquaintance with the world’s progress, human beings engaged in an action and story may be told from the first-person point of
especially with that of his race, people, and the participating in events, it follows that every story view (I am (author is a mere observer to events the
community, together with love of our best has a plot, one that can be sketched in a summary or story teller), third person point of view (author is a
ideals and traditions; and refined manners and outline. Some stories, however, are plotless. mere observer of events); omniscient point of view
moral conduct as well as the power of growth. (the narrator assumes an all-knowing stance) telling
4.1.1 Introduction (exposition): presents the story from the points of view of all characters.
1. College Uneducation (Jorge Bocobo) the necessary knowledge about the main characters
2. Book Worship and the situation existing prior to the action proper. 8. Atmosphere. This refers to the predominant
3. Professional Philistinism mood or feeling projected by the story. Thus, a
4.1.2 Beginning of the Action story may be tragic, pathetic, comic, and the like.
4. The Jading Dullness of Modern Life (complication): the character meets his first
5. Misguided Zeal important brush with the series of events. Paz Marquez Benitez was born in Lucena,
6. “Uneducated” Juan de la Cruz as Tayabas.
Teacher 4.1.3 Middle of the Action (climax): this is
the highest point of interest, also known as the  She finished her secondary course at the
The story is a fictional narrative in prose consisting height of the conflict. Tayabas High School and received a
of a series of events designed to create a single Bachelor of Arts Degree from the
dominant effect. It is intended to be read in one 4.1.4 End of the Action (resolution, University of the Philippines in 1912.
sitting. denouement): also known as the point of no return,
 From 1919 to 1924 she was editor of the
it signals the falling action pf the story.
Elements of a short story. Woman’s Journal, the first feminine
4.1.5 Conclusion (aftermath): rounds off literary magazine in English published in
1. Setting. The setting answers the questions where the action, underlying its point. the Philippines.
and when the story happens. It refers to the place  In 1923 she was appointed instructor of
and time of the story. 5. Theme. This is the controlling idea or the central English at the College of Liberal Arts,
idea around which the plot revolves. It should not University of the Philippines.

 She became an assistant professor in 1926. 1.3 Problem Play. This is a drama on except towards the audience, who watches the play
She is the widow of the late Dean social commentaries focusing on social, economic, through a frame opening.
Francisco Benitez and editor and or political problems by means of a play.
3.2. Thrust theatre. This is a type of stage
publisher of the Philippine Journal of
1.4 Farce. This is a comedy involving silly where the audience are on three sides while the
and funny obstacles and situations without fourth side serves as the background.
 Some of her short stories are: ‘’Stepping
consideration for human values.
Stones”, ‘’Half a life”, ‘’An Old Story”, 3.3 Arena Theatre. A central stage
‘’Courtship Child”, and “The Fool”. “Dead 2. Literary Terms surrounded by the audience on all sides. The stage
Stars” is considered her best short story. area is often raised to improve sightlines.
2.1 Aside. These are lines whispered to the
DRAMA audience or to another character on stage but should Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero (January 22, 1911 – April
not be heard by other characters. 28, 1995) was a Filipino playwright, director,
Drama is a form of fiction that is represented in
teacher and theater artist.
performance. Dram is enacted in theatre or stage by 2.2 Catastrophe. This is the final sequence
actors before an audience. in a drama which could be a death (in a tragedy) or  Guerrero wrote well over 100 plays, 41 of
marriage (in a comedy). which have been published. His
A drama cannot be complete or staged without a
unpublished plays have either been
director, the actors, a scene and a costume designer. 2.3 Comedy. This is a light play with a broadcast over the radio or staged in
Hence, the structure of dramatic texts is heavily happy ending. various parts of the Philippines.
influenced by the collaborative production and
collective reception. 2.4 Comic relief. A comedy is sometimes  His plays can be found in various
incorporated in a serious play to relieve the tension anthologies: 13 Plays (first published in
Drama is represented by the traditional generic of tragic events. 1947), 8 Other Plays (1952), 7 More Plays
division between comedy and tragedy which are (1962), 12 New Plays (1975), My Favorite
symbols of the ancient Greek Muses, Thalia and 2.5 Crisis or climax. This is the turning 11 Plays (1976), 4 Latest Plays (1980), and
Melpomene. Thalia is the Muse of comedy (the point in the plot which occurs when the characters Retribution and eight other selected plays
laughing face). While Melpomene is the muse of have to make a critical decision. (1990).
tragedy (the weeping face). Drama is often 2.6 Foreshadowing. This refers to the lines  Guerrero also published a family memoir,
combined with music and dance: the drama in opera or events that give a clue to future events. The Guerreros of Ermita (1988).
is sung throughout; musicals include spoken Guerrero taught and trained many notable
dialogue and songs; and some forms of drama have 2.7 Nemesis. He is the agent of retribution figures in the Philippine Performing Arts:
regular musical accompaniment. or the person who punishes. Behn Cervantes, Celia Diaz-Laurel, Joy
Virata, and Joonee Gamboa.
1. Types of Drama: 2.8 Tragedy. A serious play with an
 Wanted: A Chaperon were played by
unhappy ending.
1.1 Tragedy. This involves the demise of Filipino Players, under the author’s
the leading characters. 3. Types of Stage direction, at St. Cecilia’s Hall, November
21, 1940.
1.2 Comedy. This is a lighter drama in 3.1 Proscenium stage. In this stage, the
which the leading characters surpass the wings are spaces on either side, extending off stage. AUTHORS WORKS
obstacles which beset them. The scenery surrounds the acting area on all sides Fernando Ma. Where is my May?

Fernando Maramag, The Rural Maid
Jose Garcia Villa Sonnet 1
Paz Marquez Benitez Dead Stars
Francisco Benitez What is an Educated
Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero Wanted: A Chaperone

MODULE - The Middle Period October 28, 1936- Philippine Book Guild was experience of the working class in a world
organized. that has been rendered doubly dynamic by
Early period of Philippine Literature in English its struggles.”
was a time of learning by trial and error.  Its early leaders included Manuel E.
Arguilla, Carlos Quirino, and Arturo B. 1940- the first Commonwealth Literary Awards
1925- the extent and quality of writing had greatly were granted by President Quezon.
 Their purpose was to create a wider reading
In the English division the winners were: essay –
Leopoldo Yabes has called the years public for Filipino writers by printing low-
Salvador P. Lopez for Literature and Society; short
cost books.
1930 to 1944 “. . . the most productive of distinctive story – Manuel E. Arguilla for How My Brother
 Among other projects they published
work in the half century of Filipino writing in Leon Brought Home a Wife and Other Stories;
Rotor’s the Wound and the Scar.
English.” poetry – R. Zulueta da Costa for Like the Molave;
1937- a Brief History of the Philippine Literature and novel – Juan C. Laya for His Native Soil.
“The Veronicans.” Led by Francisco Arcellana was published by Teofilo del Castillo.
and inspired by Jose Garcia Villa, a group formed December 7, 1941- when Japan bombed Pearl
“the writers” chose this name because they wanted  This book was of special importance since Harbor and war began in the Pacific. A period of
their work to bear the imprint of Christ’s face. it was one of the first authoritative and uncertainty and fear began as the Japanese entered
objective studies of Philippine Literature. Manila on January 3, 1942.
“The Bachelorettes.” Around the same time, some
women writers formed Among their number were February 26, 1939 - the Philippine Writers  Among the promising writers who died
Teresa Arzaga, Luisa Barrera, Sally Barrera, Nelly League was formed. during the war years were Manuel E.
X. Burgos, Olivia Calumpang, Corazon Juliano, Arguilla, A. G. Dayrit, A. E. Litiaco, and
Carmen Perez, and Trinidad L. Tarrosa.  This was a highly influential organization Francisco B. Icasiano. Victoria Abelardo
during its brief existence. has described Filipino writing during the
Both groups explored new dimensions in literary  Its first president was Federico Mangahas, Japanese occupation as being pessimistic
forms. Some of their works appeared in the while Salvador P. Lopez, Jose A. and bitter.
quarterly Expression and in The Leader, which was Lansang, and I. P. Gaballero served as  Because of strict censorship, few literary
edited by Federico Mangahas. Vice-Presidents. works were printed during the war years.
Graphic Weekly- Another outlet for writers in the  Its aims were to provide a center for the However, some publications were allowed
39s. cultural activities of Filipino writers, to such as The Tribune, Philippine Review,
uplift cultural standards to stimulate the Free Philippines, and Filipina.
Alfredo Efren Litiatico - as literary editor, new social consciousness of the writer, to
writers such as Estrella Alfon, Nick Joaquin, and arrange for lectures and conferences, to February 28, 1945 - the long-exiled
Ligaya Victorio Reyes were discovered and establish friendly relations with writers for Commonwealth Government was reestablished
encouraged. other countries, and to defend freedom of in Malacanang.
thought and expression.  There was a sudden growth of periodicals
July 4, 1935 - The Philippine Commonwealth  Salvador P. Lopez- one of the outstanding
Government was established and encouraged such as The Manila Post, The Evening
spokesman for more social consciousness in News, The Philippine-American, The
writers to freely search for a national identity. literature was. He defined proletarian Manila Times, and The Manila Chronicle.
literature as “The interpretation of the

At the same time Philippines Free Press and  Nick Joaquin for his “Guardia de During the middle period of Philippine
the Philippines Herald resumed publication. Honor.” literature in English, the essayists tried to
Once again various college journals capture Filipino life and culture.
appeared such as Literary Apprentice 1950- the Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for
(University of the Philippines), Varsitarian Literature were created. In the 1930s Salvador P. Lopez expressed his
(University of Santo Tomas), National views Literature and Society. Under the
 Juan T. Gatbonton’s “Clay” won first pseudonym “Mang Kiko,” Francisco B.
(National University), and Advocate (Far prize in the English Short Story division.
Eastern University). Among the new Icasiano wrote, 1941, Horizons from My Nipa
journals were Crossroads (Far Eastern The early 1950s were a time of political unrest and Hut.
University), Sands and Coral (Silliman even warfare as the government struggled with the  This book included humorous essays which
University), Standard (Arellano Hukbalahap guerrillas. revealed a deep sympathy for the common
University), and Dawn (University of the tao.
East).  N. V. M. Gonzalez explored his Mindoro
land, while Important essayist:
Philippine Independence on July 4, 1946, most  Nick Joaquin wrote old Manila legend in
writers felt a new sense of responsibility and modern form.  F. M. Africa
freedom. The writers seemed more perceptive of  Francisco Arcellaba
their country and world around them. At first, a 1955- Signatures, the first Philippine poetry  Solomon V. Arnaldo
number of guerrilla and liberation stories appeared. magazine in English, began publishing in 1955.  Jorge Bocobo, Marcelo de Gracia
Stevan Javellana’s Without Seeing the Dawn was  It was founded by Clemente Cancio, poet
 Pura Santillan-Castrence
the first postwar Filipino novel published in the and neurosurgeon.
 E. Aguilar Cruz
United States.  The first editors were A. G. Hufana and R.  A. T. Daguio
V. Diaz.  Amando G. Dayrit
1946 - the Barangay Writers Project was  In that same year, a new Philippine
organized to publish books by Filipino writers in  Eugenio Ealdama
Writers Association was organized with N.  Antonio Estrada
English. N. V. M. Gonzalez served as first V. M. Gonzalez as its first president.
president. Within a few years, they published Heart  Ariston Estrada
of the Island (1947) by Manuel A. Viray, Philippine 1958, - In Baguio an important national writer’s  Josefa Gonzalez-Estrada
Cross Section (1950) by Maximo Ramos and conference was held to discuss the role of the  Antonio S. Gabila
Florentino B. Valeros, and Philippine Poetry Filipino writer in society.  Alfredo Q. Gonzalez
Annual (1950) by Manuel A. Viray.  Leon Ma. Guerrero, Jr.
 Also, in 1958, a chapter of International  J. M. Hernandez
Delfin Fresnosa and Manuel A. Viray began in Pen was inaugurated in the Philippines with  V. M. Hilario
1947 to publish annual honor roles for the best short Alfredo T. Morales as its first president.  F. B. Icasinao
stories and poems.  Maria Kalaw-Katigbak
During the years 1930 to 1960 Philippine  J. A. Lansang
1949- The Free Press resumed its annual short literature in English rapidly improved,  Jose P. Laurel
story awards with first place going to especially in the areas of the essay, the short  A. E. Litiatco
story, and poetry. Essays:  T. M. Locsin

 Salvador P. Lopez  After Villa came several significant writers.  Mario P. Chanco
 Maria Luna-Lopez Manuel E. Arguilla wrote excellent stories  Amador T. Daguio
 A. J. Malay about the people of Nagrebcan in How My  Amando G. Dayrit
 I. V. Mallari Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife and  Morli Dharam
 Federico Mangahas Other Stories.  Delfin Fresnosa
 Ignacio Manlapaz  Delfin Fresnosca vividly depicted the  Ligaya Victorio-Fruto
 Camilo Osias hardships of the poor.  Antonio S. Gabila
 Vicente Albano Pacis  In his short stories Nick Joaquin included  Claro C. Gloria
 Carlos Quirino allegories of cultural and moral situations in  N. V. M. Gonzales
 Godofredo Rivera Philippine history.  Sinai C. Hamada
 Eulogio B. Rodriguez  Joaquin’s book Prose and Poetry (1952)  Jose M. Hernandez
 Carlos P. Romulo was voted by a panel of critics led by  Francisco B. Icasiano
 A. B. Rotor Leonard Casper as the most distinguished  Nick Joaquin
 Leon O. Ty book in fifty years of Philippine Literature  F. Sionil Jose
 Jose Garcia Villa in English.  Jose A. Lansang
 Manuel A. Viray  Paz Latorena
 Leopoldo Y. Yabes. In 1950s another important writer was Nestor  A. E. Litiatco
Vidali Mendoza Gonzales. In Children of the  Alvaro L. Martinez
 Short Stories: The form of Philippine Ash-Covered Loam and Other Stories (1954)  A. G. Ner
Literature which showed the most rapid and A Season of Grace (1956), Gonzales dealt  Jose Villa Panganiban
development seemed to be the short story. with such basic themes as loneliness, self-  Benjamin M. Pascual
The early didactic stories and romantic tales discovery, and hope amidst suffering.  Mariano C. Pascual
quickly gave way to stories about farm life  C. V. Pedroche
The quality and depth of short story writing
and city life, the problems of society, and  Isidro L. Retizos
developed rapidly during the Middle Period.
human hardships.  Narcsio G. Reyes
 Vicente Rivera, Jr.
Local color was well used. Jose Garcia Villa was  Alejandro R. Roces
among the first Filipino artist to receive Writers who contributed to this growth are:  Arturo B. Rotor
international recognition.  Clemente M. Roxas
 T. D. Agcaoili
 In 1932 Villa’s “Untitled Story” was  Manuel E. Arguilla  Bienvenido N. Santos
selected by Edward L. O’Brien in New  G. D. Sicam
 Estrella D. Alfon
York for inclusion in the Best Short Stories  Francisco Arcellana  Loreto Paras-Sulit
of 1932.  Silvestre I. Tagarao
 Amante E. Bigornia
 Consorcio Borje  Edilberto K. Tiempo
1933, Scribner’s published Villa’s Footnote to  Edith L. Tiempo
 Carlos Bulosan
Youth and Other Tales. “The Fence,” also by  Casiano. T. Calalang  Arturo M. Tolentino
Villa, was included in O’Brien’s Best Short  J. Capiendo Tuvera
 Fidel de Castro
Stories of 1933.  Augusto C. Catanjal  Kerima Polotan Tuvera

 Nita H. Umali Poets who contributed to the Middle Period of  Abelardo Subido
 Jose Garcia Villa Philippine Literature in English:  Trinidad L. Tarrosa
 Manuel A. Viray.  Edith L. Tiempo
 T. D. Agcaoili  Francisco G. Tonogbanu
Poems:  Aureliano Alvero  Amado L. Unite
 Carlos A. Angeles  Celestino M. Vega
 The poetry of the Middle Period  R. Vinzozns Asis
developed slowly.  H. C. Veloso
 Jorge Bacobo  Jose Garcia Villa
 In the 1930s most poetry was still  G. Burce Bunao
romantic in character. Under the  Manuel A. Viray
 Reuben R. Canoy  Amado Yuson
influence of Salvador P. Lopez, some  Guillermo Castillo
poets like R. Zulueta da Costa became  Oscar de Zunig.
 Jose del Castillo
more conscious of the environment and  Fidel de Castro
dealt with themes of injustice and  Rafael Zulueta da Costa
oppression.  Amador T. Daguio Amador T. Daguio
 Jose Garcia Villa continued to lead the  Luis Dato  He was a Filipino writer and poet during
way for all poets with his creative  Ricardo Demetillo pre-war Philippines.
innovations.  Ramon Echevarria  He published two books in his lifetime, and
 In the late 1930s Angela Manalang  Gregorio Estonanto three more posthumously. He was a
Gloria emerged as a promising poet.  Cornelio C. Faigao Republic Cultural Heritage awardee for his
 Rodrigo T. Feria works.
 She published her works in  Vergilio Floresca
 Bataan Harvest
Poems just before World War  Vicente L. del Fiero
II. From 1942 to 1945, few  Angela Manalang Gloria Nick Joaquin
poems were written because of  N. V. M. Gonzales
the war conditions and  J. M. Hernandez  Nicomedes "Nick" Marquez Joaquin was a
censorship.  Alejandrino J. Hufana Filipino writer and journalist best known
 These poems were later  Dominador. I. Ilio for his short stories and novels in the
published in 1946 by Juan L.  Nick Joaquin English language.
Raso in Guerilla Flower.  A. E. Litiatco, Toribia Mano  He also wrote using the pen name Quijano
 In 1951 Jose Del Castillo’s  Felizardo Martelino de Manila.
Antiphonal Earth: Coins of  Hernando R. Ocampo  Joaquin was conferred the rank and title of
Song was published in London.  Conrado V. Pedroche National Artist of the Philippines for
Dominidor I. Ilio published  Maximo D. Ramos Literature.
Diplomat and Other Poems in  N. G. Reyes  Summer’s Solstice a short story
1955. Ricaredo Demetillo  Conrado B. Rigor  “Heritage of Smallness” by Quijano de
published No Certain Weather  Alfonso P. Santos Manila. An essay
in 1956 and La Via in 1959.  Bienvenido N. Santos
 Guillermo V. Sison Alberto S. Florentino

 (Bert) was born in Nueva Ecija, Philippines 1961- The first Pro Patria Awards for literature was
on July 28, 1931, the second of seven presented in 1961.
children of Alberto San Buenaventura
Florentino and Maria Rivera Sanqueza.  The winners that year were Jose Garcia
Villa, N.V.M. Gonzales, and Wilfredo Ma.
 His father was a teacher who always
organized drama and choral groups.
 The young Bert used to type multiple 1962, the first Asian writers’ conference was held in
copies of his father’s plays, an activity that Baguio under the auspices of the Philippine center
helped usher Bert into playwriting. of International P.E.N.
 Later, as a 23-year-old accounting student
at the University of the East, Bert wrote the 1966 - United Poets International was established
one-act play, The World Is an Apple, in Quezon City and Amado M. Yuzon became its
which won the Carlos Palanca Award. first president.
 He dropped out of accounting and went on MODULE 3- THE MODERN PERIOD W. H. Auden, in 1948, wrote a long philosophical
to write plays, four more of which won poem entitled, “The Age of Anxiety.”
Palanca Awards: The Cadaver; The
Dancers; Cavort with Angels; and Oli By 1960 - Philippine Literature in English had  In this title Auden sounded the dominant
Impan. finished its period of tutelage and imitation. tone of much literature in the 1960s.
 Bert wrote 100 plays for TV and cinema.  Leonard Casper described this period when
He was the main scriptwriter of the award-  This new period of development was he wrote, “In the wary twentieth century, a
winning TV drama series “Balintataw” in characterized by a growing sense of story is often the experiencing and of one’s
the early ‘70s. nationalism and by a deeper search of inexperience.”
 He also wrote nine other drama anthologies. identity.  The simple romantic themes of the early
His movie scriptwriting credits include:  In 1960, the Republic Cultural Heritage period, and even the middle period, gave
Maskikip, Masaki, Mahapdi; Bulaklakan Award for Literature were started. The way to themes of confusions and violence
Man Ay Lupa Rin; Babae: Ngayon at purpose of these annual awards was “To in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Kaimlanman; and Ang Daigig ay Isang initiate a movement for greater and more  Among the modern writers to be detected
Patak na Luha. dedicated efforts in cultural advancement to different schools of thought. One group
complement the country’s program of stressed the proletarian form of literature
economic development.” which had been introduced by Salvador P.
 The first winner was N.VM. Gonzales, for Lopez in the 1930s and 1940s. Among this
AUTHORS WORKS his book, The Bamboo Dancers (1959), group were included: Efren Reyes Abueg,
Amador T. Daguio Bataan Harvest since translated into Russian. In some ways Rio Alma, Jose Lacaba, Ricardo Lee,
Maximo D. Ramos The Cobra The Cultural Heritage Awards were the Bienvenido Lumbera, Rogelio Mangahas,
Nick Joaquin Summer Solstice Republic’s counterpart of the pre-war Ninotchka Rosca, and Rogelio Sikat.
Aida Rivera Ford Love in the Cornhusks Commonwealth Literary Awards of 1940.  These writers aimed at social reform and
Nick Joaquin Heritage of Smallness revolution through their literature. Their
Alberto S. Florentino The world is an Apple

motto might be summed up as “Literature  This magazine has become one of the main  The problems of city life were depicted by
from the Masses, for the Masses.” outlets for new writers. But so far, the Andres Cristobal Cruz in White Wall,
 A second group of writers was interested in results have not been impressive. Selected Tondo Stories (1964).
the art of literature itself. Unconstrained  Among the modern essayists are: Francisco  Perhaps the most prolific writer of this
by political considerations, they freely Arcellana, Miguel A. Bernad, S.J., Renato period was Jose A. Quirino.
experimented with literary forms and Constantino, Horatio dela Costa, S.J., J. V.  Aside from his numerous
themes. These writers reflected the ideas of Cruz, Amelita Reysio-Cruz, Jose L. newspaper articles and essays, he
Jose Garcia Villa who in the 1920s Guevara, Ray Hulog, Jose Lansang, published Loneliness is a Volcano
stressed the need of “Art for Art’s sake.” Teodoro M. Locsin, Nancy T. Lu, Cris and New Stories (1966), Nocturne
Among the followers of Villa’s theory Magdiwang, Raul Manglapus, Cesar Adib for Piano and Heartsrings and
might be mentioned Tita Lacambra Ayala Majul, I. V. Mallari, Nestor Mata, Sylvia More New Stories (1967), and
and Kerima Polotan Tuvera. Mayuga, Carmen Guerrero-Nakpil, The Three Faces of the Hero and
Benjamin M. Pascual, Jose A. Quirino, Other Stories (1969).
1970 Graphic Magazine launched a literary contest Francisco A. Robles, Alejandro A. Roces,
as an incentive for young writers. The aim of these In the late 1960s the national crisis of social and
Alfredo R. Roces, George Sison, Maximo
awards was to contribute to the development of a political unrest was reflected in several works.
V. Soliven, Doris Trinidad, Kerima Polotan
significant national literature. Tuvera, Teodoro F. Valencia, Benjamin  Bienvenido N. Santos vividly portrayed a
 The first prizes were given to Resil B. Villalva, and Leopoldo Y. Yabes. man’s search for his national identity in
Mojares for “A Sickness in the Town,” Short Stories: The Day the Dancers Came (1967).
to Luis V. Teodoro for “The Distant  The realities and hardships of life were
City,” and to Ricardo I. Patalinjug for Themes gradually shifted from themes of private themes for the stories of Federico Licsi
“The Exile.” problems and rural life to themes of national Espino, Jr., in The Country of Sleep
 1971 Graphic widened this contest to problems and city life. (1969).
include Filipino fiction and poetry. It  Among the talented young writers was
became the first English language  Gregorio C. Brillantes portrayed
individual anxieties in The Distance to Ninotchka Rosca who published Bitter
magazine to provide such a contest. Country and Other Stories (1970).
Andromeda and Other Stories (1960).
September 21, 1972, when President Ferdinand E.  Gilda Cordero-Fernando also centered on  Another promising young writer of today is
Marcos declared Martial Law. the individual in The Butcher, the Baker, Amadis Ma. Gurrero who published
Children of the City and Other Stories in
the Candlestick Maker (1962).
Daily Express was the only newspaper allowed to 1974.
 Kerima Polotan Tuvera covered several
continue publication.  Among the short story writers of the
different themes. She treated people,
Modern Period are: Cirilo F. Bautista,
Later the Bulletin Today and Times Journal politics, rural and city life, love and
fashions in her works which appeared in Gregorio G. Brillantes, Ines, T. Camayo,
appeared. With Kerima Polotan Tuvera as editor, Linda T. Casper, Isabelo T. Crisostomo,
Focus Philippines published its first issue on Stories (1968), Author’s Choice (1971),
and Adventures in a Forgotten Country Andres Cristobal Cruz, Morli Dharam,
November 18, 1972. Antonio Enriquez, Federico L. Espino, Jr.,
Gilda Cordero-Fernando, Delfin Fresnosa,
N. V. M. Gonzales, Amadis Ma. Guerrero,

Nick Joaquin, F. Sionil Jose, Emmanuel  Another poet who has written during both Florentino Dauz, Ricaredo Demetillo,
Lacaba, Jaime A. Lim, Renato E. Madrid, periods is G. Burce Bunao. His clear, Federico Licsi Espino, Jr., Hilario Francia,
Resil B. Mojares, Elsa Victoria Martinez, forceful verse has been published in The Jr., Rita B. Gadi, Edel E. Garcellano, Gloria
Wilfredo D. Nolledo, Ricardo I. Patalinjug, Quiver and the Fear (1968). Garchitorena Goloy, Alejandrino G.
C. V. Pedroche, Jose A. Quirino, Ninotchka  Among the more talented poets of this Hufana, Nick Joaquin, Marra Lanot-
Rosca, Bienvenido N. Santos, Luis V. period was Emmanuel Torres. He won Lacaba, Jose M. Lansang, Jr., Virginia
Teodoro Jr., Edilberto K. Tiempo, Edith L. the Palanca Poetry Award for his Lichauco de Leon, Ofelia Fernandez
Tiempo, Kerima Polotan Tuvera, Romeo P. collection Angels and Fugitives (1966). His Limcazo, Virginia R. Moreno, Valdemar O.
Virtusio, and Alfredo A. Yuson. more recent poems have been published in Olaguer, Donel B. Pacis, Wilfredo Pascua
Shapes of Silence (1972). Sanchez, Epifanio San Juan, Jr., Artemio
 A later Palanca Award winner was Federico Tadena, Edith L. Tiempo, Rolando Tinio,
Poems: Licsi Espino, Jr., who published A Emmanuel Torres, Jose Garcia Villa, and
Rapture Distress (1968), Dark Sutra Manuel A. Viray.
1960s the growing sense of nationalism made (1969), and Counterclockwise:
people conscious of using their national language. Rolando Tinio was born in Gagalangin, Tondo
Poems 1965-69 (1969). Msnila on March 5, 1937.
“Bagay Poems.” These poems were experimental
in that they used a language which Blas F. Ople Cirilo F. Bautista.  He was a Filipino poet, dramatist, director,
coined as “Taglish” or “Enggalog.” actor, critic, essayist and educator.
 He has published some excellent verse in  He graduated magna cum laude with a
 Among the contributors to this movement the Summer Suns (1963), The Cave and degree in Philosophy at the University of
were Rolando Tinio, Jose Lansang, Jr., Other Poems (1968), and The Sto. Tomas in 1955 and an M.F.A degree in
Emmanuel Torres, and Cirilo F. Bautista. Archipelago (1970). Creative Writing Poetry from the State
The satirical mood of the 1960s was University of Iowa.
In the 1970s, many poets have contributed fine
captured by such poets as Florentino Dauz,  In the mid-1960s, Tinio decided to try
Alfredo O. Cuenca, and especially collections of verse.
writing in Tagalog and the product of this
Alejandrino G. Hufana.  Mauro R. Avena has revealed his personal trial was the collection of poems now called
 These poets turned away from the influence insights in Rain and Other Poems (1970) Bagay. He was the sole inventor of
of Jose Garcia Villa and expressed their and Evening Poems (1971). “Taglish” in Philippine poetry.
own view of the modern world. Hufana’s  Perhaps the most interesting among the  Valediction sa Hillcrest
Poro Point (1961) presents an interesting modern poets is Hilario Francia, Jr., who
anthology of lives. won the Palanca poetry Award for his Rene Estella Amper was born on October 18, 1940
 One poet and literary critic whose works Selected Poems (1970). in Boljoon, Cebu.
span both the middle and modern periods is  Among the modern poets are included:  As physician he has served as head of the
Ricaredo Demetillo. His poems have been Celedonio G. Aguilar, Carlos A. Angeles, Boljoon rural health unit; as poet, he has
published in numerous magazines and in his Mauro R. Avena, Tita Lacambra-Ayala, participated as an Asia Foundation Writing
collections Daedalus and Other Poems Cirilo F. Bautista, Godofredo Burce Bunao, Fellow at the Silliman U. Summer Writers’
(1961), Masks and Signatures (1968), and Rolando A. Carbonnell, Erwin E. Castillo, Workshop in 1968 and 1969.
Scarecrow Christ (1973). Albert B. Casuga, Alfredo O. Cuenca,

 He has also shared the 2nd Palanca prize an outstanding voice in the expression of  In the 1960's, she served as Chairman of
in poetry in 1989 with Fatima Lim for a the evolving Filipino world view.” the Philippine National Historical
collection called All Else Is Grass.  Among the landmark titles that came out Commission and in the 1990's, the Manila
 His works have been published in 12 under her imprimatur are “The Streets of Historical Commission, and director-
Poems (1969) and Collected Poems Manila” (1977), “Turn of the Century” general of the Technological Resource
(1990). He has been mayor of Boljoon, and (1978), “Philippine Ancestral Houses” Center from 1975 to 1985.
is incumbent vice-president. (1980), “Being Filipino” (1981), “The  She was elected to the Executive Board of
 Letter To Pedro, U.S. Citizen, Also History of the Burgis” (1987), “Folk the UNESCO, Paris in 1983. She died on
Called Pete Architecture” (1989) and “The Soul Book” July 30, 2018.
(1991).  Where’s the Patis
Gilda Cordero Fernando was born in Manila on  The Visitation of Gods
June 4, 1930, and graduated from St. Theresa’s Marcelino Agana Jr. was a playwright in 1958
College in 1951 with a BA and BS in education; she who wrote one of the more popular Filipino
gained a master’s degree in English literature from comedies that have been produced many times
Carmen Guerrero Nakpil, journalist, author and
Ateneo de Manila University. through the years.
public servant was born in Ermita, Manila into the
 She first gained acclaim in the late 1950s as Guerrero clan of that town.  New Yorker in Tondo is one of his most
a short story writer in English, inspired by well-known comedy plays. Its humor and
 She studied at St. Theresa's College,
her father Narciso Cordero who gave her irony are shown to present a realistic
Manila, and graduated with a Bachelor of
P30 for every short story she published, picture of Filipino life.
Arts degree in 1942.
leading to a body of work that remains
critically acclaimed, and winning Carlos  Between 1946 and 2006, she worked either Jose Quirino he was born in Bayombong, Nueva
Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature as staff member, editor, or editorial Vizcaya, on April 27, 1930.
and Philippines Free Press literary awards. columnist at the Evening News, the
Philippines Herald, the Manila Chronicle  He finishes his law degree at Far Eastern
 National Artist for Literature Nick Joaquin University.
(where she had a daily column for 12
was an admirer of her prose style and once  He has won three Stanvac awards for
years), the Manila Times, Asia Magazine
said of her: “We have no other writer journalism in feature writing. He was
and Malaya, in addition to contributing
capable of such sublime nonsense.” also named Most Prolific and Most
lectures, essays, short stories to other
 Gilda wrote about the lives of the Filipino Valuable Contributor of the Philippines
publications in the Philippines and the rest
urban middle class with a wit and insight Free Press for nine consecutive years.
of the world.
not seen before in Philippine literature.  Life is a Three-ring Circus
 She has published ten books: Woman
 Her early fiction is collected in books such
Enough; A Question of Identity; History Emmanuel S. Torres Torres was graduated from
as “The Butcher, The Baker, The
Today; The Philippines and the Filipinos; the Ateneo de Manila in 1954.
Candlestick Maker” (1962), “A Wilderness
The Rice Conspiracy (a novel), the
of Sweets” (1973), and her “Story
Centennial Reader, Whatever and the  As a student he contributed poems and
Collection” (1994).
autobiographical trilogy, Myself, essays to the Ateneo Quarterly. It was
 Close friend and writer Mariel Francisco Elsewhere; Legends & Adventures; and Torres who renamed the journal Heights
called her a “national cultural visionary… Exeunt. when the campus moved from Padre Faura

to Loyola Heights, and he was the co-editor that runs north to south from Caloocan to have established themselves in eminent
of its first issue in October 1952. Heights is Baclaran) positions in newspapers and creative
still the student literary journal of the  February 24, 1986- The dictator and his writing circles; and last but not the least,
university. family to Hawaii, U.S.A. on. San Carlos University in Cebu City, where
 Upon graduating, Torres received the  The revolt established the presidency of the Cebuano Studies Center has served as a
Mulry Award in Literary Excellence. Corazon Aquino which was marked by the focal point for bilingual creative writers.
 As a poet, Torres has three collections: “restoration” of pre-Martial Law society.  The second group consists of writers’
Angels and Fugitives (1966), Shapes of  The years that followed “EDSA” saw organizations that periodically sponsor
Silence (1972), and The Smile on Smokey several attempts at a coup d’etat that caused symposia on writing and/or set up
Mountain and Other Poems (1991). considerable turbulence and instability. workshops for it members and other
 Writing under the Martial Law regime was interested parties.
AUTHORS WORKS  UMPIL (Unyon ng mga Manunulat
characterized by militancy and belligerence,
Rolando Tinio Valediction sa Hillcrest even when it showed up in the legal press. na Pilipino)
Especially after the assassination of  PANULAT (Pambansang Unyon
Emmanuel S. Torres Another Invitation to Benigno Aquino Jr. in 1983, the temper of ng mga Manunulat) Panday-Lipi,
Visit Tondo poetry and theater derived much of its heat  GAT (Galian sa Arte at Tula),
Gilda Cordero The Visitation of the and direction from the political culture of  KATHA, LIRA (Linangan sa
Fernando Gods the underground national democratic Imahen, Retorika at Anyo)
Jose Quirino Life is a Three-ring movement.  GUMIL (Gunglo Dagiti Mannurat
nga Ilokano),
Carmen Guerrero Where’s the Patis by The post-EDSA centers for creative writing may be
 LUDABI (Lubas sa Dagang
Nakpil grouped into two.
Binisaya) and P.E.N.
Marcelino Agana Jr. New Yorker in Tondo
 To the first group belong the academic
institutions where Creative Writing is part
The two “unyon” function as umbrellas under
MODULE 3- THE CONTEMPORARY of the curricular offerings.
which writers belonging to a diversity of
PERIOD  Creative Writing Center giving writing organizations socialize with fellow writers.
grants to selected literary figures and runs
The Year 1986 demarcates the beginning of a new workshops in three regions where the  UMPIL began as Writers’ Union of the
scene in the unfolding narrative of contemporary University has campuses; the Ateneo de Philippines under the Marcos dictatorship
Philippine Literature. Manila University, which has a post for a and has since 1986 moved away from its
 It saw the fall of the dictatorship that writer-in-residence in its Department of image as a favored coterie enjoying
President Ferdinand Marcos set up on English, who is asked to run a workshop for government patronage, to become an
September 21, 1972. Ateneo students; De La Salle University, organization working with educators and
which also has a post for a writer-in- giving recognition to vernacular writers
 Communist Party of the Philippines were
residence and employs established writers who have yet to receive national exposure.
waging a protracted people’s war. “EDSA”
and critics as faculty; the University of  PANULAT, on the other hand, is a post-
(the name of the highway in Metro Manila
Santo Tomas, which offers a journalism EDSA organization aiming to bring under
program that has graduated writers who

its aegis writers politicized by the 1986  Under the Marcos dictatorship, the Cultural  The national magazines that publish
uprising, which has since oriented itself to Center of the Philippines held literary literary contributions during the post-
the development of grassroots writing competitions and awarding grants. EDSA period have been Midweek
among peasants, workers and the urban  National Commision on Culture and the (poetry and fiction in either English or
poor. Arts (NCAA) was created by law in 1992, Filipino, but are now defunct),
 GAT started during the Martial Law period superseding the Presidential Commission Philippine Graphic Weekly Magazine
as a workshop for young poets, but has on Culture and the Arts which was (poetry and fiction in either English or
since evolved into a club that cultivates established in 1987. Filipino), Philippines Free press (poetry
both fiction and drama as well.  The NCAA has a committee on and fiction only in English),
 LIRA is a post-EDSA group offering Literary Arts which funds  The Sunday Inquirer Magazine (poetry
poetry workshops to its members. workshops, conferences, and fiction in either English or
 KATHA is also composed of young publications, and a variety of Filipino), Liwayway (poetry and fiction
writers, interested in the writing of fiction projects geared towards the only in Filipino) and its counterpart’s in
with social consciousness. production of a “national Iloko and Cebuano, Banawag and
 GAT, LIRA and KATHA each have a literature.” The said committee has Bisaya, and Filmag (poetry and fiction
membership writing mainly in Filipino, institutionalized the presence of only in Filipino).
although some of their members write also regional representatives in the
The Solidaridad Publishing House puts out the
in English or any of the vernaculars. composition of its executive board,
quarterly Solidarity which publishes discussion
 GUMIL and LUDABI are made up of a promise of things to come in the
articles in addition to poems and fiction in English.
regional writers, the first, of writers in development of writing that is
Ilocano, the other, writers in Cebuano. multi-lingual, multi-cultural and The other group of outlets is of importance as a
PLAC draws its membership from the ranks truly national. Joining institutions source of non-traditional, experimental writing.
of established writers in English, who in giving recognition to writers These are campus publications that may either be
sometimes also write in Filipino or any of from specific sectors in society are weekly student newspapers, quarterly magazines, or
the regional languages. non-government orgnizations. annual literary journals. UP has the Collegian which
 La Todeña, sponsors of the venerable occasionally comes out with a literary folio in
The Amado V. hernandez Foundation sponsors
Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards in addition to pages devoted to student poems, stories,
an annual writing contest for workers and their
Literature, has made the name “Palanca” a and essays:
synonym for quality literary works in bothe
English and Filipino. When Komisyon ng The Diliman Review, an opinion magazine which
GAPAS Foundation has a similar contest open to
Wikang Pambansa was still “Surian,” it was is open both to students and faculty: and The
peasants and writers sympathetic to their cause.
already awarding recognition to poets and Literary Apprentice, which has enjoyed the status
essayists who compete annually for the title KAIBIGAN, a support group for overseas workers, of a landmark in the literary scene since 1920s.
Makata ng Taon (for poetry) and cash in 1989, opened a writing contest for OCW’s.
Silliman University’s Sands and Coral has also
awards of the Gawad Collantes (for the Publications that regularly put out creative works had a long history as a key literary organ associated
essay). are of two categories depending on their base or with the celebrated writers’ workshop in
audience reach. Dumaguete City.

Ateneo de Manila University issues Heights, which represent criticism that focuses on writing works that project an interesting profile of
is open to both students and faculty, and Pantas, a as social practice in a semi-feudal, semi- contemporary Philippine writing.
discussion magazine for the faculty, which prints colonial setting. Isagani R. Cruz (Beyont
poems occasionally, Philippine Studies, a learned Futility, 1984), Soledad R. Reyes Kalikasan Press, a considerably more modest firm
journal based in the Ateneo de Manila University is (Kritisismo, 1992), Virgilio S. Almario than Anvil, after a very brief sally into publishing,
open to literary studies and book reviews and (Kung Sino ang Kumatha Kina has been able to contribute books of poems, fiction,
occasionally puts out a literary issue. Bagongbanta, Ossorio, Herrera, Aquino de essays, and plays that otherwise would have been
Belen, Balagtas, atbp, 1992) shelved by more politically cautious editors.
De La Salle University has a literary magazine
named Malate and a journal devoted to articles on Creative writing from the underground Left has
literature and general culture named Likha. In 2. Post-EDSA publishing has been marked by taken advantage of the "democratic space" brought
addition, De la Salle publishes Malay, a journal of adventurousness, a willingness to gamble gamble about by the downfall of the Marcos dictatorship to
ideas that also includes literary studies. on “non-traditional” projects. put in an appearance at some Manila bookshops.

The University of Santo Tomas publishes The  Panitikan Series a perceived lack in the  LINANG (Kilusan sa Paglilinang ng
Varsitarian, which has a regular literary section. academe of literary texts in the vernacular. Rebolusyonaryong Panitikan at Sining sa
The A list of works to be reprinted was initially Kanayunan)
agreed upon, and then each university press  and MAINSTREAM (People's Art,
Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) is Literature and Education Resource Center)
was assigned works to put out according to
the home of Bisig which is devoted to both creative are collaborating entities that have come up
a set timetable. So far the consortium has
writing and literary comment. with two novels (Sebyo, 1990, by Carlos
made available an epic, several novels,
short story collections, poetry and drama Umberto and Gera, 1991, by Ruth
Character of the Philippine literary scene after
anthologies, all of them finding their Firmeza) about the revolution in the
audiences in college classes on Philippine countryside, and a collection of short fiction
1. There is in the academe an emerging critical literature. (Bukal ng Tubig at Apoy, 1989, by Levy
orientation that draws its concerns and insights from Balgos de la Cruz). Clearing (1987), a book
literary theorizing current in England and the New Day Publishers and Solidaridad Publishing of English poems by Jason Montana,
United States. House have been in the business of literary appeared under the imprint of
publishing long before the EDSA revolt.  ARMAS (Artista at Manunulat ng
 The new theories have allowed critical Sambayanan). Kung Saan Ako Pupunta
discourse to move away from the previous Solidaridad entered a new phase in its publishing
(1993) by Zelda Soriano is a thin volume of
veneration of students of literature for “high services when it began, with assistance from the
stories and poems that does not carry a
art,” and rendered it more open to hitherto Toyota Foundation of Japan, to commission and
publisher's imprint at all. 3.
marginalized forms and subject matter. publish translations into Filipino of Japanese and
 Initially, anthologies of women writing
 Gelacio Guillermo (Ang Panitikan ng Southeast Asian writing.
(Filipina I, 1984; Filipina II, 1985, and Ani,
Pambansang Demokrasya, 1990), Alice  Contributing to the vigor of the publishing March 1988 issue) signalled an intensified
Guillermo (Images of Change, 1988), scene is Anvil Publishing, Inc. which has so campaign to claim attention for literary
Elmer Ordoñez (The Other View) and Edel far racked up a distinguished line-up of output that anthologists and critics have
Garcellano (First Person, Plural, 1987) well-known authors, both old and new, with ignored. This was followed up by feminist

criticism on the creative works of women writing in Philippine languages other than school programs and utilized as material in
writers and on writings about women by Tagalog. oratorical and declamation contests.
male writers (e.g., Feminist Readings of
Philippine Fiction, 1994, by Sylvia There is a growing sense in the academe that the How it started? It all started in the year 2005.
Mendez Ventura three literatures (Tagalog, English, and Spanish)
from which the usual anthology of Philippine Every day, Frank G. Rivera sends poems about
 LINANG and MAINSTREAM have his opinions, criticisms, economy, politics and
Literature has been drawing in selections have
anthologized poem narratives and forms of happenings in the society to his close friends via
never been an accurate representation of the writing
reportage from the countryside, and it is text.
Filipinos all over the country and throughout the
only now that it has become possible to
history have produced. Since 1986, much progress  He inspired some of the Filipino poet
validate them without any touch of
has been achieved in integrating writing from the writers to do the same thing and it was later
regions in to the national literature of the Filipinos. on called as Mobile Phone Textula.
 GAPAS has held a consultative gathering
In this, the chief motivating centers have been the  It spread throughout the Philippines and
of writers, critics and teachers to evaluate
graduate program in the various universities all over organizations such as Linangan sa Imahen,
winning pieces in its annual Gantimpalang
the country. M.A theses and Ph. D dissertations on Retorika, at Anyo (LIRA) and Filipinas
Ani contests, so the effort has begun to do
regional authors and their works have amassed a Translation Institute sponsored contests of
justice to writing from the grassroots.
great amount of formation and cultural textula.
 Filipino migrant workers had appeared documentation that provide the foundation for
before in the writings of Carlos Bulosan, future regional literary histories. How did it become a genre?
Bienvenido N. Santos and other “overseas”
Filipino authors. Textula/text tula?  US-based technology and social media
 Gay and lesbian writings are also beginning news blog released an
to merit serious comment as a result of the A short poetry in a form of tanaga, dalit, and diona
infographic detailing text messaging trends
emergence of literary criticism willing to that is sent through SMS on mobile phone with your
in the US and around the world.
reframe traditional assumptions about art friends, families, loved ones, and through netizens.
Surprisingly, the Philippines continues to be
and non-conventional sexuality as content.  Textula/Text tula employs communication the text messaging capital of the world. It is
Gay writers and the theme of technology in the sharing of poem. Entire visible that almost 95% of Filipino citizens
homosexuality have been around since the poems are written and read on mobile use text messaging and by this medium
1960s, but politicized analysis of gay phones. Who started mobile phone textula? Mobile Phone Textula became a hit for
writing is a recent phenomenon in  Also known as “makata ng cellphone” Filipino poet writers and even for average
Philippine criticism. with his popular “textula” series, Rivera people.
 Ladlad, An Anthology of Philippine Gay has, to date, authored 21 books of plays for
Writing (1994) is a bilingual collection of What is tanaga?
stage, radio, TV and film. He has received
fiction, poetry, essays, and plays, and most four National Book Awards while his Tanaga is an indigenous type of Filipino
of them authored by very new names in the poems and “textula” are read in political poem composed of four lines with each line
literary scene. rallies, passed around as text messages, read having seven syllables written in aaaa, aabb,
4. The fourth and final characteristic of post- on radio, posted on social media, printed in abba, abab rhyming pattern.
EDSA writing is the developing of thrust tabloid and newspaper columns, recited in
towards the retrieval and the recuperation of What is dalit?

Dalit is a type of short Filipino poem,

composed of four lines with eight syllables in
each line. It was very popular during the
Spanish period, and the friars used dalit to
promote Catholicism.
What is diona?
Diona is a pre-Hispanic rhyming poem of
three lines with seven syllables in each line
expressing a complete thought.
Sinaktang walang sugat, ‘Di ko alam ang ugat.
Ako ay mapag-panggap, Bakit ‘di ako tanggap.
- Mace Tupas

Ruth Elynia Mabanglo Mga Liham ni Pinay
Mula sa Brunie
Emmanuel S. Torres Textula 1
Amadis Guerrero Children of the City
Kerima Polotan Tuvera The Virgin
Dr. Ronnie E. How a Brain Surgeon
Baticulon Learned to Ride a

Nestor Torre Jr So You Want to be

Paul A. Dumo Ang Paglilitis ni Mang
Felisa Batacan Novel: Smaller and
Smaller Circles

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