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Bank Discount & Promissory Notes


List of Formula:

1. S  P 1  rt  3. Proceeds  S1  dt 
d r
2. I  Pr t 4. r  5. d 
1  dt 1  rt

JUNE 2018
Part A - Question 2
Bellina borrowed RM 7500 from Bank Z for 2 years to pay off some bills and catch upon car
payments. If the proceeds received were RM 6375, find the discount rate that was charged.
(5 marks)

Part B - Question 2
a) Mellisa received a 160-days promissory note and the note was discounted at a rate of
6%. The proceeds received were RM 25000. Compute the maturity value of the note by
using Banker’s Rule. (6 marks)

Part A - Question 2
A 90-days promissory notes dated 15 March 2017 with a maturity value of RM 1545 was
charged a simple interest rate of 12% per annum. Find the face value.
(5 marks)

Part B - Question 2
a) On 20 March 2017, Fuad received a 120-days promissory note with a face value of RM
6000 at an interest rate of 12%. He then sold the note to a bank at a discount rate of 10%
and received a proceed of RM 6188. Compute the maturity value and the discount term.
(6 marks)
Bank Discount & Promissory Notes

MARCH 2017
Part A - Question 2
Zafri decides to borrow RM 25000 from a bank that charges 4.7% discount rate for 6 years to
set up his business. Calculate the proceeds he receives from the bank. (5 marks)

Part B - Question 2
a) A 90-day promissory note was discounted at a rate of 8.5% and the proceeds received
was RM 12000. Compute the maturity value of the note using Banker’s Rule.
(6 marks)

Part A - Question 3
The owner of a new start up software company needs RM 7000 to get his business started as
soon as possible. He decides to take loan from a bank which charges a discount rate of 5%.
If the amount of bank discount is RM 175, find the amount of the loan.
(5 marks)

Part B - Question 2
a) Said received a 60-days promissory note with a simple interest rate 0f 8% and a maturity
value of RM 2533.33. The maturity date of the note was 19th June 2014. Find:
i) The date of the note. (5 marks)
ii) The face value of the note using the Banker’s Rule. (5 marks)

MARCH 2016
Part A - Question 3
Rubiah borrowed RM 15000 for 2 years 5 months at a discount rate of 7.5% per annum.
(5 marks)

Part B - Question 2
a) Firdaus received a 60-days promissory note with a simple interest rate of 8% and a
maturity value of RM 4560. The maturity date of the note was 15th March 2015. Find:
i) The date of the note. (5 marks)
ii) The face value of the note using the Banker’s Rule. (5 marks)
Bank Discount & Promissory Notes

Part A - Question 3
A loan of RM 10000 was charged a simple discount rate 6%. If the proceeds received were
RM 9800, find the discount. Hence, find the discount period in days.
(5 marks)

Part B - Question 2
a) Syahirah received a promissory note valued at RM 8550 for 115 days with an interest
rate of 5.5% per annum. The note matured on 28 May 2014. Find:
i) The date of the note. (5 marks)
ii) Maturity value of the note. (5 marks)

MARCH 2014
Question 1
c) A 180-day promissory note dated 8 June 2012 had a face value of RM 2000. The simple
interest rate charged was 6.6% per annum. Determine:
i) The maturity date of the note. (3 marks)
ii) The maturity value. (4 marks)

d) RM 2000 was borrowed for 72 days at a discount rate of 8.75%. Determine:

i) The amount received and the discount charged. (4 marks)
ii) The simple interest rate that is equivalent to the given discount rate.
(2 marks)

Question 1
c) Ah Keong received a 100-days promissory note on 17th April 2013 with an 8% simple
interest rate per annum. After 40 days, he discounted the note at a discount rate of 6%
and received proceeds of RM 18300. Find the:
i) Maturity date. (2 marks)
ii) Maturity value. (3 marks)
iii) Discount amount. (2 marks)
iv) Face value. (3 marks)
v) Amount of interest received by Ah Keong. (2 marks)
Bank Discount & Promissory Notes

MARCH 2013
Question 1
c) Hong Leong received a 150-day promissory note with a simple interest rate of 7.4%. On
15th February 2013, 45 days before maturity date he discounted the note at a bank with
a discount rate of 4.5%. The amount of discount received is RM 125. Using Banker’s
Rule, find:
i) The date of the note. (2 marks)
ii) The maturity value. (3 marks)
iii) The face value. (3 marks)
iv) The amount of proceeds received by Hong Leong. (2 marks)

Question 1
c) Aileen received a promissory note dated 12th February 2012 with a simple interest rate
of 7.5%. The note will mature on 11th June 2012. After she kept the note for 75 days,
she sold the note to a bank at a discount rate of 6.4% and received proceeds of RM
6914.24. Find:
i) The term of the note. (3 marks)
ii) The maturity value. (3 marks)
iii) The face value. (3 marks)
iv) The amount of interest received by Aileen. (2 marks)
v) The discount rate equivalent to the given interest rate. (2 marks)

MARCH 2012
Question 1
c) Hisham received a 130-day promissory note with maturity date 12 July 2008 at 6.5%
simple interest. 34 days before the maturity date, Hisham discounted the note at a
bank at 5.2% discount rate and received a bank discount of RM 42.50. Find:
i) The date of the note. (3 marks)
ii) The maturity value. (3 marks)
iii) The proceeds . (2 marks)
iv) The face value. (3 marks)
v) The number of days the note was kept by Hisham before it was sold to the
bank. (1 mark)
Bank Discount & Promissory Notes

Question 1
c) A 216-day, 6% promissory note with a face value of RM 6000 was discounted 76 days
before the maturity date at 4.5% discount rate. If the date of the note was 4th June
2010, calculate:
i) The discount date. (2 marks)
ii) The maturity date of the note. (2 marks)
iii) The maturity value of the note. (3 marks)
iv) The amount of the proceeds. (3 marks)
v) The amount of discount. (2 marks)

APRIL 2011
Question 2
c) Rimba Bara is a rock band who plans to record their album and sells their DVDs to
their fans. On 19/3/2010 they decide to sign a promissory note with a recording
company, Rock & Rolling Recording Studio with a face value of RM 8000 at 7% interest
rate. The note will mature on 16/8/2010. However, on 7/7/2010, Rock & Rolling
Recording Studio decides to sell their note to a bank with a bank discount RM 110.33
at 9% discount rate. Find:
i) Who is the payee of the note? (1 mark)
ii) Find the term of the note. (4 marks)
iii) Find the maturity value of the note. (2 marks)
iv) How much is the proceeds received by the Rock & Rolling Recording Studio?
(1 mark)
v) Find the interest rate that is equivalence to the discount rate. (2 marks)

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